Annual Report 2010

Annual Report 2010
1. Introduction
2. Values, mission, and ethical principles
3. Events of the year
4. Support for families
a. LION Charity Fund – Help for Families Program
b. Foundation´s funds for families
i. Fund for Marianka and Dianka
ii. Fund for Rastík and Petrík
iii. Fund for Radka
iv. Purpose support for families
5. Support for organizations
a. Fund for NGOs to Support Social Inclusion in Slovakia – Block Grant
b. LION Charity Fund – ING Chances for Children Program
c. Helpful Lady-bird
6. Modeling the social network
a. Banská Bystrica – City of Family
b. Daphné
7. Strengthening the NGOs
a. Foundation as a warrantor of SocioFórum
i. Information and counsellorship campaign for the law
ii. Annual Conference of SocioFórum
iii. Collaboration with foreign partners of V4
8. Activities focused on the creation of the foundation´s resources
a. Foundation´s assets – Ch. S. Mott Foundation
i. Charity wine auction
ii. Investing in free resources and in the endowment
iii. Selling the unnecessary part of the balcony
b. 2 %
c. Helpful Lady-bird campaign and public money collection
9. Financial Report
10. People of SOCIA
11. Acknowledgements
Year 2010 presented several challenges and opened new possibilities for us.
The most hectic period of time came with the implementation of the Block Grant: Fund for NGOs to
Support Social Inclusion in Slovakia. There were 19 subprojects carried out at the same time and several
of them had problems with the administrative demands of the grant. The changing rules of accountings,
poor confidence in the third sector and difficult communication with the national contact point at the
Government Office of the Slovak Republic (GO SR) complicated the possibility of drawing the finances for
the final recipients. We only realized retrospectively that this situation could kill us. However, at the end,
thanks to the incredible effort of our colleagues as well as understanding steps of our new project
manager at Government Office of the Slovak Republic we managed to survive the situation as the
foundation as well as our subprojects.
In June there were parliamentary elections taking place in Slovakia. Centre-right parties managed to
form the government led by the first woman as Prime Minister. The whole non-governmental sector
expected better times. The first steps of the PM suggested that the government will put more energy
into the development of the civic society. The position of a governmental representative for civic society
was created and the non-governmental sector was asked to participate in various discussions on this
level. However, it would be a mistake to expect that the government would fight the battle of NGOs for
their own position in the society in their stead.
Throughout the whole year we have been carefully observing and actively annotating the proposed
changes in the law about social services so that the clients of non-profit organizations would not
continue to be discriminated.
The campaign „Elderly Age Touches Us“moved the foundation from the area of „local PR activities“ to
the big media scene. We affected about 3 000 000 people and we believe that the HELPFUL LADY-BIRD
will contribute to the positive change in the lives of seniors.
If 2010 managed to start up changes and new projects, we believe that in the perspective of the
following years hundreds of people with disabilities and seniors will feel a difference. We believe that
they will gain a more important place among us. By supporting such changes we will live up to the name
of our foundation – SOCIA – Social Reform Foundation.
Vladislav Matej
All programs and projects of SOCIA Foundation are based on clearly defined values as defined in the
following statement:
We believe that every human being is unique. Every human being has their value regardless of their
mental, physical, material or other disadvantage.
We believe that is it our duty to form such environment in which quality social services will start as a
response to the needs of people dependent on the help of others.
We believe that the social services are meant to reflect the needs of the clients. The services should
stimulate independence, the clients´ own responsibility and their dignified life.
We believe that the optimal environment for life is in a family and a community therefore the clients
should receive social services in such environment.
We believe that the quality of life of the socially disadvantaged groups can only improve if there is a
partnership collaboration of all people involved, e.g. clients, family, municipality, church, public
authorities, local companies, local businessmen, social workers etc. and there is both formal and
informal solidarity between the groups.
The activity of SOCIA Foundation includes providing financial support to other subjects and individuals
while we also carry out our own projects.
1. Aid for Families Grant Program – direct support of families and individuals
By the means of long-term partnership with the ING company and the administration of three personal
foundation´s funds we support families and individuals that are heavily disadvantaged – either physically
or mentally, and the social-healthcare system in Slovakia is not able to fulfill their needs completely. We
support the purchase of special rehabilitation and compensation aids, special medical operations as well
as aimed rehabilitation stays.
2. Support for Organizations Grant Program – supporting the development of organizations
that implement systemic changes of social system
We support NGOs that transcend the ongoing system of residential services of public providers. We
support modern and pilot projects that are based around the clients´ needs providing in-field and
ambulatory social services in the environment that is natural for its inhabitants.
3. Modeling the social network – creating and implementing the models of complex social
network functioning in practice
By the means of our own pilot projects and in collaboration with international networks we try to create
and verify the models of functioning of a complex social network for specific groups of citizens in crisis.
4. Strengthening the social NGOs – making known and strengthening the activities of NGOs
in the area of social services
By the means of networking of NGOs, by awarding the important bearers of quality as well by
multinational collaboration we try to make the activities of NGOs in the area of social services known
and strengthen them.
By the means of financial support and its own activities SOCIA Foundation wants to influence the
changes of the social system for the benefit of the most endangered social groups of citizens.
