
Program Based Review & Assessment Committee
Agenda / Draft Minutes
Meeting Date:
Meeting Start Time:
Meeting Actual Start Time:
Meeting Location:
Meeting Secretary :
May 13, 2014
9:00 AM
KC Library Conference Room
Laura Ryan
Member Attendance
Committee Member Name
Ruth Sullivan, Dean of Learning
Denise Yordy
VPAA Designee
Jeanne Mullaney, Assessment
William Le Blanc, Director
Academic Program Review
Chair, Program Based Review
& Assessment Committee
Institutional Planning
John Cole, Chair ENGL
Arts, Humanities, & Soc Sci
Arts, Humanities, & Soc Sci
Arts, Humanities, & Soc Sci
Michael Kelly, Chair COMI
John Ribezzo, Chair BUSN
Business, Science & Tech
Business, Science & Tech
Kim Roullier, Rehab Health/Physical
Health & Rehab Sciences
Laura Ryan
Anthony Carrion,
Counselor/Coordinator, RIEOC
Rob Giovino, Associate Director of
Library representative
Student Affairs
Enrollment Services
Health & Rehab Sciences
Guests in Attendance
Joanne Jacobs
Program Director, Respiratory Therapy
Sharon Perkins, Chair
Department Chair, Allied Health
Notes on Discussion
Program Review:
1. Discuss Respiratory Therapy Academic Program
Review Report
2. Discuss Academic Program Review
Report form
3. Next Steps
Meeting End
Meeting Schedule End:
Meeting Adjourned:
Next Meeting Date:
Next Meeting Time:
Next Meeting Location:
10:30 am
12:00 pm
See attached notes
Discussion questions for Academic Program Review Meeting
1. How long has your program been in existence?
The respiratory program dates back from the 1970’s. It was originally a certificate program that
was offered in conjunction with Rhode Island Hospital. The first degrees were awarded in 1986
so the first class would have entered the college in 1984.
2. Could you briefly discuss the aspects of your program of which you are most proud?
Outcomes. Students clearly go from ground zero to one hundred over the years.
3. For programs that undergo external accreditation reviews:
a. How often does your program go through an accreditation review?
External reviews run in ten year cycles with comprehensive annual reporting.
b. When was the last accreditation review?
c. Were there any problems identified that need attention?
Clinical slots and grading inconsistencies.
4. In the process of completing this document, did you discover anything about your program or
program faculty members that had not been previously obvious?
There seems to be both availability and access issues with regard to banner and discoverer. All
faculty do not necessarily have the same access rights. This proved problematic for compiling the
five year grade distribution information, but Joanne was able to use her own records to complete
that portion of the report. There seem to be reporting and standardization issues among various
agencies that faculty report to on a regular basis, like the Rhode Island Board of Governors for
Higher Education, NEASC, and Academic Program Review and Assessment.
The question of uploading annual reports to the web was raised.
5. Based on your review, would you change anything about your program?
Curriculum changes are being considered. Streamlining courses to consolidate information, reduce
redundancy, and yet incorporate relevant content is an ongoing process. Available matriculating
options are being reviewed as the trend for entry level employment will eventually require a
bachelor’s degree, and this will impact the program significantly. Effective use of adjuncts is also
being reviewed.
6. What would you like to see result from the review process?
Lab and storage space are areas of concern for this program. A simulation center has been
identified as a space that would greatly enhance the clinical experience for these students but when
this could become a reality is still not clear. In addition to the hands-on experience the simulation
center could provide, it would also relieve the clinical placement difficulties the students have now.
7. How much time did you invest in the completion of this review?
Overall it probably took about six months to complete the report in this format. The reporting
process is involved, with outcomes initially a bit daunting, but once complete, Joanne was very
satisfied with the final report.