October Newsletter 2012 - Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Rev. William A. Schaefer, Pastor
Living, Learning, and Growing in the Word of God
1325 Mission Road, Latrobe, PA 15650
Phone: 724-537-7273 Fax: 724-537-6039
Webpage: www.princeofpeacelatrobe.com
Email: office@princeofpeacelatrobe.com
October 2012
Volume 50 Issue 9
When In Our Music God Is Glorified
During this month of October, I have a job for you: Take time during worship to just listen to the music of our
faith and give thanks for those who give of themselves to make our music ministry happen here at Prince of Peace.
Take time to appreciate this incredible gift that God has given to us. Maybe you will be moved to take a larger role in
the music ministry of Prince of Peace.
Let’s face it, not all of us are musically inclined. I can sing, but I cannot play an instrument. The notes and
how they correspond to the keys on a piano baffle me. I can tick out a tune, but I cannot play the music. I am amazed
each Wednesday that I am able to sit behind Garnet at choir practice and watch her play. We are blessed to have such
a wonderful musician and teacher serving in our midst.
Music is an important part of our faith. It adds to how we lift our voices in praise to God. We speak our
prayers. We reach out our hands to receive. We kneel in adoration. AND we sing to give glory to God. Our voices
are raised together in one great anthem of praise. Some of the voices are loud and some are soft. Some of the voices
have perfect pitch and some are not. The most important thing is that we give thanks to God each day through this
We have a choir and bell choir who work tirelessly to share their gift with you in praise of Christ and his love
for us. We are also blessed to have Margie Williams serve as the director for both choirs. Each group is small and
they want you to come and be a part of their work for God. The choirs give people with all musical skill levels the
chance to express themselves musically and praise God together. I hope that you will look inside yourself and see the
gift and love of music that God has given to you and join one of our choirs.
On October 7th, as part of our 50th Anniversary, we will welcome Debbie Morley back to Prince of Peace to
help us celebrate. Debbie was our organist in the 70’s and now plays at Trinity Lutheran Church in Latrobe. October
7th will not only be a chance to welcome Debbie back to Prince of Peace, it will also be a chance to celebrate the great
heritage of music that we have had over the years. Prince of Peace has been strengthened and grown in our faith
because of all of those who are currently serving or have served our Music Ministry.
As you listen and sing, give thanks for how much God has given us in this congregation when it comes to
music and then consider if you would like to be a part of that great heritage of music. We are called to make a joyful
noise unto the Lord. I ask you to join me in the praise of him who died for us through our words, our deeds and our
Yours in Christ,
Rosie Nickle – Ministry Chair
Christian Education Meeting – October 11th at
Women’s Bible Study – Friday, October 19th at
Sunday School – The Sunday School would like to
have veterans come and talk to the kids on
Veteran’s Day Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012. Regarding
how lessons and Bible Stories they learned in
Sunday School helped them during their service
time. Sunday School is from 9:00a.m.-10:00a.m.
Please talk with Rosie if you are interesting in
talking to the kids and she will schedule you for a
10-15 minute time period.
Want to have a fun night with other Lutheran Youth
in the area? Here is your chance. There will be a
“Sunday Night Live” (SNL) event at Zion Lutheran
Church in Greensburg on Sunday, October 14 th from
5-8p.m. Dinner will be provided. Please let Jen
know by Oct. 7th if you are coming so they have a
count for dinner. Parents are welcome too. We will
meet at POP at 4:15p.m. and go as a group. Jen
will transport youth if needed.
Youth Group Meeting – Sunday, Oct. 21st, at
4:30p.m. to plan for the year. We will be having
pizza and parents are welcome to come as well.
Youth Group is for youth in 5-12th grade.
Dave Bowser – Ministry Chair
Beginning Balance
Ending Balance
2012 Pledge
Amount Pledged to Date
Amount Received to Date
Difference Over/(Under)
Beginning Balance
Total Available
Less Disbursements
Ending Balance
$ 2,151.09
$ 8,593.88
$ 8,822.82
$ 841.26
- -0$30,780.26
Life Line Screening You Can Avoid A Stroke!
