Independence Now 2014 Annual Report (Word format)

July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Annual Report
Independence Now
The mission of Independence Now is to facilitate independent
thought and action by people with disabilities. We promote the
principle that each person has value. To this end, we provide the
tools for individuals to develop and discover their power to
control their interactions with the environment, their families and
their communities. Independence Now is part of a state and
national network of Centers for Independent Living.
Independence Now
12301 Old Columbia Pike, Suite 101
Silver Spring, MD 20904
1300 Caraway Court, Suite 200
Largo, MD 20774
Report on Independence Now 2014
Sarah Sorensen, Executive Director
The holistic approach to Independent Living Services is alive and well at
Independence Now. This can be showcased through a story. In the late summer of
2012 through a referral from a local Rehabilitation Hospital we first met Ali Al Haeri
who was 23 years old. Initially an Independent Living Specialist was visiting him in a
Nursing Facility, wherein they discussed his desire to get an apartment and move
back to the community. At that point Ali was internally referred from the ILS to our
Money Follows the Person Program who visited him and supported him to complete
Ali Al Haeri in his new apartment!
a Medicaid Wavier application for long term community supports and services. The
ILS continued to work with Ali on the goals he set for himself and provided a great deal of information on issues that
arose for Ali. Ali was approved for the Medicaid Wavier and was seeking housing. When the ILS found out about a
housing opportunity it was forwarded to Ali, who now well versed in self advocacy took it upon himself to apply for
housing and work with the management company to be able to afford the Tax Credit Unit.
It is wonderful to report that in February of this year Ali and his wife moved into an apartment in Silver Spring. After
moving in Ali realized that his accessible apartment needed some modification to allow him to have the most
independence possible. So he was referred by his ILS to our Home Modification and Assistive Technology program. An
Environmental Assessment was completed and equipment was purchased using funds from the grant. A tub transfer
system which fits in the tub and over the toilet makes it possible for him to use his bathroom without having to make
costly modifications. An automatic door opener will enable him to enter and exit his apartment independently and to
welcome guests into his home.
Through the past two years Ali has touched three of the major programs at Independence Now; each has served him
well and supported him to make progress along his path to independence. Ali’s story showcases how integral Centers
for Independent Living are in the disability community and what a difference they can make in the lives of real people
seeking freedom, power and Independence Now!
Administrative Staff:
Sarah Sorensen, Executive Director
Todd Thorpe, Director of Operations
Mike Polits, Director of Finance
Travel Training
TRAVEL! When you say this word it can evoke thoughts of vacation, going to exotic places, riding in a car, bus, or train as
a part of a daily commute. It can bring about feelings of excitement, anxiety and even dread. For some folks traveling
can be life changing. It means greater confidence, overcoming obstacles and gaining independence. The Travel Training
program at Independence Now has witnessed many feats of courage as students have overcome their fears to gain
greater Independence. Ms. A is a 20 year old young woman from Prince Georges County, with a great sense of humor
and greater determination. Ms. A was preparing to attend classes at the Montgomery College in the fall so we had the
end of the summer to begin practicing the route from her home in Greenbelt to the Rockville Campus. Ms. A’s
knowledge of riding the bus/rail system was very little when she began travel training and her trip consisted of 2 busses
and 2 different trains to get her to class by 9am. Another aspect of the trip that we had to overcome was Ms. A’s slight
fear of crowds and crowded places. Given the time of the morning she had to travel, this was definitely is an issue.
In 8 sessions of one-on-one Travel Training, Ms. A went from not being sure if she could achieve this goal to totally
nailing the entire Metro system down. Through the travel training program Ms. A has achieved a greater level of
independence allowing her not only to safely travel to her school but all over the Metro system. Seeing trainees achieve
their goals is truly the best part of the job.
Trish Foley, Project Director
Denise Sosbe, Travel Trainer
Brandon Taylor, Travel Trainer
Youth Programs
In 2013 we invited 30 high school students with disabilities from all over the state to participate in the Youth Leadership
Forum at Towson University. The forum took place over four days and three nights at the campus allowing the students
to experience what life on a college campus will be like. The students had an action packed week learning about
leadership, self-advocacy and most importantly themselves and what they want for their future.
Moving into 2014 YLF had a few changes. Kim Wihelm, former Youth Programs Coordinator, left Independence Now and
Katie Carroll started in January to fill her position. YLF was also condensed to three days with only 1 over-night and will
now be split between Montgomery College in Silver Spring and Towson University.
YLF alumni and a 2014 delegate did a travel training exercise to attend a Nationals Baseball Game in Washington, DC.
Everyone met the travel trainers from Independence Now at the Glenmont Metro station and rode together the
Nationals ball park where they got to watch a game. Everyone had of fun at the game and learned a lot about how to
use the metro system and travel safely.
After many interviews and pre YLF activities we are thrilled to welcome this year’s newest YLF delegates on June 7th.
