soc c-c

Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Minutes of Board Meeting
30th October 2014, Boardroom, Ilex
Philip Flynn (PF) – Chair
Mel Higgins (MH)
Aaron McElhinney (AMcE)
Sharon O’Connor (SOC)
Gerry Mullen (GM)
Colm McKenna (CMK)
Henry McGarvey (HMcG)
Deirdre Heenan (DH)
Geraldine Keegan (GK)
In attendance:
Caoimhín Corrigan (CC), Gerard McCleave (GMC)
Minute taker:
Andrea Mullin
Apologies: Margaret Lee (ML). PF advised that ML has
tendered her resignation from the Ilex Board due to
personal commitments.
Conflicts of interest: DH outlined an interest in
Stratified Medicine. SOC declared an interest in the One
Plan Transfer.
Minutes of neeting 25th September 2014: Board
considered the minutes and was content to approve.
Matter arising: None.
Review of Action List:
MH gave an update on the action list, noting those
completed and the status of others, some of which will
be covered in the CEO Report.
Stratified Medicine:
MH advised that he had written to OFMDFM about the
Board’s position in respect of DSD’s decision not to
transfer £250K to DHSSPS for the Stratified Medicine
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
project. MH tabled OFMDFM’s response of 21st October
2014 and, as suggested by OFMDFM, Ilex has written to
DSD on the matter. We await a response.
MH outlined the background to the matter and advised
that Ilex had surrendered the money and unfortunately
DSD has retained it for internal efficiencies.
GMC added that advice was sought from OFMDFM on
how best to progress the project and the Ilex Board was
fully apprised of the position.
CMK stated that the Department’s and DSD’s actions
were not in line with Ilex’s intentions.He added that he
was present at the Ilex Board Meeting when the Board
approved the proposal to support the Stratified Medicine
project and the Board knew exactly what they were
agreeing to. SOC advised that she had met Tim Losty,
OFMDFM, and he was also fully aware of Ilex’s
intention. SOC said that the city has been let down by
both NI Executive Departments. She added that the
Stratified Medicine project was in the best interest of the
city, we have a strategic ambition, the Board endorsed
the proposal and the two Government Departments
have failed. DH concurred, adding that the city will
suffer and Ilex’s response should reflect this.
CMK said that DSD’s decision to retain the funding has
a knock-on effect on the city and the economy.
SOC asked what practical action can be taken. MH
advised that he has written to DSD on the matter and we
await their response which will be shared with Board.
CMK asked at what point do we assess the damage
caused to the city and expressed concern that Ilex will
be held accountable if the project falls apart. MH
advised that Ilex will engage with DHSSPS on the
impact of the withdrawal of funding. ACTION
SOC said that OFMDFM’s letter must be challenged.
CMK added that the language in the correspondence
does not reflect Board opinion and asked that an audit
trail of communication is prepared to accompany the
response to OFMDFM.
GM also noted his concern with the wording used in
OFMDFM’s letter and agreed that a response was
required. He asked to see a chronology of
communication which demonstrates that the letter is
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
factually incorrect.
CMK added that the impact on the city of the withdrawal
of funding should also be reflected in the response.
MH advised that if we do not receive a satisfactory
resolution from DSD we will consider alternative
SOC added that, as expressed in the previous Board
meeting, she feels that this is a matter for the Head of
the Civil Service.
Ilex to respond to OFMDFM outlining process followed
and Board involvement in the Stratified Medicine project.
MH advised that he was pleased to confirm that the
Business Plan 2014/15 and the Annual Report 2013/14
have been approved.
Chairman’s Report (verbal):
PF advised that prior to the Board Meeting he met the
One Plan Team. PF reassured the team that the Board
is committed to the transfer of the One Plan function to
DCC and noted the negative impact and effect that the
delay is having on staff morale.
SOC noted her conflict of interest on the matter and said
that she did her best to move the transfer forward. She
referred to the delay on OFMDFM’s part, said that she
no longer had sole responsibility to make the decision,
and noted her apologies to the staff involved.
SOC, CC and GMC left the meeting at this point and
the Board continued in closed session.