Most people can’t identify a single risk factor
or a warning sign of stroke, yet over 750,000
Americans will be affected by a stroke this year
Life Line Screening will be at Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church performing a day of preventive
health screenings on 11/30/2012.
Screenings are fast, painless and offered at
low cost. They involve the use of ultrasound
technology and scan for potential health problems
related to: blocked arteries which can lead to a
stroke, aortic aneurysms which can lead to a
rupture, and plaque buildup in the arteries in the
legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease.
Also offered for men and women is a bone density
screening to assess their risk for osteoporosis.
These non-invasive, inexpensive and painless
ultrasound tests help people identify their risk for
stroke, vascular diseases or osteoporosis early
enough for their physician to begin preventive
The screenings takes about 90 minutes or
less to complete. Our complete wellness package
which includes the Stroke/Carotid Artery, Abdominal
Aortic Aneurysm, Ankle Brachial Index (hardening of
the arteries) and Osteoporosis screening
ranges $129-$139. Sign up for the Complete
Wellness plus Heart Rhythm Package (which
includes the atrial fibrillation screening) and pay
only $139-$149.
Appointments spaces are limited and preregistration is required. Sign up now by calling toll
free to 1-888-653-6441
Women of the ELCA – Cluster event will be
Saturday October 13th at Penn Hills Zions Church in
Pittsburgh from 9-1. If you are interested in going,
please let Jen know by Sunday Oct. 7th. Lunch is
$5.00. Jen will be driving and can take ladies with
her. She will leave from the church parking lot at
8:00a.m. and return around 2:00p.m.
Shirley Kelley – Ministry Chair
1962-2012 50th Anniversary
Living, Learning and Growing
in the Word of God
50 Years of Ministry – On November 25, 2012,
Prince of Peace will celebrate 50 years of
Ministry. The First services were on June 3, 1962
and the Congregation was officially formed on
November 25, 1962. For 50 years, we have served
the people of Lawson Heights, Latrobe, Unity
Township and the Synods of Southwestern PA. If
you would like to be involved or have an idea you
would like to share, contact Vickie Onusko, Shirley
Kelley, Pam Yuhaniak, or Pastor Bill.
Note – if you have any slides that you would like
to contribute to the celebration, Pastor does have
a slide converter. He can convert your slides and
even give you copies on a memory stick if you
like and then return the original slides
 The anniversary committee is looking for
photos, movies, slides, programs, or any
items that would help to archive the history
of Prince of Peace. We would like to make a
digital "movie" to put onto our web site. If
you have something we could use, please
get it to Pastor or to Kellie in the office. If
you would like it back, please mark it with
your name and phone number so we can
return it when we are finished.
The anniversary committee is offering for
sale wooden replicas of our church building
from the Cat’s Meow Company as a
memento of our anniversary celebration.
They can be purchased today for a cost of
only $15.
The 50th anniversary committee will be selling
commemorative gold Christmas ornaments
beginning the second Sunday in October. The
ornaments will sell for $7.50 each, or two for
$12. Please make checks payable to Prince of
Peace, and make a note for “anniversary” or
“Christmas ornaments”. All fundraising done by the
anniversary committee is to ensure that everyone
will be able to attend the 50th Anniversary
Celebration Dinner on Sunday, November 25th at no
As part of the 50th Anniversary celebration, Debbie
Morley will be our guest organist on October 7th.
Debbie Morley was the organist here at Prince of
Peace from Sept 1972 through April 1980.
Susann Tschupp – Ministry Chair
In Season and Out of Season
Ecclesiastes 3 begins with words familiar to
much of the world: “For everything there is a
season, and a time for every matter under Heaven.”