At the occasion of the World Health Day we collaborated with the WHO Office in Slovakia and we
prepared a short film about the life of seniors in the city. The film can be spread for free and it points
out that the seniors can stay active if they have suitable conditions for it in the city.
Among the 4000 participants of the Devín – Bratislava Run there was a special team from ING Bratislava.
It must have been a great satisfaction for the participants that they managed to run through the whole
track. However, apart from exercise and fun the ING team decided to collect money to support a good
matter. The family members, colleagues, friends as well as partners used the opportunity to sponsor the
team and that way they contributed their money to the ING Chances for Children program. Together
they managed to collect the sum of 1110 € which surpassed the original expectations in a manifold
manner, especially because the model of “run for the charity” hasn´t found its place in Slovakia yet.
In May we remembered the 20th anniversary of the demonopolization of social services. At this
occasion several discussion and public statements were taking place.
In May we prepared the 1st Charity Wine Auction in collaboration with the Netherlands Chamber of
Commerce. It was a very pleasant evening – thanks to the agreeable wine makers and generous
auctioneers. We believe that this way we started a new tradition that will help the foundation to gain the
resources for its endowment.
The Norwegian royal couple, King Harald V. and Queen Sonja visited the Slovak Republic in October
2010. We were honoured by the opportunity to meet with this special visit personally and discuss the
status of the nongovernmental sector in Slovakia. At the occasion of their visit the Memorandum of
Understanding was signed by which Norway committed to continue providing development help to
Slovakia in the next 5-year period. Again special resources will be assigned for the Fund to support the
NGOs that work for the public benefit.
We brought up a new topic – social accommodation. Social accommodation has been the missing link in
the chain that we would like to use to “pull up” the individuals as well as families from the state of social
exclusion in which they got, and give them a chance for a better life.
Definitely one of the biggest events of the year 2010 has been the autumn campaign and public money
collection “Helpful Lady-bird” intended for the support of in-field and ambulatory social services for
seniors. With a great help of the Creative Department Agency and ING Life Insurance Company we got
down to this big project. We were surprised at how positively the society responded to the topic of
seniors and care for them. Many questions and areas were opened and we feel a great obligation to
carry on with this campaign.
Direct support of families and individuals – focused on children and young people by the age of 25
We believe that every person as a unique human being has the right for a dignified life and help
according to their individual needs and choice. That is one of the reasons why SOCIA Foundation directly
supports families with physically or mentally disadvantaged children.
In foundation´s funds as well as in the Aid for Families program our priority is to help children with
physical or mental disability and help to improve to quality of life for the children with long-lasting
diseases by developing the child toward as much independence as possible in the given circumstances.
We consider it important that every child grows up in a functioning family and gets the necessary expert
Since 2003 the Aid for Families program has been meant for families with a heavily disabled or ill child.
The financial help could be used to pay for a surgery or a rehabilitation stay, to purchase compensation
aids etc. We have administered the program since the start of the fund. In 2010 the Board of the LION
Charity Fund decided to support 40 families with the overall amount of 22.890,42 Euro.
Since 2003 till now we have decided about the support of 361 families/applicants from the whole
Slovakia in the amount of almost 231.900 Euro. Thanks to this support more than 370 children got
compensation or rehabilitation aid or a possibility to attend special therapies. Some children were
provided with financial help during a long-lasting treatment. The activity of the Aid for Families program
was finished in December 2010 by the decision of the Board of Directors. You will find the individual
supported applications here:
An anonymous donor decided to support a rehabilitation stay of another child by the overall amount of
4050 Euro.
Fund for Marianka and Dianka
The fund was established by a physical entity. The purpose of the fund is to support twin sisters with
juvenile cerebral palsy. The resources of the fund consist of donations from both physical and legal
entities and 2 % of taxes. In 2010 the fund supporters assigned the girls with 1 606 Euro that will be used
in 2011 to help with the financing of the purchase of a personal motor car for Marianka’s and Dianka´s
Fund for Rastík and Petrík
The fund was established by a physical entity. The purpose of the fund is to support twins with cerebral
palsy. The resources of the fund consist of donations from both physical and legal entities and 2 % of
taxes. In 2010 the resources of the fund in the amount of 9 935,72 Euro were used to pay the fees for
social services provided by the House of Social Services Gaudeamus and House of Social Services Rosa in
Bratislava as well as to pay the deposit for a 2-week rehabilitation stay of the boys together with their
assistants in the healthcare institution ADELI Center in Piešťany that took place in January 2011.
In 2011 there is still 4 430 Euro in the fund which is the gain from the 2 % assigned by the fund
supporters in 2010.
Fund for Radka
The fund was established by a physical entity to support the integration of a physically disabled Radka.
The resources of the fund consist of donations by both physical and legal entities and 2 % of taxes. In
2009 there was no money drawn from the fund. The main purpose of the fund is to collect enough
financial means to be able to buy a medical aid for Radka. Considering the fact that the use of 2 % is
limited in time there was a danger in 2010 that the resources would have to be given back to the tax
institutions. We signed an agreement with the founder of the fund about the usage of 2 285,97 € from
past years for another purpose and taking over the commitment to pay these resources back to the fund
when the mentioned aid is to be purchased. In 2010 another 2 123 Euro were assigned to the
foundation´s fund.
