Heterogeneous Control and Data Sub-network for Millimeter-wave Communications Xiaoxiao Zhang, Liqiang Zhao, Kai Liang Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710071, China Abstract: Millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications are highly focused as a powerful mean enabling to perform very high data transmission. However it has several inherent shortcomings like directional transmission and serious attenuation in atmosphere. So it is difficult to implement random access in mmWave WLANs. In this paper, a heterogeneous control and data sub-network architecture is presented, which decouples the traditional WLAN into 2.4 or 5GHz control sub-network and mmWave data sub-network in both PHY and MAC layers. In control sub-network, DCF is adopted to transmit control information and in data sub-network, PCF is adopted to ensure the QoS. Moreover, an omnidirectional transmission is employed in the control sub-network to support users’ random access. The data sub-network only covers the required serving area by using directional antennas for specific users and can be adjusted dynamically based on control information. Simulations indicate that compared with the conventional WLANs, heterogeneous mmWave WLANs can provide both random access and high throughput. Key words: Millimeter-wave, Heterogeneous network, WLAN, IEEE802.11 I. INTRODUCTION The volume of mobile traffic is exploding, driven by an increment of mobile devices (e.g., laptops, tablets, and smart TVs) and broadband wireless access services (e.g., HD video). The research and standard work for the 5th Generation (5G) Mobile Network are on the way. One of the preliminary targets for the 5G is l000-fold capacity increase comparing the 4th Generation (4G) system [1]. However, the high bandwidth required by multimedia applications is seriously stretching the limited wireless spectrum. The millimeter wave (mmWave) band (especially from 26 to 60 GHz) could break through the limitation of the traditional bandwidth, and support high data rate by extending the spectrum resource. Actually, the abundance of bandwidth in the unlicensed 26-60 GHz band has attracted more and more interests from both academia and industry [2-3] in recent years, which is expected to be used widely in short range indoor wireless communications including both Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). Conventional WLANs at the unlicensed 2.4 and 5 GHz have got great success in both academia and business. Currently, they are pushing forward IEEE 802.11ad mmWave WLAN, which gets more and more attention due to its ability to deliver the gigabit-per-second (Gbps) throughput envisaged for 5G. Although mmWave technologies promise a bright future for over 10 Gbps transmission, current protocols and technologies cannot be applied directly due to several inherent shortcomings of mmWave communications. Atmospheric attenuation: One of the limiting factors inherent in mmWave transmission is the considerable atmospheric attenuation caused by absorption phenomena due to rain drops, water vapor and oxygen [4]. Sensitive to be blocked: Such short wavelengths in this band do impose difficulty diffracting around obstacles. A wall or a desk between a transmitter and receiver can attenuate the signal by 15 dB or more and can easily break the link [5]. Directional transmission: Facing such serious losses in mmWave communications, the directional antenna with high gain has to be implemented. As almost all beams concentrate in the range of 4.7 degrees, mmWave communications can be regarded as a line-of-sight (LOS) transmission. The above characteristics of mmWave communications make it very challenging to provide the range and robustness similar to what most users have experienced with conventional WLANs at 2.4 and 5 GHz. For example, IEEE 802.11ad focuses on 60GHz band, and use phased-array antenna to improve link gain, but it is hard for IEEE 802.11ad to provide random access for any user, which, on the other hand, is a basic function in conventional WLANs. Hence, in this paper, after introducing aspects of technical challenges, design methodologies, and possible applications in mmWave communications, we provide a heterogeneous network (HetNet) architecture for mmWave WLANs, and carry out a detailed discussion and evaluation of the corresponding performance evaluation. The rest of this work is organized as follows. After introducing current research in mmWave communications, in section II, we talk of IEEE 802.11ad, the current standard of mmWave WLANs, and IEEE802.11aj working at 45GHz is also discussed in section II. In section III, we propose the heuristic mmWave heterogeneous WLANs (mmWave HetWLANs), and simulations are carried out to evaluate its performance in section IV. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section V. II. CURRENT RESEARCH In this section, we shall introduce current research of mmWave communications from viewpoints of the protocol stack. As WLANs only consider PHY layer and MAC layer, we focus on these two layers in the following. 2.1 PHY Technologies A significant challenge that may affect the promising prospect of mmWave communications is high propagation attenuation resulting from the high carrier frequency. To remedy this, antenna arrays can be adopted at both the source and destination devices, where a single radio-frequency chain (or a single data stream) is tied to the antenna arrays, to exploit array gains via appropriate beam forming schemes [6–8]. In the meanwhile, the small wave length of mmWave makes it feasible to equip antenna arrays into even portable devices [8]. One beam forming scheme has been proposed in [9] in order to improve beam forming efficiency of mmWave communication systems, which comprises a codebook design and a search algorithm. Directional transmission makes mmWave communication systems have a strong spatial multiplexing potential. Spatial multiplexing, by means of the weak correlation of space channels, could transfer data streams through different space channels to increase the peak date rate. In [10], 60 GHz spectrum is divided into three independent channels, and by using 16 antenna arrays, it can support 6 links at the same time slot. Multiple input and multiple outputs (MIMO), which can increase spectral efficiency without any additional power consumption, has been widely investigated and is considered as a viable solution for mmWave WLANs [11-15]. 2.2 MAC Protocols After deploying directional antenna in mmWave WLANs, it is prone to the so-called directed hidden nodes or hidden beam problem. Therefore, equipment detection and recognition is a primary issue. Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) is the basic MAC protocol in IEEE 802.11x, which is effective for omni-directional antennas. However, [16] shows that existing directional CSMA/CA protocols do not work well at 60GHz and proposes a novel directional CSMA/CA protocol for 60GHz WPANs. So far, some enhanced algorithms can reduce further the time duration of finding equipment, and simplify equipment access complexity. For example, in [17], a complete MAC protocol based on discrete phase shift codebooks in 60GHz WPANs is proposed in order to realize Gbps communication. As suffering from serious attenuation, mmWave is not fit for long distance transmission. Indoor relay station is proved to be a feasible solution to extend transmission distance of mmWave communications. For example, transmission rate of mmWave network with 4 relay stations can reach Gbit/s, and its coverage is as big as WLAN coverage [18]. 2.3. mmWave WLAN IEEE 802.11ad can support multi-gigabit wireless communications in the 60GHz spectrum. It can guarantee the best performance, minimized complexity and lower cost of implementation. Moreover, the main goal of this standard is to enable devices to communicate with other devices that belong to legacy 802.11. 2.3.1 Expected IEEE 802.11ad Architecture IEEE 802.11ad defines a new topological structure based on traditional IEEE 802.11x, called personal basic service set (PBSS). PBSS can handle transmission loss problem at 60 GHz, and is mainly used for the high speed video data transmission in the office or at home. A PBSS is composed of several types of stations. One of them is a center node, called PBSS Control Point (PCP), which takes charge resource allocation, power adjustment and control functions such as beam forming. Any two nodes in the network can be two-way data transmission. The mainly PHY layer enhancement done by 802.11ad is the combination between two types of modulation and coding schemes Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Single carrier (SC) respectively [19]. According to different requirements (e.g., high throughput or stability), different MCSs are used. SC has a low complexity and strong stability, but it only provides 4.6 Gbit/s. OFDM allows a higher data rate up to 7Gbps and supports communications over longer distances with greater delay. The SC and OFDM according to data rates provide flexibility to several intensive applications requiring high transmission data rate. 2.3.2 MAC Layer Enhancements The 802.11ad MAC protocol divides transmission time into small beacon interval (BI), and using BI as basic unit for slot time allocation. Fig. 1 is a BI time slot allocation chart, according to the different access rules are divided into four different types of child interval [20]. BI DTI BTI AATI BFT CP1 CFP1 CFP2 CP2 BTI: BTI: Beacon Beacon Transmission Transmission Interval Interval Time A-BFT: A-BFT: Association Association Beamforming Beamforming Training Training ATI: ATI: Announcement Announcement Time Time Interval Interval DTI: DTI: Data Data Transfer Transfer