File Ref: F68752 20th October 2015 MEMBERS OF THE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Dean of Coursework Studies as Chair (Professor Grady Venville) Deputy Chair of Academic Board (Professor Mark Israel) Dean of Graduate Research and Postdoctoral Training (Professor Alan Dench) Academic Secretary (Dr Kabilan Krishnasamy) Associate Director, Admissions Centre nominee (Mr Rick Ackerman) Associate Director (International Admissions), International Centre (Vacant) Academic Coordinator, Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) (Dr Kathy Sanders) President of the Guild of Undergraduates (Ms Elizabeth O’Shea) Nominee of the President of the Postgraduate Students’ Association (Mr Nassif Nazir Kesavath) Chair of each Faculty and School of Indigenous Studies Teaching and Learning/Education Committee, or nominee of the Dean: Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts (Ms Sophie Giles) (Deputy Chair) Faculty of Arts (Associate Professor Hélène Jaccomard) Faculty of Business (Dr Nick Letch) Faculty of Education (Associate Professor Grace Oakley) (Associate Chair) Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Professor Michael Johns) Faculty of Law (Dr Natalie Skead) Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences (Professor Sandra Carr) Faculty of Science (Professor Brendan Waddell) School of Indigenous Studies (Mr Grant Revell) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – ITEMS FOR NOTING BY CIRCULAR Members are asked to consider items in Part 2 by circular. If you do not agree with the recommendations from the Chair in Part 2 or would prefer that an item be referred to the next meeting for discussion please contact the Executive Officer (via no later than mid-day Friday 23 October 2015. If there are no objections by that date, the item will be processed in the normal way and the recommendations recorded as resolutions of the Curriculum Committee in the next set of minutes. Relevant background information has been provided for each item on the agenda, but if members require further details, they are welcome to contact the Executive Officer (via Members are advised that this agenda has been formatted to be ‘electronic device friendly’ by including bookmarks to provide easier navigation throughout the document. Click here for details. Ms Jan Cardy Executive Officer, Academic Policy Services PART 2 – ITEM(S) FOR DECISION TO BE DEALT WITH EN BLOC 1. NEW UNDERGRADUATE UNATTACHED ELECTIVE UNITS Item TRIM file Curriculum item Degree Att 1.1.1. F72677 ANIM2209 Field Studies in Zoology BSc A1-3 1.1.2. F73131 ENVT3309 Tropical Marine Fieldwork BSc A4-5 1 File Ref: F68752 The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that: Item the proposed new unattached elective unit ANIM2209 Field Studies in Zoology, be approved for offering from 2016 the proposed new unattached elective unit ENVT3309 Tropical Marine Fieldwork, be approved for offering from 2017 TRIM file 1.1.3. F71998 Curriculum item Degree BUSN3020 Innovation and Startup Practice BCom Att A6-7 Members are reminded that this proposal was submitted by the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics and considered by the Curriculum Committee at its May meeting. The following feedback was noted: that the unit's outcomes and content suggest potential overlap with units taught by UWA Business School further consultations between the proposer and the Business School were required that the likely weightings for the assessment items be provided that relevant prerequisites for a level 3 unit be provided to ensure appropriate student progression The proposal has been re-resubmitted in line with the above minuted feedback by The UWA Business School. The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that the proposed new unattached elective unit, be approved for offering from 2016. 2. CHANGES TO UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM 2016 The University’s change process for Cycle I undergraduate curriculum has been designed to accommodate both annual (planned) and late change requests which normally arise from enrolment issues or other unforeseen circumstances. The latter, if assessed to have no impact on the structure of a major, are administered via the fast-track process and approved by the Chair by way of delegated authority from the Committee. Planned annual changes to undergraduate curriculum may occur at the unit level and/or major level and/or honours level and will need to take place, where relevant, in line with the University Policy on Changes to Units , University Policy on Changes to Approved Majors and Changes to Approved Honours specialisation. All change requests assessed to have no impact on the structure of a major are considered by the Chair (or delegated nominee) on behalf of the Committee. In so considering the Chair may refer a change request, if contentious, to the Committee for wider discussion and consideration. All change requests assessed to have an impact on the structure of a major or on the unit sequence of a major are presented to the Committee. 2.1. Bachelor of Arts Item TRIM file Curriculum item 2.1.1. F31405 F76082 2.1.2. F31400 Change summary Att HON-ANTSC Anthropology and Sociology SOCS4100 Honours Research Skills Change to unit sequence B1-3 HON-ARCGY Archaeology Change to unit sequence New unit proposal B4 The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for HON-ANTSC Anthropology and Sociology, HONARCGY Archaeology and associated new unit SOCS4100, be approved for offering from 2016 2 File Ref: F68752 Item TRIM file Curriculum item 2.1.3. F29284 MJD-EUROS European Studies Change summary Att Change to unit sequence (for continuing students only) C1-2 Members will note that by R55/15, Academic Council approved the rescission of MJD-EUROS European Studies effective 2016, subject to continuing students being able to re-enrol. The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for MJD-EUROS European Studies, be approved for offering to continuing students only from 2016. 