Specific support for families
This year a member of our Board of Directors Andrej Jankuliak founded a specific flexible possibility of
help to the families in crisis with the target sum 3 000 Euro. The financial help for families is closely tied
to the long-term crisis intervention (sanitation) that is provided for the families by the workers of Návrat
Civic Association. The financial contributions for the families are specific and should prevent the
separation of the child from its parents (e.g. losing accommodation after not paying the rent etc.). During
the year we have been able to support two families by the sum of 790 Euro.
supporting systemic changes and development of organizations
We believe that the quality of life in case of disadvantaged groups can only improve if all of the people
involved collaborate – clients, family, municipality, church, public authorities, local companies, local
businessmen, social workers or others. Therefore in 2010 we supported nongovernmental organizations
that improve their expert potential to help the poor and disadvantaged groups of citizens improve their
social situation more effectively. We have also supported schools that take their responsibility for the
quality of integrated education of physically and mentally disadvantaged as well as other children with
genetic disabilities and want to create the best possible conditions for them.
The Block Grant financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the state budget of
the Slovak Republic has been administered by SOCIA Foundation, which worked as n intermediary, since
2007. The goal of the Block Grant has been to support institutional capacities, professionalization and
innovative potential of those NGOs that chose the work for the benefit of children, young people and
families in crisis as their mission. There were overall 85 applicants for both calls (2008 and 2009) and out
of them 19 organizations out were supported. The amount of the irreclaimable financial contribution
could be anything between 30 to 100 thousand EUR. The total sum of 1 764 151 Euro was put in
contracts and the percentage of their usage was 98. From the regional point of view 5 nationwide
projects were supported, then 6 projects from eastern Slovakia, 3 projects from the central Slovakia and
2 projects from western Slovakia, and 3 projects from Bratislava.
More information about these projects can be found at:
All supported nongovernmental organizations successfully managed the implementation of their project
by September 2010, by the end of the year they handed in final reports as well as final statement of
account for the grants. The planned indicators were exceeded by far. Only the accreditation of the
educational projects and implementing the systems of managing the quality proved to be more time
consuming than we thought. We suppose that the recipients of help will accomplish these two
indicators, although later.
Table of accomplishing the indicators of the Block Grant
New or adapted methods and
techniques of social work
Individuals and families that
were provided with the
Self-help groups carrying out
new programs
Participants of education (only
experts and volunteers)
Planned amount
Real amount
4 000
5 624 individuals, 574 families
1 378
Apart from the above stated indicators observed in quarterly periods by the donors we evaluated also
the indicators that we have set for ourselves in addition. The supported NGOs got accreditation or
registered 13 new services. They extended their staff by 62 people which means 35 full-time employees.
They collaborated with 137 partners from public administration or other sectors. 298 volunteers joined
in who worked for 22 107 hours which equals 31 662 Euro (minimum wages). This way they paid for a
part of their input in the project. We were the only Block Grant that made it possible because we
consider the volunteer work to be one of the significant comparative advantages of the non-profit sector
that needs to be developed and managed.
The ING Chances for Children Program started as a special contribution of ING Group Slovakia to the
program of corporate social responsibility of ING based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The goal “to
improve the access of children to education” has been modified in Slovakia into the support for
integrated education of children with disabilities. In 2009 one of the calls was focused on students with
learning disabilities as well as a call in 2010. The calls were meant for kindergartens and elementary
schools, perhaps even for counseling organizations (educational-psychological and special education
In 2010 ING Chances for Children Program decided about the support for 10 organizations (grant
deadline was in December 2009) with the total sum of 11 757 Euro, and 54 organizations (grant deadline
was in April 2010) at the total sum of 61 898,50 Euro. Thus in 2010 64 organizations were supported with
the sum of 73 655,50 Euro for projects aimed at improvement of quality of education for students with
learning disabilities.
Throughout the five years over 300 600 Euro has been distributed to 184 organizations (schools and
advisory service centers with the predominance of schools) as part of this program. The Board of the
fund decided about the topic of the grant call for 2011 and about accessory seminars about learning
disabilities for teachers as well as about the changes of conditions for handing in of the applications.
Supported organizations (schools and advisory service centers) can be found at:
Following the proclaimed commitment after the 2010 campaign we are opening a grant program to
support mobile services for seniors. It will be financed by the net gain of a public money collection with
the amount of 7 683,79 Euro and the gain from wheel of fortune that we were offered by Mountfield
company at the end of the year.
We assume that in the first year of the opened grant call in the Helpful Lady-bird Fund we will distribute
about 10 000 Euro.
We will support projects focused on the development and improvement of quality in mobile social
services for seniors. The providers of such services – NGOs, cities and towns – will be able to apply for
this support.
creating and implementing models of functioning of a complex social network
An ideal social network cannot be created. However, that does not mean that it would not be our
responsibility to try and search for its optimal variant. The state systems are mostly very rigid and unable
to respond flexibly to the changing needs of the individual target groups. Our effort is to contribute to
the creation and implementation of a complex social network by means of pilot projects. These can give
an answer to the question where the weak points are and can indicate the future direction. This year we
have continued in implementation of the project in Banská Bystrica which tries to create a complex social
network of help and support for families in crisis.
