STANDARD PROTOCOL #1 FOR AUTOMATED CVR Submitted to REGIONAL TECHNICAL FORUM Submitted by PCS UtiliData 6620 N. Market St. Spokane, WA 99217 November 1, 2011 Prepared by PCS UtiliData STANDARD PROTOCOL #1 FOR AUTOMATED CVR TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE ................................................................................................... 1 2. SUNSET CRITERIA ......................................................................................... 1 3. DEFINITION 4. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS ....................................................................................... 2 5. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF PRACTITIONER .......................................... 2 6. DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 2 a. b. c. d. OF KEY TERMS ............................................................................ 1 Temperature .................................................................................................................... 2 Metering and Data ........................................................................................................... 3 Instrumentation ............................................................................................................... 3 Shop Calibration and Field Verification ........................................................................... 3 7. POST-PERIOD RE-VERIFICATION TRIGGERS ......................................................... 3 8. BASELINE PERFORMANCE ............................................................................... 3 a. 9. Application Specifications: .................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. METHOD DESCRIPTION: ................................................................................ 4 a. b. c. d. Primary Method ............................................................................................................... 4 Program Savings............................................................................................................... 4 CVRf Estimation (applies to the performance evaluation period) ................................... 5 Automated CVR Performance Forecasting ...................................................................... 5 10. MODEL ..................................................................................................... 5 11. CONTROL GROUP: ....................................................................................... 6 12. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROTOCOLS AND GUIDELINES ......................................... 6 13. RECOMMENDED MODELS AND TOOLS: .............................................................. 6 14. REFERENCES: .............................................................................................. 6 i STANDARD PROTOCOL #1 FOR AUTOMATED CVR 1. PURPOSE This protocol establishes a method by which annual electrical energy savings (kWh) can be estimated for electric utility distribution feeders and substations feeding residential, commercial and industrial customers when those feeders or substations are equipped with an automated CVR system. This protocol specifies minimum acceptable data collection requirements and the method by which these data are to be used in computing savings. 2. SUNSET CRITERIA This protocol is approved for use until December 31, 2020 at which time it shall be reviewed for continued approval by the RTF. 3. DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Automated CVR System: Automated CVR (ACVR) systems are also known as Volt/VAR Optimization (VVO) systems, Integrated Volt/VAR Control (IVVC) systems and by other names and acronyms when they are being operated in a CVR mode. They key feature is that they be considered a “smart grid” Distribution Automation (DA) application. Conservation Voltage Regulation/Reduction (CVR): CVR is the operating practice of controlling distribution feeder voltage so that utilization devices operate at their peak efficiency, which is usually at a level near the lower bounds of their utilization and/or nameplate voltages. Conservation Voltage Regulation/Reduction Factor (CVRf): CVRf = per unit (or %) energy saved per unit (or %) voltage reduced. The CVRf represents the average slope on the utilization device’s efficiency curve between the current voltage and the new proposed regulated voltage. For example, a CVRf of 1.00 would essentially indicate a 1% reduction in energy usage for every 1% reduction in voltage. Project. An automated CVR system is installed on a utility’s distribution feeder or feeders feeding residential, commercial and industrial customers. Baseline. Each feeder acts as its own baseline in the protocol on ACVR off days during the protocol testing period. Post Period Re-Verification. This refers to re-verification of CVRfs when certain changes have occurred to either the feeder load or the physical topology of a feeder. Commissioning. This is the process of testing and adjustment required to ensure that the automated CVR system is functioning properly. 1 STANDARD PROTOCOL #1 FOR AUTOMATED CVR 4. