
Newsletter - December 2014
St. Columba’s BNS Parents Association
Welcome to our last newsletter of this year. Please take some time to read
through it as it contains some valuable information regarding our school’s
Christmas celebrations.
Christmas Coffee Morning
The date for our special Christmas Coffee Morning is Wednesday 3rd December and it takes place as usual
in the GAA pavilion. This is always the most exciting coffee morning of the year. The boys of both Junior
Infant classes will be entertaining us with a selection of Christmas songs. Admission is only € 2 and includes
coffee/tea, cake and other refreshments. All the money raised goes directly to support the school. Please
come along and enjoy this wonderful event and don't forget there are plenty of spot prizes to be won in the
coffee morning raffle. We are asking the parents of the Junior Infant, Senior Infant and ASD classes to
please provide cakes or other tasty treats for this month’s coffee morning. Please remember to mark your
containers with your son’s name and class room so they can be returned afterwards. We look forward to
seeing you all there and don't forget to bring friends and family along.
Second Hand Uniform shop
Our next Uniform shop will be on Friday 5th December. The shop will be open from 8.30 to 9.15 am in the
Green House at the front of the school. The January’s uniform shop will be on Friday the 9th at same time
and venue.
Monster Christmas Raffle
We will be holding our annual Christmas raffle draw on Friday 12 December. Tickets will be on sale on
Wednesday 10th, Thursday 11th and Friday 12th December from 8.30 to 9.30am in the School Hall priced at
€ 2 for a single ticket or € 5 for 3. This year the top 3 prizes are an electronic device worth €150, a €100
Mahon point voucher and a €50 Sports shop voucher.
Class Hampers
We are asking each boy to bring in an item which will be collected by the PA and made into a class hamper
and used as a prize in our Christmas Raffle. The item provided should not cost more than €5 maximum.
Notes with all the details will be distributed very soon and we will be collecting the items from the
classrooms no later than Tuesday 9th December.
Hamper Basket Donations
We are asking for any unwanted hamper baskets or festive boxes (in good condition). We would be delighted
to take them off your hands. Please leave them at the reception where we will collect them and put them to
good use.
Christmas Carol Service
The Christmas Carol Service will take place on Wednesday 10th December in St. Patrick’s Church,
Rochestown. The concert will start at 7pm sharp. We recommend to be early to secure seats.
New Year Charity Collection
Each year we run an annual charity collection for a local charity. For the last 2 years, we supported the Cork
Penny Dinners, a voluntary organisation based on Hanover Street in the city centre that provides meals to
those less fortunate. It is funded entirely by voluntary contributions. Last year we decided to wait with our
collection until January as they are well supported during the Christmas period but need restocking in
January. It was a great success and they were so grateful for our help. We know January is traditionally a
difficult month for many people but we would be very grateful for any support you may be able to give,
perhaps some unused packets of dry foods like rice or pasta, or unopened tins of fruit etc. leftover from the
Christmas period. These simple items would make a big difference to the people who avail of the Penny
Dinner services. We will be sending out the relevant information in our January Newsletter.
A Special Thank You
We would like to take the opportunity at the end of year to say a big Thank You to all the staff and voluntary
helpers of St. Columba’s BNS for making our school such a safe and great environment for all pupils. A
special thanks to Mr. Tom Wilkinson and all the teachers, to Harry, the caretaker, and Ann and Niamh in the
Office, for their dedicated work. We would also like to thank all the boys who volunteer as traffic wardens
for their assistance.
Dates to Remember
Christmas Coffee Morning:
3rd December
Next Uniform Shop:
5th December
January Uniform Shop:
9th January
Christmas Carol Service:
10th December
Monster Christmas Raffle:
12th December
Ticket Sale:
10th, 11th and 12th December
Christmas Holidays:
19th December
School Reopens on:
5th January