appendix_d_publications - University of Northern Iowa

Appendix D
Counselor Education Faculty Record of Publications
Dr. Jan R. Bartlett
Refereed Journals Publication
Carlson, L., Portman, T. L., & Bartlett, J. R. (2006). Self-management of career
development: Intentionality for counselors in training. The Journal for Humanistic
Counseling Education and Development, 45 (2), 126-137.
Carlson, L., Portman, T. L., & Bartlett, J. R. (2006). Professional school counselors’
approaches to technology. Professional School Counseling, 9 (3), 252-256.
Bartlett, J. R. (2005). An intergenerational retreat revisited: Adolescent girls and older
adult women share the residual impressions of a single gender group experience on
female development four years later. Journal for Intergenerational Relationship,
3(2), 23-41.
Bartlett, J. R. (2001). Older women, personal narratives, and the power of sharing with
adolescent girls. Adultspan Journal: Development Through Young, Middle, & Older
Adulthood, 1(3), 45-51.
Bartlett, J. R. (2001). A Resource review of: Lessons for life, career development
activities library, Volume 1, Elementary Grades & Volume 2, Secondary Grades.
Professional School Counseling, 4(5), 376-378.
Invited Publication
Bartlett, J. R. (July/August 2003). Storytelling through the ages. ASCA School
Counselor (Special issue on Storytelling, Myth, and Poetry).
Book Chapters
Bartlett, J. R. (in press). Needs assessments: The key to successful and meaningful
school counseling programs. In B. Erford (2nd Ed.), Professional school
counseling: A handbook of theories, programs, & practices. Austin, TX: CAPS
Bartlett, J. R. (2006). “I’m too fat:” Helping children combat media messages and
maintain positive self-images. In S. Hobson & L. Carlson (Eds.), Critical incidents
in counseling children. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Bartlett, J. R. (2004). Needs assessments: The key to successful and meaningful school
counseling programs. In B. Erford (Ed.), Professional school counseling: A
handbook of theories, programs, & practices. Austin, TX: CAPS Press/PRO-ED.
Bartlett, J. R., & Portman, T. L. (2002). Sexuality education and the public schools. In
L. Burlew & D. Capuzzi (Eds.). Sexuality counseling. Hauppauge, New York:
NOVA Science Publishers.
Bartlett, J. R. (1999). An exploration of storytelling: Older adult women sharing
narratives with adolescent girls on female development and body image. Ann
Arbor, Michigan: UMI Dissertation Services.
Manuscripts submitted to Refereed Journals and in Review
Bartlett, J. R, & Portman, T. (in review). An intergenerational storytelling retreat: An
experience in sisterhood. Journal for Specialists in Groupwork.
Portman, T., Bartlett, J. R., & Carlson, L. (in review). Relational Theory and
Intergenerational Connectedness: A Qualitative Study. International Institute for
Qualitative Methodology.
Bartlett, J. R. (in review). Unfolding stories: Females in intergenerational connection.
Gender and Education.
Manuscripts in Development for Submission to Refereed Journals
Bartlett, J. R., "Green Counseling" book prospectus for Pearson Publications or Sage
Bartlett, J. R., Stumblingbear, G., & Montgomery, D. Looking Backward: Reflections of
Gifted American Indians on School Counseling and their K-12 Educational
Experience. Submission to Journal for the Education of the Gifted.
Bartlett, J. R. & Portman, T. L. “Rural school counselor response to national crisis.”
Carlson, L., Portman, T. L., & Bartlett, J. R. “Unifying Voices in School Counseling:
Male student perspectives.” Submission to Professional School Counseling.
Bartlett, J. R., & Portman, T. L. “Key points for hiring a dynamic and effective school
counselor.” submission to The School Administrator.
Other Publications
Bartlett, J. R. (January 2007). From the ACA Public Awareness and Support Committee
Counseling Today, An American Counseling Association Publication, Here’s a Tip,
(p. 38), ACA Public Awareness & Support Committee.
Bartlett, J. R. (April 2004). An Invitation to Innovate and Celebrate Exemplary
Counselors! Counseling Today, An American Counseling Association Publication,
Here’s a Tip, (p. 3), ACA Public Awareness & Support Committee.