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS Eligible projects include all installations or implementations of automatic CVR systems on utility substations or feeders where these automated systems can be turned on and off on a daily basis, have the voltage set-points changed on a daily basis, have the ability to measure and record period average bus and end-of-line voltages, period kWh, period kVARh on a per feeder basis and measure and record period average temperature. The method is applicable where no previous energy usage information is available The ideal application would be where the automatic CVR control components could also monitor and store the period data. 5. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF PRACTITIONER The practitioner who has lead responsibility for applying this protocol to an automated CVR system must have at a full understanding of the following: Appropriate knowledge of the application of CVR to distribution systems and the underlying physics of relationships between operating voltage levels and energy consumption Appropriate knowledge of the use of engineering time series analysis Appropriate knowledge of the use of Robust Statistical procedures used to analyze non-Gausian data Appropriate knowledge of distribution feeder and substation operations Understand the requirements and procedures of this protocol The practitioner must also be able to successfully: Operate in a MatLab® M-Code environment Inspect and interpret raw feeder energy and voltage data 6. DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS a. Temperature Correct temperature data is essential to the accurate use of this verification method. It is recommended that the automated CVR system records period temperatures at the substation. Because the substation is usually at the geographic center of the area served this temperature will usually suffice. However, if significant microclimates are known to exist, temperature monitoring and recording may also be required at the feeder end-of-line location, so that an average temperature for the feeder may be obtained. 2 STANDARD PROTOCOL #1 FOR AUTOMATED CVR b. Metering and Data Data recording periods should be no greater than one hour, and can be as short as the system allows. Weather data should be collected on the same time period as the load data. Data collected is subject to audit. c. Instrumentation Voltage monitors should have linearity of better than ½% within the expected ranges of voltage and temperature drift should be less than ½% from -40 degrees C to 65 degrees C. Power monitors should be revenue grade accuracy but need not be revenue class. d. Shop Calibration and Field Verification Instruments and meters should be shop calibrated. Field verification and inspections are required to verify correct installation and correct readings. 7. POST-PERIOD RE-VERIFICATION TRIGGERS Re-verification will be required when there is a +/- 10% shift in temperature adjusted total annual load or a +/-10% shift in temperature adjusted total load during heating regime hours or a +/-10% shift in temperature adjusted total load during cooling regime hours or permanent reconfiguring of the distribution system (not including re-conductoring, transformer replacement, capacitor banks, or other distribution system efficiency project.) If re-verification is triggered by a shift in the loads during heating or cooling regimes, the re-verification protocol will consist of one sixty day period during either the heating or cooling period. On alternate days the system is at full voltage reduction, and the next day at the controlled nominal midpoint. If re-verification is triggered by a shift in total annual load or a permanent re-configuration the reverification protocol will consist of two sixty day periods, one in the heating period and one in the cooling period. On alternate days the system is at full voltage reduction, and the next day at the controlled nominal midpoint. The new CVRfs determined by these re-verifications will be used in lieu of the original CVRfs. 8. BASELINE PERFORMANCE The baseline voltage levels are established by the historical regulator or LTC control settings. One or more years of historical regulator or LTC setting information should be made part of the verification data records. 3 STANDARD PROTOCOL #1 FOR AUTOMATED CVR 9. METHOD DESCRIPTION: a. Primary Method The primary method of verifying energy savings is to operate the system in such a way as to operate at different voltage levels on alternating days. The initial verification period would last one year. The verification would begin with 90 days or three months of one day at full voltage reduction and one day of automated CVR off. During the next 9 months the automated CVR would be on continuously except for three (non-contiguous) of these nine months selected based on season and other factors such as geographic weather patterns etc., to operate the system so that on alternate days the system is at full voltage reduction, and the next day with automated CVR off. Time series analysis procedures, robust statistical methods, and temperature compensation methods are then used to evaluate the total energy conservation by comparing energy use on similar