soc c-c

Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Minutes of Board Meeting
28th February 2013, Ilex, Boardroom
Matt McNulty (Interim Chair, MMcN)
Mel Higgins (Interim CEO, MH)
Geraldine Keegan (GK)
Michael Heaney (MLH)
Deirdre Heenan (DH)
Sharon O’Connor (SOC) Part
In Attendance:
Gerard McCleave (GMC)
Caoimhin Corrigan (CC)
Laurence McCullagh (LMC)
Minute Taker:
Andrea Mullin
Item No.
Apologies – Margaret Lee (ML), Frank Hewitt (FH),
Colm McKenna (CMK)
Conflict of Interest: No declarations
Minutes of Meeting on 31st January 2013
GK suggested revised wording for paragraph at 7.4 and
this was noted and accepted.
Minutes agreed and approved by the Board.
Item No.
Matters arising
Business Plan 2013/14 Presentation
MH gave a presentation on options for the Board to
establish priorities for the April 2013 to March 2014
Business Plan. He outlined the implications of each
option. He also advised that DSD retained £250K to
cover CPD fees for the monitoring of the
decontamination at Fort George which has funding
implications for the progression of the Ebrington
Framework and CoC Monitoring.
SOC referred to option 3 and noted that from DCC’s
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
point of view trying to secure additional funds for the
CoC project is a challenge but also an opportunity. SOC
noted that she felt option 3 was the best option.
DH noted that an evidence base is important for
evaluating City of Culture.
GK also noted her preference for option 3 and added
that Ebrington is the key factor in Ilex’s future work.
SOC suggested that DCC contact DSD independently or
jointly with Ilex to stress the importance of monitoring
and evaluation.
Chair advised that Will Haire will attend the next Board
meeting and that he will write to him prior to this.
CC suggested that a letter could be drafted by the
Strategy Board on behalf of Ilex.
GMC advised that, in his view option 1 is the best option
for the city and commented on the importance of the
evidence base for assessing the impact of City of
Culture. If Ebrington Development Framework is
delayed by three to five months will this have no real
impact on the regeneration of the City as a whole.
Chair agreed with impact comments but noted that we
would be judged on this delay and DH expressed
concern that a delay of five months would not be
received well.
Board agreed unanimously to adopt Option 3 as the
preferred option.
SOC left the meeting at this point for Ministerial
Review of Action List
MH, gave an update on the action list, all of which is
underway and most of which has been completed. In
Chair advised that he still intends to meet SOC about
economic planning and job creation and will feedback to
the April Board.
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Chair advised that he was impressed with the 400th
Anniversary of the Honourable The Irish Society event
noting that the First Minister and Deputy First Minister
referred to Ilex positively. He expressed his
dissatisfaction however with the so-called investment
seminar that took place preceding the event.
DH also noted her disappointment at the quality of the
There was further discussion around the need for follow
through on events and the Chair noted the need for
robust processes in relation to investment and
information relating to land readiness, skills and labour
within the City noting that this data appears to be
unattainable. Chair noted that there is no system for
follow up in place. This is key and DCC needs to take
the lead on it. Chair will follow up with SOC. Chair also
advised that there will be a full discussion at the April
Board on investment including the identification of gaps,
weaknesses and those responsible for taking this
MLH noted the importance of being proactive by
contacting potential investors.
DH advised that the University is keen to support Ilex
and noted that Ilex cannot work in isolation from DCC.
GK asked if DCC can be reminded of this.
CC referred to Ebrington and said that packages need to
be “investment ready”.
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Item No.
Interim Chairman Report (verbal):
Chair advised that the meeting would end by 12.30 in
time for the Chamber of Commerce lunch at the City
Accountability Meeting
Chair noted that the meeting went well and, with single
line of sight imminent, meetings have become easier as
there is trust and confidence due to the good work
carried out by Ilex. The Chair also advised that future
meetings after the transfer to single line of sight will take
place quarterly. Communication will continue at
CEO/Chair level on a monthly basis.
Chair thanked the Ilex team for their good work in
getting the Company to where it needs to be.
MH noted that an action plan has been drafted to
present to Ministers. The Ministers have postponed the
meeting scheduled for March 4th and we are awaiting a
new date.
MMcN noted that, in his opinion, PEDU is not going to
influence the future shape of Ilex, has received
assurances that the report will not be issued without Ilex
being informed first. A summary or extract report is most
likely to emerge.