Bartlett, J. R. (January 2004). New Year, New Beginnings, Opportunities to Celebrate
Counseling! Counseling Today, An American Counseling Association Publication,
Here’s a Tip, (p. 3). ACA Public Awareness & Support Committee.
Bartlett, J. R. (March 2003). Counselors and Stakeholders: Create a visual reminder!
Counseling Today, An American Counseling Association Publication, Here’s a Tip,
(p. 3), ACA Public Awareness & Support Committee.
Bartlett, J. R. (June 2002). Educate Others About the Counseling Profession & Lobby
Legislators. Counseling Today, An American Counseling Association Publication,
Here’s a Tip, (p.3), ACA Public Awareness & Support Committee.
Bartlett, J. R. (May 2002). Help Principals and Superintendents to Understand the Role
of School Counselors. Counseling Today, An American Counseling Association
Publication, Here’s a Tip, (p. 3), ACA Public Awareness & Support Committee.
Bartlett, J. R. (February 2002). Modeling for the future: Learner centered counselor
preparation. ERIC/CASS 2002 Publication. (Selection Process)
Bartlett, J. R. (October 2001). Build awareness about your counseling programs: Write
articles for your local paper. Counseling Today, An American Counseling
Association Publication, Here’s a Tip, (p. 3), ACA Public Awareness & Support
Bartlett, J. R. (2000). Interviews with adolescents and older adults and their common
ground. The Newsletter of the Association for Adult Development and Aging, 14,
Bartlett, J. R. (1999). An exploration of storytelling: Older adult women sharing
narratives with adolescent girls on female development and body image. Ann
Arbor, Michigan: UMI Dissertation Services.
Bartlett, J. R. (1999). Doctoral student job announcement gathering in San Diego.
Association of Counselor Education & Supervision, Spectrum, 59(3), 8.
Bartlett, J. R. (1999). An exploration of storytelling: Older adult women sharing
narratives with adolescent girls. Counselor Education Corner: The newsletter of the
department of Counselor Education, State University of New York, College at
Brockport, Fall 1999, 1.
Bartlett, J. R. (1999). Opportunities with Chi Sigma Iota. Northwest Arkansas
Association of Licensed Professional Counselors Newsletter, Winter, 2.
Bartlett, J. R. (1998). CSI students in connection for personal and professional growth.
University of Arkansas, Chi Sigma Iota Newsletter, 1(2), 1-2.
Bartlett, J. R. , Portman, T. L., & Maines, C. (Monday, May 19, 1997). School
counselors: The heart of your school. Ozark Gazette, 3(2), 3.
Dr. Darcie Davis-Gage
Peer and Editor-Reviewed Publications
Meany-Walen, K., & Davis-Gage, D. (In press). Body Dissatisfaction among Gay
Men: A Cultural Phenomenon. Vistas Online.
Vernon, A. & Davis-Gage, D. (In press). Types of groups. In B. T. Erford
(Ed.), Group Work: Processes and Applications. Columbus, OH: Pearson
Merrill Prentice Hall.
Davis-Gage, D., & Vernon, A. (In press). Gestalt and Psychodrama approaches
to counseling and psychotherapy groups. In B. T. Erford (Ed.), Group Work:
Processes and Applications. Columbus, OH: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
Vernon, A. & Davis-Gage, D. (In press). Family/couples, T-groups, and self-help
approaches to counseling and psychotherapy groups. In B. T. Erford (Ed.), Group
Work: Processes and Applications. Columbus, OH: Pearson Merrill Prentice
Southern, J. A., Erford, B. T., Vernon, A., & Davis-Gage, D. (In press). The value
of group work: Functional group models and historical perspectives. In B.
T. Erford (Ed.), Group Work in the Schools. Columbus, OH: Pearson Merrill
Prentice Hall.
Vernon, A. & Davis-Gage, D. (In press). Theoretically based group models used
in counseling and psychotherapy groups. In B. T. Erford (Ed.), Group Work in the
Schools. Columbus, OH: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
Davis-Gage, D. (In press). Self-Actualization. In B. T. Erford (Ed.) Encyclopedia
of Counseling. American Counseling Association: Alexandria, Virginia.
