Urinary System Notes Sheet

Name: __________________________________ Class #: ________ Class Period: ___________ Date: _____________
Urinary System
Functions of the Urinary System
1. Maintains proper balance of water, salts and acids in body fluids
2. Filters _____________________________ to remove urea and other waste materials
3. Converts waste products and excess fluids into ______________________________
Urinary Organs
1. Two kidneys
2. Two ___________________________
3. One bladder
4. One ___________________________
 Filter blood to remove waste and excess water; excreted as urine
 Has ______________________________ : renal cortex and medulla
 The renal cortex contains ________________________
 Form urine by the process of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion
 Each nephron contains a glomerulus which filters ______________________ entering the nephron
 Waste products pass through collecting tubes before entering the ureters
Ureters and Urinary Bladder
 Narrow tubes about _________________ inches long that carry urine from a kidney to the urinary
 _______________ ureter from each kidney to the bladder
Urinary Bladder
 Reservoir (holding tank) for urine
 Holds about a pint of urine (_____________ cups)
 Tube extending from the urinary bladder to _________________________________________
 Urinary sphincters control flow of urine from the bladder into the urethra, and out of the urethra through
the urinary meatus
 Normal process of excreting urine from the body
 __________________________ or voiding are other names
Name: __________________________________ Class #: ________ Class Period: ___________ Date: _____________
Diagnostic Procedures
1. Catheterization – insertion of a sterile catheter through the ____________________ and into the
urinary bladder. Commonly done to relieve urinary retention pressure, obtain sterile specimens for
testing, and prevent incontinence during surgical procedures.
2. Cystoscopy – visual exam of the _________________________________________ using a cystoscope
3. KUB (kidneys, ureters, bladder) – radiographic study of these structures without use of contrast dye.
4. Urinalysis – laboratory examination of urine
a. Urine __________________________ contain - sugar, albumin, blood, ketones, sediment, pus,
or bilirubin
b. Urine _____________________ contain – water, urea, creatinine, salts, acids, drugs