Our Lady Queen of Peace Family Handbook 2014-2015 Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School 2733 West Euclid Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215 414-672-6660 414-672-2739 Fax www.olqpmke.org 1 Welcome to our OLQP Families, We, the faculty and staff of Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School (OLQP), thank you for joining us for the 2014-2015 school year. Contained in this handbook are the practices and policies in effect at OLQP. These have been developed in collaboration with staff members, the School Committee, representatives from our student body and school parents. A school calendar and a staff directory is also included listing important phone numbers and/or email addresses. It is our belief that the school and home are partners in the mission to educate each child at OLQP. Therefore it is imperative that you, as parents, take an active role in the education process. We strongly encourage you to become involved in the school by attending school functions such as our Parent meetings and our Parent/Teacher Conferences. We encourage all our families to volunteer their time and talents on our playground, in the classroom, on one of our committees and at our fundraisers. We also invite you to actively live your faith by celebrating with us at our school masses and with our parish community at our weekend liturgies. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child, the school or this handbook, please contact your child’s teacher or the school office at 672-6660. We look forward to working in partnership to help your child succeed. Yours in Christ, The Faculty & Staff of OLQP 2 Table of Contents Absences from School 10 Academic Probation 17/40 Accelerated Reader 16 Accidents or Illness at School 33 Administration of Medication 35 After School Care Program 28 Amending the Family Handbook 7 Arrival Procedure 9 Asbestos 33 Athletic Guidelines 31 Athletics 30 Attendance 10 Before School Care 28 Birthdays 11 Books and Other School Property 11 Breakfast Program 35 Bullying 22 Cell Phones 36/43 Change of Address and Emergency Information 12 Child Abuse Law 12 Choir 31 Christian Formation 12 Classroom/School Visitation 13 Communication 13 Computer and Internet Usage 17 Conferences/Teacher Availability 14 Conflict Resolution 14 Crossing Guard/Crosswalks 15 Curriculum 16 Cyberbullying 22 Desks and Backpacks 18 Detention 20 Disciplinary Action 19 Discipline 18 Dismissal Procedure 9 Dress Code 24 Dress Code Chart 48 Drug Policy 27 Early Release from School 10 Eligibility Guidelines for Extra-Curricular Activities 31 Emergency Forms 27 Emergency School Closures 27 3 Excel Program 17 Expulsion 20 Extended Care Program 27 Extra-Curricular Activities 30 Field Trips 32 General Guidelines for Uniforms 25 Grievance Procedures for Parents 14 Gym Uniforms 26 Harassment 23 Health 33 Homework 34 Homework Help 34 Honor Roll 40 Immunizations 33 In-School Suspension 20 Incompletes 40 Library 34 Lost and Found 34 Lunch Program 35 Mass Servers 32 Media Center 16 Medication 35 Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (Choice) 38 Money Collection 36 New/Transfer Students 39 Non-Discrimination Statement 38 Non Re-Enrollment 39 Nutrition Standards for Food/Beverages at School 46 OLQP Code of Conduct 18 Out-Of-School Suspension 20 Out-Of-Uniform/Dress Down Days 26 Parent Meetings 33 Parish Mission Statement 6 Pastor's Jurisdiction 7 Peer Mediation 32 Personal Property at School 36 Pets 36 Picture Day 27 Plagiarism 36 Priority/Registration 38 Probation 20 Random Selection Process 38 Reasons for Immediate Out of School Suspension/Expulsion 24 4 Reasons for Immediate Probation, Suspension and/or Expulsion 23 Recess/Inclement Weather 37 Records/Child Custody 37 Registration/Admission 37 Registration Sunday 44 Registration Requirements 38 Religious Programs 12 Report Cards/Assessments 40 Resource Room 16 Retention 41 Retreat 13 Safeguarding All of God's Family 41 Safety Cadets 32 School Calendar 41 School Calendar 2014-2015 50 School Closing/Transfer of Records 42 School Committee 42 School Dances 42 School Day Schedule 47 School Faculty/Staff Directory 8 School Goals 7 School Governance 7 School Mission Statement 6 School Philosophy 6 School Plays 32 School Vision 6 Scouting 32 Student Assessment 40 Student Council 32 Tardiness 10 Telephone Calls/Cell Phones 43 Testing Programs 43 Title I 17 Transfer Students 39 Truancy 11 Tuition 44 Uniform for Boys 25 Uniform for Girls 24 Unscheduled Vacation Time 11 Volunteers 45 Washington, D.C. Trip 32 Wellness Policy 45 Withdrawals 39 5 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the people of Our Lady Queen of Peace, being a diverse urban parish, are rooted in Christ’s Gospel and Catholic tradition. We strive to build a community of faith through education, worship and evangelization. We are called to carry on Christ’s ministry to our brothers and sisters, especially the sick and their families, the elderly and the youth. With Mary as our example of unconditional love, we strive to joyfully welcome all to share the peace, love and salvation of Jesus Christ. OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School in collaboration with our parish community is to provide a Catholic atmosphere of learning that pursues academic excellence and Christ-like actions inspired by the message of the Gospel. SCHOOL VISION The Faculty and Staff of Our Lady Queen of Peace School envisions a school that cultivates an academic climate that challenges all students to achieve their full potential; to equip them with the necessary 21st Century skills and to emulate the teachings of Jesus Christ. SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY Our Lady Queen of Peace School exists to provide a well-rounded education in a positive and enthusiastic learning environment that emphasizes Christian values and Catholic beliefs. We will accept every child, provided we have the resources to meet his or her educational and emotional needs. Because we believe every child is capable of learning, it is our mission to ensure each child achieves his or her full potential according to individual strengths, learning styles and life experiences. Clear expectations and a variety of techniques assist the faculty in sponsoring a lifetime of learning. We provide a safe and structured environment that invites each child to be actively engaged in his or her own learning. We believe a strong connection between home and school is key to successful learning. By promoting mutual respect and cooperation, we are preparing our students for their adult lives. 6 SCHOOL GOALS The goals of Our Lady Queen of Peace School are: 1. To instill a commitment to lifelong learning. 2. To foster a climate of communication, cooperation and respect that will continue throughout adulthood. 3. To provide students with a firm understanding of the basic Catholic beliefs and Christian values with opportunities to live out and practice those beliefs and values. 4. To encourage a personal relationship with God through meaningful prayer and worship. PASTOR’S JURISDICTION The Pastor is the chief administrator and pastoral leader of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish and School. All personnel of the parish and its organizations are responsible to the Pastor. The jurisdiction of the Pastor flows from his status in canon and civil law. The pastor: Will make the final decision regarding student admission. Will approve the expulsion of students. Will approve all educational activities which involve publicity or fund raising. Will retain the right of consultation. Will issue all contracts. Will be responsible for the financial administration of the school. Will provide adequate equipment and instructional materials. SCHOOL GOVERNANCE To achieve the purpose of Catholic education, the Principal organizes the school’s curriculum, staff and physical facilities to be an expression of the mission, philosophy, and goals of the school. The Principal implements policy; oversees all operational aspects of the school; collaborates with the faculty in establishing curriculum and hires, evaluates and supervises employees of the school. The Principal also works with the School Committee, the Parish Council and the Finance Committee to develop school policy and the school budget. The Principal implements effective ways to communicate to the parish, the parents and the community. The Teachers implement the curriculum and oversee the progress of their students. The Teachers also communicate with the parents in a variety of ways including e-mail, written notes, face-to-face meetings and phone calls. The role of the School Committee is described further on in this booklet. AMENDING THE OLQP FAMILY HANDBOOK The School Principal, in consultation with the Pastor, retains the right to amend the Family Handbook during the contract year for just causes. The Principal will inform the parents of the change and the date the change becomes effective. However, substantive student or parental rights cannot be amended or deleted during the term of the contract period. 7 Our Lady Queen of Peace School 2733 West Euclid Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215-4312 (414)672-6660 www.olqpmke.org (414)672-2739 (FAX) 2014-2015 FACULTY AND STAFF Rev Gregory M. Spitz Frederick P. Kleczka Janet Orlowski Genevieve Herro Travis Janssen Cynthia Jamnik Michael Brown Karen Kovochich Lauren Hirschinger Colleen Thiel Jean Euer Amy Beauford Monika Crawford Emma Radomski Stacy Chesick Margaret Erich Patricia Dunlap Tina Sherman James Burazin Norma Talavera Kathy Ganas Denise Chojnacki Andrea Heger SCHOOL COMMITTEE Sandra Abraham Rossy Serrano Amy Weithofer Joann Smagalski ATHLETICS Andrea Heger Jared Herro Genevieve Herro LITURGY AND MUSIC Margaret Hagedorn Pastor Director of Admin Services Principal School Administrative Assistant Teacher, K4 Teacher, K5 Teacher, Grade 1 Teacher, Grade 2 Teacher, Grade 3 Teacher, Grade 4 Teacher, Grade 5 Teacher, MS Mathematics Teacher, MS Language Arts Teacher, MS Science Teacher, MS Social Studies Teacher, Resource/Library Technology Coordinator Teacher, Music Teacher, Physical Education Teacher, Spanish Teacher/Library Aide Lunch Program Director Director of Maintenance gspitz@olqpmke.org fklecz@olqpmke.org jorlow@olqpstaff.org gherro@olqpstaff.org tjanss@olqpstaff.org cjamnik@olqpstaff.org mbrown@olqpstaff.org kkovoc@olqpstaff.org lhirsc@olqpstaff.org cthiel@olqpstaff.org jeuer@olqpstaff.org abeauf@olqpstaff.org mcrawf@olqpstaff.org eradom@olqpstaff.org schesi@olqpstaff.org merich@olqpstaff.org pdunla@olqpstaff.org tsherm@olqpstaff.org jburaz@olqpstaff.org ntalav@olqpstaff.org kganas@olqpstaff.org dchojn@olqpmke.org aheger@olqpmke.org Chairperson Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member abrahams4@earthlink.net Athletic Director Basketball Coordinator Volleyball Coordinator Soccer Coordinator aheger@olqpmke.org Director mhaged@olqpmke.org 8 gherro@olqpstaff.org ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL POLICIES ARRIVAL PROCEDURE Students should be dropped off at the south parking lot entrance. For the safety of the children, DO NOT DRIVE ON TO THE PLAYGROUND Students arriving before 7:30AM are to enter the building and proceed to the school cafeteria for breakfast or to be supervised. Students will report to their classrooms after 7:30AM. DISMISSAL PROCEDURE Children in Morning Junior Kindergarten will be dismissed at 11:15AM at the southeast entrance. PARENTS MUST EXIT THEIR CARS TO PICK UP THEIR CHILDREN. Students in All Day Junior and Senior Kindergarten will be dismissed at 2:30 PM Students in Grades 1 through 8 will be dismissed at 2:45PM. If you are picking up your child at the south gate, please park in a designated parking area in the Marcus/WalMart parking lot and then meet your child on the school playground. FOR THE SAFETY OF THE CHILDREN, DO NOT DRIVE ON TO THE PLAYGROUND. If you are meeting your child on Euclid Avenue, park in a designated area. State law prohibits cars from parking, standing, or stopping on any street that is adjacent to a school between 7:30AM and 4:30PM. DO NOT BLOCK THE CROSSWALKS OR STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD. Parents choosing to drop off or pick up their children on Euclid Avenue must be extremely careful when driving on this street. All students will exit from the southeast doors. There should be no loitering in front of the school or parish buildings as this interferes with movement of children and of the cars on Euclid Avenue and may jeopardize student safety. PLEASE BE PROMPT IN PICKING UP YOUR CHILD If your child is not picked up by 2:50PM, he/she will be sent to the Extended Care Program and you will be billed for its services. This policy will be strictly enforced. No child will be allowed to stand by the school door unsupervised to wait for a ride. The Milwaukee Safety commission provides the services of a crossing guard for the safety of the children. The crossing guard is stationed at the corner of South 27th Street and West Euclid Avenue. Students and parents must cross at the corners/crosswalks and must obey the safety regulations. Courtesy to the crossing guard and the safety cadets is expected. 9 ATTENDANCE ABSENCES A parent/guardian must phone or email the school office before 9:00AM whenever their child is absent from school. This helps to ensure that all children who have set out for school in the morning have arrived safely. For your convenience, this message may be left on the answering machine outside of school hours. To ensure a child’s safety, parents will be called to verify an absence if a phone call is not received by 9:00AM. In addition to a phone call, State Law requires a written, dated note for any absence. The note must have the child’s name on it, the date/s the child was absent, the reason for the absence, and the parent/guardian signature. THIS IS MANDATORY EVERY TIME A CHILD RETURNS TO SCHOOL AFTER BEING ABSENT. A parent will be called if a child returns without a note. Students attending OLQP are expected to attend school regularly in compliance with the Compulsory Attendance Law. Excessive absences (more than five per quarter) will result in the following consequences: First Quarter or 1st noncompliance: First Warning letter sent home nd Second Quarter or 2 noncompliance: Second Warning letter sent home Third Quarter or 3rd time noncompliance: Student placed on probation with registration placed on hold th Fourth Quarter or 4 time noncompliance: Registration denied for the next school year Unexcused excessive absences will be reported to the appropriate authorities and may jeopardize a student’s promotion to the following grade level or future enrollment at OLQP. Excessive absences may result in a student being unable to participate in field trips, classroom incentives and/or be eligible for Honor Roll or Merit Award. EARLY RELEASE FROM SCHOOL Students will not be released from school during the school day without approval from the Principal or Administrative Assistant. A child who is to leave school during the day should bring a written note from his/her parent or guardian stating the reason for leaving early, the time the child will be leaving and the person who will pick him/her up from school. This person must come to the school office to pick up the child and sign for his/her release. Written permission must be given to allow a student to be released to someone other than the custodial parent. Students who leave before 1:00PM will be marked with a half-day absence. TARDINESS If a child is tardy for any reason, the child reports directly to the office to receive his/her Tardy Card. A student will not be allowed in the classroom without this card. Parents are asked not to escort their child to the classroom. Because tardiness causes disruption of classroom procedures and may result in a student missing instruction, parents are urged to make sure their children arrive on time. Students arriving after 9:30am will be marked a half day absent. Excessive tardies (more than 5 per quarter) will not be tolerated. Excessive tardies may result in a student being unable to participate in field trips, classroom incentives and/or be eligible for Honor Roll or Merit Award. Students who are excessively tardy will be dealt with on an individual basis. 10 TRUANCY Section 118.16 (1) of the Wisconsin Statutes states: “Truancy means any absence of one or more days from school during which the principal or teacher has not been notified in writing of the legal cause of such absence by the parent or guardian of the absent pupil, and also means intermittent attendance carried on for the purpose of defeating the intent of the Compulsory Attendance Law.” Cases of suspected truancy will be referred to the proper local officials. UNSCHEDULED VACATION TIME The school encourages parents to plan family vacations during non-school days. If a student must be absent for a long period of time (three or more days), the teacher(s) must be contacted at least one week in advance so that assignments can be prepared. Please note that sometimes assignments cannot be given until after the student returns. BIRTHDAYS Birthdays are incredibly important days in the lives of children. Many students bring in birthday treats for their classmates and teacher during snack time which is very thoughtful and enjoyed by all. In keeping with our Wellness Policy, parents should give consideration to good nutrition when selecting a birthday treat. Please make all treats simple, individual and easy for your child or the teacher to distribute. Also be aware of any food allergies in your child’s classroom. In lieu of a sugary treat, consider giving a book or a game to the classroom in your child’s honor. A birthday treat may never be a substitute for lunch or used as a substitute for a child’s birthday party. The personal feelings of each and every child at OLQP are important to the faculty and staff. Therefore NO invitations will be distributed in the school or on school property unless the invitation is extended to all members of the class (all girls and/or all boys) and then only through the teacher. BOOKS AND OTHER SCHOOL PROPERTY OLQP provides students with textbooks and workbooks necessary for learning. These textbooks are the property of the school and must be returned at the end of the school year. To ensure that they are returned in good condition, all textbooks are required to be covered. A fee will be assessed for damaged or lost books. School property is defined as all areas surrounding the school from 27th Street to 29th Street and from Euclid Avenue to the school’s south gate. School property includes the buildings and all resources (books, furniture, playground equipment, etc) within the buildings. Students are responsible for the proper care of all school property. Students and parents are responsible for the cost of any damage to school property due to vandalism or careless misuse. 11 CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR EMERGENCY INFORMATION An Emergency Form must be completed for each student at the beginning of each school year. If an Emergency Form is not on file after the first week of school, the parent will be required to come to school to complete the emergency form before the child may enter the classroom. Parents must keep the office informed via written notice or e-mail concerning changes in address, phone number, employer, emergency number or marital status. Emergency contact persons must agree to pick up the child and will be called ONLY if parents cannot be contacted. Parents, please do not list yourself as the emergency contact. Parents are always called first in an emergency. CHILD ABUSE LAW Under Wisconsin Statute #48.981 and the Archdiocesan Policy #5140.1, school personnel are required to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to the County Department of Health and Social Service, the Sheriff or the City Police Department. The telephone number for Social Services is 220-7233 The faculty and staff of Our Lady Queen of Peace take a strong stand against child abuse. All staff members and volunteers are in compliance with the requirements of the Archdiocesan Safeguarding All of God’s Family Program. CHRISTIAN FORMATION In addition to the formal religious instruction, students in Grades K4 through 8 celebrate the Eucharist once a week with their grade level and once a month with the entire student body. Reconciliation is celebrated during the Advent and Lenten Seasons. RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS Students in Grade 2 who are baptized Roman Catholic are prepared during the regular religion classes for Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. Transfer students in Grades 3-8 are required to attend the parish’s Christian Formation program classes at no cost to the parents for sacrament preparation. Since it is a part of Catholic teaching that every Catholic who has reached the age of reason must demonstrate a response to the existence of God, regular participation at Sunday Mass is obligatory. Families that regularly worship together, pray together, and participate in the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation will make a positive impact on their children, our school, our parish and ultimately in the world at large. 12 RETREAT As part of the school’s Religious Education Program, students in the Middle School may spend one day a year on a retreat. The purpose of the retreat is to help students get closer to God in a suitable framework and setting. Students who are preparing for the reception of First Eucharist and their parents participate in a Saturday retreat during the month of April. CLASSROOM/SCHOOL VISITATION Visitors, volunteers and parents are required to report to the school office, sign in and receive a visitor badge before they will be allowed to enter the school complex. Upon leaving, each visitor must stop at the school office to check out. If you would like to come to visit your child’s teacher before or after school hours you are asked to notify the school office or teacher by telephone or email, prior to the visit. Parents/guardians are welcome to visit classrooms during school hours for a short observation; however, they must call the school office prior to the visit in order to arrange an appointment with the teacher or the principal. OLQP Alumni are always welcomed but are asked to visit after 2:30PM so as not to disrupt the learning process. COMMUNICATION It is imperative that the school maintains an open line of communication between the home, parish, school and community in order for a child’s education to reach its fullest potential. The following procedures have been implemented in order to achieve this line of communication: Family folders containing the school newsletter, information from the parish, school information, lunch program, etc, are sent home with the child weekly or sent via email when an email address is provided. School news is printed in the parish bulletin and posted on the school website. Parent teacher conferences, StandardsScore (WebGrader), report cards and standardized testing provide an update of a student’s academic progress. Teachers are easily accessible via their email address, and WebNotes. Information can also be emailed to parents as requested through the StandardsScore (WebNotes). Advertisements/Information can be found in community newspapers. 13 CONFERENCES/TEACHER AVAILABILITY Parent/Teacher Conferences provide an opportunity to foster positive communication between home and school. Conferences are mandatory at the end of the first quarter. Subsequent conferences are scheduled at the discretion of the teacher and/or parent. Students are required to attend Middle School conferences. Teachers are also available on a daily basis after 2:50PM or by appointment. Please understand that teacher’s time is as valuable to them as yours is to you. Requests for an appointment may also be made via email. Please respect any individual policy a teacher may have regarding phone calls. CONFLICT RESOLUTIONS In order to retain a student’s respect for his/her teacher, it is vital that the parent models appropriate courtesy towards that teacher. Most disagreements can be resolved through good communication with a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation. Parents are urged to contact the teacher in order to discuss the problem. If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, parents can take their concerns to the Principal. If still unresolved, an appeal can be made to the Pastor. Our Lady Queen of Peace School and Parish follow the Archdiocese’s GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES FOR PARENTS (1312) as stated below. Grievance Procedures For Parents In the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, a parental grievance occurs when there is a disagreement between the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a student enrolled in our schools or parish religious education programs and an employee (e.g. Principal, Teacher, DRE, Youth Minister, Catechist) of the parish. Before any formal grievance can be initiated, the parent(s) or guardians(s) must meet with the employee with whom there is an issue to see if reconciliation or meeting of the minds can occur, consistent with the philosophy of the Archdiocese. If resolution occurs, there is no need to proceed. An informal grievance not raised in a timely manner (generally not to exceed ten days) shall be considered to be waived. STEP 1 If there is no resolution, the parent(s)/guardian(s) can initiate the formal grievance process by providing a letter to the employee's supervisor no later than ten (10) working days after the informal meeting noted above. The letter must contain the following: • the date/time/place of the informal meeting • the name and position of the employee with whom the disagreement exists • factual information and background regarding the disagreement • specific recommendations for resolution of the issue After receipt of the letter, the supervisor will provide the employee five (5) work days to respond and then schedule a meeting of all parties within (10) days to work through conciliation toward resolution. Should resolution occur, the process is concluded. If resolution does not occur and involves secondary schools, please go to STEP 3. If resolution does not 14 occur and the potential concern involves elementary schools or parish programs, proceed to STEP 2. STEP 2 If resolution does not occur in the informal meeting or STEP 1 and the concern involves elementary schools or parish programs, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will provide the pastor with a copy of the letter noted in STEP1 within five (5) working days of the completion of STEP 1. The pastor will immediately call on the employee for his/her response and attempt to resolve the situation in one of the following manners; 1. The pastor will convene the parties in an attempt to reach mutual agreement. (Disputes in which the pastor is the immediate supervisor begin here). 2. The pastor may contact the Archdiocesan Office for Schools, Child, and Youth Ministry for assistance in resolving the matter. If agreement is reached, the process is concluded. 3. The pastor may direct the local grievance committee to proceed with a review of all details and submit a recommendation to him. STEP 3 If there is no resolution through STEP 2, issues of concern will be heard by the local grievance committee. The local committee of three to five members will hear all sides of the dispute no later than thirty (30) days after the parent(s)/guardian(s) forwards a copy of the letter noted in STEP 1 to the committee. The committee, appointed by the pastor (principal, or president in a secondary school) and drawn from a pool of candidates who possess qualifications that would allow them to discern impartially the issues at hand, will render a decision to all parties. If there is consensus of all parties, the process is concluded. If resolution does not occur a final STEP 4 may be initiated. STEP 4 Should resolution not occur through STEPS 1, 2, and 3, the parent(s)/guardian(s) can request within ten (10) working days, a written appeal to the Archdiocese. Should an appeal not occur within the time period, the issue is considered closed. Upon receipt of the written appeal, the superintendent will determine the appropriate action and the findings will be communicated to all parties involved. . CROSSING GUARD/CROSSWALKS The Safety Division provides a crossing guard on the corner of 27th and Euclid from 7:15AM until 7:45AM and from 2:30PM until 2:50PM. Students who walk to school must cross with the crossing guard or in the crosswalks. Those students who bike to school must walk their bikes in the crosswalks as well as on school property. Students and parents must cross at the corners/crosswalks and must obey the safety regulations. Courtesy to the crossing guard and the safety cadets is expected. 15 CURRICULUM To achieve the purpose of Catholic education, the principal organizes the school’s curriculum, staff and physical facilities to be an expression of the mission, philosophy, and the specific goals of the school. The required academic areas for the Catholic elementary school are: Religion, Language Arts, Fine Arts (music, art), Health, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, and Family Life. Enhancement of the basic curriculum includes the following added courses: Spanish, 6 Traits Writing Program/Step Up to Writing, Daily 5, Computer Education, Resource Room, Excel Program, Accelerated Reading Program and STAR Assessment. ACCELERATED READER Students in Grade 2 through Grade 8 use the computerized Accelerated Reading Program. Participation in the Accelerated Reading Program is MANDATORY in Grades 2 through 8. In order to challenge each student, the mandatory minimum points for each quarter are individually assigned to each student based by the classroom teacher on his/her ability level MEDIA CENTER The media center consists of the Computer Lab and the Library. Students in Junior Kindergarten through Grade 3 have scheduled classes twice a week in the computer lab and one scheduled time in the library. Technology is integrated into the curriculum for all grade levels. Students receive instruction in keyboarding, creating and using data bases and PowerPoint presentations and using academic support systems. Students use technology to demonstrate knowledge and develop higher level thinking skills. An “Agreement for the Use of Computers and Telecommunications” must be completed each year to allow students access to the internet. The school reserves the right to access email to retrieve information and records, to engage in routine computer maintenance and housekeeping, carry out internal investigations or to disclose messages, data or misinformation to law enforcement authorities (Archdiocesan Policy 6161.2) RESOURCE ROOM The Resource Room is an integral part of the learning environment. A specially trained teacher is assigned the task of identifying and helping children who are struggling academically. The following process will be implemented in identifying struggling students: Struggling students are recognized through teacher observation, parental concerns, and/or low test scores. Classroom and resource teachers meet to discuss concerns. The students are then referred to the resource teacher in order to receive assistance with classroom level material in a small group or a one- on- one setting. The resource teacher will suggest additional strategies, materials, 16 volunteer tutoring or Title I instruction to help strengthen the academic performance of the student. If concerns continue, additional testing is recommended. A Testing Authorization Form is sent home to be signed, and returned. The student is individually tested using the appropriate assessment tools. Test scores (WKCE and ITBS), classroom achievement and teacher observations are analyzed and discussed. Suggestions are made for classroom accommodations, resource remediation, home practice material and strategies. A conference (First Staffing) is held with the classroom teacher, the resource teacher, the principal and parent. Updates of the student’s performance are shared between the classroom teacher and the resource teacher. Additional strategies and materials are then suggested as needed. A Second Staffing follows if the student does not show improvement. Retesting would be administered at the end of the school year (if the first testing was done in the first semester). Referral for testing, through MPS will be pursued if achievement does not improve with suggested interventions and monitoring. ACADEMIC PROBATION Students who have the potential and are not putting forth an effort in their academic studies demonstrated by missing work and failing grades will be placed on “Academic Probation”. A meeting will be scheduled with the parent(s), teacher(s) and principal to inform the parents of the school’s decision and to develop interventions to help the student succeed. During the academic probationary period, the student’s progress will be monitored closely by teachers and parents. At the end of the quarter, a second meeting will be held to discuss the student’s progress. A decision will then be made to lift the probation or extend it to the next quarter. Lack of academic effort on part of the student may result in the denial of the student’s participation in extra-curricular activities including field trips, classroom parties and out-ofuniform days. It may also jeopardize the student’s enrollment at OLQP. TITLE I In addition to our Resource Room, students who reside in the City of Milwaukee may also be eligible to receive services through the Title I Program. Title I is a federally funded program which provides instruction to those students who are struggling in the areas of reading and/or mathematics. Instruction is held on site through a Title I provider. Catapult is the Title I provider at OLQP. EXCEL PROGRAM Students in Grades 6, 7 and 8 who meet the required criteria are eligible to participate in the “Excel” Program. Students meet once a week under the supervision of the Resource Teacher to work on self-guided projects. 17 DESKS AND BACKPACKS General inspections of desks and backpacks may be conducted by school authorities for any reason, at any time, without notice, without student consent and without a search warrant. Any contraband items (alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, knives, weapons, etc.) or items deemed contrary/inappropriate for our Catholic learning environment will be turned over to the proper authorities. Possession of such items will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. DISCIPLINE PURPOSE The purpose of the discipline code at OLQP is to foster and nurture a safe, Christian environment. It is the school’s expectation that all students demonstrate the following values: trustworthy, responsibility, citizenship, caring, respect and fairness. It is imperative that these values are shared not only at school but at home as well. These values are important aspects of child development. OLQP CODE OF CONDUCT CLASSROOMS In the classroom, students are expected to: Be cooperative with the teachers and classmates. Contribute to the classroom in a positive way. Keep hands and feet to themselves. Use kind words. Listen when someone is speaking. Follow the additional rules of each individual classroom/teacher. Ask permission to use other people’s property. ACADEMICS In regards to academics, students are expected to: Complete all homework and project assignments, neatly and on time. Work to their ability. Return signed tests, report card envelopes and other items, when requested. Be prepared for all classes. Bring only required items into class. Request academic help as needed. 18 HALLS AND RESTROOMS In halls and restrooms, students are expected to: Walk Enter and exit rooms quietly and mannerly. Respect all property. Keep all areas clean and neat. LUNCHROOM In the lunch room, students are expected to: Talk quietly and use table manners. Say “Please” and “Thank You” Dispose of trash properly. Clean up their area when finished eating. Ask permission to leave the lunchroom. Perform the tasks of “Table Washer” and “Floor Sweeper” when assigned Finish lunch before leaving the lunchroom. PLAYGROUND On the playground, students are expected to: Use the equipment properly, safely and responsibly. Be considerate of others. Be respectful of all persons, at all times. Obey the adult playground supervisors. MISCELLANEOUS In addition, students are expected to: Be respectful during liturgies/prayer services, assemblies, field trips and other school functions. Follow school uniform policy. Follow directions of those in authority. Properly use computer equipment. Refrain from the use of cells phones on school property. Refrain from chewing gum on school property at any time; this includes all buildings and outdoor areas. Reasonable and appropriate means may be used by school personnel in order to subdue a disturbance that threatens physical injury, obtain possession of a weapon or other dangerous objects for the purpose of self-defense or defense of others and protection of property. DISCIPLINARY ACTION Disciplinary actions teach a child that behavior contrary to the OLQP Code of Conduct is not acceptable. The following regulations will be enforced at Our Lady Queen of Peace School. Disciplinary action is a necessary consequence of behavior contrary to the OLQP Code of Conduct. The severity of the disciplinary action is in relation to the gravity of the offense. Corporal punishment is never allowed for any reason. Disciplinary action should never indiscriminately be applied to an entire group of students because of the behavior of one student or a small group of students. If warranted, a hearing committee will be formed for the purpose of adjudicating serious infractions of the OLQP Code of Conduct. 19 PROCEDURE-GRADES K4 THROUGH 8 Procedures for disciplinary action in Grades K4 through 4 are at the discretion of the classrooms teachers. Parents may be informed via written notification, phone call or email of behavior contrary to the OLQP Code of Conduct. Repeated infractions may result in a detention, suspension or expulsion. DETENTION Detentions are served after school under the supervision of a teacher. A Detention Form will be sent home to the parents informing them of this disciplinary action. Detentions are not to be used to complete homework, but to serve as a time of reflection of behavior contrary to the OLQP Code of Conduct Detentions do not carry over to the next quarter. IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION After a student receives two detentions in one quarter, an In-School Suspension which should not exceed five days will be issued. At this time, a staffing or a meeting may be scheduled with the student’s parents/guardians and relevant school personnel and principal. The purpose of a staffing is to develop strategies to help improve the student’s behavior. The student’s parent(s) will also be informed that enrollment at OLQP could be in jeopardy. An In-School Suspension may be given by the principal immediately following a serious disciplinary offense. In-School Suspensions carry over to the next quarter. OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION After a student receives two In-School Suspensions during the school year, an Out-of-School Suspension with a maximum of five days will be imposed unless a written notice of a scheduled expulsion hearing is issued. Such notice shall allow not more than a total of fifteen consecutive school days to be served in suspension until the expulsion hearing is held. An Out-of-School Suspension may be given by the Principal immediately following a serious disciplinary offense. Such a suspension could be used for investigative purposes. A staffing must be held before the suspended student may return to school. Out-of-School Suspensions carry over to the next quarter. PROBATION A student may be placed on probation for a trial period by the school principal as a result of behavior which is contrary to the OLQP Code of Conduct. A conference may be held with the student’s parent(s) and appropriate school personnel to set the conditions for release from the probation. The Principal’s decision is final. All new students are on probation for their first year at OLQP. EXPULSION By definition, expulsion is considered a termination of enrollment, permanently or for an extended period of time. Expulsion results from the repeated refusal of a student to comply with the school’s Code of Conduct which endangers property, health or safety of others, and is deemed to be in the best interest of the school. Parents will be notified in writing at least five days before the expulsion hearing is to take place; this notification period can be waived by mutual consent of the parents and the school if an 20 expedited hearing date is advisable. The parents and student will be informed before the hearing takes place that the student may be voluntarily withdrawn up until the time that the final disciplinary action that is approved takes effect. If the decision is to expel the student from Our Lady Queen of Peace School, parents will be notified in writing of this action. The student and his/her family have the right to appeal. In the event that an appeal is requested, the student and his/her family may, within five school days following notification of the expulsion, appeal to the Superintendent of Schools in writing with rationale for appeal. The Superintendent will investigate that correct procedures were followed as defined by Archdiocesan policy. If they were not followed, the Superintendent will refer the issue back to the parish with a recommendation as to which step of the procedure needs to be further processed. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR EXPULSION HEARING The Expulsion Hearing Committee is comprised of 3-4 people. Members are chosen from various sources within the parish. One of the hearing committee members, not the Pastor, will chair/facilitate the hearing. An expulsion hearing is not a legal proceeding; therefore neither party may have an attorney present during the hearing. The school is represented by the Principal, along with any teachers, if appropriate. The school has a certain amount of time (up to 30 minutes) to present the chronology of events that lead up to the initiation of the expulsion process along with the supportive documentation & rationale as to why the expulsion is being sought. The student who is the subject of the hearing and his/her parents/guardians are given equal time to present their side of the story and reasons as to why expulsion is not warranted. Committee members can ask clarifying questions at the end of the presentation time. Representatives of the two sides are not to interrupt the other during their respective presentations. A brief amount of time (5-7 minutes) is given to both sides for questions, responses and final summative comments, or last minute questions from the hearing committee. After the hearing, the committee weighs the facts and issues that were presented and gives the Pastor in writing a recommendation as to what it believes is the appropriate disciplinary action. The Pastor can accept the recommendation totally, in part or reject it all together. The pastor has final responsibility for the decision to expel or not. A formal letter is sent by certified mail detailing the final action and signed by the pastor and principal no later than the day after the hearing. The parent still has the right to withdraw) the student from school before the deadline through a written notice signed by the parent(s). An appeal can be made by the parent(s) to the Superintendent of Schools if the decision to expel is upheld. 21 BULLYING Bullying is deliberate or intentional behavior using words or actions intended to cause fear, intimidation, or harm. The behavior may be motivated by an actual or perceived distinguishing characteristic including, but not limited to: age; national origin, race or ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, and social, economic or family status. Bullying behavior can be: 1. Physical (assault, hitting or punching, kicking, theft, threatening behavior) 2. Verbal (threatening or intimidating language, teasing or name-calling, racist remarks) 3. Indirect (spreading cruel rumors, intimidation through gestures, social exclusion, and sending insulting messages or pictures by mobile phone or using the internet—also known as cyber bullying) Any student who feels he/she has been bullied should notify any adult on the school or parish staff either verbally or in writing. The person who has been notified must report the incident to the principal and/or pastor. If any allegation is confirmed, appropriate action will be taken. The following procedure has been developed by our Anti-Bullying Committee in order to create a safe, positive learning environment for all students: Reporting Any student, faculty or staff member may report a bullying incident to any school staff member. They will be asked to complete a Bullying Incident Reporting Form which they can do so anonymously by placing it in the Positive Action Lab basket in the school office. Parents and visitors are also encouraged to report any act that may violate our anti-bullying policy. All reports will be taken seriously, will result in a thorough investigation and will remain on file in the Positive Action binder. Consequences If a bullying incident is reported and confirmed, a Cease and Desist Form will be sent home with the child who is accused of bullying to be reviewed and signed by the parent/guardian. Should a second incident occur, the child will spend his/her lunch and recess in the Positive Action Lab (PAL) with a supervising faculty member. The PAL is to be used as a time to reflect on one’s behaviors and develop a plan that encourages the child(ren) involved to make positive decisions going forward. In the event that negative behaviors continue to be exhibited, a meeting will be held involving the parents, faculty, a member of the Anti-Bullying Committee and the student. There shall be no retaliation against individuals who report an incident of bullying. Individuals engaging in retaliatory behavior will be subject to disciplinary action. CYBER BULLYING Cyber bullying, like bullying in the physical world, may include: Sending hurtful, hateful, derogatory, harassing or threatening messages to others. Spreading rumors. Sending personal or embarrassing information about or pictures of others – all with the intention of intimidating, frightening, ridiculing, or harming someone else. In order to ensure that a child does not engage in cyber bullying activities, parents/guardians should communicate a clear set of expectations regarding acceptable and unacceptable behavior 22 on the Internet. Parents are also expected to monitor their children’s online activities. Unacceptable behavior includes: Revealing his or her password or the passwords of others. Sending email messages, instant messages or text messages to others disguising himself or herself as another person. Spreading rumors or false information about others. Sending rude, harassing or threatening email messages, instant messages or text messages. Creating websites that ridicule, humiliate or intimidate others. Posting on websites or disseminating embarrassing or inappropriate messages, pictures or images of others. HARASSMENT Harassment is defined as a single incident or a pattern of behavior wherein the purpose or effect is to create a hostile, offensive or intimidating environment. Harassment encompasses a broad range of physical or verbal behavior which can include, but is not limited to, the following: Threatening behavior Racial insults Derogatory ethnic slurs Unwelcome sexual advances or touching Sexual comments, jokes or gestures Physical or mental abuse Bullying, harassment and cyber bullying are considered serious offenses and will be dealt with accordingly. Repeated instances of bullying or harassment will result in dismissal from OLQP. REASONS FOR IMMEDIATE PROBATION, SUSPENSION AND/OR EXPULSION Leaving school grounds without permission during school hours Truancy Repeated excessive absences/tardies Persistent bullying of another student Vandalizing school property or any property which belongs to anyone who works for or visits Our Lady Queen of Peace Smoking or possession of cigarettes or cigarette paraphernalia Deliberate defiance or disrespect toward an authority figure, parent or visitor to Our Lady Queen of Peace Missing class without permission Chronic behavior which undermines classroom discipline and or impedes the academic progress of the class Possession of obscene materials Stealing Cheating Disrupting communication between home and school, such as forging a parent’s name on school documents; altering report card grades, tests, quizzes or homework assignments; interfering with the mail Physical or verbal harassment or bullying of other students Public display of affection between students or inappropriate physical contact Possession of inhalants that are deemed illegal Use of cell phones 23 REASONS FOR IMMEDIATE OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION/EXPULSION Possession of and or selling drugs and/or drug paraphernalia Possession of guns, knives, weapons or any other dangerous item Displaying gang symbols or gestures Engaging in overt sexual activity inside the school or on school property Acts of violence towards an adult or student Possession of alcohol If warranted, the police will be called in order to deal with illegal or violent acts. DRESS CODE UNIFORM POLICY OLQP adheres to a dress code in order to instill in the student pride in one’s appearance and to help maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning. The success of the dress code is dependent upon the cooperation of parents/guardians. Students inappropriately dressed will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Decisions and consequences are at the discretion of school personnel. A call will be placed to the student’s parent if the student is not in compliance with the dress code. If the parent is unable to bring the child’s uniform or if the parent cannot be reached then the child will be given a school uniform, if available. A student who is not in compliance with the OLQP Dress Code will be issued a Uniform Violation. A student will receive a detention after a third uniform violation is issued. UNIFORM FOR GIRLS Jumpers/Skirts/Slacks/Shorts K4-Grade 3 Lands’ End Classic Navy plaid Jumper, solid navy blue uniform slacks or solid navy blue uniform shorts Grades 4-5 Lands’ End Classic Navy plaid Jumper or Skirt, solid navy blue uniform slacks or solid navy blue uniform shorts Grades 6-8 Lands’ End Classic Navy plaid skirt (no higher than 2 inches above the knee) solid navy blue uniform slacks or solid navy blue uniform shorts 24 Shorts worn at any time under the uniform jumper/skirt may not show or be longer than the uniform skirt or jumper. Slacks may not be worn under the jumper/skirt during the school day. Blouses/Polo Shirts/Sweaters/Sweatshirts Grades K4-8 Solid white, light blue, or navy blue uniform blouse, polo shirt, or turtleneck with long or short sleeves o No shirts/blouses without collars or form-fitting shirts/blouses o Solid Navy Blue button-down crew/cardigan or V-neck sweater o Only OLQP Spirit Wear sweatshirts may be worn over the uniform blouse or shirt. No hooded sweatshirts (including Spirit or Team). Socks/Shoes Grades K4-8 White, black or navy blue crew socks, knee-highs or tights. Students are encouraged to wear leather shoes. Athletic shoes are acceptable. Clogs, platform, shoes with slick soles, roller shoes (“heelies”), flip flops, knit shoes/boots, boots, moccasins and shoes without backs may not be worn. High tops may be worn only with uniform slacks. Shoes must be tied with shoelaces tied over the tongue of the shoe. Socks must be visible above the shoe. UNIFORM FOR BOYS Pants/Shorts K4-Grade 8 Navy blue uniform pants or navy blue uniform shorts. NO baggy pants, cargo pants, nylon, sweat, wind pants, extra zippers or pockets Shirts/Turtlenecks/Sweaters/Sweatshirts K4-Grade 8 Light blue, white, or navy blue dress shirts, polo shirts or turtlenecks (Long or Short Sleeves) No Shirts without Collars. Solid Navy Blue button-down crew/cardigan or V-neck sweater Only OLQP Spirit Wear sweatshirts may be worn over the uniform shirt No hooded sweatshirts (including Spirit or Team). Socks/Shoes K4-Grade 8 White, black or navy blue crew socks Students are encouraged to wear leather shoes. Athletic shoes are acceptable. Shoes with slick soles, roller shoes (“heelies”), flip flops, boots, moccasins and shoes without backs may not be worn. High tops may be worn only with uniform slacks. Shoes must be tied with shoelaces tied over the tongue of the shoe. . Socks must be visible above the shoe. 25 General Guidelines for Uniforms 1. Jumpers/Skirts must be purchased from the Lands’ End website. 2. Clothing is to be neat, clean, and in good repair. 3. Make-up is not to be worn. Artificial nails and colored nail polish are not allowed. Students will be asked to remove all make-up and/or nail polish. 4. Hair should be clean, combed, out of the eyes and worn in an acceptable hair style. In general, an “acceptable” hairstyle is neat, does not draw undue focus on the student, and does not interfere with the learning process. No bleaching or hair dye. Boys’ hair must be above the collar. 5. Girl’s earrings must be small and non-dangling in style. 6. Multiple necklaces, bracelets, rings, or earrings may not be worn. 7. Students are encouraged to wear leather shoes. Athletic shoes are acceptable. Clogs, platform, shoes with slick soles, roller shoes (“heelies”), flip flops, moccasins and shoes without backs may not be worn. Shoes must be tied with shoelaces tied over the tongue of the shoe. 8. High tops may only be worn with uniform slacks. 9. Shirts and blouses must be tucked in at all times. 10. Long-sleeved undershirts worn under the uniform shirts must white, light blue or navy. 11. Scarves, caps or any type of head covering may not be worn in the school building. Hair accessories such as ribbons, bow and headbands must match the school uniform and may not draw undue focus on the student. Gym Uniforms Students in grade K4-Grade 5 must bring athletic shoes on gym days. Girls are strongly encouraged to wear uniform slacks or shorts. If a jumper or skirt is worn then shorts must be worn under the jumpers/skirts. Students in grades 6th through 8th must: o wear OLQP gym uniforms which consists of a OLQP gym T-shirt and a pair of solid navy blue mesh shorts or OLQP logo shorts o bring necessary hygiene items (no aerosol sprays) o wear athletic shoes on Phy-Ed days o Solid navy blue sweatpants and/or sweatshirt may also be worn. Students not in the proper gym attire will be issued a uniform violation and will be considered unprepared for class which could affect their gym grade. There is no rental charge for the use of the school-issued gym uniform for the incoming 6th graders and transfer students in the middle school. There will be a charge for replacement uniforms if a gym uniform is lost, damaged or no longer wearable. Out-of-Uniform/Dress Down Days Occasionally students will be allowed to be out-of-uniform. On those days, appropriate dress is required. No short and/or tight fitting dresses, baggy pants, short shorts, bike shorts, cut offs, crop tops, halter tops, t-shirts with inappropriate slogans, words or pictures, and no shirts without sleeves. Students must also follow the guidelines regarding shoes, jewelry, nails and hair. Parents will be called to bring a change of clothing if it is decided by the classroom teacher and the principal that a student is dressed inappropriately. Students who are inappropriately dressed will not be able to participate in the next out-ofuniform day. Please refer to the Dress Code Chart in the back of this handbook for a complete list of what to wear and what not to wear. 26 PICTURE DAY School pictures will be taken on Registration Sunday and our Meet & Greet Day. Picture make up day will be in September. Parents should note the dates of those two events. Students are required to adhere to the Picture Day Dress Code (See Dress Code Chart at the end of the handbook). The principal and/or teacher have the right to deny the inclusion in the school’s memory book of any student who is not dressed appropriately. DRUG POLICY The possession, use or sale of drugs which includes tobacco, alcohol and inhalants that are deemed illegal is considered a very serious matter. Students who are found with drugs or drugrelated paraphernalia in their possession or who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the school day or at any school related activity will be subject to strict disciplinary action which could include expulsion. If your child requires medication during the school day, a written note, signed by the parent or physician must be on file in the school office. All medication must be properly labeled and must be stored in the school office. EMERGENCY FORMS The Emergency Form is vital for all students. It acts as the link between school and home in time of emergency. Forms should be completed on Registration Sunday. If an Emergency form is not received by Labor Day, the parent will be required to come to school to complete the form. Please notify the office if there is a change of address/telephone number, etc. Additional forms are available in the school office. EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSURES In closing school for a disaster, bad weather or if unexpected circumstances (boiler/power failure, etc) occur, the principal or the pastor will make the decision to close the school. WITI (TV6), WISN (TV12) and WTMJ-TV (TV4) will make the announcement that school will be closed. The announcements will be made as early as possible. If OLQP is closed, all afterschool and night activities are cancelled. EXTENDED CARE PROGRAM The Extended Care Program is for the children of OLQP parents/guardians who are working and who are in need of before or after school care for their children. This program will be supervised by qualified personnel hired by the parish. Only students enrolled in the program will be admitted. Admission begins after the parent/guardian signs the Extended Care Program Agreement. Any child with a communicable disease will not be permitted to attend any of the Extended Care Programs. 27 Forms for the Extended Care Program are available on Registration Sunday and in the school office throughout the year. BEFORE SCHOOL CARE/BREAKFAST Students may enter the school building at 6:30AM. Upon entering, students should go directly to the school cafeteria for breakfast and/or supervision. There is no charge for breakfast and/or morning supervision. Students will be dismissed to their classrooms from the cafeteria at 7:30AM. CHILDREN MAY NOT BE DROPPED OFF BEFORE 6:30AM. AFTER SCHOOL CARE PROGRAM The After School Program is held every full school day beginning at 2:45PM. Please request a handbook from the school office. No child will be permitted to attend the Extended Care Program unless the handbook agreement is signed. There is a charge for the Extended Care Service which must be paid in advance or by other arrangements between the Extended Care Supervisor and the parents. If an account becomes delinquent, enrollment in the Extended Care Program will be cancelled and parents will be required to pick up their children at 2:45pm. DAILY RELEASE: Whoever picks up a child from Extended Care, must write their name, the relationship to the child and the time the child was picked up, on the Daily Release Form. The name and relationship of the person picking up, will be verified with the Extended Care Program Agreement signed by the parent or guardian. PERMISSION TO DISPENSE MEDICATION: If your child is taking medication during the school day, the principal will create a copy of the school form and provide it to the applicable person. If a child does not take medication during school but would require it either before or after school, a form obtained in the school office must be completed. All medication must be in its original container. The container must be marked with the child’s name, when the medication should be given with the correct dosage. PROGRAM FEES: The extended care program is based on flat fees. AFTER SCHOOL CARE FEES TIME OF CARE COST OF CARE 2:45pm-3:00pm $1.50 per day for one child, flat fee 2:45pm-3:30pm $2.75 per day for one child, flat fee 2:45pm-4:00pm $4.00 per day for one child, flat fee 2:45pm-4:30pm $5.50 per day for one child, flat fee 2:45pm-5:00pm $6.50 per day for one child, flat fee 2:45pm-5:30pm $8.00 per day for one child, flat fee 2:45pm-6:00pm $9.00 per day for one child, flat fee $9.00 plus $1.00 per minute after 6:00pm After 6:00pm Families with three (3) or more children using Extended Care will be charged as follows: $5.50 from 2:40 – 3:30PM and $11.00 from 2:40 – 4:30PM We ask that all Extended Care bills be paid in full at the end of each month. Failure to do so may result in your child being terminated from the program. 28 EMERGENCY CONTACT PROCEDURES: Supervisor by calling (414) 672-1784. Parents may contact the Extended Care NUTRITION: Nutritional snacks provided by the Hot Lunch Program will be available at no cost. RECORDS: All Extended Care records are confidential and will be shared only with those who have a legal right to know. DISCIPLINE: Each child is required to abide by the rules of the program, respect staff members, other students and property. If a child violates these standards, we will first take action by removing the child from the group and seating him/her alone for a short period of time. If the child does not respond to this and the problem behavior persists, the parents will be called in for a conference with the Extended Care supervisor. Should there continue to be problems, a second conference will be arranged and at that time the child may be dismissed from the Extended Care Program. EXTENDED CARE PROGRAM RULES: No child may go back to his/her classroom to get a forgotten item or go to any other room in the building or leave the supervision of the teacher. No foul language or profanity will be tolerated. Any child, who consistently misbehaves, is non-cooperative, or fails to comply with stated rules, will be reported to the principal. A conference with the parents will follow. After a second conference, the child may be dismissed from the program. No biting, pinching, hitting, kicking or bodily harm to another individual will be tolerated. Running in the halls or down/up steps is dangerous and will not be permitted. Each child will be required to help clean up his/her toys, books or other materials and to generally straighten the room. Each child is unique and valuable; therefore, we will expect every child to be treated with respect, love and concern. Children are not to bring toys or other articles from home without the permission of the Extended Care supervisor. CHILD CUSTODY/OTHER RELATIVE CONSIDERATIONS: The Extended Care Program must have file copies of any custody decrees or other documents relating to a parent’s contact with a child if both parents do not have custody of the child. Extended care must have access to this information so that the staff will know when, if ever, a child may be released to a noncustodial parent. If there are questions, the teachers should confer with the principal who may contact the custodial parent. If there is doubt as to the appropriate course of action, the legal consultant for the school will be consulted before any action is taken. Other relatives can sometimes present a problem for the extended care staff. Only parents or their designees will be allowed to discuss the child with staff members. This requirement applies to aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. Relatives who wish to share or obtain information will be referred to the principal. 29 EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The Principal is responsible for the entire educational program, curricular as well as extracurricular. Therefore, parents and other adults who serve as moderators, chairpersons, committee members, coaches, etc. are accountable to the Principal and/or Pastor in all schoolrelated activities. GUIDELINES FOR ELIGIBILITY Participation in extra-curricular activities will be directly tied to the student’s academic performance and behavioral record. For those students participating in extra-curricular activities, academic performance and behavioral records will be reviewed regularly by the student’s teacher or a team of teachers. If a student’s academic performance and/or behavior fall below the student’s ability, the teacher’s expectations or school’s expectations, an extracurricular probation or warning will be in effect for two weeks. Parents will be notified by mail or email of any probation or suspension that occurs. After the two-week probation, those students who have failed to improve will receive a one week suspension. Parents/Guardians can make an appeal to the School Principal based on ability, effort, behavior and attendance. If a student receives an In-School-Suspension or an Out-of-School Suspension, he/she cannot participate in extra-curricular activities on the day/days the suspension is served. Teachers and/or moderators of these extra-curricular activities, with the approval of the Principal and Athletic Director, may suspend students from participation in these activities if any student displays inappropriate behavior and/or un-sportsmanship-like behavior. The length of the suspension will be determined by the Principal, Athletic Director and teacher/moderator of the extra-curricular activity. If a student is absent from school, he/she may not participate in any extra-curricular activity on that day, unless approved by the Principal, Athletic Director, teacher or moderator. Some examples of such an approval may be the result of an excused absence (funeral, doctor’s appointment, etc.) ATHLETICS Our Athletic program is a parish-based program in which students from the day school and the Christian Formation program are eligible to participate. The primary goal of our athletic program is to teach fundamentals, teamwork and good sportsmanship, as well as an opportunity to develop the student’s athletic abilities. In keeping with the policy of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, eligibility for sports will be directly tied to the student’s academic performance and behavioral record. Guidelines for Eligibility apply to all students participating in the sports program. The following sports are offered at OLQP: FALL Girls’ Volleyball Football Co-ed Soccer Grades 5-8 Grades 5-8 Grades 5K-8 30 WINTER Girls’ Basketball Boys’ Basketball Grades 5-8 Grades 5-8 SPRING Co-ed Soccer Co-ed Softball Co-ed Track and Field Grades 5K-8 Grades 5-8 Grades 5-8 The athletic program is coordinated by the Athletic Director who is appointed by the Pastor and Principal. The Athletic Director may suspend students from participation if any student displays inappropriate or un-sportsmanship-like behavior. The Athletic Director is accountable to the Pastor and Principal in all athletic related activities. The Athletic Director is also responsible for the organization and function of an Athletic Committee. The Athletic Committee is comprised of parents/parishioners with an interest in the athletic program. Parents who sign their children up for a sport are making a commitment to the program and are expected to participate in all aspects of this program which includes: Paying necessary fees Bringing their child(ren) to ALL practices and games Participating in any fundraising activities that support the OLQP Sports Program Following the guidelines in the Parents Code of Conduct No child will be denied the opportunity to participate in a sport due to the inability to pay. Families experiencing financial difficulties should contact the Athletic Director or the Pastor. ATHLETIC GUIDELINES All Sport Fees must be paid at the time of sign-up. Sign-Up dates (2) will be announced one month prior to the first sign-up date. Students who are not signed up or whose fees are not paid or payment arrangements made will not be permitted to play that season. In order for a team to be successful, all students must be at practice and at the games. If a child is sick or is unable to attend a practice or game, please call the coach ahead of time. Please be aware of any coach’s policies regarding playing time in relation to missed practices and games. Uniforms must be turned in at the end of the season. The coach will notify the players of the uniform turn in day. If a uniform is not turned in, a charge will be assessed for the cost of the uniform. OLQP CHILDREN’S CHOIR Students in grades 3-8 are eligible for the OLQP Children’s Choir. The purpose of the Children’s Choir is to lead the singing at all school Masses and at selected weekend Masses and to enrich music understanding and appreciation. The day and time for practices will be determined by the choir director. The OLQP Director of Liturgy & Music conducts and instructs the Children’s Choirs. Parents are expected to attend the weekend Mass at which the Choir is singing. 31 MASS SERVERS Students in Grades 3 through 8 who have received First Communion are encouraged to participate in this special program. Mass servers are trained to assist the priest during the celebration of the liturgy. PEER MEDIATION Students in Grades 4 through 8 who are specially trained help in mediating conflicts between students. A class is provided at the beginning of each school year for new and returning peer mediators. SAFETY CADETS OLQP offers a cadet program for students in grades 6- 8 to assist in our efforts to maintain a safe environment for our students. Respect for cadets and adherence to cadet directives are expected at all times. During the second semester, students in the 5th grade are trained. SCHOOL PLAYS Students in Grades 3-8 are eligible to participate in our school plays and musicals. Rehearsals are extensive and usually take place after school. Students experience the auditioning process and begin to learn the art of acting, singing and dancing. They also have the opportunity to present their work to their parents, other students and our greater community. SCOUTING Scouting offers our students many opportunities for developing friendships, learning important life skills, and having fun. Parents volunteer to be scout leaders and host meetings after school and on weekends. Boys can enter the scouting program in the First Grade as Tiger Cubs. Girls can enter the scouting program in Kindergarten as Daisies. At this time, OLQP does not have an active scouting program but is open to the possibility of once again starting the program. STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council is an advisory board to the school principal. It is comprised of two student-elected representatives from each grade in the Middle School and a faculty advisor. Meetings are held on a weekly basis. WASHINGTON, D.C. TRIP Students in Grades 7 and 8 are offered the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to learn about and experience our nation’s history. Students and parents participate in fundraisers to pay for the fees required for this trip. The trip occurs every other year at the end of March. The DC trip must be PAID IN FULL PRIOR TO THE COMMITMENT DATE WITH THE TRAVEL AGENCY. Students who participate in the trip are required to complete a Washington, DC unit developed by the middle school teachers. Students who remain at school will also complete the same unit. The participants in the Washington, DC trip are subject to the extra-curricular eligibility guidelines. FIELD TRIPS Field trips serve the instructional program by utilizing those resources such as libraries, museums, art galleries, industries, historical sites, nature centers, hospitals, etc. in the community which are related to the school curriculum and are a normal part of the school day. Such trips are encouraged since they expand the teaching-learning process. 32 The school procedures for school-sponsored field trips are as follows: Parents are required to sign a school-issued permission slip. No student will be allowed to attend a field trip without a signed, school issued permission slip. Bus transportation is used for students, teachers and chaperones for all field trips beyond walking distance. Children are required to ride the bus to and from the scheduled destination. Field trip cost is included in tuition. Younger siblings of students may not accompany parents who are chaperoning. All chaperones must have fulfilled the Safe Environment requirements. Smoking is prohibited while chaperoning a field trip. Students with excessive tardies/absences may be required to remain in school to complete missing assignments. HEALTH ACCIDENTS OR ILLNESS AT SCHOOL If an illness or accident warrants, a parent/guardian will be notified. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, the Emergency Contact Person will be notified. ASBESTOS OLQP is in compliance with AHERA and the state governor’s office. The Management Plan Location and Availability Form are located in the School Office. IMMUNIZATIONS State law requires students to have all required vaccinations. Compliance with these statutes is mandatory for all parents, students and teachers. Parents who have a medical exclusion for their children must have their doctor send a letter to the school. Religious objections do not apply to Roman Catholics. The school is required to notify the District Attorney’s Office concerning families who do not comply with the law. PARENT MEETINGS The purpose of Parent Meetings is: To foster effective communication and cooperation between parents and educators. To coordinate spiritual and educational efforts of the home and school. To provide well-planned programs of information and interest to parents. To encourage high standards of family life. To create a greater appreciation for Catholic Education. To promote cooperation between all approved Archdiocesan organizations working for the advancement of Catholic Education. The Principal and School Committee plan the meetings which inform and/or educate parents in areas such as homework help, study skills and parenting skills. Please refer to the school calendar for the meeting dates. The School Committee welcomes suggestions for speakers or topics. 33 HOMEWORK Homework is closely related to the success of the student and is the responsibility of the student. Homework assignments will be given whenever necessary to develop competence in basic skills or to enrich the regular program. Parents are expected to cooperate with the school by making sure that their child has completed all homework assignments. OLQP provides each student in grades 2-8 with an assignment notebook. Each classroom teacher in grades K5-5 also sends home a weekly syllabus or letter regarding tentative homework for the week to ensure parental awareness of student assignments. Homework assignments may be emailed for those students/parents who request such a service. HOMEWORK HELP Homework help, referred to as Study Club, is offered to students after school every Monday and Wednesday by request of the parent or the teacher. Forms for the Middle School Study Club program are available from the classroom teacher or the school office. Study Club is not a substitute for participating in Extended Care. LIBRARY OLQP has a library for use by the students for reading, research and instruction in library skills. Books may be borrowed for one week. It is expected that students will care for the books in a respectful manner. Fines will be issued for overdue/lost or damaged books or materials. LOST AND FOUND The “Lost and Found” is located in the school office. A student who loses an article may check this area during recess or after school. Parents are encouraged to check the Lost and Found for any missing items belonging to their children. Items not claimed at the end of each quarter will be donated to a non-profit organization. MEAL PROGRAMS Lunchroom facilities are provided for students who bring their lunch from home or purchase the school’s hot lunch meal program. Students are not allowed to leave the school premises for lunch. Fast food or carbonated beverages may not be brought to the lunchroom during the lunch period. Nutritious meals are essential to the growth and development of our children. Well-balanced lunches are available on a daily basis in the school cafeteria. Applications for free or reduced hot lunch are available on Registration Sunday and in the school office throughout the school year. Completed forms must be accurate in order to insure proper eligibility processing. A new application must be completed each school year. If no form is submitted, full price will be 34 charged to your account. If a form is received late, the parents are liable for the charges prior to the child being eligible for free or reduced lunch Monthly breakfast/lunch menus will be sent home with your child in the school’s Family Folder and are available on our website. Payment for meals is due in advance. Monies will be placed in the child’s “Hot Lunch” account to pay for future meals. Please send payments in an envelope marked “Hot Lunch” with your child’s name and grade. Payment should be made by check or money order payable to “Our Lady Queen of Peace”. All students will be issued a picture ID. Students must use their ID when participating in the hot lunch program. If your child’s account has a negative balance, he/she will be given a sandwich and milk for lunch. Your account will be billed for this service. Reminders will be sent home as to the money due. Please make sure your account remains current. HOT LUNCH PROGRAM/SNACK MILK Meal prices for the upcoming school year are $2.75 per meal for students in Grades 4K – 8. Families who qualify for free or reduced hot lunch will be billed accordingly. Milk is offered to students in grades K4 & K5, as part of their daily snack. The cost is 40 cents per carton and will be billed quarterly. The milk payment must be made separately from the hot lunch payment. Payments for milk should be placed in an envelope marked “Milk Money” with your child’s name and grade. Payment should be made by check/money order, payable to “Our Lady Queen of Peace”. BREAKFAST PROGRAM Breakfast will be served every school day from 6:30AM until 7:30AM in the school cafeteria. There is no cost for our breakfast program. MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION As required by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, parents must complete a Physician’s Order for Medication Administration Form and a Parent/Guardian Medication Consent Form in order for their child to receive prescription medication through the school office. This form authorizes school personnel to administer the prescription. Forms are available on Registration Sunday or in the school office. Medication should be sent to the office, along with the child’s name, name of drug and dosage, the time to be given, and the physician’s name. It is the responsibility of the student, if ageappropriate, to come to the office for his/her medication at the designated time. All medication administered at school will be kept in a cabinet. A log will be kept on the time and date the medication is given. Students with asthma may, if appropriate, carry an inhaler with them with the proper signature on the Release Form for Student Inhaler Use. 35 School personnel may provide Tylenol or other over-the-counter medication to students with written authorization from the student’s physician and/or parents via the Emergency Information Record. A parent/guardian will still be contacted by phone before this medication is given. With parental written permission, cough drops may also remain with the student when necessary. MONEY COLLECTION When it is necessary to send money to a teacher, the correct amount should be given to the child in a SEALED ENVELOPE with child’s name, grade level, amount enclosed and reason for payment. PERSONAL PROPERTY AT SCHOOL Students are not allowed to bring personal property such as iPods, MP3Players, CD players, money, toys, electronic games, trading cards, etc. to school, unless prior teacher permission is given. With teacher approval, soft, Nerf-type footballs may be brought to school for use on the playground. Students, who are allowed to bring personal items, take full liability for them. Items brought without teacher permission will be confiscated. CELL PHONES Use of cell phones by the students is prohibited during the school day and on school property. Cell phones must be turned off and kept in the student’s backpack. Cell phones that are confiscated may be subjected to a search of the phone history. See TELEPHONE/CELL PHONES for complete policy. PETS For health and safety of the students and your household pet, we ask you not to bring them on the school property unless the school administrator grants exceptions for special educational events such as St. Francis Blessing of the Animals, High Interest/Career Day, or “Care for Critter”. This policy does not include classroom animals (5140.3). PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is the use of and representation of other people’s words and ideas, in whole or in part, as the student’s own work. The definition applies to words or ideas taken without proper acknowledgement from any published source, such as: a. b. c. d. Another person’s ideas, opinions or theory. Any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings. Quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words. Paraphrases of another person’s spoken or written words without proper acknowledgement. e. Submitting in whole or in part a paper written by another student. f. An electronic resource such as material discovered on the World Wide Web, Internet, etc. g. Allowing one’s essay, assignment or test answers to be copied by another student is to be considered cheating and will dealt with on an individual basis. 36 Assignments that have been plagiarized will not be accepted by any OLQP teacher. A student who is found guilty of plagiarism will be required to rewrite the report using a different topic and will receive only half credit for the report. If a second incident should occur, the student will receive an In-School Suspension during which the report will be rewritten using a different topic and will receive no credit for the report. The student is also responsible for any work completed in class while he/she is on suspension. RECESS/INCLEMENT WEATHER Children will go outside for recess time except in the event of inclement weather, or if the temperature /wind chill is below 0 degrees F. On all other days, students will be going out for recess. Please dress your child for the weather (hats, gloves, boots, etc.). Children without boots will be restricted to play on the black top area. Students are required to comply with the playground rules stated in the Code of Conduct which also includes not playing on snow banks and no throwing of snow. A morning recess is scheduled for students in Grades 4K through 2 supervised by the teachers on a rotating basis. All students are required to participate unless a doctor’s excuse is provided. Students who are unable to participate may need to remain in the office if their teacher is on duty. Teachers have the option of allowing a student to remain indoors to work in the classroom under the teacher’s supervision. RECORDS/CHILD CUSTODY Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, parents have the right to review their child’s official records. Parents/legal guardians who wish to do so should provide one day’s written notice or email notice to the school office. OLQP will provide the non-custodial parent with access to the academic records and to other school-related information regarding the child unless there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given. It is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official copy of the court order. REGISTRATION/ADMISSION NON-DISCRIMINATION OLQP offers programs of education and formation for children who are willing and able to live within the religious, academic, behavioral, and attitudinal requirements of the school and whose parents/guardians demonstrate a desire to have the school assist them in their parental role as primary educators of their children. 37 Neither race, nationality, nor other forms of discrimination shall prevent a child from being accepted on a space available basis unless attendance would cause conflict for the child because of the religious philosophy of a Catholic school or if the school is unable to meet the specific needs of the child. REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS Registration for the new school year will be taken for the presently enrolled students during the month of January. Registration for new students to OLQP will begin during Catholic School Week. The last report card, birth certificate, immunization record, and baptismal certificate (if applicable) must be presented at the time of registration. All new students are on probation during the first year. Probation may be extended at the discretion of the principal. WISCONSIN STATUTE 118.14 MANDATES THAT: No child may be admitted to 4-year old kindergarten unless he/she is 4 years old on or before September 1 of the year he or she proposes to enter school. No child may be admitted to 5-year old kindergarten unless he/she is 5 years old on or before September 1 of the year he/she proposes to enter school. No child may be admitted to the 1st grade unless he/she is 6 years old on or before September 1 of the year he or she proposes to enter school. PRIORITY In the admission of students to Our Lady Queen of Peace School, consideration shall be given in the following order: To all children currently enrolled. To children of families with siblings currently enrolled in school. To children of parishioners. To children from other schools. Parents of students currently enrolled in the school have until February 1st of the current school year to inform the office concerning the enrollment of their child for the following year. If no response is made, the student will be considered not enrolled and will be taken off the class list for the next school year. If the parents notify the school office after February 1st that they wish to keep their child enrolled, they may be placed on a waiting list if the number of students in that class has reached a maximum number. MILWAUKEE PARENTAL CHOICE PROGRAM (CHOICE) Families who wish to participate in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program will be admitted to OLQP as per the number of spaces that are available. Applications for the choice program are accepted from the 1st through the 20th of each month except September and January. Applications submitted after the 3rd Friday count in September will be accepted for enrollment in the second semester. Tuition for the remaining days of the first semester is the responsibility of the parents. No Choice application will be accepted for the current school year after the 2 nd Friday count in January. RANDOM SELECTION PROCESS (CHOICE) Our Lady Queen of Peace School has a limited number of Choice seats available. After the close of the open enrollment period of each month, if the number of eligible and completed student applications exceeds the number of new seats available, the Random Selection Process will be implemented. The day of the drawing will be announced and open to the public. It is not necessary to be present to be selected. 38 During this process, applications will be randomly assigned a number in each grade level. Numbers will then be drawn randomly from a container to determine the placement order for each grade level. The random drawing will continue until all available seats are filled, and a waiting list order is determined in the event that a previously filled spot opens up. The drawing is conducted by the Principal of OLQP or designee. Phone calls and/or letters will be mailed within one week following the random drawing to notify applicants of their acceptance or their number on the waiting list. NEW/TRANSFER STUDENTS Parents wishing to transfer their child to OLQP must schedule an appointment to meet with the Principal or Administrative Assistant in order to discuss the reason for the child transfer. Only under limited circumstances will transfer students be accepted in the middle school (Gr. 6-8). A child who transfers to OLQP must follow all admission policies as stated in the handbook. A parent’s signature is not required to transfer records to another school. A Choice student who wishes to transfer into OLQP will be accepted if a Choice seat is available and if the transfer occurs before the 3rd Friday count in September for the first semester and 2nd Friday count in January for the second semester. Students in grades 3-8 who transfer to OLQP will be assessed to determine their academic level. All transfer students are on probation for the remainder of the school year in which they are enrolled. Probation may be extended into the following school year at the discretion of the school principal. NON RE-ENROLLMENT Students who are currently attending OLQP, may be denied re-enrollment in OLQP including but not limited to the following reasons: o o o o o o Excessive absences and/or tardies Repeated non-compliance with our OLQP Code of Conduct Multiple suspensions Bullying Unsuccessful behavior and/or academic probationary period Parent’s behavior deemed detrimental to the school’s mission and/or the school’s learning environment. WITHDRAWALS If a parent wishes to withdraw their child/children from OLQP for any reason, they are to notify the school office before the actual date of withdrawal. All records or copies of records are sent only at the request of the school where the child has been registered. 39 REPORT CARDS & ASSESSENTS STUDENT ASSESSMENT The progress of students is evaluated using a variety of tools which include but not limited to standardized testing, teacher-generated tests, daily observations, group projects/rubrics and homework Parents may monitor their children’s progress via the StandardsScore website. Log-ins and passwords are given to the parents at the beginning of the school year. Please contact the school office if your password is misplaced. REPORT CARDS Report cards are issued four times per year following the end of each quarter. The teacher will distribute the report cards to the students prior to conferences. Parents are required to sign the envelope and return it to the school within two school days. This process ensures that the parent has an opportunity to review the report card prior to conferences and is better prepared to discuss their child’s progress with the teacher. HONOR ROLL Students in grades 5 through 8 are eligible each quarter for Honor Roll status. Students earning a grade point average of 3.0 to 3.49 receive Second Honors. Those earning a grade point of 3.5 and above receive First Honors. Receiving a detention/suspension during the quarter, a “D” in any class or excessive absences/tardies automatically makes a student ineligible for the honor roll. Students who qualify for the Honor Roll are recognized with a certificate at an all school assembly. INCOMPLETES Under certain circumstances, students will be given the opportunity to make up missing work. If the missing work is not completed within 2 weeks after the end of the quarter, the grade automatically turns to a “U”. An extension may be given if there exists an extenuating circumstance such as illness or injury. ACADEMIC PROBATION Students who have the potential and are not putting forth an effort in their academic studies demonstrated by missing work and failing grades will be placed on “Academic Probation”. A meeting will be scheduled with the parent(s), teacher(s) and principal to inform the parents of the school’s decision and to develop interventions to help the student succeed. During the academic probationary period, the student’s progress will be monitored closely by teachers and parents. At the end of the quarter, a second meeting will be held to discuss the student’s progress. A decision will then be made to lift the probation or extend it to the next quarter. Lack of academic effort on part of the student may result in the denial of the student’s participation in extra-curricular activities including field trips, classroom parties and out-ofuniform days. It may also jeopardize the student’s enrollment at OLQP. 40 RETENTION When retention seems possible, the following process will take place: Before or at the end of the 1st Quarter marking period, the teacher(s) should discuss learning difficulties exhibited by the student with the parent, school principal and resource teacher to evaluate skills and to develop a program for remedial action prior to considering retention. Before or at the end of the 2nd Quarter marking period, the teacher(s), resource teacher and principal should evaluate the student’s progress and the strategies developed to help the student. Those findings and the possibility of retention would then be discussed with the parent(s). Before or at the end of the 3rd Quarter, a meeting will be scheduled with the parent(s), teacher(s), resource teacher and principal to re-evaluate the success of the strategies developed and progress made by the student. During the 4th quarter a scheduled conference will be held with the parent, principal and teacher(s) to inform the parents of the school’s final decision. Documentation of each procedural step will be retained in the principal’s file and in the Resource Room. SAFEGUARDING ALL OF GOD’S FAMILY In order to comply with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth as mandated by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, all volunteers, eighteen years or older, who have regular contact* with children must: Complete the Volunteer Form. Submit to a Criminal Background Check carried out by the employer. Read the Code of Ethical Standards and the Mandatory Reporting Responsibilities, sign and submit to the employer the verification statement. Attend a Safe Environment awareness session before the start of service. Follow current guidelines and updates as notified. *Regular contact is defined as having contact with children once a semester. If you are interested in volunteering/chaperoning, please stop at the school office for more information regarding these requirements. SCHOOL CALENDAR A copy of the school calendar for the present school year can be found at the end of this handbook. If a change should occur, it will be noted in the Family Folder Newsletter. 41 SCHOOL CLOSING/TRANSFER OF RECORDS Policy Regarding the Transfer of Student Records if the School Closes In the event Our Lady Queen of Peace School would close permanently, parents would be notified by letter. Student records would be transferred to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee at the following address: Archdiocese of Milwaukee Office for Schools 3501 South Lake Drive Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912 (414) 758-2254 Attn: Maureen Wurster These records will be kept permanently at the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. To ensure all parents/guardians know where their child’s/children’s records are stored, they would be required to sign a “Consent to Transfer Student Records” form. This signed consent form will be added to the student file, and a copy of it will be sent to the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). SCHOOL COMMITTEE The mission of the OLQP School Committee is to help our children succeed in their academic, social and Christian formation by evaluating school policy and nurturing relationships between parents, the school and the parish. The committee also explores ways to promote the school in an ever-changing community. The committee meets every other month on the first Thursday. Parents, parishioners, community members who are interested in becoming a member are to contact the school office or the committee chairperson. SCHOOL DANCES Attendance at a school dance is a privilege not a right. Permission slips are distributed at the discretion of the Middle School Teachers. Students in Grades 7 and 8 are eligible to attend school dances. When invited, students in Grade 6 will be eligible to attend school dances during the second semester. Attendance at a school dance without permission from an OLQP teacher will result in an In-School Suspension. Lock-in: Middle School dances have always been a lock-in situation. Students are to remain at the dance until the end. If a student will arrive late, parents should call the contact listed on the permission slip and notify them of the child’s name and time of arrival. Dress Code: Appropriate dress is required at all school dances. Any student wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to call their parents for either appropriate clothing or a ride home. 42 Chaperones: The group organizing the dance is responsible for providing an adequate number of chaperones to ensure the safety of all students. A relative or friend who is 21 years of age or older is eligible to chaperone. Miscellaneous: Cell phones are NOT allowed. Any cell phone brought to the dance will be checked in with the chaperones and returned at the end of the dance. The group organizing the dance is responsible for cleaning up the school hall. Gum is not allowed on the school property. TELEPHONE CALLS/CELL PHONES Teachers are usually available to take phone calls between 7:15AM-7:30AM and after 2:50PM. Teachers and students will not be called to the phone during class periods unless it is an emergency. Parents wishing to speak to teachers during the school day should call the school office and request a return phone call from the teacher. Staff members will return phone calls as soon as possible. It is helpful to the teachers if parents would indicate times when they could most easily be reached, keeping in mind that teachers are not free to interrupt their teaching responsibilities to return calls. Parents are encouraged to contact a specific teacher via the teacher’s email address. Use of cell phones by the students is prohibited during the school day and on school property. All cell phones must remain off in the student’s backpack. The following consequences will be enforced for the use of cell phones or if a cell phone should ring while in a student’s backpack/possession during the school day: First offense: The cell phone will be confiscated. The student’s parent will need to claim the cell phone from the teacher. Second Offense: The cell phone will be confiscated and will remain in the office for two weeks. The student’s parent will need to claim the cell phone from the school office after the two weeks. Third Offense: The cell phone will be held in the school office until the last day of school. The student’s parent must claim the cell phone. Cell phones that are confiscated may be subjected to a search of the phone history. TESTING PROGRAMS All registered Kindergarten students are administered a Readiness Test prior to the school year. The following standardized tests are administered to the students at OLQP: 1. Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examinations (WKCE) administered to students in Grades 3 through 8 during the months of October/November. 2. Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) and Cognitive Abilities Test administered to all students in Grades 1 through 7 during the month of March. 3. Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Religion Assessment administered in the spring to students in Grades 3, 5 and 7. 43 TUITION 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR Tuition amounts are all inclusive. The amounts include cost of field trips, sacrament celebration (Grade 2), gym uniforms (Grade 6), and graduation (Grade 8). In order to receive the parishioner tuition subsidy, a school family must be registered, active and supportive of the school and parish. Active parish members will: Practice their faith by attending weekly Sunday Mass with their children. The example of parents practicing the faith, with their children, is paramount in the religious education and formation of the child. Financially support the parish with a suggested minimum donation of $12 per week. If families are facing financial difficulties, they should contact the pastor. Assist in parish activities with one’s time and talents. Income from bingo and other fundraisers account for a large percentage of school income. School families are encouraged to assist at bingo. Failure to comply with the parish tuition subsidy requests will result in the loss or partial loss of the subsidy amount. Non-parishioner and CHOICE families are encouraged to volunteer their time and talent in dedication to the school. Tuition must be ½ paid by December of the current school year and must be paid in full no later than April of the current school year. Lunch and Extended Care accounts must be kept current. The chart below indicates the tuition cost for the 2014-2015 school year. Number of Children Enrolled 1 child 2 children 3 or more children K4 Half Day Subsidized Parishioner $2,195.00 $3,900.00 $5,000.00 $1,600.00 Non Subsidized Tuition $4,300 $4,300 per child $4,300 per child $2,600 per child REGISTRATION SUNDAY Registration Sunday is usually held on the first Sunday in August at which OLQP families will receive their current year Family Handbook; complete necessary forms; order uniforms; sign up for BINGO shifts and learn about the various committees and extracurricular activities at OLQP. It is also the time when tuition can be paid in full or arrangements can be made for other tuition payment schedules. An agreement will be required to be signed by the parent/guardian indicating their intention to fully pay the tuition by April of the school year. No carryover of tuition will be allowed. 44 Non-payments of tuition money will be handled in the following ways: Notifications of payment will be made through mailed letters and phone calls from the business office. Parents who are experiencing difficulty in paying their outstanding balance are encouraged to call the parish rectory at 672-0313 ext,12 to discuss payment options. VOLUNTEERS We welcome and encourage parents to volunteer their time and talents to the school. If a parent is interested in volunteering, please call or email the school office or sign up on Registration Sunday. Volunteers are needed in the following areas: Box Tops for Education Breakfast with Santa Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Campbell Soup Labels Catholic Schools Week Day of the Child Library Aide Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration School Committee Member Soda Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Special Events Supervision of Playground/Lunchroom (11:25AM-NOON) Supervision of the Cafeteria/Breakfast (6:45AM-7:30AM) Tutors/Classroom Aide Parents, who are interested in volunteering/chaperoning, must be in compliance with the Safeguarding All of God’s Family guidelines before beginning their service. Visit our website or the section in this handbook for a list of the requirements. Please stop at the school office for more information regarding the requirements for our volunteers. WELLNESS POLICY The USDA asks schools to set goals for Nutrition Education, Physical Activity, and Nutrition Standards for Food at School, and Other Activities / Environment for Wellness. NUTRITION EDUCATION Our goal will be to influence students’ eating behaviors especially in the lunchroom. Our policies for both cold and hot lunches will emphasize and foster healthy food choices and avoidance of non-nutritious or unhealthy choices. Classroom activities, including Family Life and Health units, will incorporate appropriate lessons for nutrition. The PE teacher and classroom teacher will include age-appropriate nutrition emphasis as part of that curriculum. 45 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Our goal will be to provide opportunities for physical activity during the school day through physical education (PE) classes, daily recess periods for our students, and the integration of physical activity into the academic curriculum. We will offer a range of curricular and extracurricular activities involving physical activities to our student body. We will foster and communicate all available opportunities for community, private and schools-based physical activity, such as teams, events, camps, etc. Our entire staff will encourage the students to be active in outdoor play and to include outdoor/indoor activities as an enhancement of instruction when appropriate. The PE curriculum and instruction will emphasize lifelong fitness and wellness as a personal goal for each student. NUTRITION STANDARDS FOR FOOD / BEVERAGES AT SCHOOL Our goals will be to set policies and standards that recognize the needs for healthy choices, maximizing nutritional value, decreasing fat and sugar content in foods and beverages provided for children, and monitoring portion size. The school will not allow students access to any vending machine on site. We will set guidelines that are sensible for foods served at parties and events, including strict policies for peanut and other allergies present in the school. In addition, we will: Provide a safe and enjoyable environment for eating, cleaned and sanitized daily. Provide two sessions for lunch, at mid-day, to provide time and space for comfort and efficiency in serving. Provide all students with a lunch recess period for activity and socializing, along with the meal time. Continue to provide access to water fountains and allow bottled water in the classrooms. Encourage all families eligible to participate in the reduced or free lunch program. Refrain from the use of candy or other non-nutritious food as a reward. Avoid situations that deny physical activity to a child, such as taking away recess. Encourage the use of the building outside of school hours for physical activity. Remain committed to provide needed and appropriate training and in-service to improve nutrition, physical activity, health, and well-being for all staff members. 46 SCHOOL DAY SCHEDULE 6:30AM School Building Opens/Supervision in Cafeteria 6:30AM– 7:30AM Breakfast is served in school cafeteria Breakfast Ends First Bell Rings Students proceed to their classrooms 7:30AM 7:40AM Second Bell Rings Classes Begins for all grades 7:45AM Tardy Bell Rings 8:15AM Mass for K4-8th Grade on Designated Days 10-10:15AM Recess 4K through Grade 2 11:15AM K4 Morning Only Dismissal 11:25AM – NOON Lunch and Recess K4 through Grade 4 11:25AM – NOON Recess and Lunch Grades 5 through 8 2:30PM Dismissal K4 and K5 2:45PM Dismissal Grades 1 through 8 2:45 – 6:00PM After School Care 47 OLQP DRESS CODE CHART 2014-2015 GIRLS Jumpers Skirts Pants 4K – 3rd Grade 4th-5th Grade (Jumper or Skirt) “Classic Navy” Plaid (blue/yellow) 4th -5th Grade (Jumper or Skirt) 6th -8th Grade “Classic Navy” Plaid (blue/yellow) Solid dark navy uniform-type Cotton or corduroy Only pants purchased from a uniform store or a uniform brand from such stores as Target/Sears/Penney/ Kohl’s BOYS NOT ALLOWED Not Applicable No higher than 2 inches above the knee Not Applicable No higher than 2 inches above the knee Solid dark navy uniform-type Cotton or corduroy Only pants purchased from a uniform store or a uniform brand from such stores as Target/Sears/Penney/ Kohl’s Denim Jeans Cargo/Knit Jersey/Nylon Spandex/Wind pants Leggings/stirrups/”jeggings” Torn, excessively baggy or overly tight pants Decorative trim, extra zippers, studs or excess pockets on material. May not be worn under skirt/jumper during classes Denim Jeans Skorts Cargo/Knit Jersey/Nylon Spandex/Wind pants Leggings/stirrups Torn, excessively baggy, overly tight, fringed or short shorts Decorative trim, extra zippers, studs or excess pockets on material. Insignias or logos See through fabric Long-sleeved shirts of a different color worn under blouses or shirts Form-fitted shirts/blouses Oversized Oversized Hooded/including Team or Spirit Emblems/Decorations Insignias or logos Below ankle length Shorts Shirts/Tops Year Round Solid dark navy uniform-type May be worn under skirt/jumper but not extend beyond the skirt or jumper Only shorts purchased from a uniform store or a uniform brand from such stores as Target/Sears/Penney/ Kohl’s/Wal-Mart Year Round Solid dark navy uniform-type Only shorts purchased from a uniform store or a uniform brand from such stores as Target/Sears/Penney/ Kohl’s/Wal-Mart Vests/Sweaters/ Sweatshirts Solid white, navy, light blue Polo, dress, turtleneck or mock turtleneck All tops (except turtlenecks) must have a collar All shirts/blouses must be tucked in OLQP sweatshirt Cardigan/V-neck/crew neck Solid navy Must have collared shirt or turtleneck underneath Socks/Tights Solid white, black or navy Crew, knee highs or tights Socks must be visible above the shoe Footwear All shoes must be non-marking Tied over the tongue Solid white, navy, light blue Polo, dress, turtleneck or mock turtleneck All tops (except turtlenecks) must have a collar All shirts/must be tucked in OLQP sweatshirt Cardigan/V-neck/crew neck Solid navy Must have collared shirt or turtleneck underneath Solid white, black or navy Crew socks Socks must be visible above the shoe All shoes must be non-marking Tied over the tongue Hair Accessories Clean, combed and out of the eyes Hair bands/ribbons must not be distracting Wristwatch or bracelet One ring, One necklace Stud earrings/hoops no larger than a dime/One stud per ear Black, Brown or Navy Blue solid belt Clean, combed and out of the eyes Above the collar Wristwatch or bracelet One ring One necklace NO Earrings Black, Brown or Navy Blue solid belt 48 Open-toed/sandals Clogs, backless styles Jelly, Platforms/.Boots, Heelies/roller shoes, moccasins High/Mid Tops worn with shorts, skirts or jumper NO Hair Dye, Highlights, Bleaching Extreme Hairstyles/Razor Cuts/Mohawk Multiple bracelets anklets Dangling or Hoop earrings Pocket chains Hats/Hoods worn in the building Awareness/rubber/elastic bracelets Make-Up Spirit Days Dress Down Days Dress Up Days Picture Day OLQP T-shirt, sweatshirt or team jersey Solid navy, yellow or white shirt or long sleeve shirt Uniform pants, blue jeans Short or long sleeve shirts suitable for our Catholic environment Clean uniform/Khaki/cargo pants, jeans, No rips or holes “Sunday” best/good clothes or uniform OLQP T-shirt, sweatshirt or team jersey Solid navy, yellow or white shirt or long sleeve shirt Uniform pants, blue jeans Short or long sleeve shirts suitable for our Catholic environment Clean uniform/khaki/cargo pants, jeans, No rips or holes “Sunday” best/good clothes or uniform Game Days Gym Classes Team Jersey with Uniform Pants If needed, shirt won under jersey K4 – 5th Grade Regular uniform attire Uniform slacks or shorts under skirt or jumper Athletic shoes 6th – 8th Grade OLQP Gym T-shirt Navy or gold mesh shorts, OLQP shorts or solid navy blue sweatpants and/or sweatshirt Athletic shoes Team Jersey with Uniform Pants If needed, shirt won under jersey 4K – 5th Grade Regular uniform attire Athletic shoes Make-up Colored nail polish/ Fake nails/French tipped Cargo/Knit Jersey/Nylon Spandex/Wind pants Leggings/stirrups/Sweat pants Torn, excessively baggy or overly tight pants Decorative trim, extra zippers, studs or excess pockets on material See-through fabrics Spaghetti Straps/tank tops Sleeveless tops/bare midriffs Knit Jersey/Nylon Spandex/Wind pants Leggings/stirrups/”jeggings”, sweats Spaghetti Straps/tank tops Sleeveless tops/bare midriffs Clothing styles and clothing with ads/gestures/language/ messages that are offensive to our Catholic environment Same as “Spirit Day” category Denim/blue jeans T-Shirts Skirts/Dresses higher than 2 inches above the knee See-through fabrics Spaghetti Straps/tank tops Sleeveless tops/bare midriffs Clothing styles and clothing with ads/gestures/language/ messages that are offensive to our Catholic environment Jeans Platform-type athletic shoes Same as “Spirit Days” and “Dress Down Days” categories 6th – 8th Grade OLQP Gym T-shirt Navy or gold mesh shorts, OLQP shorts or solid navy blue sweatpants and/or sweatshirt Athletic shoes Skirts and Jumpers must be purchased from Land’s End. All other uniform items may be purchased at Land’s End or other stores such as Target, Kohl’s, Wal-Mart, Penney’s, Sears, etc. Land’s End Website: http://www.landsend.com/pp/SchoolSearch.html?action=landing&selectedSchoolNum=9001535 86 49 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE SCHOOL 2014-2015 School Calendar August 3 19 21 26 September 1 25 26 Registration Sunday/Picture Day -8:00am until Noon Meet & Greet Day /Picture Day/2:00pm until 6:00pm First Full Day of School for K4 –8 Breakfast and Hot Lunch Programs Begin Extended Care Program Begins All School Mass @ 8:15am NO SCHOOL: Labor Day Mid-Quarter Reports Picture Re-Take Day October 3 10 17 24 25 31 November 4 5 6 7 26/27/28 December 4 5 8 11 16 19 22-Jan. 2 January 5 15 21 22 23 26-30 All School Rosary @ 2:15pm Pet Blessing @ 2:30pm NO SCHOOL: Teachers’ Convention All School Rosary @ 2:15pm End of the First Quarter All School Rosary @ 2:15pm Walk for Catholic Schools All School Rosary @ 9:00am All School Mass @ 8:15am First Quarter Report Cards Sent Home Dismissal @ NOON Parent/Teacher Conferences from 1:00pm until 7:00pm NO SCHOOL: Teacher In-Service 8th Grade High School Placement Testing NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Vacation Mid-Quarter Reports NO SCHOOL: Teacher In-Service All School Mass @ 8:15am/Immaculate Conception Christmas Concert @ 6:30pm First Reconciliation @ 6:00pm Dismissal @ NOON NO SCHOOL: Christmas Vacation School Resumes End of Second Quarter Second Quarter Report Cards Sent Home Dismissal @ NOON Parent/Teacher Conferences from 1:00pm until 5:00pm NO SCHOOL: Teacher In-Service Catholic Schools Week 50 26 29 30 February 18 19 20 23-Mar. 6 27 All School Mass @ 8:15am Open House from 4:00pm-7:00pm NO SCHOOL: Teacher In-Service All School Mass @ 8:15am/Ash Wednesday Mid-Quarter Reports NO SCHOOL: Teacher In-Service ITBS Testing Stations of the Cross @ 2:20pm March 6 13 16-19 20 24 27 31 Stations of the Cross @ 2:20pm Stations of the Cross @ 2:20pm Washington, D.C. Trip NO SCHOOL: Teacher In-Service End of the Third Quarter Stations of the Cross @ 2:20pm All School Mass @ 8:15am 2 Holy Thursday Seder @ 9:00am Dismissal @ NOON NO SCHOOL: Good Friday-Passion Play @ 1:00pm NO SCHOOL: Easter Break School Resumes Mid-Quarter Reports Spring Concert @ 6:30pm April 3 3-10 13 30 May 1 3 7 22 25 28 29 NO SCHOOL: Teacher In-Service First Holy Communion @ 10:30am Mass All School Mass @ 8:15am/May Crowning Day of the Child Celebration Balloon Toss for Children’s Hospital OLQP Cook-Out NO SCHOOL: Memorial Day All School Mass/Pinning Ceremony @ 8:15am Last Day for K4 8th Grade Graduation @ 7:00pm Last Day for K5 June 5 Last Day of School All School Mass @ 8:15am End of the Fourth Quarter Award Ceremony @ 10:30am Dismissal @ NOON 51