Vernon, A. & Davis-Gage, D. (Content Editors) (In Press) Human Growth and
Development Section. In B. T. Erford (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Counseling.
American Counseling Association: Alexandria, Virginia.
Davis-Gage, D. (2008). Counseling Ethnically and Diverse Children. In A.
Vernon (Ed.) Counseling Children and Adolescents (4th ed.). Love Publishing:
Denver, Colorado.
Davis-Gage, D. (2006). When home is not a haven: Addressing domestic
violence. In S. Hobson & L. Carlson (Eds.), Critical Incidents in Counseling
Children and Adolescents (pp.216-222). American Counseling Association:
Alexandria, Virginia.
Davis-Gage, D. (2008). Resource Review. [Review of the book: More than a
job: Helping teenagers find success and satisfaction in their future careers].
Counseling Today, March.
Cottone, R. R., Tarvydas, V. M., Davis-Gage, D., & McAfee, J. (2006).
Counseling Ethics and Decision Making Instructor’s Manual. Pearson Merrill
Prentice Hall: Columbus, Ohio.
Peer-Reviewed Submissions and Revisions
Smith, C.K., & Davis-Gage, D. (Submitted). Experiential Group Training:
Perceptions of Graduate Students in Counselor Education Programs. The Journal
for Specialists in Group Work.
Davis-Gage, D., Moel, J., & Kettman, J. (Submitted). Treating post partum
depression using a feminist approach. Adultspan Journal.
Davis-Gage, D., & Milsom, A. (Under Revision). Mental Health Counseling Site
Supervisors: Supervisory Style, Emphasis, and Characteristics. Clinical
Manuscripts in Progres
Davis-Gage, D. Women-only counseling groups: In their own voice. Plan to
submit it to Journal for Specialist in Group Work
Meany-Walen, K. & Davis-Gage, D. Gay Men and Body Dissatisfaction: A
Qualitative Study. Plan to submit it to The Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling
O’Connor, K., & Davis-Gage, D. Men and Counseling. Plan to submit it to the
Journal of College Counseling.
Smith, C., & Davis-Gage, D. The quiet storm: Explaining the cultural
context of violence against women within a feminist perspective. In D. Daschke
& A. Killey (Ed.), A Cry Instead of Justice: The Bible and Cultures of Violence.
Dissertation and Thesis
Davis-Gage, D. (2005). Mental health counseling site supervision: An
examination of supervisory style and emphasis. (Doctoral dissertation, University
of Iowa, 2005). Dissertation Abstracts International.
Davis-Gage, D. (2003). Lesbian’s experience in counseling. Master’s
Equivalency Project.
Davis, D. (1994). Therapy for sexual abuse and eating disorders. Undergraduate
Dr. Linda Nebbe
Co Author. 2008. Iowa School Counseling: A Program Framework: One Vision, One Voice. Iowa
of Education.
Iowa Department of Education. (2008). Iowa School Counseling Programs. [Brochure]. Nebbe, L.,
Struck, C.
Chapters (refereed)
Before 2004
Chapter 4: Section 6: The Elementary School Counselor and the HCAB. In P. Salotto (Ed.) Pet
Assisted Therapy. 2001 Norton, MA: D. J. Publications
Chapter 4:Section 9: Wildlife Rehabilitation. In P. Salotto (Ed.) Pet Assisted Therapy.
2001 Norton, MA: D. J.Publications
Chapter 17: Nature Therapy. In A. H. Fine (Ed.) Handbook on animal-Assisted Therapy: Theoretical
Foundations and guidelines for Practice. 2000 San Diego, CA: Academic press.
Before 2004
Nebbe, L. L., (1998). Chinese Edition: Nature As a Guide: Nature in Counseling, Therapy, and
Education: Second Edition.
Nebbe, L. L., (1995). Nature As a Guide: Nature in Counseling, Therapy, and Education: Second
Edition. Minneapolis, MN: Educational Media Corporation.
Nebbe, L.L. (1995). Nature As a Guide: Nature in Counseling, Therapy, and Education.
Minneapolis, MN Educational Media Corporation.
Articles (refereed)
Before 2004
Nebbe, L.J. (2001) Nature-Based Therapies: Life-Changing Alternative. Reaching Today’s
Youth: The Community Circle of Caring Journal. Volume 5, Issue 2. pages.