Interval Interval Fig.1 BI time slot allocation BTI is begin of BI, AP will broadcast beacon frame carried with control information to coverage of signal in this interval, so as to guarantee the STA is synchronization with AP in subsequent three intervals. In A-BFT, AP and STA accepted beacon frame will initialize the beam forming training. Then AP and all the STA will transmit frame about network management in ATI, such as association, communication, relay frames. DTI is a core time of BI, used for transmitting information between of nodes. Two channel access time: CFP (contention free period) and CP (contention period) is in DTI. This is same as legacy IEEE 802.11x, guarantying 802.11ad compatible with legacy 802.11x. 2.3.3 IEEE 802.11aj However, the coverage of 802.11ad is very short because of much higher path loss at 60 GHz band than at 2.4/5 GHz bands. That is because 802.11ad focus on 60GHz, however 60GHz is just in absorption peak, attenuation loss is about 14 dB/km, it conduces serious attenuation. But signals below 50GHz do not have such problem, their attenuation losses are under 1db/km [21]. Besides, as for path loss, it is direct proportion to the square of frequency, that is to say path loss of 60GHz mmWave is born to more 20db than 5.8GHz. So a new study group [22] proposed IEEE 802.11aj, which works in 45GHz. 802.11aj avoids problem of excessive loss in transmission process and enable multi-Gbps throughput and lower power. III. HETERGENEOUS MMWAVE WLANS 3.1 Description of HetNet In traditional WLANs, control frames and data frames are transmitted at the same physical channel, which indicates that the Control plane (C-plane) and the User plane (U-plane) are totally overlapped or closely coupled. However, in mmWave WLANs, the C-plane has to provide random access for any user, and the U-plane has to support directional transmissions. Since the C-plane and the U-plane are closely coupled, it is hard to fulfill such contradictory requirements in the conventional network architecture. Hence, we present a heterogeneous mmWave WLAN in this paper, which includes a control sub-network at the 2.4GHz or 5GHz band, and a data sub-network at the mmWave band by decoupling C-plane and U-plane at both the PHY and the MAC layers, as shown in Fig. 2. In IEEE 802.11x, there are two access modes, one is a fundamental Distributed Coordination Function (DCF), and the other is the optional Point Coordination Function (PCF). The DCF is a contention-based protocol, while PCF is based on a centralized polling protocol where a point coordinator controls the access to the radio resource. In mmWave HetWLANs, the conventional IEEE 802.11x is employed for the control sub-network, and IEEE 802.11ad is used for the data sub-network to keep compatible with legacy 802.11 standards as more as possible. In this way, the control sub-network can provide omnidirectional coverage for any user to access the network, and the data sub-network only covers the required serving area in the directional mode to provide directional coverage and Gbps transmission for given users at the mmWave band. Upon considering the relevant context of mmWave WLANs, DCF is more suitable for the control sub-network to support random access, and PCF is more suitable for the data sub-network to ensure QoS of users. In fact, the control sub-network covers all the deployment areas, supporting access requests of users, synchronization and other signaling processes. Therefore, it is the basis of mmWave HetWLANs. I. Omnidirectional antenna transmit control information and build control network II. Directional antenna transmit high speed data based on control network TIME Directional beam Control network Fig.2 Heterogeneous mmWave WALNs In our proposed mmWave HetWLAN, all the control functions are implemented in the control sub-network, so we can simplify the data sub-network by removing the three optional access types mentioned in Section 2.3.3 ( such as i.e., BTI, A-BFT, and ATI in Fig. 1). Only DTI is used for the data sub-network to transmit data. In this way, the control sub-network can provide random access for any user, and the data sub-network only focuses on Gbps transmission. In order to implement the proposed heterogeneous network architecture, the legacy IEEE 802.11x protocol stack has to be modified, as shown in Fig.3. An additional management sub-layer is introduced for C/U plane. When packets arrive from the upper layer, the management sub-layer differentiates them into C-frames and U-frames, and then sends these frames to the appropriate sub-network. In IEEE802.11x, there are mainly three kinds of frame named data frame, control frame and management frame. Management frame is responsible for joining or quitting WLANs, such as association request frame, association response frame, beacon frame and so on. Obviously, data frames should be transmitted