In collaboration with the international EASPD network this year we have focused on the topic of
supported accommodation and employment of people with specific needs.
In 2010 this three-year project implemented in partnership with the city of Banská Bystrica and Návrat
Civic Association entered its last phase. In it we focused on four goals:
Trying to keep the quality and quantity of the services provided for so called spontaneous
The result of the project´s activities was that the Bazalka Center started to be visited by families and
individuals that were not “registered” anywhere as social clients (e.g. employment agency). We managed
to address the public to look for help when their problem is not yet in the stage of deep pathology.
Bazalka Center was solving the total amount of 125 such cases and we consider it to be a great result of
the project. The clients responded to campaigns, website, coming to solve their problems based on the
recommendation of other networked institutions/experts.
However, this goal could not be accomplished completely at the end because 2 experts left Bazalka and
the city did not create a sufficient supporting mechanism of financing for the preventive programs.
In the area of networking to keep the started collaboration and communication of trained and
involved subjects/ experts
We accomplished this goal fully and it remains to be the long-term result/outcome of the whole project.
- In the area of the campaign to focus on updating and administering of the website
This priority was set based on the monitoring of the website´s visit rate (growing number of visits).
Last year the website went through restructuralization and it is now more focused on families according
to individual problems or stages of life that they go through. The website also
remains to be a long-term outcome of the whole project.
Every inhabitant of the city was informed about the outcomes of the campaign through the material
„MAP OF HELP“ distributed through Radničné noviny (34 000 pieces) in the December issue.
In December we carried out the final conference that was attended by the expert public from Banská
Bystrica as well as representatives of other 4 Slovak cities (Prešov, Handlová, Dolný Kubín and Žilina)
In the area of the implementation of the programs – Recognize the Signals of Danger
and Supporting Family Activists to include experts from the area of health care and pre-school
institutions in trainings and develop regular meetings of the supporting family activists.
Unfortunately, in spite of the repeated calls and personal visits we did not manage to include any
pediatricians or a larger number of workers in pre-school institutions in the training Recognize the
Signals of Danger. Thus the project suffered a great loss because especially health care workers
(gynecologists and pediatricians) could have an important role in the prevention of the rise and
deepening of problems in families.
A group of volunteers (Supporting Family Activists) who are involved in helping the families in crisis
started to meet every last Sunday of the month and this important activity also remains as a long-term
outcome of the whole project.
Our foundation became a partner of the international project supported by the European Committee as
part of DAPHNE III Program. The goal of the project named ‘Child abandonment and its prevention’ is to
discover the causes that lead the biological parents (esp. mothers) to abandonment of their children.
Another goal of the project is to map the examples of good practice aimed at the prevention of this
phenomenon. The so called in-depth discovering part includes 10 European countries. Other parts of the
research focus on the total number of 33 European countries. The leading partner of the project is
University of Nottingham, namely Prof. Kevin Browne. Prof. Browne has pursued the research of
abandoned children and problematic families for many years and belongs to the absolute top in the
European context.
In 2010 in Slovakia we collected data at gynecological-obstetric departments of 10 hospitals and at the
same time at the offices of labor, social matters and family by means of a questionnaire prepared by the
project coordinator. Then we analyzed the legislative environment that defines the area of abandoned
children and their social-legal protection. At the same time we got nation-wide statistics in this area. We
had a good collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, Social Matters, and Family that was always able to
provide us with relevant information when we asked for it. It was more difficult with organizations
under the Ministry of Healthcare. Many hospitals we talked to were requesting meaningless certificates,
approval procedures and formalities that made it impossible for us to do the research tasks.
The outcome of the project will be an extensive study that will be presented to the European Committee
and other international institutions in 2012.
Making known and strengthening the activities of NGOs in the area of social services
Since its very beginning SOCIA Foundation has been mainly focused on the support of NGOs that create,
spread and improve social services for inhabitants. We dare say that to a great extent we helped to
create an alternative network of social services in Slovakia. It is quite natural for us that a lot of our
capacity is dedicated to influencing the legislative, institutional and financial conditions for the
operations of these organizations.
In 2010 the foundation continued to collaborate closely with an informal group of nongovernmental
organizations working in the area of social services, prevention, counseling, supported employment and
social-legal protection of children, known as the independent platform SocioFórum. The foundation
provides SocioFórum with expert analyses and statements and it plays the role of the organizational
guarantee for the platform´s activities.
Throughout the whole year there has been communication especially via website
and electronic conference which helped us to provide the distribution of
information for the involved NGOs and get the feedback about their needs.
In accordance with the plan for 2010 we carried out an annual conference of the platform, we continued
as partners in the international project Europe for Citizens, we started a collaboration with city sections
of Bratislava at the project of Benchmarking of mobile social services, we initiated several topics in
consultative bodies of the government or the ministry and we supported campaigns of other NGOs´
platforms. The activities of the platform were significantly supported by Batory Foundation based on the
program to support civic coalitions with the sum of 15 000 Euro whose part was used for the information
campaign for the law about social services.
