ART 305 Objects and Terms Wk 15

ART 305: Early Medieval Art – Imaging God, Imaging Power
Charlemagne and the Revival of the Roman Empire
Bronze statuette of Charlemagne, 9th century.
Odo of Metz, Palace (Palatine) Chapel, Aachen, late 8th century.
Abbey Church, Corvey, late 9th century.
Church of St. Riquier (Richarius), Centula Abbey, Picardy, 790.
Torhalle of monastery, Lorsch, c. 800.
Plan of the ideal monastery, St. Gall, Switzerland, c. 820.
Odon, Oratory of Theodulf, Germigny-des-Prés, 806.
Gospels of Godescalc, Aachen, Germany, 781-183: Fountain of Life; Christ Enthroned.
Soissons Gospels, Aachen, Germany, 827: John the Evangelist.
Coronation Gospels, Aachen, Germany, early 9th century.
Ebbo Gospels, Reims, France, 816-835.
Utrecht Psalter, Reims, France, 816-835.
Vivian Bible or First Bible of Charles the Bald, Tours, c. 845.
Front cover of the Lindau Gospels, St. Gall, Switzerland, c. 870.
Charlemagne (Charles the Great), Carolingian
Pope Leo III
Lateran Baptistry
Monastery of Saint-Médard in Soissons
Alcuin of York
Wedding at Cana, Supper at Emmaus
Benedictine monasticism
Palace School
Reims School
Relics, reliquary
Psalm 22/23
Westwork, double-ender
Tours School
Abbot Angilbert, Bertha
Abbey of St. Martin, Alcuin
Rule of St. Benedict
Theodulf, Visigoth, Bishop of Orleans and abbot of Saint Benoit
Lantern tower
Horseshoe arches
Libri Carolini (Carolingian Books)
Ark of the Covenant, Book of Kings
Cherubim, seraphim
Louis the Pious (814-840)
Lothair I, Louis the German, Charles the Bald
Ada Group/School
ART 305: Early Medieval Art – Imaging God, Imaging Power
The Art of the Holy Roman Empire: The Ottonians
Church of St. Michael, Hildesheim, Germany, c. 1010-1033: architecture, bronze doors, etc.
Lothair Cross, Aachen, Germany, c. 1000.
Ivory Diptych (Doubting Thomas), Trier, early 11th century.
Gero Crucifix, Cologne Cathedral, c. 970.
Aachen Gospels of Liuthar, Trier, c. 1000.
Gospels of Otto III, Reichenau, c. 1000.
Otto I
Otto II (Theophano)
Otto III
Henry II
Archbishop Bernward
Archbishop Gero