Nebbe, L.J. (1994) Animal-Assisted Activities/Therapy as an Animal and Human Welfare
Project. Humane Innovations and Alternatives. Volume Eight. PSYCHOLOGISTS for the ethical
treatment of animals, Box 1297, Washington Grove, MD 20880-1297.
Nebbe, L.J. (1991). The Elementary School Counselor and the Human-Animal Bond. School
Counselor. Volume 38, Number 5. American Association for Counseling and Development, 3999
Stevenson Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia, 22304.
Nebbe, L.J. (1984). Presenting an Educational Presentation. Proceedings of the National Wildlife
Rehabilitator’s Association. Volume 4. l984. Sulfolk Book Mfg. Inc. Hauppauge, New York.
Books/Chapters (refereed by Board of Directors)
Nebbe, L.J., (1996). Animal Handler Skills Course: DELTA SOCIETY Pet Partners. DELTA
SOCIETY. Renton Washington.
Nebbe, L.J. (1992). DELTA SOCIETY Code of Ethics for the Profession of Animal-Assisted
Therapy/Animal-Assisted Activities. (Writer and Editor) DELTA SOCIETY.
DELTA SOCIETY. (1991). Standards of practice for Animal-Assisted Activities and Therapy.
(Author and Contributor) DELTA SOCIETY.
Unpublished Dissertation
Nebbe, L.J. (1994). Human-animal bond's role with the abused child. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, Iowa State University,
Service Publications
Nebbe, L.J. (1995). Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project Training Manual. Available
from the Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project, 2027 S. Union Rd. Cedar Falls, IA.
Nebbe. L.J. (1986). P.E.T. P.A.L.S. Training Manual,. (Available from PET PALS, 2027 S.
Union Road, Cedar Falls, IA. 50613
Clapp, N. & Nebbe, L.J. (1985). CPR&U. Parenting Manual. (Available from Linda Nebbe,
2027 S. Union Road, Cedar Falls, IA. 50613)
Nebbe, L.J. (1985). Friends. Peer Helper Program. (Available from Linda Nebbe, 2027 S.
Union road, Cedar Falls, IA 50613)
Nebbe, L.J. (1997-1998). Murphy’s Law, Newsletter of the Methadone Treatment Program, Cedar
Falls Iowa 50613.
Nebbe, L.J. (1988-1994). Child Focus: Newsletter of the Cedar Falls Elementary Counselors.
(Available from the Cedar Falls Schools, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613.)
Nebbe, L.J. (1982-1990), P.E.T. P.A.L.S. Newsletter for P.E.T. P.A.L.S., Animal Assisted Activities
and Therapy Project.. (Available from P.E.T. P.A.L.S , 2027 S. Union Rd. Cedar Falls, 50613)
Hoban, J.(Executive Producer). (2000, July 18). The Todd Mundt Show (National radio
broadcast). National Public Radio.
Interview: “The Grace of Canine Company". The Grace of Canine Company".
Nebbe, C.A. (Executive Producer). (1998-2000, monthly). Talk of Iowa (Statewide audio broadcast).
Ames, Iowa: WOI Public Radio. Talk of Iowa (Iowa public radio broadcast).
Interview: various monthly topics in mental health
Other Publications
Nebbe, L.J., (1999). Animal Assisted Activities/Therapy in the School. Animals in the Classroom.
DELTA SOCIETY. Washington: Renton.
Nebbe, L.J. (1999). Working with Children. Animals in the Classroom. DELTA SOCIETY.
Washington: Renton.
Nebbe, L.J. (1999). The Human Companion Animal Bond and the Elementary School
Animals in the Classroom. DELTA SOCIETY. Washington: Renton. 1999.
Curriculum/articles on which I have been asked to review/consult
Sharing the World with Animals. (2001). Intercultural Center for Research in Education, 366
Massachusetts Avenue, Arloington, MA 02174 USA
DePrekel M. & T. Welsch . (2001). Animal-Assisted Therapeutic Interventions (Based on DSM IV)...
MNLinking Youth, Nature & Critters. Minneapolis/St. Paul MN.