PF gave the Board an overview of his meeting with the
One Plan team noting that the team had concerns about
CMK said that he was disappointed that staff felt that
they had not been kept informed. He expressed
concern about a secondment arrangement and asked if
Ilex had taken legal advice.
MH advised that DCC and Ilex have sought legal advice
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
on the matter.
Board discussed the transfer proposal.
CMK said that he was uncomfortable with a secondment
arrangement, however there is no other option. GM
expressed concern that Board had originally approved a
transfer of the function and now it is a secondment.
PF said we need agreement that the secondment will
not end before March 2016.
MH asked Board to approve the formal communication
of this to staff.
Board agreed to facilitate secondment.
Closed session ended and SOC, CC and GMC
returned to the meeting at this point.
Director’s Assurance Report to OFMDFM
Departmental Board:
The above report was tabled at the meeting and MH
outlined its purpose. MH advised that OFMDFM
receives the papers for the Audit Committee meetings.
The Quarterly Report gave a fair reflection of where Ilex
was and the Audit Committee agreed the position.
CMK noted surprise that at the Audit Committee meeting
OFMDFM did not raise concerns about achievement of
MH advised that he will reconsider the targets and will
share with Board.
CMK said that the OFMDFM representative had ample
opportunity to raise concerns prior to the Audit
Committee meeting.
PF referred to his meeting with Mark Browne (MB),
OFMDFM, on Wednesday, 29th October 2014 and
advised that MB had expressed concern about business
cases not coming through and the Peace Bridge transfer
to DRD. MH advised that a Project Manager recently
left the company to take up a new role and we currently
do not have the staffing resource to take forward some
business cases.
MH said that negotiations are continuing with DRD to
adopt the Peace Bridge and advised that if it is not
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
adopted by DRD, the bridge will remain with Ilex.
PF said that MB advised that the financial situation in
the public sector is difficult and will get worse.
GM asked if the Ilex review was referred to at the
meeting. PF said that it was discussed and is pending
Ministerial approval. PF said that he reassured MB that
Ilex will continue to add value and will cooperate with the
PF also advised that he discussed Board membership
with MB and will write formally to him about it. CMK
suggested that PF refers to legislation on Board quorum,
considers the skills gap within the Board, and makes a
case for additional members.
The Audit Committee will raise the findings of the
Director’s Assurance Report with OFMDFM.ACTION
Chief Executive’s Report:
MH advised the Board of the main recommendations
from the CEO Report which require Board discussion
and/or agreement:
DH advised that the Higher Education sector in Northern
Ireland is facing cuts of 13.5% and said that 4,000
student places will be cut. DH said that University of
Ulster has been involved with the One Plan and the
pending cuts will impact on this. MH added that this was
an important point and skills are needed for future job
creation in the city. DH expressed concern that the
reality and severity of the cuts is not appreciated by the
business community which will have implications for
many projects in Northern Ireland. GMC added that
while cities across the UK are investing in universities,
NI is not.
Recommendation: Board noted update on One Plan
Recommendation: Board to approve the Ebrington
Development Framework.
MH advised that following the extended consultation the
planning application is ready to be submitted.
CC gave an overview of the refinements made to the
Ebrington Development Framework (PowerPoint
presentation). He outlined refinements made to road
access which are in line with the consultation. CC also
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
referred to the Masterplan and outlined updates made
following Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG) advice. He
added that all refinements were achieved in line with the
draft framework mix and outputs are as previously
published with modifications within 5% tolerance.
CC said that this was the best solution for Ebrington
following further consultation with Roads Service. He
also advised that Planning Service is content that Ilex
could now submit for planning as all necessary
consultation had been undertaken. He added that
AECOM is clear that their solution is in line with DMRB
SOC advised that the new arena in St Columb’s Park
will complete in February 2015 which will impact on the
general area.
MH added that Ilex will do all it can to obtain planning
Board content to submit EDF planning application
as presented.
Recommendation: Board to note financial position
at September 2014.
MH advised that we are on track to spend money and he
is confident that the depreciation funding will be received
from DSD soon.
Board noted the financial position at September
MH outlined the tender process for legal services and
said that a new competition will commence to appoint an
external provider of legal services.
Recommendation: Board noted the update on legal
services procurement.
SOC advised that DCC has capacity within their Legal
Services Department to provide assistance with this.
