Rainbow Lodge, North Bend
March 15, 2014
Present: Amy Wiliamson; Anita Radliff; Anna Jackson; Anna Peros; Ardella Williams-Nelson; Auralee
Grubb; Becky Phllips; Mike Fentress; Brian Isbell; Carl Schroer; Tracy Dahl; Chris Bouchard; Wendy
Joseph; Anna Jackson; Ceci Ratliff; Danielle Hodgen; Daphne Lightfood; Lorraine Odom; Janet Cantelon;
Jille Shankar; Karina Sanchez; Bill Chaney; Linda Wilson; Lisa Fortson; Marjorie Davis; Mary Richards;
Patricia Billings; Paula Three Stars; Krista Francis; Scott Copeland; Noel McBride; Carla Idohl-Corwin;
Tammy Graham; Cheryl Fritz; Jack Wollens; Yvonne Starks; Zoya Zhuk; Tammy Zibell; Sherri Ballantyne
Mike Fentress called the Winter FAC Business meeting to order at 10:30am on March 15, 2013 at North
Bend Rainbow Lodge
Fall Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the Fall meeting on October 17, 2013 were presented by Mike Fentress.
Correction was needed in the spelling of Krista’s name.
MOTION: A motion to approve the minutes was made by Krista Francis and seconded by
Carla Idohl-Corwin. The minutes from the fall meeting were approved by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Johanna Dwyer. Account balance as of March 15, 2013 is:
$15,466.63. An update will be given at Spring Meeting after Rainbow Lodge fees have been paid.
There was a discussion that we must be careful to not keep a large balance. We could run into IRS
issues. Tammy will research minutes from prior meetings to see if there have been discussions
regarding remaining balance of funds. One suggestion made was to waive registration fee to reduce our
balance, or to pay travel for those members that do not have travel funds to attend.
MOTION: A motion by Patricia Billings and seconded by Krista to add this topic to New Business
at our Spring Meeting.
FAST Update
The report from the FAST committee was presented by Johanna Dwyer.
The FAST Team concentrated on what was needed now for 13-14 FAF Loads by working on updates for
the New Verification. Johanna said the IRS tool is not year specific; new FAM Patch fixed the issue.
The FAST Team is monitoring discussions on list serves and will be discussing the Shopping Sheet. Jack
Wollens asked if they would have a solution by July and told them this needed to be their top priority.
FAST has revamped the maintenance list and is reviewing other schools workarounds to see if these
items are no longer a priority. They are now prioritizing for next steps. They will finish reformatting the
list and will release it to us.
Next Meeting FAST will discuss responsibilities and scopes. In addition, they will review the charter to
see if it is being followed. They are discussing CTC Link Transitioning. Requests were made for them to
send out updates on what is happening.
There were also discussions on CTC Link Business Processes, Codes and Responsibilities.
The SME’s for CTC Link are: Tammy Zibell, Johanna Dwyer, Jill Shankar, Krista Francis, Becky Phillips and
Amy Williamson.
Lorraine sent a response letter to Seattle College Access Network (SCAN) addressed the following 5
topics: Common Award Letter, Awarding College Bound Scholarship before eligibility is determined,
Cost of Attendance on Award Letter, Common Language and award students 100% of Need. We have
not received any response back.
Sherri Ballantyne handed out a list of standardized award names for everyone to review. Several
suggestions we made. One was made to increase space in FAM for FAPC’s and Becky Phillips mentioned
that SBCTC IT would have to increase over 218 tables which would be a huge programming task.
Another suggestion was to put links on the websites or attachments to explain name. Also, we should
put the word Federal on all Federal Funds and keep work-study identifiable. It was decided the group
would take all suggestions and then meet to do one more draft for approval.
Work Plan – need info from Marissa and she will ask for input.
Volunteer groups – stay focused that all requests go through the FAC Council if groups ask for us.
Suggestion was made for all volunteers requests to go through Marissa. The following volunteers are
A. WSSSC – Workshop Presentation from Financial Aid and will be at Tacoma.
B. Competency Based Degrees – Ceci has had conversations and will send questions to our
liaison Trish. We need to realize it can be done but need the staffing to do it. Our present
staffing cannot absorb the work load. We need better technology. It was acknowledged
that we are going this way and questions as to if we have the resources. Also, we need to
make Department of Education (Suzanne and Kim) aware.
C. WAFAA need volunteers for presentations and workshops. There is a big push for everyone
to volunteer. We can start small and you do not have to be an expert.
D. Prior Learning Assessment is a time commitment because they meeting every 3-6 weeks.
Marissa will contact Jim West from the Student Achievement group to see if we need only 1
E. Data Governance – Suggestion was to use a SME. This is a volunteer opportunity by
F. Affordability (WSAC) Rachelle requesting someone from March – May do a phone
G. Ready to Roll – request to testify or meet with Legislature. Who wants to learn how and
represent the system not your school. Learn what you can say and do. Hear open Hearings.
As a group we need to develop and start now.
Discussed Spring Meeting Options – Do ITV? And coordinate with the State. Marissa will send out
Dates were discussed for the next 2 years Winter Meetings at Rainbow. They are:
2014 March 12, 13, & 15
2015 March 11, 12, & 13
FAC Elections – will send out President Elect and Treasurer
Patricia Billings mad a motion to end the Business Meeting at 11:55am. Mike Fentress seconded the
motion and the Business Meeting was adjourned.