Information and advocacy campaign about the law
A new activity in 2009 was an information campaign for the new law about social services that came info
effect at the beginning of the year. In contrast with the original draft the approved form of the new law
is very discriminating toward citizens – applicants for a social service as well as the providers of the
services. Therefore SocioFórum was pointing out to the negative impact of the law and requesting a
change throughout the whole year.
In 2010 we planned to update information materials about the campaign based on the changes in the
upcoming amendment to the law. The motion was withdrawn from the parliamentary proceedings and
therefore we only updated the text of the information brochure based on the suggestions from the
regional seminars to improve its comprehensibility and exactness. In April 2010 we published a brochure
“I need help, what am I supposed to do?” in number of 15 000 impressions. We offered it to NGOs as
well as to the towns and cities and there was a great interest in it. People who were interested could
download it from our website.
As part of the campaign for the good law about social services we supported the filing at the
Constitutional Court as well as the petition of the Association of Social Service Providers. We carried out
an analysis of the discriminating financing of the individual groups of providers and citizens and sent it to
the new Minister of Labor in August 2010 asking him for an amendment as soon as possible.
Let me thank you for the brochures “I need help…” that we got from you. They are a great help and
support for us when informing clients – even those that are already in our care but also those who still
can´t make a decision. They are a help for us that provide the information because the brochure is wellarranged and everyone can use the information easily.
Thanks again
Miriam Franklová
RDS Sklenárova 14, Bratislava
Annual conference of SocioFórum
was originally supposed to be happening in the atmosphere of remembering 20th anniversary of the
adopting of the law that in 1990 demonopolized the providing of social services and also in the
atmosphere of hope for a change that was expected based on the decisions of the European Committee.
The conference was taking place 29th June in Bratislava, two weeks after the elections. The main topic of
the conference thus became pressing challenges for the removal of discrimination and equalization of all
providers of social services that were addressed to the new political representatives of the government
coalition. There were 101 people taking part in the conference.
For the second time already we offered the NGOs a selected expert program on the day before the
annual conference. There was a workshop “How to choose a type of service when everyone does the
same” that was attended by 38 people. Another offer was a workshop “Vicious circle of the crisis
intervention” at which we presented our new topic – social accommodation. 17 people participated in
this workshop.
Collaboration with foreign partners of V4
International collaboration of social NGOs platforms in the countries of the Visegrad group continued
since September 2009 with the project supported by the Europe for Citizens program. WROZS from
Poland, Hungarian network of the fight against poverty, Slovak network of the fight against poverty,
SOCIA Foundation as the representative of SocioFórum became the partners of the SKOK Association
from Czech Republic that was the leading partner of the project. This project was also aimed at families
and children in critical life situations and SocioFórum mediated the participation in it for 6 other NGOs
working in this area. The project was unique thanks to its participative approach which means that the
endangered families themselves were talking about their lives and the experts were looking for solutions
together with them. The partners appreciated especially the mutual exchange of experience and
In 2010 the project continued with national seminars where every country could choose their own topic
and present it in front of the partners from V4. The seminar in Slovakia was taking place in April 2010
and it was focused on the issue of social accommodation whose absence significantly decreases the
effectiveness of the crisis intervention of NGOs because there is an important line missing in the chain of
the process of social inclusion of endangered groups of citizens. It is exactly because of the lack of social
accommodation rentals that these individuals and whole families at risk find themselves in the vicious
circle of social services. The international project ended with a final conference in May 2010 and there
was a publication “Keeping Family Together” published where we contributed with the chapter
“Approach to accommodation – unsolved dimension of poverty and social exclusion”. Apart from the
Czech version SKOK Prague – the leading partner of the project – published the English version of the
book, too. We offered it especially to the departments of social work at universities.
2010 was also the year when social accommodation got a legislative form in Slovakia for the first time
and the need arose to critically evaluate its gain as well as its threats. In collaboration with the Slovak
network of fight against poverty, Slovak Academy of Science and with the support of Friedrich Ebert
Stiftung we organized two other workshops to which we invited the members of Slovak parliament and
representatives of ministries. Although we did not manage to enforce all suggestions of the non-profit
sector, the existence of the law about the support of the rented accommodation and social
accommodation creates a new tool for even more effective social work with poor families in the process
of their social inclusion.
This year we again took steps to gain resources for our endowment. Part of the resources from the Mott
Foundation Grant we used for the campaign “Elderly Age Touches Us” aimed at seniors so that we would
present the topic but we would also bring the foundation to the public´s attention. By the given activities
we were able to increase the foundation´s assets in 2010 by the sum of 16 987,24 Euro. Ch. S. Mott.
Foundation will also contribute the same sum to our endowment.
Charity Wine Auction
The auction was our pilot project. We organized it in collaboration with the Netherlands Chamber of
Commerce that made it part of their calendar of events for 2010. At first we asked the producers of wine
in the Small Carpathian region and importers of foreign wines whether they would donate their wines to
a charity auction. In the end 7 wine-makers and 6 wine retailers took part in the auction. The auction sale
was led by Nina Gažovičová from SOGA salesroom and sommelier Peter Šroner.