Recommendation: Board to note Strategy Day
MH advised that the Board Strategy day will take place
on Thursday, 27th November 2014 at Crumlin Road
Gaol. Board Members will be given a tour of the Gaol,
followed by presentations and a planning session for
Business Plan 2015/16. John Kelpie was invited,
however he cannot attend due to other commitments.
Recommendation: Board to approve 2015 meetings
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
Board approved the 2015 meetings schedule.
The press release for the Walled City Brewery at
Ebrington was tabled at the meeting. MH said he was
delighted to announce this addition to Ebrington, adding
that the launch of the car park will be announced in the
coming week.
6 month performance to 30th September 2014.
In light of comments received from OFMDFM, it was
agreed that this paper will be reviewed by the Audit
Committee and presented to Board at a later date. The
Audit Committee will meet in advance of the November
Board meeting.
Recommendation: Board to consider efficiency
MH referred the Board to the paper on potential
scenarios for efficiency savings which demonstrate
projected savings at 10%, 15% and 20%. MH advised
that the Executive team reviewed and considered
potential efficiencies and presented this to the Audit
Committee. MH outlined each scenario to the Board,
and the risk associated with each option on achievement
of targets.
MH added that OFMDFM may request a review of
staffing, however Ilex is a small team and needs its staff
complement to take forward Ebrington. MH added that
Ilex seeks to restructure and is currently carrying
vacancies. Staff are taking on additional work.
Board accepting of efficiency scenarios.
Ebrington update
MH referred the Board to the Ebrington Update paper.
MH advised that expressions of interest have been
received from the local area and outlined the paper to
Board. CC added that there has been interest in Building
30 and market failure suggests that there could be a
commercial opportunity in the building. CC also advised
that Enterprise North West is preparing a business plan
for space at Ebrington.
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
MH added that the level of interest is mainly from
small/medium enterprises and said there has been
interest from six hotel operators. They will go through
an open process when the hotel opportunity formally
goes to market early next year.
MH added that we seek to take forward a proposition to
Board based on research by Invest NI which
demonstrates a need for Grade A office
MH said that overall Ilex is pleased with the level of
interest received.
MH said that capital monies will get buildings to a
desired condition. CC advised that early feedback in
relation to the Cunningham building suggests it may be
too large scale for a bar/ restaurant and consideration
may be given to other uses. Or it might be divided into
two projects. MH added that we need to invest
considerably in buildings to encourage private sector
The Ebrington media pack was distributed to Board
members and MH advised that positive media coverage
has been received.
SOC said that a hotel with major conference facilities
would increase the potential for gigs in the city. SOC
suggested obtaining material from the Guildhall to help
with a marketing package. ACTION
MH said that 31 expressions of interest have been
received in the current phase of opportunities. He
added that there has been significant interest in
bar/restaurant opportunities, however Ilex has made it
clear - both to media and politicians - that we need to be
mindful of displacement.
AMcE said we should be mindful of the timescale for the
delivery of a hotel opportunity as hoteliers may choose
an alternative readily available location.
SOC asked why there has been a delay in the Creative
Hub. MH advised that Ilex has submitted a request to
retain gallery space in Building 80/81 upon Ministerial
MH added that Blick, the operator of the Creative Hub,
will carry out market testing. If there is no response from
Ilex Urban Regeneration Company
the arts sector, the entire building will become a
Creative Hub.
Board noted the update on Ebrington business
Business cases / tender actions (log):
No new business cases.
Items for information: noted as read.
MH advised that the Assurance Statement and Risk
Register will be presented to Board following an Audit
Committee meeting.
MH noted the very positive media coverage that Ilex has
MH referred the Board to the Google Analytics Report
and advised that the level of interest in the new website
was pleasing.
GK queried why some of the Ilex Board meeting minutes
and agendas were not available on the website. MH
advised that some of the information contained in the
documents is commercially sensitive and consent had to
be obtained from prospective new businesses before
publishing on the website.
AMcE advised that feedback on the new website has
been positive and said there is a lot of confidence. CMK
asked if google analytics could be used to give an
insight as to why visitors visit the website and queried if,
as an organisation, we know what to do with the
Date of next meeting: 27th November 2014 (Board
Strategy Day)