Midterm review sheet

Midterm review for SS8A
1. What led to the rise of
Big Business?
1b- Capitalism
3. free enterprise system
4. Why were corp.
allowed to grow and
eliminate competition?
5. Methods industrialists
used to eliminate
5b.Famous industrialists
6. Monopolies
7. Govt’s response to big
8. Interstate Commerce
9. Labor unions helped
10. Methods workers
used against employers
11. Problems associated
with urbanization
12. How did child labor
laws impact adult
13. What caused the
rise in immigration?
Industrial growth in America- late 1800s- capitalist system; new business model called
corporation; laissez-faire system of no government regulation or interference.
Profit motive, private ownership in business
Government does not regulate or interfere with business or economy. This helped businesses
Economic system with private control of a business. Must have competition between businesses
Government policy of laissez- faire
Few restrictions on corporate growth
Rebates, sell product below cost then raise price when competitor goes out of business
Carnegie- steel
Morgan- banking
Vanderbilt - railroads
Robber Baron or Captain of Industry???
Control of entire industry by one corporation. No competition.
Began to regulate because of public outcry.
Government regulates interstate business (commerce) such as railroads
People united to improve working conditions; Decline due to association with violence
picketing, boycotts, strikes
Growth of cities especially in Northeast.
Overcrowding, unsanitary housing,
Progressives and labor unions fought to limit or restrict child labor. More jobs for adults.
Old immigrants: free land, settled in west
New immigrants of industrial age: jobs, settled in north, discrimination
13b. What was the
impact of immigration
to nation?
14. What happened once
they arrived on Ellis
15. Ethnic Ghettos or
ethnic neighborhoods
Greater diversity;
Cultural diversity
16. Purpose of
Homestead Act
17. Which groups did
the Populist Party help?
18. Why were third
parties created?
1862 – free land; led to settling of the West
19. What did the
Progressive Party want
to change/ reform?
20. What did
muckrakers do to
inform people about
Sought to bring justice and fairness to the people. Wanted government to take a greater role to
regulate and protect
New Immigrants landed here to be processed. Health inspections kept some out. Names changed
Ethnic neighborhoods where immigrants settled. Little Italy, Chinatown
Farmers and laborers/workers united to form this Third Party
“Third” parties were created because they responded to people’s special needs like farmers. Not
satisfied with Democrats or Republicans
wrote articles, books, photos, cartoons to inform people.
Some writers who wanted to reform society were:
Jacob Riis: How the Other Half Lives (tenement life)
Ida Tarbell: History of Standard Oil (oil monopoly)
Upton Sinclair: The Jungle (meatpacking
21. What was Theodore
Roosevelt’s position on
good trusts vs. bad
Good trusts (are ok) vs. bad trusts (not ok)
Trustbuster (bad trusts only); conservationist.
22- 18th amendment –
Ban alcohol; temperance movement; Carry A. Nation and Women’s Christian Temperance
21 amendment – repeal ban because it was ineffective. Govt can’t legislate morality
Women’s suffrage or right to vote. After their contributions during World War I.
Right to vote-
23- 19th amendment
24- Suffrage
Foreign policy
28- skip
29-Big Stick Policy
30-Spanish American War
31Yellow journalism
32-World War I
33-Trench warfare
34-Treaty of Versailles
35-Why was the League of Nations so
important to Wilson?
Dealings with other nations
Taking over other nations
Not getting involved with other nations' affairs. After WWI.
Do not take sides in a war or issue. Before WWI.
Pres. Teddy Roosevelt; use force when necessary to enforce our demands;
especially Latin America
1898; yellow journalism; sinking of Maine; helped Cuba win independence from
Spain. Gained many territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines;
U.S. becomes a colonial empire
Exaggerated news stories to sell papers;
“you furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war”
MANIA; we sold goods to Allies before we entered war, at first-neutral then
Germany used unrestricted sub (U-boats) warfare.
W.W.ilson – “make the world safe for democracy” – reason to enter the war.
WWI - war fought in trenches of Europe
Ended WWI; Germany pays reparation and loses colonies and military; considered
harsh by some. Set the seeds for WWII; U.S. Senate did not ratify it. Foreign
Saw this as a way to resolve conflicts and avoid war.
35b- Senate opposed it
Senate believed it would increase chance of conflict or war.
36. Rationing?
37-Conservation during WWI
Conserving scarce resources (used in wartime)
Patriotism during war; conserved food and fuel; meatless Mondays, wheatless
Wed.; save fuel/ resources
Nativists believed immigrants brought “bad” ideas.
38-immigration quotas / limits
39. Changes for women after World War
-------------------------40. Third parties?
-----------------------41. Roosevelt Corollary to
Monroe Doctrine
42-primary source
43. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
45. Why did we want the Panama Canal?
Worked during war in “men’s jobs” resulted in more respect. Later gained
---------------------------------------------------They meet the needs of people who don’t believe the Democrats or Republicans
serve them.
----------------------------------------------------Teddy Roosevelt added this Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine so the U.S. could
intervene in a nation’s affairs when it wanted to do so.
Eyewitness account; first hand account; document; diary, map, photo
Many working women and girls died due to lack of fire safety. LED to regulations
in workplace.
Shorter route from East to West Coast of USA. Better for military ships.
Reform Movements
You will need to know: goals of movement; actions to achieve those goals; whether those goals were
Below is a brief outline. It is not sufficient to just study this outline. You must prepare for this essay
with additional resources- ie. Text, internet, notes, etc.
A. Populist Movement
1. farmers had problems with banks and railroad owners; difficulty paying back loans, high freight rates,
drought, insects, low prices
2. looked to politicans to help them.
3. formed Populist Party – joined farmers and workers
4. WANTED: more govt control of railroads, secret ballot, direct election of Senators, 8-hour work day,
restrictions of immigration, free and unlimited coinage of silver (to make loans cheaper to pay back).
1. workers had suffered with terrible working conditions
2. organized unions to solve these problems
3. Knights of Labor – skilled and unskilled workers- 8 hour day, no child labor, equal pay for men and
4. American Federation of Labor – higher wages, insurance, only skilled workers.
5. methods – strikes, boycotts, picketing,
6. violence associated with strikes hurt unions.
C. Progressive Movement
1. problems of industrial era needed to be solved; hard working conditions, lack of competition,
environmental concerns, corrupt politician, unsafe food….
2. muckrakers sought to publicize problems so they could be solved. Who were they?
3. initiative, referendum, recall
D. Temperance Movement
1. effort to ban alcohol- 18th amendment
2. seen as evil; impact on families; desire to legislate morality
3. 1920’s associated with rise in crime
4. called the “Noble Experiment”
5. failed – 21st amendment
E. Women’s Rights Movement
1. centered on right to vote- 19th amendment
2. women’s work during WWI led to support for passage of amendment
3. gained more respect; sought more rights in later years.