Like it or not, the summer season is over. Many
sighed with regret that relaxing, fun-filled, less
structured days are over. Others, refreshed and
invigorated, have eagerly plunged into the routines
of fall again, excited about new challenges and
enthusiastic about projects and activities that lie
Even though the ebb and flow of our lives
change with the variation of the seasons, some
things remain constant. One of those constants is,
of course, God’s presence with us: “I will never
leave you nor forsake you,” promises the Father.
“So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper;
I will not fear; What can man do to me?’” (Hebrews
Another is God’s complete control over the
seasons. We may become impatient, but God’s
timing and His response are always right. “At an
acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of Your
steadfast love answer me in Your saving
faithfulness,” (Psalm 69:13), we boldly pray, asking
that God’s will be done.
Another constant is the privilege to be about
our Father’s business. As long as we remain on
earth, God has a purpose for us. The Apostle Paul
exhorts us, “Preach the Word; be ready in season
and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort,
with complete patience and teaching” (2 Timothy
4:2). He goes on to remind us that our words will
not always be heeded. In every season, throughout
the history of the Church, there have been scoffers
and those who “will not endure sound teaching, but
having itching ears they will accumulate for
themselves teachers to suit their own passions” (2
Timothy 4:3). We leave them to God; we are called
simply to be “ready in season and out of season.”
As stewards, we don’t go on vacation.
Wherever we are we are preaching the Word, to
whomever God places around us. The whole object
of our stewardship is that God’s Word be preached
and taught. We do this directly and indirectly. We
provide the sustenance of those whose entire lives
are given to this preaching and teaching even as we
use the gifts God has given us to witness to His
saving grace as we go about our daily lives. “In
season and out of season” we joyfully proclaim His
gift of salvation to all who will hear.
Pam Yuhaniak – Ministry Chair
October 7th
Greeters: Larry and Nancy Miller
Acolyte: Carolyn Hay
Lay Reader: Dave Braden
Lay Assistants: Gus and Esther Toth
Counters: Ed Sparber/Jenny Bowser
October 14th
Greeters: Wesley & Phyllis Orange
Acolyte: Zach Brewer
Lay Reader: Dave Braden
Counters: Dwight Sarson/Ruth Massena
October 21st
Greeters: Carol Carey
Acolyte: Courtney Warren
Lay Reader: Jen Bowser
Lay Assistants: Jim and Shirley Moretti
Counters: Kellie Douglas/Bob Woller
October 28th
Greeters: Cathie Schall
Acolyte: Carisa Byich
Lay Reader: Jen Bowser
Counters: Glenn Thompson/R.R. Schmitt
Head Usher for October – NEEDED - Weekly
Altar Care for October is Vickie Onusko
Coffee With Kirk – Kirk Perry from Thrivent
Financial will be here on Sunday, October 14th after
church. Enjoy coffee and donuts and ask Kirk any
questions you may have about how Thrivent works
and how they could help you plan/manage your
If you or someone you know from the
congregation is in the hospital or is at home
and sick and needs a visit from Pastor Bill,
please call the office so that he can schedule a
visit. The Pastor is only told by the hospital
when a person is a patient if they ask for the
church to be notified.
Prayer is an essential part of who we are as a
people of God. Below is a list of people from
our congregation to keep in your daily prayers.
If you know of others who should be added to
these lists, please contact the church office
with the names.
*Note – those added to the prayer list are entered
for two months. When the two months expires the
program automatically removes them from the list.
If you would like your loved one added for more or
less time than two months please specify on the
“Request a Prayer” card and it will be done. If your
loved one has rotated off the list and are still in
need of prayer please let Kellie and the Pastor
From our congregation: Julie Zeltner, Bev Guyer,
Mary Jane Hayden, Dave Williams, Ron Carey, Bob
Shaw, Tracey Richards, Vi McIlnay, Trudie
Washnock, Verna Frontz and Norie Schrecengost.