2.2. Bachelor of Science Item TRIM file 2.2.1. F29712 Curriculum item Change summary Att MJD-ZOOLY Zoology Change to unit sequence D1-2 The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for MJD-ZOOLY Zoology, be approved for offering for 2016 only Item TRIM file Curriculum item Change summary Att 2.2.2. F31442 HON-AGSCI Agricultural Science Change to unit sequence E1-2 2.2.3. F31441 HON-BOTNY Botany Change to unit sequence E3 2.2.4. F31439 HON-CONBI Conservation Biology Change to unit sequence E4-5 2.2.5. F31444 HON-ENVSC Environmental Science Change to unit sequence E6-7 2.2.6. F31440 HON-ZOOLY Zoology Change to unit sequence E8-9 The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for HON-AGSCI Agricultural Science, HON-BOTNY Botany, HON-CONBI Conservation Biology, HON-ENVSC Environmental Science and HON-ZOOLY Zoology, be approved for offering from 2016. 3. CHANGES TO POSTGRADUATE CURRICULUM FROM 2016 Planned annual changes to postgraduate curriculum may occur at the unit level and/or postgraduate course level and will need to take place, where relevant, in line with the University Policy on Changes to Units and Changes to Approved Postgraduate Coursework Courses. To this end, the Committee is asked to consider the following change proposals: 3.1. Faculty of Science Item TRIM file 3.1.1. F35827 Curriculum item Change summary Att 52340 Graduate Diploma in Dental Sleep Medicine F1-2 Change to course rules Change to admission rules Change to course structure The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for 52340 Graduate Diploma in Dental Sleep Medicine, be approved for offering from 2016 3 File Ref: F68752 Item TRIM file Curriculum item Change summary Att 3.1.2. F38251 50380 Graduate Diploma in Exercise Rehabilitation Change to course structure Change to course rules G1-2 3.1.3. F45772 51610 Master of Exercise Science (thesis and coursework) Change to course rules G3-4 The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for 50380 Graduate Diploma in Exercise Rehabilitation and 51610 Master of Exercise Science (thesis and coursework), be approved for offering from 2016 Item TRIM file Curriculum item Change summary Att 3.1.4. F59350 72510 Master of Agricultural Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation) Change to course rules Change to admission rules Change to course structure H1-6 3.1.5. F58908 F74295 71520 Master of Biomedical Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation) Change to course rules Change to admission rules Change to course structure One new unit H7-11 3.1.6. F58909 F74295 71540 Master of Health Science (coursework) Change to course rules One new unit H12-17 3.1.7. F58905 F75909 71580 Master of Biotechnology (coursework or coursework and dissertation) Change to course rules Change to admission rules Change to course structure One new unit H18-26 3.1.8. F35183 52510 Master of Exercise Science (coursework) Change to course rules Change to admission rules Change to course type Change to course structure Change to volume of learning H27-32 3.1.9. F35144 F74629 F74630 F74632 F74633 72530 Master of Environmental Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation) Change to course rules Change to course structure Change to admission rules Four new units H33-38 3.1.10. F58907 F74629 F74630 F74632 F74633 71570 Master of Geographic Information Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation) Change to course rules Change to course structure Four new units H39-42 3.1.11. F58906 F74629 F74630 F74632 F74633 F59548 71550 Master of International Development (coursework or coursework and dissertation) Change to course rules Changes to course structure Change to admission rules Five new units H43-49 4 File Ref: F68752 Members will note that the courses listed above have been identified as not compliant with clause 5.7 of the Volume of Learning Policy in relation to the uniqueness of units. As a way forward for 2016 course offerings the Chair has recommended that: the change proposals shown above be dealt with by circular; and further work be undertaken by the Faculty to ensure compliance for 2017. The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that: the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for 72510 Master of Agricultural Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation), be approved for offering from 2016 the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for 71520 Master of Biomedical Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation) and 71540 Master of Health Science (coursework) and associated new unit ANIM5501, be approved for offering from 2016 the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for 71580 Master of Biotechnology (coursework or coursework and dissertation) and associated new unit MKTG5503, be approved for offering from 2016 the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for 52510 Master of Exercise Science (coursework), be approved for offering from 2016 the proposed changes, as set out in the attachments, for 72530 Master of Environmental Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation), 71570 Master of Geographic Information Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation) and 71550 Master of International Development (coursework or coursework and dissertation) and associated new units (GEOG5011, GEOG5012, GEOG5013, GEOG5014 & SOCS5013),be approved for offering from 2016 4. RESCISSION OF POSTGRADUATE UNITS FROM 2016 TRIM file Code Title F51787 SSEH5634 Principles of Musculoskeletal and Locomotor Biomechanics F36571 AGRI4408 Sustainable Grazing Systems F36648 BIOL4401 Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology F36647 BIOL4402 Conservation Genetics The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that the postgraduate units, as listed in the table above, be rescinded from 2016 5. RESCISSION OF PRE-2012 COURSES FROM 2016 TRIM file Curriculum item Faculty resolution number F12700 R6/15 9103H Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine honours degree Members will note that that the Pre-2012 course listed above has been taught out. The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee recommend to the Academic Council that the Pre-2012 courses listed above, be rescinded immediately with no students eligible to re-enrol; with effect from 2016 5 File Ref: F68752 6. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Curriculum Committee will be held on Wednesday 11th November at 2pm in the Senate Room. The cut-off date for submission of items for the committee’s agenda is Wednesday 28th October. Please refer any issues for discussion to the Executive Officer, Ms Jan Cardy ( 6