Day Monday Objectives SWBAT… Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Spell words with silent letters gn, kn, wr, mb Summarize Identify sequence of events Make present tense verbs agree with he, she, and it in the subjects of sentences Spell words with silent letters gn, kn, wr, mb Summarize Identify sequence of events Make present tense verbs agree with I, we, you, and they in the subjects of sentences Spell words with silent letters gn, kn, wr, mb Summarize Identify sequence of events Underline and correctly capitalize book titles Spell words with silent letters gn, kn, wr, mb Summarize Identify sequence of Accommodations for Exceptionalities/ Differentiated Learning Spelling: -explicit directions-extra examplesread aloud definitions/sentences/para graph-verbally created sentences (written by teacher)-extended time Grammar/Vocabulary: Sentences read aloudhighlighted material-explicit directions-extra examplessentences given verbally (written by teacher)-work segmented-extended time Spelling: -explicit directions-extra examplesread aloud definitions/sentences/para graph-verbally created sentences (written by teacher)-extended time Grammar/Vocabulary: Sentences read aloudhighlighted material-explicit directions-extra examplessentences given verbally (written by teacher)-work segmented-extended time Spelling: -explicit directions-extra examplesread aloud definitions/sentences/para graph-verbally created sentences (written by teacher)-extended time Grammar/Vocabulary: Sentences read aloudhighlighted material-explicit directions-extra examplessentences given verbally (written by teacher)-work segmented-extended time Spelling: -explicit directions-extra examplesread aloud definitions/sentences/para Activities Spelling pretest Read “City Garden” to intro. Vocab. Words Use GO to introduce sequence Choose correct verb tense Materials Main Selection The Ugly Vegetables review vocab. and spelling words Use GO for main idea and details Use plural possessive pronouns correctly Main Selection The Ugly Vegetables Review vocab and spelling words Use GO for main idea and details Capitalize correctly Review vocab and spelling words Read “Soups From Around the Globe” Homework/ Assessment Grammar workbook pp. 116120 spelling workbook pp. 93-96 Sequence GO Vocab Comprehension Sheets PowePoint/Smart Pad/Computer/LCD Decodable reader Reading log, fluency passage, spelling activity/spelling pretest, TO, workbook pages Grammar workbook pp. 116120 spelling workbook pp. 93-96 Sequence GO Vocab Comprehension Sheets PowePoint/Smart Pad/Computer/LCD Decodable reader Reading log, fluency passage, spelling activity/spelling pretest, TO, workbook pages Grammar workbook pp. 116120 spelling workbook pp. 93-96 Sequence GO Vocab Comprehension Sheets PowePoint/Smart Pad/Computer/LCD Decodable reader Reading log, fluency passage, spelling activity/ TO, workbook pages Grammar workbook pp. 116120 spelling workbook pp. 93-96 Reading log, fluency passage, spelling activity/ TO, Friday events Proofread to underline and capitalize book titles correctly and make pronouns and verbs agree Testing on above skills graph-verbally created sentences (written by teacher)-extended time Grammar/Vocabulary: Sentences read aloudhighlighted material-explicit directions-extra examplessentences given verbally (written by teacher)-work segmented-extended time Spelling: retake if failed/points given per sound-test one to oneextended time Grammar/Reading: story/questions read aloudexplicit directionssegmented workhighlighted material-test in small group-verbal answers (teacher written)-extended time Story map GO Proofread and correct paragraph Weekly Assessment Spelling Test Selection Test Vocabulary Test Sequence GO Vocab Comprehension Sheets PowePoint/Smart Pad/Computer/LCD Decodable reader Test copies workbook pages testing