Our Shut-in members: Louise Johns(Beacon
Ridge), Frieda Nehls (Nature Park Commons), Helen
Albright(at home), Phyllis Stewart (Redstone
Highlands), Marie Hill(at home), Dolores Helfferich
(Emeritus), Violet Myers (Barnes House), and
Vergean Helfferich (Latrobe Care Center)
October 14 @ 3:00p.m.
Here in the POP parking lot!
The Birch Tree – As many of you have noticed, the
beautiful old birch tree has been cut down. The tree
had reached the end of its life and was diseased. It
will be replaced by a new tree, probably in the
spring, which will be planted in celebration of our
50th Anniversary.
Parties for a Playground – Prince of Peace
Playground Committee is hosting a craft show and
bake sale on November 3rd from 10-2. Start your
Holiday Shipping and help build the playground at
the same time.
Others in need of our prayers: Rev. Susan
Luttner, Dan Schaefer, Betty Onusko, Mary Jane
Bangor, Mary Evelyn and Gene Miller, Cecil Metz,
Lillian Santone, Matthew Pickering, Matt Black,
Marlene Guy, Jason Fabian, Keith George, Debbie
Gehlman, Tim Walter, Marlene Guy, Hannah Toth,
Jane Smail, Arlene Faustner, Art Schultz, Charles
and Lovaine Wolfgang, Anita Perry, Jack Lindsey,
Dorothy Layko, Helen Lowman, Tonie Holnaider,
Dylan Breletic and Christina.
Those in the Military: Sean Stewart, Justin
Kowatch, Brian Miller, Jordan Omlor, Troy Golden,
Richard Schall, Erik Sarson, Christopher Lindsey and
the 28th Military Police Battalion.
This page features our members that are doing positive things within the congregation and
in the community. If you catch someone being “good” please let Kellie know so they can
be featured in this new section.
Westmoreland Gives Day of Giving
Prince of Peace is currently involved in
the following caring drives. Please
donate to one or all of these “good”
Prince of Peace is scheduled to help with Fresh
Express distribution in our parking lot on Thursday,
October 11. Please mark this date on your calendar
Faith in Action is raking leave for the community on
Saturday, November 10th. P.O.P. is forming a group
to join n. Talk to Larry Weltz or Vickie Onusko if you
want to help. Note – this counts as community
service for the confirmation class and looks great on
those college applications!
Harvest Home Food Collection – will take place
every Sunday in October. Bring in your nonperishable items (PLEASE CHECK EXPIRATION DATES)
to worship, or place monetary donation sin the
collection plate marked “Harvest Home” All collections
will be distributed within our congregation this year.
Blanket Drive: It is that time of year again.
Beginning the first week of October we will again
collect gently used or new blankets for those in need.
Help keep someone warm and toasty this winter.
Please place blankets in the bin in the Narthex.
Courtney Warren – will be collecting white socks for
the homeless in Pittsburgh. Please place the socks in
the box in the Narthex. Thank you.
Supporting our own members – This new ministry
here at Prince of Peace has definitely been a blessing
for a few of our families that have had difficulties for
one reason or another. We will be collecting monetary
donation and on the first Sunday of every month will
pass the “Joyful Noise” buckets during service. You
can place any loose change or any monetary donation
into these buckets. With the monetary donations we
are able to buy gift cards for groceries, gas, etc.
Please continue to support this valuable ministry as
you can. If you are in need or know of one of our
members who is struggling and could use this help
please let Kellie or Pastor know. This information is
strictly confidential.
Mark your calendars! Westmoreland Gives Day of Giving is
Wednesday, October 3rd. The Community Foundation of
Westmoreland County in affiliation with The Pittsburgh
Foundation will match a portion of gifts given to Adams
Memorial Library on this day. Last year Adams Memorial
Library was able to raise $5,398. Let’s try to top this record!
