April 18 th - Our Lady Queen of Peace

Our Lady
Queen of Peace
Good News
April 10, 2014
Successful School Tip
Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and alms
giving as means to spiritual renewal. Take
time each day to discover new ways to
observe the season with your family.
Up-Coming Events
April 11th
Report Cards Sent Home
April 15th
All School Mass @ 8:15am
April 17th
Holy Thursday
Seder Meal @ 9:00am
DISMISSAL @ 11:30am
April 18th
Good Friday Passion Play @ 1:00pm
April 18th-25th
NO SCHOOL: Easter Break
April 28th
School Resumes
May 1st
All School Mass @ 8:15am
Volunteer Breakfast
Honor Roll and Student Merit Recognition
@ 2:20pm in Church
May 9h
All School Mass @ 8:15am
May Crowning
May 23rd
Day of the Child Celebration
Annual Balloon Toss
OLQP Annual Cook Out
Mass Servers
Saturday, April 12th
Andrea Aranda
Brenda Aranda
Daniela Sanchez
Arely Sanchez
Sunday, April 13th
8:30am Mass
Chloe Weithofer
Emma Weithofer
Edwin Davila-Leon
Leonardo Davila-Leon
Diego Castro
Hugo Castro
Maria Zamora
Ricardo Zamora
OLQP Parents are Awesome!
Thank you to all our parents who have
followed our new student Drop-Off and PickUp procedures. Remember, if you decide to
park on the playground, you must leave
before 7:30am otherwise you must remain
parked until 7:45am.
Also, as a reminder, we are asking parents
to please park their vehicles and walk onto
the playground to pick up your child.
With the craziness of the construction on 27th
Street, we want to thank you again for your
cooperation and understanding.
May Crowning
Please make a note, due to scheduling
conflicts, our May Crowning is no longer on
Thursday, May 8th, instead it will take place
on Friday, May 9th.
Thank you for your understanding.
Honor Roll
Congratulations to the following students
who have earned Honor Rill status for the
Third Quarter:
First Honors
(G.P.A. 3.50 and higher)
Second Honors
(G.P.A. 3.00-3.49)
Grade 8
Jean Carlo Loria
Alexandra Soriano
Chloe Weithofer
Juan Zorrilla
Grade 8
Tania Castillo
Tatiana Ramirez
Rosario Rios-Cerda
Maria Zamora
Grade 7
Amanda Roman-Gonzalez
Grade 7
Rodolfo Gregory
Lysandraliz Santos
Grade 6
William Bergersen
Diego Castro
Liliana DeLeon-Garcia
Jocelyn Sanchez
Joaquin Toscano
Grade 5
Joseph Bergersen
Joaquin Toscano
Grade 6
Christopher Garduno
Jose Gomez-Segura
Student Merit
Congratulations to the following students for
having earned Student Merit for the Third
First Grade
Alyssa Bustos
Leonardo Campechano
Angel Duvnjak
Jesus Garcia
Diego Gomez-Segura
Ethan Hampton
Erick Hernandez
Maryveth Ocho
Kevin Placek
Alexandraliz Santos
Xavier Uribe
Second Grade
Brian Bergersen
Christian Cruz
Hugo Martinez
Jonathan Ochoa
Karen Ruiz-Castillo
Third Grade
Gabriela Benitez
Mario Bustos
Jaciyanna Castillo
Dwight Chesick
Leonardo Davila-Leon
Alan Fuentes
Maria Rivera
Emmanuel Rodriguez
Stephanie Toscano
Fourth Grade
Leonel Avila
Luis Cappa-Robles
Hugo Castro
Fatima Ochoa
Jose Martinez
Anai Rodriguez
Ivan Sanchez
Fifth Grade
Joaquin Bustos
Christina Espinoza
Maricarmen Garcia
Brandon Talavera
Sixth Grade
Diego Castro
Liliana DeLeon-Garcia
Joaquin Toscano
Seventh Grade
William Benitez
Amanda Roman-Gonzalez
Lysandraliz Santos
Policarpo Sanchez
Eighth Grade
Tania Castillo
Tatiana Ramirez
Rosario Rios-Cerda
Chloe Weithofer
Maria Zamora
Juan Zorrilla
Thank you
Student Council News
Thank you to all who attended the Breakfast
with the Easter Bunny this past weekend. It
is out families and parishioners who make
these events a success.