The auction was opened by the president of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Vladislav
Matej. Afterwards a renowned Slovak cellist Jozef Lupták dedicated two compositions he played to all
people present. He also introduced the prizes for the most successful bidders. The guest who bid the
second highest prize for the wines received VIP tickets for the Convergence Festival of Chamber Music.
The most successful bidder got a very attractive prize by Jozef Lupták – a house concert. The cellist
Lupták would play at any occasion, whether private or corporate, with the repertoire that they would
agree on.
Our great thank you goes to everyone who bid any of the 36 items because through the auction we
managed to gain 2515 Euro. Together with the voluntary entrance fee and a special contribution by the
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce this evening brought SOCIA Foundation the incredible sum of 3 775
Euro. Thanks to the support we were able to deposit the gained resources in the foundation´s
endowment. And so after the charity auction together with the promise of the American CH. S. Mott
Foundation the endowment was increased by 7 550 Euro.
We were able to organize the auction thanks to the support of ING, Crowne Plaza Hotel,
PriceWaterHouse Coopers, Converegence Civic Association and Royal Brinkers.
Investing the free resources and the endowment
Further resources for the endowment were gained from the selling of stocks and bonds, gains from the
allotment certificates, term bank accounts and interest from a loan. The net income from these finances
is 9 337,24 Euro.
Selling the unnecessary part of the balcony
The foundation gained further resources in a nontraditional way. We responded to the offer of our
neighbor who showed interest in buying a part of the balcony with the area of 4,67 m2. By selling the
unused half of the balcony we gained other 3 875 Euro. We again added this sum to our endowment.
B) 2 %
Considering the gaining of resources in 2010 we continued to focus primarily on organizations associated
in the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce. We gained another partner – SHELL Company and thus the
group of our supporters was extended to the total of 5 companies that we can identify as the assigners
of 2 % and they are also members of NCC. However, the crisis stroke fully this year. The companies had
lower incomes which showed in the amount of the 2 %. This way we gained the total sum 114 631,22
Euro is by 81 535,77 Euro less than the previous year. However, we have to add that from the viewpoint
of the 2 % income the year 2009 was the best in all of our foundation´s history.
Paradoxically, in spite of the lower 2 % income we can state two positive tendencies – the number of
assigners connected to NCC was increased and the share of the resources by anonymous companies and
individuals increased too. This share reached the sum of over 8 500 Euro.
This year we decided to go beyond the framework of a local campaign and impact as many inhabitants of
Slovakia as possible. This decision was supported by two important facts:
- ING Life Insurance Company and Shell Company decided to support the campaign from the 2 %
of assigned taxes,
- Creative Department – agency of Mrs. Simona Bubánová, a new member of our Board of
Directors, decided to organize the campaign in the full extent – from the complete creative part
to gaining the space in media.
When planning the campaign we choose the following GOALS OF THE CAMPAIGN AND THE PUBLIC
1. ELDERLY AGE TOUCHES US – to point out the problems as well as possibilities of the senior age
2. To build a positive and real image of the elderly age – de-tabooing of the elderly age
3. To gain financial resources so that we would be able to support mobile and ambulatory services
for seniors through open grant calls
During the campaign and the money collection we used the following tools:
Campaign´s logo
The lady-bird was made by CD and it became the logo of the campaign and the money collection.
However, if we think about it more deeply we will see that they have a lot in common. And it is
important that no one else in Slovakia uses such a symbol for a campaign or a money collection. Thus
since 2010 the LADY-BIRD has been recognized as a symbol of a new campaign connected to the money
Elderly Age Touches Us Visual
6 popular personages (Dominika Cibulková, Zlatica Puškárová, Zuzana Mauréry, Helena Krajčiová, Ľuboš
Kostelný and Lukáš Latinák) lent their faces to our campaign. The mother of the SOCIA Foundation´s
executive director, an 85-year-old lady, lent her hands to the mentioned personages. This visual has
flown around all significant media and thus supported the main idea of the campaign – The Elderly Age
Touches Us.
For the purpose of the campaign and the money collection we created a special website. During the peak
of the campaign the average daily visit rate was 22 people and in October our website was opened by
404 visitors.
Benefit concert of the music group VIDIEK and their guests
The benefit concert took place at the square in front of Eurovea Shopping Centre and apart from the
groups Vidiek there were members of music group Hex, Lasky from the group Para, Vetroplach, Zuzana
Smatanová, Zdenka Predná, Šarkan and members of the folklore group Jabĺčko. The concert was
moderated by Binďo from Expres Radio. In spite of the cold and windy weather we estimated the
number of visitors was about 600.
Day of Seniors for everyone
The Day of Seniors was focused on the presentation of services and goods that are aimed at the target
group of seniors and at the same time it presented the skillfulness and products of active seniors. The
Day of Seniors was taking place in Eurovea Shopping Centre, the visitors could see the offer in 24 stands
(SOREA, Poštová banka, Ševt, ING Life Insurance Company and others), gain free health counseling, and
many others. The ladies/seniors from the dancing group Orchidea, whose oldest member is 84 years old,
were dancing for the visitors.
The Day of Seniors was a good inspiration for the implementation of the tradition of a “fair for seniors”
that takes place for example every year in Prague in a place comparable to Bratislava´s Incheba.