Strengthen the impact of your gift by donating online at
westmorelandgives.org on October 3rd. Only gifts given
online on this day will be matched. Thank you for your
God Are You Listening
A man was walking through a forest
pondering life. He walked, pondered, walked,
and pondered. He felt very close to nature
and even close to God. He felt so close to
God that he felt if he spoke God would listen.
So he asked, "God, are you listening?"
And God replied, "Yes my son, I am here."
The man stopped and pondered some more.
He looked towards the sky and said, "God,
what is a million years to you?"
God replied, "Well my son, a second to me is
like a million years to you."
So the man continued to walk and to
ponder... walk and ponder...
Then he looked to the sky again and said,
"God, what is a million dollars to you?"
And God replied, "My son, my son...a penny
to me is like a million dollars to you. It
means almost nothing to me. It does not
even have a value it is so little."
The man looked down, pondered a bit and
then looked up to the sky and said, "God,
can I have a million dollars?"
And God replied, "In a second."
Finance – Dave Bowser (412-554-5139)
Outreach - Vickie Onusko - (537-9383)
Larry Weltz – (532-1463)
Vice President – Dave Bowser (412-554-5139)
Fellowship - Shirley Kelley - (537-5645)
Secretary – Cathie Schall – (539-7164)
Worship/Music – Pam Yuhaniak (537-5533)
Cathie Schall – (539-7164)
Financial Secretary - Pat Fry (539-7513)
Library - Margy Williams - (539-8704)
Treasurer – Andria Wood (879-4180)
W.E.L.C.A. - Shirley Kelley - (537-5645)
Stewardship - Susan Tschupp (219-3893)
Memorial Committee –Pastor Bill/Pat Fry
Christian Ed – Rosie Nickle (539-9488)
Prayer Chain – Ginger Warren (593-7524)
Evangelism – Andria Wood – (879-4180)
Altar Care - Pam Yuhaniak - (537-5533)
Property/House – Mark Lucas (238-9897)
Funeral Dinner Coordinators– Sheila Thompson –
R.R. Schmitt (537-3245)
(537-8010)/Ginger Warren (593-7524)
Lee Semasko (537-9164)
President – Vickie Onusko(537-9383)
October Birthdays
1 Jennie Wells
3 Wayne Sherer
5 Dolly Meighen
Teagan Schmitt
9 Emily Torrero
10 Ken Lloyd
12 Matthew Weltz
Jenna Giovannagelo
13 Bethany Means
Shane Battistoni
Lisa Mentch
14 Chelsea Nolan
David Bowser
Hannah Brewer
R.R. Schmitt
16 Robert Shaw III
Larry Miller
17 Faith Wells
18 Dennis Zeltner
Scott McIlnay
Shelby Ross
20 Kimberly Smith
Kris Kotouch
21 Katie Schmucker
22 Ann Koontz
23 Lane Wells
25 Steve Kowatch
Anthony Catone
27 Jennifer Brewer
Jim Moretti
Norie Schrecengost
28 Laura Gerhart
Janet Mills
Janet Vid
29 Susann Tschupp
31 Meah Ezykowsky
Steven Thomas
Jen Schaefer
October Baptisms
5 Scott West
6 Ian Semasko
7 Matthew Weaver
10 Dwight Sarson
11 Heather Smolleck
15 David Brewer
17 Cody McGinity
Dustyn McGinity
Heather Hay
18 Troy Kowatch
20 James Weaver
Nicole Duppstadt
24 Louise Helfferich
25 Rosemary Gerhart
Kristine Johnson
30 Heaven Cole
31 Paul Smith, Jr.
Carla Matrunics
October Anniversaries
1 Tom & Kim Ridge
3 Paul & Judy Kuhns
14 Bob & Elaine Woller
22 David & Nancy Matheny
23 William & Margaret Wood
25 Wendy and Merle Jones
29 James & Kay Ramsey
30 Neil & Jamie Kelly
“Foolishness always results when the tongue
outraces the brain.”