Student Council is sponsoring an Easter Egg
Hunt in a few weeks. They are in need of
plastic Easter eggs. If you have any at home
that you wish to donate, please send them to
school next week.
Also thank you to all who purchased raffle
tickets. Below is a list of the winners:
Set of 3 Fry Pans – Jill Barth
Bear & Chocolate – Jeanette Letendre
Bear & Chocolate – Lois Hammond
Bear & Chocolate – Karen Olson
Pit Ham & Turkey – Joni Flury
Tray & Sausage – Rosemary Orlowski
Margarita Basket – John Kroll
Puzzle – Sue Pampuch
Power Play (Boy) – Angel Duvnjak
Art Set (Girl) – Sue Schwabe
Easter Egg Basket (Girl) – Donna Neudauer
Easter Egg Basket (Boy) – Liz Woodburn
Also, congratulations to Ethan Hampton for
winning the jelly bean guess.
Thank you,
Student Council
Pack’er Up Goodwill Challenge
Rice Bowl
With spring right around the corner it is the
perfect time to start cleaning out your closets
and participate in the Goodwill Donation
Challenge. You may take your donations to
any participating Goodwill Store and
Donation Center between April 1st and April
30th. Remember to indicate Our Lady Queen
of Peace in Milwaukee and the number of
items you are donating on the slip provided
to you by the Goodwill Donation Attendant.
The school with the greatest number of items
donated will receive a visit from Donald
Please remember to send your Rice Bowls to
school by Monday, April 14th.
For more information visit their website at
Stations of the Cross
Gym Uniforms
Please join the school children as they pray
the Stations of the Cross every Friday during
lent. Each Friday a different grade will lead
the prayer.
It has been brought to our attention that
students in grades 6th-8th are not wearing the
correct gym uniform that was issued to them.
This is the OLQP navy blue t-shirt and navy
blue shorts or they may wear their own
shorts/sweatpants. NO OTHER COLOR
SHORTS AND T-SHIRTS may be worn. If
your child is not wearing the proper attire,
they will be issued an out-of-uniform
violation. After 3 out of uniform violations,
they will be issued a detention that will need
to be served after school.
April 11th
Grades 2 & 5 (Living Stations)
St. Gerard Scholarship
A few weeks ago, the St. Gerard Scholarship
form was sent home to families who may be
interested in applying for it to pay for their
2014/2015 school tuition. If you have not
already done so, please take a moment to fill
out the application and return it to the school
office NO LATER than Monday, April 14th.
Choice Applications
April’s enrollment period is now open and we
are able to accept Choice Applications for the
2014/2015 school year. Please call the
school office to set up time to fill
out your application. Also at that time,
I will inform you what you need to bring to
complete your application.
Registration for 2014/2015
Open enrollment for new students to OLQP
has begun. If you have not already returned
the registration form for the 2014/2015
school year, please take a moment to fill out
the form and return it to the school office.
Also, if you have new students enrolling,
please make sure to include them on the
registration form.
Office News
Please make a point to visit our new website.
We recently have created a Facebook account
for OLQP, so please take a moment to like
our page. Lastly, remember to check both
regularly for the latest updates and events
happening at OLQP.
Please remember that if your child has not
been picked up from school by 2:50pm they
will be sent to extended care. They are NOT
allowed to stand, unsupervised, at the back
door and wait for their ride. Also, when
picking your child up from extended care,
parents are required to come into school and
sign their child out with the time they were
picked up at.
Tardy Passes
Please remind your child that if they arrive at
school later than 7:45am, they MUST stop in
the school office before going to class to
receive a tardy pass as well as inform us if
they will be having hot lunch.
School Absences
Please remember that if your child is going to
be absent, a parent/guardian must phone or
e-mail the school office before 9:00am. In
addition to a phone call, State Law requires a
written, dated note for any absence. The note
must have your child’s name, the date(s) your
child was absent and the parent/guardians’
School Field Trips/
Playground Duty
Please remember that in order to chaperone a
school field trip or volunteer in the school it is
required by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee
that you complete the “Safeguarding All God’s
Family” training course and submit your
completion form to the school office.
In order to register for a course, you need to
go to archmil.org and click on the
“Safeguarding All God’s Family” link, then
click on the upcoming sessions link. You
then can scroll through the different
upcoming sessions and choose the one that
best fits your schedule.