Seniors – Opportunity or Threat for Slovakia Conference
The conference took place in partnership with the capital of Slovakia Bratislava and the Office of World
Health Organization in Slovakia. The conference was opened by the Slovak government´s PM Iveta
Radičová. 100 participants of the conference were discussing about effective strategies that have a
potential to improve the quality of life for the seniors especially in the city environment. The organizers
tried to focus on changing the view of seniors with part of the public – so that they would not be
perceived as a threat but as an opportunity for Slovakia.
To Please the Lady-bird – project for schools
When preparing the Helpful Lady-bird campaign and money collection we realized that the motto
“Elderly Age Touches Us” should be brought closer to all generations because we all meet with elderly
people. So there was an idea to offer the schools and kindergartens collaboration in a small project – To
Please the Lady-bird. The children together with the teacher created space for questions: Why should we
respect the elderly? How does respect show in everyday life? Then they practically showed their respect
and attention to both known and unknown elderly people – by painting and another creative work. The
seniors were happy that someone found time to think about how they could make them happy. Some
children gave their greetings to the elderly in person – in an institution or in a town. Other greetings
were distributed through the agency of domestic day care service in Bratislava.
Money collection
The profit from the money collection was not planned as the dominant outcome of the campaign. We
were introducing a new brand (Helpful Lady-bird), it was the first year and we did not have enough
resources (human, financial). In spite of that we were committed to opening the first grant call to
support mobile services for needy seniors.
The forms of the money collection were set according to our possibilities. We got the DMS number
through the Forum of Donors.
In the chain of bookstores Panta Rhei we had moneyboxes and the shop assistants were adding special
tassels to the books of the people who bought them.
During the first October week about 70 volunteers in 6 shopping centers in Bratislava were collecting
financial contributions in specially arranged cardboard boxes. People had the possibility to contribute
also through the donor´s portal or directly to the collection´s bank account.
Overview of the money collection´s gains
Voluntary contributions directly to the
Voluntary contributions to the moneyboxes
Transfer of the gain of the money collection
from 2009
889,17 Euro
5 152,00 Euro
780,48 Euro
862,14 Euro
7 683,79 Euro
Calendar 2011
The calendar with the campaign´s faces was used as a marketing tool and at the same time we made an
agreement with the chain stores (Billa, Hypernova, Ševt, Panta Rhei and Artforum) that they would sell it
too. The selling of the calendar continued to year 2011 when we lowered the price from original 4,99
Euro to 2,99 Euro. However, the number of 15 000 impressions was not estimated correctly and at the
end of the year we already knew that the selling will not reach even 10 % of the overall expense.
Photo exhibition in Aupark
We strengthened the selling of the calendar and the PR campaign by an exhibition of the campaign´s
face in Aupark Shopping Centre (1st – 9th December 2010) that was connected to the autograph signing
of the actress Helena Krajčiová.
Campaign in media
We invested most of our energy and resources in the campaign and PR in media. We used the direct
print advertizing in the most read and the opinion-making periodics (SME, Plus sedem dní, Život,
.týždeň), spot in the Slovak Radio (40 x 30 seconds), internet campaign with 2 500 000 impressions (at
the portals,,
Then we used the outdoor holders (96 citylights in the shopping centers in the biggest cities), public
transportation vehicles in Bratislava (500 vehicles within 2 weeks) and other outdoor activities (giving
out little lady-bird stickers and posters about the campaign, badges and special moneyboxes for the
With the significant help of Mrs. Bubánová and people from the Creative Department Company we
achieved spontaneous as well as directed PR in television (symbol of the campaign was on the clothes of
the moderators of the news at Markíza and TV JOJ, Mrs. Bubánová was a guest in Adela Show at TV
Markíza, promo concert and campaign in Teleráno at TV Markíza, articles in Nový čas, Plus jeden deň,
Život, Pravda, Báječná žena, Rytmus života, Šarm, Star, SME Ženy, articles at websites č,,
markí ).
According to the survey of CD Agency the information about the campaign and the money collection got
to about 3 000 000 inhabitants of Slovakia. The overall media value of the campaign was 351 061 Euro.
The overall expenses for the campaign and the money collection including staff costs (3 employees of
SOCIA Foundation and one volunteer were involved in the preparation and implementation of the
campaign and the money collection), overhead expenses and services reached the sum of 100 000 Euro.
Overview of incomes of the foundation according to the resources and origins
Foundations and institutions
C. S. Mott Foundation, USA – for the implementation of the program
29 364,26
C. S. Mott Foundation, USA – for the increase of the foundation´s assets
35 058,73
Batory Foundation, Poland – for the institutional development of
15 000
Other commercial companies (Instit. of Wor. Nottingham, HOK, ING
31 775,70
2 % of taxes
114 631,22
Received contributions from the LADY-BIRD public money collection
5 893,77
Donation by anonymous physical entities
3 451,39
Public resources
Ministry of Finance SR – advance payment for administration BG SK0009
114 410,56
Ministry of Finance SR – advance payment for financing of the subprojects
of the Block Grant
869 208,96
1 218 794,59
The state of the assets and liabilities of the foundation to the date of 31th December 2010
The foundation owns a long-term tangible property at the first cost of 117 391 Euro.