The delegates will spend the day at Montgomery College learning about disability history, leadership and assistive
technology. After a two week break YLF will reconvene at Towson University for two days filled with advocacy,
leadership and personal development activities in addition to a few social programs. Following the three YLF days
regional sessions will be held with all of the delegates to discuss additional topics related to identifying personal support
systems and different styles of communication.
Katie Carroll, Youth Program Coordinator
Maryland Work Incentives Network (WIPA)
In 2013, the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) project for Maryland restarted after a year hiatus. The
project was reorganized to be more locally based. Under the new name of Maryland Work Incentives Network, we now
subcontract WIPA services to most of the counties in the state. There are 4 sub-contractors who provide the bulk of the
services: Full Circle Employment Solutions (covering the Baltimore vicinity and the Eastern Shore), Resources for
Independence (Western Maryland), Mosaic Community Services (Carroll County), and Way Station (Howard and
Frederick Counties).
The remaining counties in Maryland (Suburban and Southern MD) are being served by our own CWIC, Cindy LaBon.
Cindy helps beneficiaries use work incentives to become more financially independent. Helping people become
financially self-sufficient through work is the ultimate goal of WIPA. We are here to promote the idea that work is a
good thing, if you understand Social Security’s rules and work incentives. We tell beneficiaries what work incentives are
and help them use them to manage their benefits. This information dispels the myths surrounding work and benefits
that keep so many people with disabilities in poverty.
Here is an example of the power of using work incentives: A beneficiary who receives both SSI and SSDI came to us at
the beginning of his first attempt at employment in 12 years. We are helping him track his Trial Work Period and will
help him use a work incentive that may help him keep his SSDI. He understands that he will not be receiving SSI cash
payments while he is working and will remain eligible for Medicaid. He has been working now for 3 months, a feat that
he had not been able to accomplish for 25 years.
David Mitchell, Project Director
Cindy LaBon, CWIC
Independence Now, Inc. Statements of Financial Position as of September 30, 2013
Cash and cash equivalents
Grants and contracts receivable
Prepaid expenses and other
Property and equipment, net
Accounts and other payables
Deferred revenue
Deferred rent
Capital leases
Temporarily restricted
Total assets
Total liabilities
Net assets
Total Net Assets
Independence Now, Inc.
Statements of Support, Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Balances
As of September 30, 2013
Program services
General and administrative
Total expenses
Changes in Net Assets
Support and Revenue
Total support and revenue
Independent Living Services
Independence Now has provided independent living (IL) services to 383 consumers with disabilities who live in
Montgomery and Prince George's Counties during this annual reporting year. Through the provision of IL Core services
consumers received assistance with achieving their self-directed goals.
Mr. C is 43 years old and blind. He began receiving IL Services in January 2013. He was a resident of a Nursing Facility
and with the assistance of IN’s IL and MFP staff; he transitioned from the Nursing Facility to his own housing in the
community. After his transition IL Staff assisted him by advocating to Disability Organizations, provided Support Services,
Peer Support and continuing services which supports Mr. C in successfully living independently in the community.
Ms. J.T is 52 years old and has depression and an orthopedic knee condition. She has been a consumer since March
2011. She has actively worked with IL Specialist to achieve her goals and applied for and obtained affordable apartment
in 2012. This inspired her to seek renting a house, which she accomplished in September 2013. During 2013-2014, she
has worked with staff who have advocated on her behalf that has allowed her to obtain energy assistance and obtain
new furniture to make her home livable.
Mr. V is 30 years old and has bipolar disorder. When he began receiving IL Services in April 2013, he had many
challenges. He was living at home with his parents and his two children. His parents were financially providing for Mr. V
and his two children even though he was working a part-time job. His parents were paying for all health and
prescription costs as well as food and clothing. Mr. V was not paying any rent. This arrangement was difficult for all
relationships involved. Through peer counseling, advocacy, independent living skills training and information and
referral provided by his IL Specialist, Mr. V was able to obtain assistance with his prescriptions and receive Medicaid and
Food Stamps. This has relieved his family of much financial responsibility and has improved the relationships. Mr. V has
taken on his challenges with determination and is working towards further gainful employment.
Total of Events: 17
Hours: 39.25
Attendees: 113
Housing Informational Seminars
Employment Workshop
Transportation Action Group (TAG)
Nursing Home Transition: Let’s Get Together
Getting Your Act Together: Know Your Rights
Dinner & Movie/Creative Cooking Class & Advocate’s Theater
No Excuses InNow
Due to inclement weather during this reporting year many events were
YLF Picnic
canceled or had poor attendance. However, IL staff continued building new
relationships through outreach and planned new events. They have
continued collaborating with current agencies, companies and churches in order to provide quality service for
consumers. Consumers’ individualized self-directed goals were accomplished and consumers began new goals. Our
department will focus on more direct consumer service, outreach and housing initiatives in the coming year.
