Training Specialists

Affinity Group Notes
Training Specialists, County Consultants, Training Coordinators
August 1, 2014 / 10:30am-11:30am
Participants present: Dawn (PCTWA), Emily (BAA), Erika (BAA), Adreanna (BAA),
Renee (BAA), Darlene (BAA), Mayko (CCTA), Jane (RCFFP), Anzette (PCTWA), Nancy
*Note: BLUE writing = solutions
1. What do we need to consider when thinking ahead about trainer
engagement, capacity and messaging to prepare for implementation?
a. Education for trainers
i. Awareness of what CC3.0 will look like – including all
modalities and how it will work for trainers.
1. Create webinar that shows the overview.
2. Schedule conference calls or provide information in
blocks. (All Family Engagement trainers, all C&YD
trainers, etc.)
3. Utilize trainers’ expertise for rolling out CORE 2.0
ii. Provide reassurance re: jobs, money, etc. Message that this
could possibly be an increase in training opportunities.
iii. Create a package of messaging rather than separate messages
1. Katie A., SOP, CC3.0, CA Core Practice Model, etc.
2. Content needs to be trained as is – try it!
3. Feedback loop needs to be created
b. Preparation for trainers
i. T4Ts?
ii. Encouragement for trainers to focus on their passion or
expand their skill set.
1. Offer the Art of Coaching for current trainers.
2. Create a clear development plan for all trainers, as
everyone will be new to CC3.0.
iii. Provide a venue
c. How to expand trainer/coach capacity throughout the state?
2. How are you messaging to counties about CC3.0 and what are you doing to
ensure counties receive consistent and frequent messages?
a. CCTA: quarterly meetings with management; brings a CalSWEC
representative to meetings
b. What is the elevator speech?
i. Get one page flyer created
ii. Sound byte added to all RTA websites
iii. Create a list of talking points
iv. Create a list of FAQ
c. Who should we be messaging?
i. Staff Development
Stake holders
List of key people (Joanne from CalSWEC solicited this list in
vii. CWDA, etc.
What are ways to be messaging?
i. Quarterly meetings in chunks that build on each other (get
Irene from PCWTA’s agendas and timeline for this)
ii. Existing and regional meetings that are standing
iii. Executive leadership teams
iv. Supervisors’ meetings
How often
3. What are some ways you can help counties begin to think about the changes
required for CC3.0 implementation so they are prepared?
a. Technology capacity
b. Help counties think through what they’ll do with case carrying
workers v. non-case carrying workers
c. Identifying and training Field Advisors – how to build in support for
the Field Advisors?
i. Coaches with the RTAs to be Field Advisors? Or, how can they
be intimately involved to assist with the Field Advisor process?
d. Create a plan to help supervisors understand their role
4. Internal preparation for our own RTAs/Statewide
a. How do we ensure fidelity within our own RTAs and throughout the
Next Steps
 Dawn will gather information from Irene about her CC3.0 power point
 Emily will ask for a one page flyer and standardized talking points from
 RTA Directors will decide on the standardized message they want for our
group and they’ll take part in the messaging
 Emily will send out an email to the group to begin an email thread
 All members of our affinity group will plan one meeting for our counties
within the next three months to discuss CC3.0; we’ll all send one email to our
affinity group about what worked well/what didn’t work about our