Friends Secretary Report 1-15-14

Friends of the Polk City Library
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Stacey Emary.
Members present: Anna Navin, Phyllis Nicholson, Stacey Emary, Krista Bowersox, Deanna
Deason, Sheila Dietz, Regena Butler, and first time attendee’s Mary Weibel and Nancy
Secretaries Report: Krista motioned to accept the October 2013 and the March 2013
minutes for our records. Anna seconded the motion and motioned passed.
Treasurers Report: $5,647.50 as reported by Krista. Motion to accept by Deanna ,
seconded by Anna, and motioned passed.
Librarian’s Report: (Phyllis reporting for Kim)
1) Kim asked for all Friends meeting dates for 2014. They are as follows:
April 16th 6:30 p.m.
July 16th 6:30 p.m.
October 15th 6:30 p.m.
2) Computer classes start in February
3) A request was made for more book totes to store books for the sale
4) A request was made to receive money from friends for books and programs for
Deanna made a motion to donate $100.00 for tote purchase with style and size to be
selected by the library. Sheila seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Sheila made a motion to donate $1,000.00 for book purchase and $1,000.00 for
programs. Stacey seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Old Business:
It was reported by Krista that we have collected $2,600.00 for the project of
purchasing outside tables and chairs for the library. This includes both donations and
matching Friends money. Two new chairs have been purchased and now sit in front of
the libraries fireplace area. They look fabulous and allow for more comfortable seating
in that area.
New Business:
The new sign-up sheet was passed to give people a chance to select the committee
they would like to join and help.
Officer elections were held.
The proposed slate was:
Sheila Dietz – President
Collette Heuertz – Vice President
Stacey Emary – Secretary
Regena Butler – Treasurer
Nancy Coffman – at large director 1 year
Edna Marriott – at large 1 year
Anna Navin – at large 2 year
Krista Bowersox – at large 2 year
A motion was made by Krista Bowersox to accept the slate as proposed. Anna
seconded the motion and the motion passed.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Sheila, seconded by Krista, and motion
Members stayed on to fold and fill membership request forms.
Next Meeting is April 16th at 6:30 p.m.
Signed by: