OIL/HNS SPILL RESPONSE CAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE PROTECTION OF MALTA’S SEAS Project Overview Through the signature of a contract in December 2013, Transport Malta has embarked on a 26 month project funded by EEA Grants that aims to address oil and HNS spill response training and revise the current version of the National Marine Pollution Contingency Plan to incorporate a section on offshore drilling risks. Transport Malta will be joining forces with the Norwegian Coastal (Kystverket) who will take on the role of Donor Project Partner. Administration The project is a continuation of a previous one carried out between 2008 and 2010, also funded by EEA Grants titled “MT0010: Setting up an oil spill response capability for the protection of our seas”. More information this project is available on the Funds and Programmes Division website (links provided further on). Project Specs Project Status Update January 2014 Project Number MT02/2 Project Title Oil/HNS Spill Response Capacity Building for the Protection of Malta’s Seas Project Leader (TM) Capt. Richard Gabriele, Head Pollution and Incident Response Project Manager (TM) Gabrielle Galea, Port Officer (Environment) Admin Support (TM) Mariella Abela, Executive Donor Project Partner Norwegian Coastal Administration (Kystverket) DPP Contact Johan Marius Ly, Director Department for Emergency Response, NCA Total Project Amount € 613,880 Eligible Amount € 520,238 Project Span 26 months (Dec 2013 – Jan 2016) Project Aims and Outputs The main aims of the project are as follows: Procurement of the services of a Consultant / Project Manager to study and identify emergency response team requirements and devise the training programme for oil/HNS pollution at sea Provision of training courses as identified in the studies Studies to address pollution risks from oil industry offshore operations outside Malta’s territorial waters Upgrading of training equipment and facilities The project outputs as per the approve project proposal are as follows: Output The current and future national risks from offshore drilling determined Output indicator A study in the pollution risks associated with offshore oil drilling National Marine Pollution Contingency Plan (NMPCP) 2009 revised to include addressing risks from Offshore Drilling National Marine Pollution Contingency Plan 2009 updated Malta shall benefit from the Project Partners' expertise to devise a way forward to address the current gap in Oil/HNS pollution response training Gaps in training requirements identified Technical capacity to respond to oil and HNS pollution risks at a national level strengthened An increase in number of trained personnel available to respond to oil/HNS pollution incidents with most of the personnel trained to a higher level Indicator value Baseline Target 0 1 Baseline Target 1 1 Baseline Target 0 1 Baseline Target 0 Not less than 22 Source of verification The current version of the National Marine Contingency Plan 2009 shall be revised to include an annex about addressing risks from Offshore Drilling The current version of the National Marine Contingency Plan 2009 revised and updated Document to address the current gap in Oil/HNS pollution response training prepared Training completion certificates awarded Project Budget EEA FM (a) National cofinancing (b) Total eligible expenditure (c) = (a)+(b) % of total Non-eligible expenditure (d) Total expenditure (e) = (c) + (d) €442,202 €78,036 €520,238 85% €93,643 €613,881 Project Partners Transport Malta and NCA have signed a Partnership Agreement for the execution of the project. NCA, known as Kystverket in Norway, will be acting as consultants for Transport Malta given their extensive experience in the field of maritime oil spill response. NCA will also be forging connections with other entities to support part of the project related to offshore risks. NCA, is “an agency of the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs responsible for services related to maritime safety, maritime infrastructure, transport planning and efficiency, and emergency response to acute pollution.” If you want to find out more about our partners, you can http://www.kystverket.no available in both Norwegian and English. visit their website Contact The project will be managed by the Pollution and Incident Response Unit within the Ports and Yachting Directorate. If you would like further details about this project please contact TM on info@transport.gov.mt. Kindly make reference to the project in the subject field when writing an email. You may also call the Pollution and Incident Response Unit on 21222203 (Transport Malta Customer Care). Need more information? More information on the EEA Financial Mechanism can be found on the Funds and Programmes Division webpage here: https://secure2.gov.mt/fpd/eea_2009-2014 General information on the EEA Grants can be found at this website: http://eeagrants.org/. The project Transport Malta is undertaking is listed on this webpage: http://eeagrants.org/programme/view/MT02/PA07 under Programme Area 7 - Adaptation to Climate Change.