Deborah Jackson, Director
Kelvin Hawkins, Independent Living Specialist
Rochelle Harrod, Independent Living Specialist
Shannon Minnick, Independent Living Specialist
Annual Independent Living Highlights
249 Consumers served in Prince George’s County
975 Peer Counseling Services Provided
144 Consumers served in Montgomery County
107 Outreach/education sessions
351 IL Skills Training and Life Skills Training
3330 Information and Referral Services Provided
460 Advocacy/Legal Services
Money Follows the Person
Money Follows the Person (MFP) in Maryland is a statewide program with the purpose of aiding Medicaid eligible
nursing facility residents to transition from institutional living to community living. Our Peer Support Partners, who have
experience with institutional settings, conduct outreach and support at 48 nursing facilities in Montgomery and Prince
Georges Counties. Three main components of Independence Now’s MFP Program include:
Peer Outreach: Peers attend social events at nursing facilities, resident and family council meetings and visit
room-to-room. This level of outreach does not need a specific resident referral from Medicaid and is provided to any
resident, regardless of guardianship status or competency status.
Peer Support: Peers meet one-on-one with nursing facility resident and family or friends (if requested by
resident) to assist resident with navigating tasks related to transitioning to community. This service must be goalfocused and be related to exploration of or planning for move into the community.
Options Counseling: This service is available to nursing facility residents and provides detailed information about
Medicaid and other home and community based long term supports and services.
Additionally, building and maintaining relationships with the nursing facility staff, ombudsman, and local MAP offices are
integral to the success of this program.
In 2014 MFP instituted programmatic changes. Maryland previously operated three Medicaid programs that served
individuals who need personal assistance services. In January 2014, these programs were transitioned to the Community
Options Waiver and Community First Choice. There have been positive forthcoming results from this transition including
consistent policies across programs as well as a streamlined application process. In addition, Independence Now has
received more demand for Peer Outreach and Support than ever before!
Meredith Raymond, Director of Nursing Facility Outreach
Jackie Littleford, Peer Support Partner
Carlos Garner, Peer Support Partner
Michael Saunders, Peer Support Partner
Assistive Technology
Independence Now receives funding from DORS for modifications to the homes and vehicles of eligible consumers with
significant disabilities. Often these modifications can mean the difference between remaining independent in one’s own
home versus having to reside in a facility. The home modifications are for improving access to the home, access to the
bathroom, and access within the residence. In the past year we have funded ramps, vertical wheelchair lifts, stair lifts,
railings on stairways, and safety railings in bathrooms for nearly 40 consumers.
After living in Florida for a while, Ms. K and her mother moved back to Riverdale to live with her grandmother. Ms. K
gets around in a power wheelchair and lift that had been installed at the front door when she first lived there, however
now it needed to be repaired. At 17, Ms. K was stuck in the house unless someone carried her out. The school system
sent teachers to her home, but she was anxious to make friends at her new high school.
With the grant money and a contribution from the family, IN funded the repair of the lift. Ms. K can now not only catch
the bus to school, but she attends activities with her new friends from People On the Go.
Mr. L’s family was referred to IN by Maryland Access Point of Prince George’s County. He had been in an automobile
accident and now had a spinal cord injury and a traumatic brain injury. At the time of the phone call, Mr. L was being
bathed in bed and was looking for a way to get a shower. Though the family requested that the tub be removed and a
shower installed to accommodate a shower chair, IN recommended a TubBuddy , a transfer system that enables him to
use the existing bathtub. This option was much less expensive and much less disruptive to the home than remodeling
the bathroom. With the funding from the grant and a contribution from the family, IN purchased the TubBuddy and Mr.
L can now have privacy while showering.
Staff: Trish Foley, Director of Community Programs
Independence Now’s Board of Directors:
Robert Watson, President, Prince George’s County
Cindy Buddington, Vice-President, Montgomery County
Regina Lee, Secretary, Prince George’s County
Justin Campbell, Treasurer, Prince George’s County
Sarah Allan, Montgomery County
Michael Fitzpatrick, Montgomery County
Don Gilchrist, Montgomery County
Timothy Hairston, Prince George’s County
David Johnson, Montgomery County
Sandra Sermons, Montgomery County
Alex Vakalopoulos, Montgomery County
Sarah Sorensen and Justin Chappell receive a
donation from Carl Petzold of the Wheaton-Silver
Spring Kiwanis.
Board members Alex Vakalopoulos, David Johnson and Sarah
Allan after the Board and Staff Retreat
Independence Now Funders
Aid Association for the Blind of the District of Columbia
Maryland Department of Aging
Maryland Department of Disabilities
Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council
Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services
Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Rehabilitation Services
Mid-Atlantic ADA Center
Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services
Prince George’s County Department of Family Services
Prince George’s County Department of Housing and Community Development
Social Security Administration
Sports Medicine North
Timothy Fenlon Insurance Agency
US Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
And private contributions!
Donating to
Independence Now
is even easier, click
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front page of our
Independence Now’s services are free of charge and are provided without regard
to race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, or type(s) of disability.
All public information is available in alternate formats such as Braille, large print or
electronic upon request.