diskursa analīze un pragmatika

Semestra darbu tēmas 2012./2013. akadēmiskā gada
rudens semestrim
Valodniecībā un lietišķajā valodniecībā
Angļu filoloģijas BSP
Moderno valodu nu biznesa studiju
Apakšvirziens: diskursa analīze un
Apakšvirziens: diskursa analīze un
1. Genre Analysis of the TV Documentary Top
1. The Use of Stylistic Devices in Advertisements (2
Gear (aizņemta)
2. The Use of Stylistic Devices in
2. Language Means in Company Mission Statements
3. The Language Characteristics of Business Articles
3. Conversation Analysis of the Speech Act of
(4 darbi)
4. The Use of Conceptual Metaphor in the Articles
4. English as a Lingua Economica in Latvia
on Innovations in Business (aizņemts)
5. Aspects of Grammatical Cohesion in 2011
5. HEALTH Metaphor in Economy Articles: the
Annual Report of the University of Latvia
Case of Greece
6. Aspects of Lexical Cohesion in 2011 Annual
6. The Use of Adverbial Clauses in Business Journals
Report of the University of Latvia
7. The Use of Transition Signals in Business Journals
7. Cohesive devices analysis in ….. .
8. The Use of Sources in Scientific Journals
8. Register Analysis in ……. .
Erasmus IP Projekta ‘CROSS-CULTURAL
9. Imagery in …… by …….
10. Metaphorization of emotions in ……. (e.g. dalībniekiem:
media texts) (2 darbi)
9. Comparative Analysis of Communication of High-
11. Narrative modality in …….
and Low- Context Cultures: a Case Study of Turkish
12. Markers of Identity/ (or) Ideology in …… .
and Latvian Cultures
(e.g. conversational interaction of Canadians)
10. Aspects of Interactional Competence
13. Communicative Competence Development
11. The Use of the Speech Act of Invitation: the Case
(3 darbi)
Study of Lithuanian and Latvian EFL Learners
14. Pragmatic Competence Development (3
15. Traditions in Structuring Essays in Latvian
12. The Speech Act of Invitation: the Case Study of
and English
Lithuanian and Turkish EFL Learners
13. Cohesive devices analysis in ….. .
14. Register Analysis in ……. .
15. Intercultural Communication Strategies (2 darbi)
16. Communicative Competence Development (3
17. Pragmatic Competence Development (3 darbi)
18. Aristotelian Principles in Modern Public
Speaking ( 2 darbi)
Apakšvirziens: stilistika
Apakšvirziens: stilistika
16. Cliches In English For Marketing
19. Modality In Interaction (aizņemta)
17. Metaphors In English For Advertising
20. Use Of Shortened Forms In Business English
18. Linguistic Stylistic Devices In British
21. Use Of Professionalisms In Fashion Industry
Fashion Magazines
22. Analysis of terminology designating poverty in
19. Use Of Professionalisms In British Fashion
23. American Realia in Sports Terminology
20. Repetition in Samuel Beckett’s “Play”
21. Conversational Implicature in Oscar
Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest"
22. Pseudo-Orality in Salman Rushdi’s short
stories (one story by choice)
23. Love Metaphors in Top Pop Songs
24. Point of View Shifts in ... (a novel by
25. Point of View Shifts in ... (a novel by
26. Characterisation through Verbal Behaviour
in ... (a literary text by choice)
27. Characterisation through Verbal Behaviour
in ... (a literary text by choice)
