c. natural selection


Retest Review

Directions you will answer the question and give me two sentences about why it is the correct answer. All of the answers are on the this review but the point is to understand the answer.

1. Evolution is often described as "the theme that ties together all aspects of biology."

This is because the process of evolution

A. explains how organisms become adapted to their environment.

B. explains the diversity of organisms.

C. explains why all organisms have characteristics in common.

D. explains why distantly related organisms sometimes resemble one another.

E. all of the above are appropriate answers.

2. Which of the following is not an example of an evolutionary adaptation:

A. the cryptic appearance of the moth Abrostola trigemina , which looks like a broken twig.

B. the appearance of the leafy sea dragon (a sea horse) which looks so much like the kelp (seaweed) in which it lives that it lures prey into the seeming safety of the kelp forest and then eats them.

C. the long, broad wings of the red-tailed hawk that allow it to sustain a gliding flightover open country while it searches for prey with its keen eyes.

D. the rounded body shape of the sargassum crab which resembles the floats of the brown alga Sargassum in which it lives.

E. all of the above are examples of adaptations.

4. Which of the following is not a fact or inference of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection?

A. there is heritable variation among individuals.

B. there is struggle for limited resources.

C. individuals whose inherited characteristics best fit them to the environment will on average leave more offspring.

D. offspring inherit characteristics acquired by their parents during the parents lifetime.

E. all of the above are correct statements.

6. Natural selection can be most closely equated with

A. assortative mating.

B. genetic drift.

C. differential reproductive success.

D. bottlenecking of a population.

E. gene flow.

Retest Review

13. The bones in the front leg of a lizard and in the wing of a bat, which are evolutionarily derived from their common ancestor, are said to be

A. analogous

B. functionally similar

C. sympatric

D. homologous

E. convergent

24. In a comparison of a hawk and an eagle (both are birds, i.e., class Aves) their wings

(flight structures) are ________, and the bones in their wings (they are tetrapods) are


A. analagous, analagous.

B. analagous, homologous.

C. homologous, analagous.

D. homologous, homologous.

E. none of the above is correct.

1 E

2 E

4 D

6 C

13 D

24 D

Practice Problems

1. The mechanism behind evolution is known as a. artificial selection. b. mate selection. c. natural selection. d. punctuated selection.

2. Which of the following is NOT a basic assumption of Darwin's theory of evolution? a. All species have a great ability to reproduce, and the population of each would increase greatly if all individuals reproduced successfully. b. No two individuals in a population are exactly alike and their variability is inheritable. c. Survival depends on inheriting characteristics that best suit the individual to the environment. d. All individuals in a population will survive and be able to reproduce.

Retest Review

4. The many breeds of dogs we see today are the result of which of these processes? a. translation b. artificial selection c. natural selection d. punctuated selection

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution? a. Organisms evolve through a mechanism of natural selection. b. Each organism in a population is exactly like every other organism in that population. c. Organisms have a great ability to reproduce. d. Evolution modifies organisms over time.


1. c.

2. d.

4. b.

5. b.


1. The image illustrates what evolutionary concept? embryological similarities variation among species vestigial structures homologous structures

Retest Review

2. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Theory of Evolution by Natural

Selection? competition for food and space variation among species inheritance of acquired characteristics survival and reproduction

3. A structure that seems to serve no purpose in an organism is called: homologous vestigial dichotomous fossilized

4. In science, theories are: an educated guess a known fact absolute and unchangeable the best explanation for a set of data or observations

7. Any variation that can help an organism survive in its environment is called a(n): adaptation characteristic competition vestigial structure

8. The strongest evidence for change over a long period of time comes from:

DNA fossils embryo studies direct observation of living species

9. The dog breeds we have today were developed through: natural selection artificial selection (selective breeding)

Retest Review sexual selection acquired selection

10. The finches on the Galapagos island were similar in form except for variations of their beaks. Darwin observed that these variations were useful for: attracting a mate defending territory building nests gathering food

Describe gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.