days at different voltage levels. For instance, winter weekdays would be compared against winter weekdays, summer weekdays against summer weekdays, etc. Conservation voltage regulation factors (CVRf) then computed for each feeder the different seasons for weekdays and for weekends. CVRfs are used to estimate total ongoing energy conservation. CVRfs are verified during similar periods in following periods by running alternating days with full end of line voltage reduction and 2 volts above full end of line voltage reduction for two to four week periods. b. Program Savings The program savings are estimated by using the following definition: Esaved = Eused [(CVRf*Vr%/(1-CVRf*Vr%)] In which: Esaved = Energy Conserved for period in kWh, MWh or GWh Eused = Measured Energy used for period in kWh, MWh or GWhCVRf = Period conservation voltage reduction factor as computed using time series analysis and robust statistical methods with temperature compensation for specific seasons. CVRf will be different for weekday and weekend. (See estimation method below.) Vr = Average period end of line voltage reduction Vr% = Average period end of line voltage reduction in percent Voc = measured average end of line voltage with automated CVR non operational Vcvr = measured average end of line voltage with automated CVR operational 4 STANDARD PROTOCOL #1 FOR AUTOMATED CVR Vr = Voc – Vcvr Vr% = Vr/Voc * 100 c. CVRf Estimation (applies to the performance evaluation period) Integrated demand profiles, one each for the automated CVR system active and inactive, are estimated on a common ambient temperature basis using the method (“Estimation of Automated CVR System Performance Using Observed Energy Demand Load Profiles”); the 24-hour sum of the difference between these profiles is the estimated conserved energy for the evaluation. The mean difference of the end of circuit voltages for the automated CVR system active and inactive is estimated. The CVRf is then determined from the ratio of these two quantities, and can be expressed on an absolute or per unit basis (the per unit basis is recommended). Recognizing (1) the stochastic nature of the energy observations as discussed in the UtiliData CVR Estimation Method, (2) the requirement to evaluate the performance of candidate automated CVR systems using the smallest (least duration) set of energy observations, and (3) that the probability densities of the relevant observations clearly exhibit non-homogeneous variance and are also clearly not Gaussian processes, the required estimations should be carried out using robust statistical procedures. Specifically, the Minimum Covariance Determinant estimators should be applied, because (1) their breakdown point is high and (2) they do not require that the observations exhibit a symmetrical probability density. d. Automated CVR Performance Forecasting The UtiliData CVR Estimation Method referenced above, estimates CVR using the observations of the automated CVR system inactive state as a reference. In principle, forecasting for a given circuit then simply requires a base demand profile, a projected end of circuit voltage reduction, and the estimation results from the evaluation period. 10. MODEL The current model used for the time series analysis includes compensation for temperature. There are a number of additional factors that affect energy use and could be added to the model. Addition of these factors will tend to improve the predictive accuracy and reduce “outlier” data points. Factors that may be considered for inclusion in the model in the future will include daylight and dark hours, solar intensity, day of week, humidity, etc. Adding any or all of these to the model should not change the basic measurement and verification protocol. 5 STANDARD PROTOCOL #1 FOR AUTOMATED CVR 11. CONTROL GROUP: No control group or baseline is required because with on-off and variable voltage set point capability, the application group can act as its own control group or baseline during testing periods. 12. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROTOCOLS AND GUIDELINES The relationship between this protocol and other relevant protocols and guidelines is as follows: International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol, Concepts and Options for Determining Energy and Water Saving, Volume 1, Revised March 2002. DOE/GO-102002-1554. This protocol is consistent with Options C - and D of that document. M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Federal Energy Projects Version 3.0, U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program. This protocol is consistent with Option C. 13. RECOMMENDED MODELS AND TOOLS: UtiliData® Automated CVR Estimation Method Tools MatLab® (©1994-2003 by the MathWorks, Inc.) tools are available from PCS UtiliData to use with this protocol. 14. REFERENCES: Rousseeuw, P J, Leroy AM, ‘Robust Regression and Outlier Detection’, Wiley 1987. Rousseeuw, P J, 'Introduction to Positive Breakdown Methods', in Handbook of Statistics, Volume 15: Robust Inference, editors G S Maddala and C R Rao, Elsevier 1997. “Estimation of Automated CVR System Performance using Observed Energy Demand Profiles”, David Bell, March 15, 2004. (available at 6