The fixed assets in bank deposits increased in 2010 to 227 238 Euro, the reserve fund and the fund
consisting of the gain remained in the amount of 199 367 Euro.
In 2010 the financial resources were invested in government bonds (32 000 Euro), mortgage bonds (80
000 EUR) and deposited in term deposits (258 000 Euro).
The foundation´s liabilities to the date of 31th December 2010 form the sum of 123 290 Euro, the active
debts are in the amount of 3 974 Euro.
The overall expenses and gains of the foundation in 2010
The overall expenses of the foundation in 2010 reached the sum of 1 798 260 Euro and the gains are in
the amount of 1 822 032 Euro. The tax is 1 420 Euro, the income from operations after the taxation is 22
352 Euro.
Structure of expenses
Expenses for the provided grants
1 474 612,57
Expenses for the foundation´s own programs
122 001,41
Expenses for fundraising activities
18 140,86
Expenses for the administration of the foundation including the expenses
for financial investments
183 505,14
1 798 259,98
Structure of the expenses for the administration of the foundation
(excluding the expenses for financial investments – 99.662,82)
Personal expenses
out of that wages of the administrator – total cost of work
Travelling expenses
Expenses for the office
Other expenses
Expenses for the administration of the foundation – total
64 401,41
6 369,17
1 383,80
3 302,56
9 997,80
4 756,75
83 842,32
The expenses for the administration of the foundation represent 4,66 % of the overall expenses for the
activities of the foundation. 69 % consists of the expenses for the administration of the Norwegian
Finance Mechanism Block Grant.
At the end of 2010 there were some changes taking place in the Board of Directors. After three years of
work in Slovakia Robert Sunderman was replaced at the position of the director of the ING Bank by
Jaroslav Vittek. We want to express great thanks to Robert Sunderman for his involvement in the
foundation´s Board of Directors. He always supported our activities financially, he helped us to create
new contacts and he was coming up with new ideas that he always followed through. The new director
of ING Bank Jaroslav Vittek accepted the offered position in the Board of Directors and we are happy
that the close collaboration with ING can continue.
The team of people in SOCIA had gone through several changes in 2010. The last year of the
implementation of the Block Grant asked for another helper – Dáša Lipovská – especially when Marcela
Černá left for maternity leave in the summer. A volunteer Igor Rinik was a great help when organizing
the Wine Auction. During the Lady-bird campaign and public money collection we were helped by Slávka
Markušová and Vilma Vitteková. Vilma Vitteková committed to helping the foundation as a volunteer for
6 months and we could make the best of her language and organization skills.
Board of Directors
Pavol Demeš – Chairman of the Board of Directors, German Marshall Fund of the United States
Soňa Holúbková, Advisory Board for Social Work, Branch Office Director in Žilina
Andrej Jankuliak, Anja s.r.o
Simona Bubánová, Creative Department
Robert Sunderman, ING Bank, retiring member
Jaroslav Vittek, ING Bank, new member
Thomas van der Ven, honorary member of the Board of Directors
Supervisory Board
Dušan Quis, Chairman, ING Životná poisťovňa
Helena Jurenová, Auditor
Gabriela Kroftová, T & C – 1. národná aukčná spoločnosť, s.r.o.
PhDr. Helena Woleková, PhD.
Foundation Administrator and General Manager of the Fund for NGOs
Mgr. Vladislav Matej
Executive Director and Project Coordinator
Mgr. Martina Petijová
Project Manager and Coordinator of the LION Charity Fund
Ing. Marcela Černá (Volárová) since August 2010 on maternity leave
Financial Manager of the Fund for NGOs
Ing. Lenka Macková
Financial Manager of the Fund for NGOs (since June 2010)
RNDr. Júlia Roháčková
Assistant to the Financial Manager of the Fund for NGOs
Mgr. Mária Machajdíková
PR manager
We thank our partners
Mott, ING Bank N.V., ING Life Insurance Company, Heineken, Shell, Anja, Hypernova, Pixelferedation,
Panta Rhei, Galleria Eurovea, Billa, Creative Department, Aupark, Bratislava, WHO, Netherlands Chamber
of Commerce, PricewaterhauseCoopers, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Convergence Civic Association, Royal
Brinkers, Hacaj, Malatschek, Janoušek, Pomfy – Mavín, Fiala, Máťuš, Terra Parna, ELESKO, Mrva
a Stanko,Matyšák, Vino Dei Vini, Belvedere, Finewines, Delicates and Wines, Spirit of Wine, Revina,
MonVin, Petit, Porta Italia, Bigmedia, Expres Radio, Slovak Radio, Solen, Sorea, InBa, Poštová banka,
We thank the people who supported us
Vilma Vitteková, Slávka a Adam Markuš, students of the CS Lewis Gymnasium, members of the dancing
group Orchidea, Adriana Opálková, Božena Číčelová, Anka Bohácseková, Zuzana Woleková, Igor Rinik,
Lýdia Melnová, Peter Šimkovic, Róbert Csontos and anonymous donors of 2 % of their taxes
Thanks to everyone.