Interim Chief Executive’s Report (written)
The CEO Report was discussed by the Board in detail
and agreed as follows:MH provided a summary of four recommendations in
the CEO Report which require Board approval:
Recommendation 1: A Business case is being
completed for the various activities associated with
monitoring progress and impact of CoC. It is proposed to
twin track the business case approval process by
simultaneously seeking Ilex Board and Departmental
approval for the case. Board approved.
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Recommendation 2: The business case for the design
of the sub-regional model interface, staff training and to
support the City of Culture impact study has been
completed as a Direct Award Contract. Board is asked
to note and agree this approach. Board approved.
Recommendation 3: Ebrington Square and Peace
Bridge Attitudinal and Resident Movement Survey 2012
is complete. A copy of the survey report is attached to
CEO report. Board asked to approve publication of
report. Board approved on the basis that the report
is sent to OFMDFM prior to media release. ACTION
Recommendation 4: Authority is requested to consider
business need rationale for use on MTC procurements.
Board asked to approve this approach. Interim CEO,
MH explained that this will allow for more flexibility to
achieve spend and if health and safety issues should
arise. LMC also noted that this is only used as an
exceptional process to maximise spend or if there is a
health and safety issue. Board approved.
Maritime Museum:
A proposal has been developed with DCC. The Chair
advised that he would discuss this further with SOC.
CC tabled a breakdown of costs in relation to the
Playhouse business case and the Board was asked to
approve additional contributions of £6,373.67. Board
GK noted that Foyle Learning Community was missing
from the list of working groups outlined in the Interim
CEO report. Point noted and will be reflected.
A case by SOC on “Delivering One Message: Raising
the international profile of Derry~Londonderry” was
tabled at the meeting requesting that the Ilex Director of
Strategy and Regeneration accompany the Mayor and
the DCC CEO to Washington in March 2013.
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Chair noted that he was anxious to support DCC on a
proper scheme of investment promotion.
DH noted the need for an aggressive marketing
approach and advised that she feels strongly about
branding noting the brand must be authentic and that we
must know what our brand actually is before going to
Chair noted that there are possibilities which originate
from the University in the form of campus companies or
incubation businesses. He referred to Digital Derry and
NWRSP and noted that these should be taken forward
in relation to investment.
DH suggested that Ilex write to the Secretary of State
regarding the G8 Submit. CC suggested that the
Strategy Board could write on behalf of Ilex.
The Chair concluded the discussion noting that work is
required on branding and that this will be discussed
further at the April Board. Board approval for Ilex
representative to attend Washington, was not granted.
Board was asked if any Directors are currently involved
or in the last two years have been involved in any other
business in the UK or Isle of Man (VAT registered or
not). Board members present at the meeting confirmed
that this did not apply to them. ACTION to follow up
with board members not present.
DH noted that the CEO report was comprehensive and
that it was useful to have the recommendations at the
beginning of the report as it allows for a more efficient
Highlight Reports
MH advised that the highlight reports provide key points,
key dates, timeframes and budget information and will
be presented to Board each month.
MH advised that the reports have been approved by the
Governance Committee.
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Corporate Affairs:
MH outlined financial pressures on resource budgets
and that funding was being secured from DSD to cover
pressures in 2012/13.
MH updated the Board on staffing issues.
Single Sponsor
MH advised the Board that the move to a Single
Sponsor may have an impact on the Ilex staff
Summary of Citi-Stat Statistics
An overview of the statistics was tabled at the meeting
by GMC. A summary of key statistics is updated and
circulated to key stakeholders on a monthly basis. All
statistical information is available on Ilex’s Citi-Stat web
page. Chair suggested that a pocket sized version of
the document would be useful. ACTION
Business Case Log:
MH referred the Board to the CCTV Monitoring for the
Peace Bridge survey business case which the Board
has previously been briefed on. DH noted that we need
to be seen to support the organisation. It was the
Board’s recommendation to maintain the current
MH updated the Board on internal arrangements
proposing that the Development and Culture teams
move forward as the Ebrington Team in the interim. He
noted that this will provide continuity for the two teams
and alleviate any duplication.
MH also advised that the Chair and Board positions
have now been advertised.
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Date of Next 28th March 2013, 10am in Ilex.