in data sub-network, and management frames be transmitted in control sub-network. Control frames, such as request-to-send (RTS), clear-to-send (CTS), acknowledgement (ACK), and power saving-polling frame (PS-Poll), are usually used with data frames to deal with channel acquisition, carrier sensing maintenance, and giving positive acknowledgement of received data, to improve the reliability of data transmission between stations. Thus, control frames may be transmitted in both sub-networks. When C/U plane sends its packets to the upper layer, management sub-layer can read the information of packets and save the network information, such as which nodes need to transmit data and network topology obtained through control sub-network. We can focus on user data transmitting in business layer with aid of management sub-layer,which offers a uniform interface for high layer protocols. The control sub-network and the data sub-network do not exchange information directly as there is not such an interface. However, both of these two sub-networks could get the related management and control information of each other by means of the management sub-layer. Network layer The management sublayer MAC layer Control Omnidirectional network transmission MAC layer Data network PHY layer Control network PHY layer Data network transmission Directional transmission Fig.3 Protocol stack of mmWave HetWLAN As mmWave HetWLAN keeps compatible with legacy 802.11x and 802.11ad, most enhanced protocols, algorithms, and technologies for 802.11x and 802.11ad could also be implemented for mmWave HetWLAN. 3.2 Analysis of control sub-network As DCF is employed in control sub-network, two-dimensional discrete-time Markov chains model in [23] is introduced. DCF is based on CSMA/CA, which uses a basic acknowledgment mechanism for verifying successful transmissions and an optional RTS/CTS handshaking mechanism to decrease overhead from collisions. There is a binary exponential backoff mechanism in DCF. If a node has a new packet to be transmitted, this node will generate a random backoff interval before transmitting. The backoff time is slotted and the number of backoff slots is uniformly chosen in the range [0, CW]. At the first transmission attempt, the Contention Window, CW, is set equal to a value CWmin called the minimum contention window. After each unsuccessful transmission, CW is doubled up to the maximum value CWmax = 2m∙CWmin. The value m is called the maximum backoff stage, and CWmax is called the maximum contention window. Once CW reaches CWmax, it will remain at the value until the packet is transmitted successfully or the retransmission time reaches the retry limit (m). When the limit is being reached, retransmission attempts will cease and the packet will be discarded. Let W0 be the initial backoff window, W in retransmission attempt i is: Wi 2i W , i m m 2 W , i m (1) Then the average delay slot time for every packet is: p i p m1 Wi 1 2 E Z 1 p m1 i 0 m (2) where p represents the collision probability. The delay is given by (3) E D E Z E slot where E[slot] is the average time length of a slot. Since DCF is contention based, collision probability will increase and delay will become larger with the increasing number of users. Therefore, for the relatively less and small control packets transmitted in the control sub-network, DCF mode is more appropriate to ensure the establishing of network connection. 3.3 Analysis of data sub-network In the data sub-network, we adopt PCF. In the PCF protocol, time is divided into super-frames [24]. A super-frame consists of a Contention Free Period (CFP) in which a Point Coordinator (PC) controls channel access, and a Contention Period (CP) in which the DCF rules apply. The average amount of payload successfully transmitted in CFP is given by ECFP 1 PU EU 1 PD ED (4) where EU and ED are the average payloads of the upload frame and download frame, respectively. After considering the limit of CFP, the average amount of payload successfully transmitted is obtained as follows guaranteed in directional transmission in PCF mode. The data sub-network transmits high-speed data via mmWave and the data packets are normally massive and long, leading to high real-time requirements. PCF mode can improve the throughput and reliability of mmWave transmission, while mmWave can compensate the delay defects of PCF mode. Therefore, DCF and PCF are used for the control sub-network and the data sub-network, respectively. IV SIMULATION RESULTS In order to evaluate our proposed MmWave HetWLANs, the following simulations are carried out in OPNET. We consider an indoor area of 15 × 15m2 where an AP is located in center and 10 STA are around randomly. High-speed video data information is transmitted between them. For comparison, we consider two network architectures, which are our proposed HetWLAN, and the legacy 