28. Episodic structure of ... (a memoir by
29. Use of Pun in Newspaper Headlines
30. Allusions in the Description of the Greek
Crisis of 2012
Apakšvirziens: valodu apguve
Apakšvirziens: valodu apguve
31. Methods and Approaches (e.g.
24. Methods and Approaches (e.g. Communicative/
Communicative/ CLIL/Task-
CLIL/Task-based/Collaborative etc) for Language
based/Collaborative etc) for Language Skills
Skills Development (5 darbi)
Development (5 darbi)
25. Methodology of ESP/Prpfessional English
32. Methodology of ESP/Prpfessional English
Teaching/Learning (2 darbi)
Teaching/Learning (2 darbi)
26. Aristotelian Principles in Modern Public
33. Use of mnemonic techniques in vocabulary
Speaking (2 darbi)
building (junior/senior learners)
27. Comparing cultural phenomena in business
34. Application of mnemonics in foreign
context ( 2 darbi)
language studies
28. Teaching Business Writing
35. Use of Poetry in English Language Studies
29. Language Learning Materials
36. The Role of Reading in Foreign Language
37.Using Newspaper Headlines in Foreign
Language Teaching
38. Features of Language Used in Newspaper
39. The Role of Communication Skills in
Vocabulary Acquisition
40. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using
the Internet in Foreign Language Acquisition
41. Effective Strategies for Learning New
42. Using News Items as a Means of
Vocabulary Enriching
43.Using Recordings and Video Materials in
English Language Classroom
44. Using Films in English Language
45. Jigsaw Activities for the Development of
Reading and/or Writing Skills ( 2 darbi)
46. Application of Graded Readers for the
Development of English Language Proficiency
47. Analysis of Grammar and Vocabulary in
Graded Readers (2 darbi)
48. Selection of Reading Texts in EFL Course
49. Activities Related to Reading Texts in EFL
Course Books
50. English Phonemes in Connected Speech (3
51. The Rhythmical Pattern of English Speech
52. Oral Presentattion of a Written Text
53. Articulation of Sonants in English
(comparison with the student’s mother tongue)(
2 darbi)
54. The role of stylistic devices in printed
British/American business media (The
Economist, The Times) ( 2 darbi)
55. Teaching and learning the 4 skills at
secondary school ( 3 darbi)
56. Teaching Modals at Secondary/Tertiary
57. Teaching the Definite Article at
Secondary/Tertiary Level
58. Problems of Mastering the Infinitive at
Tertiary Level
59. Problems of Mastering the Tenses at
Tertiary Level
60. Problems of Teaching the Noun at Tertiary
61. Problems of Mastering the Article at
Tertiary Level
62. Problems of Teaching the Adjective at
Tertiary Level
63. Problems of Mastering the Clause Elements
and Word Order at Tertiary Level
64. Problems of Mastering the Gerund at
Tertiary Level
65. Language learning and acquisition
strategies ( 2 darbi)
66. Language Teaching Methods ( 2 darbi)
Apakšvirziens: leksikogrāfija
Apakšvirziens: leksikogrāfija
67. Outside Matter Components in Bilingual
30. Multiword Units in English Dictionaries ( 2
Dictionaries ( 2 darbi)
68. Electronic Dictionaries: Their Types and
31. Multiword Units in English Periodicals (e.g.
Characteristic Features
magazines, newspapers) ( 2 darbi)
69. Word-formation in English: Derivation
without Affixation
70. Application of Corpora and Lexical
Databases in Contemporary Lexicography
Apakšvirziens: korpuslingvistika
Apakšvirziens: korpuslingvistika
71.Topical issues in Corpus Linguistics:
32. Exploring the corpus of business letters ( 2 darbi)
theoretical foundations, research principles and
33. Linguistic features in corporate blogs
methodology (the literature review) ( 2 darbi)
72. Corpus-based studies of English in use
(various aspects) ( 5 studenti)
73. Variation of linguistic features in the corpus
of interviews (2 darbi)
74. Comparative analysis of corpora query
capacities ( 2 darbi)
Semestra darbu tēmas 2012./2013. akadēmiskā gada
rudens semestrim
Angļu filoloģijas BSP
1. Screen Adaptations of Fiction (written before 1950) ( aizņemta)
2. Quest in Orson Scott Card’s “Ender’s Game”
3. The World According to John Irving
4. Dystopian Literature ( 2 darbi)
5. Mythological Elements in “Harry Potter”
6. Construction of Narrative Space in Toni Morrison's Novel Beloved
7. Analysis of Phyllis Wheatley's Poems
8. Analysis of an American Autobiographical Narrative ( 2 darbi)
9. Narrative Analysis of US President Obama's Speeches
10. Matri-lineal and matri-local paterns in Irish Sagas
11. Waters and their meaning in Arthurian legends
12. The nature of Arthurin legends from the perspective of ecocriticism
13. The role of women at King Arthur's court
14. Raphael Holinshed and is role in English cultural and literary life
15. Thomas More's concept of a family as represented in “Utopia”
16. Geoffrey Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' as a mirror of society
17. Enlightenment Journalism
18. Representations of the Gothic in S.T. Coleridge’s works
19. Oriental Motifs in English literature of Romanticism
20. Representations of the ‘’double’’ in R.L. Stevenson’s novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde
21. W. Golding’s view on the Human Race in the Novel Lord of the Flies
22. Colonial Representations in W.M. Thackeray’s Novel ‘’Vanity Fair’’
23.Representations of Industrial England in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Novel North and South
24. Patriarchal Society in S. Barry’s Novel The Secret Scripture (aizņemta)
25. The Symbolism of Snails and Thrushes in A. S. Byatt’s novel Babel Tower
26. The “dark” side of Renaissance culture in A. Burgess’s novel A Dead Man in Deptford
27. Enlightenment culture in John Fowles’s novel A Maggot