802.11ad network. The values of the most parameters of the control sub-network and the data sub-network used to obtain numerical results for simulations are specified in IEEE 802.11a and 802.11ad, respectively. In the first 10 seconds, by exchanging control frames through the AP in the omnidirectional mode at 2.4GHz band, all the users access the HetWLAN, as shown in Fig. 4. The accessed users begin to exchange data frames through the AP in the directional mode at 26GHz band. Besides, for comparison, a legacy 802.11ad WLAN is evaluated within the same scenario. ECFP 2.5 9 Heterogeneous HetW LAN Legacy 802.11ad CFPmax B E min ECFP , 1 PU EU 1 PD ED 1 P U SIFS 1 P D SIFS U D 2 Throughtput (bps) (5) The average amount of payload successfully transmitted in CP is given by ECP nPtr Ps Enrt (6) where Enrt is the average payload of non-real-time traffic-frames. Hence, the system throughput η can be expressed as follows: x 10 1.5 1 0.5 Payload successful transmission time in a superframe 0 Average length of a superframe ECFP ECP F (7) PCF is polling based, the AP can allocate resources like channel access to every STA in turn, and thereby the packet dropped probability is small. From (7) we can know the throughput and reliability can be 0 1000 2000 3000 Load (pkt/s) 4000 5000 Fig.4 Network throughput Fig. 4 shows that compared with legacy 802.11ad, HetWLAN can improve network throughput slightly when the traffic load is light. However, along with load increasing, 802.11ad get saturated soon, and the gap between HetWLAN and 802.11ad gets larger and larger. Obviously, as most resources are used for transmit control frames, 802.11ad cannot take full advantages of the mmWave band. This is mainly because in legacy 802.11ad network control and data information are transmitted in the same channel, and the complexity of the directional transmission makes the control load larger than the omnidirectional control sub-network, which causes data information throughput decreases. Besides, in legacy 802.11ad network, there are directional hidden nodes problems with directional transmission. Thus this problem bring down the network throughput. However, HetWLAN achieves the omni-directional coverage control subnet and the data subnet using PCF mechanism. It can reduce the collision of the data and allocate resources reasonably, improving the throughput. 0.2 Legacy 802.11ad Control sub-network Data sub-network 0.18 0.16 Delay (s) 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Load (pkt/s) 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 x 10 4 Fig.5 Delay Fig. 5 shows that delay in HetWLAN is much superior to 802.11ad as it is very hard for 802.11ad to support both random access and Gbps transmission. This is because legacy 802.11ad which only has directional antenna that cannot discover STA in time. When data quantities get larger, it need much more time than HetWLAN to access network. Besides, it is easier for HetWLAN to avoid collision because of control sub-network. These reasons make HetWLAN have smaller delay than legacy 802.11ad. V. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, a deep survey of mmWave WLANs including network topology, protocol, technology, and spectrum is provided. In order to provide random access and Gbps transmission simultaneously, heterogeneous network architecture is proposed for mmWave WLAN, which includes a control sub-network in the omnidirectional mode at 2.4/5GHz and a data sub-network in the directional mode at the mmWave band. After C/U-plane splitting, different MAC and PHY protocols are deployed for two sub-networks, e.g., DCF for the control sub-network and PCF for the data sub-network, respectively. Our simulation results show that compared with legacy 802.11ad, mmWave HetNet can increase network throughput and reduce delay. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61372070), Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (2015JM6324), Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (2014DFT10320), EU FP7 Project MONICA (PIRSES-GA-2011-295222), and the 111 Project (B08038). 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His current research focuses on broadband wireless access, green communications, and near space communications. Due to his excellent works in education and research, in 2008, Prof. Liqiang was s awarded by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education. In addition, he is the corresponding author, Email: lqzhao@mail.xidian.edu.cn. Kai Liang is now a Ph.D. student in Xidian University and major in communication and information systems. He received his bachelor’s degree in communication engineering from Xi’an University of Architecture And Technology, China in 2007. His current research interests include broadband wireless access, wireless network design and coordinated multipoint-to-multiuser communication systems.