Incentives and disincentives Republic of China Medical University


Incentives and disincentives Republic of China Medical University students

May 12 1999 school session

Republic of China 100 years April 21 school meeting amended and adopted

Republic of China 100 years May 16 Disciplinary published No. 1000005683

Republic of China 102 years April 9 school meeting amended and adopted

Republic of China 102 years April 18 Disciplinary published No. 1000004389

Republic of China 103 years march 26 school meeting amended and adopted

Republic of China 102 years April 8 Disciplinary published No. 1000004176

Republic of China 103 years September 26 school meeting amended and adopted

Republic of China 103 years September 26 school meeting amended and adopted

Chapter I General Provisions

The first school to encourage students to study hard, establish a good school spirit, to achieve the goal of holistic education

Tailor-made approach based on the final version of Article 32 of the University Act.

The second school student have rewards and punishments b two parts

一、 reward : separate award 、 prize 、 encouragement etc.

二、 Penalty: chronograph minute reprimand, too small, too large, regular look, withdrawal, expulsion and suspended from school

Chapter2 Rewards

The third students of the following circumstances, to award 1 or 2 times reward good behavior.

一、 Picked up the money or the items are not in my possession to the school or the police, special awards were worthy.

二、 Service public ground work hard, have a good record

三、 Participate in school or extracurricular activities outside of the competition, there's good academic performance

四、 Good conduct it can be a demonstrator.

五、 Protect public property, moral person with specific deeds.

六、 Other good deeds should be rewarded by teachers who think

Fourth students have following circumstances shall be recorded, followed by one or two small work incentives

First, On behalf of the school to participate in extracurricular competitions or extracurricular activities attainable runners (inclusive) of more glory

Second, As a class, department, hospital representatives or associations, student government organizations, sports school team The principal officers (including the

Director General or equivalent positions over), the whole semester enthusiastic in the responsibility, and there performers is good.

Third, in school and socially beneficial national, social or enhance the reputation of

the school's performance.

Fourth, having courageous or specific deeds of respect and support the young and old, contribute to social good development are the trend.

Five, other good deeds by teachers who think that should be merit.

The fifth student has the following circumstances, the great merit followed by one or two awards:

First, the representatives of the school participate in the "national," "international," who won the championship game.

Second, providing good recommendations, the first line reputation by promoting the school.

Third, taking care of the school or the students, the fact that there are special performance, thus increasing the school's reputation.

Fourth, there is the special good behavior, worthy of all the students who model.

Fifth, exposing major criminal activity, someone who has been identified is really a good person.

Sixth, individuals or groups represented their school in the competition, for outstanding performance as the school's honor.

Seven, as societies, student government organization, for the establishment of a special contribution to the reputation of the school people.

Eight, other special reward good behavior by the student committee ascertained.

Chapter three penalty

Article students of the following circumstances, according to the seriousness of reprimand were recorded, followed by one or two sanctions.

First, prejudice public order were.

Second, do not be silent in public places affect teaching or influence others to discourage those who do not listen to the peace.

Third, the failure to pay the relevant information by.

Fourth, the implementation of public service duties are endless.

Five, meetings or events specified above for the units of the schools and classes to attend, the reason Kuang

Seats or deliberately evade refused to participants.

Six, not reporting or hiding the true address of the reported false address or change of address is not alarmist.

Seven, pick up objects by failing to report less serious.

Eight, do not listen to discourage smoking in the school were.

Nine, in the school library or in class, the meeting did not listen to discourage those who use mobile phones.

Ten, in violation of network usage norms were less serious.

Eleven, as student organizations or autonomous cadres cadres, neglect of duty caused by raw damage.

Twelve, to track, e-mail or other means of interference of others in violation of the will of another day. Everyday life, intentional harassment, minor.

Thirteen, there are other circumstances equivalent to those of the above sections.

The seventh, students of the following circumstances, according to the circumstances, were recorded too small 1 or 2 followed by Sanctions

First, Article sections having one of those circumstances, the circumstances are serious; reprimand or punishment by note after those still unrepentant.

Second, the arrogance of the staff were not polite.

Third, those who fight each other.

Fourth, harm the health of others or malicious damage their reputation by.

Fifth, vandalism or public property without intent to deny those who move.

Six, off-campus misconduct detrimental to the reputation of the school or the fact that those who have violated the rights of others.

Seven, on behalf of the school to participate in extracurricular activities, or for no reason Kuang Xi leader who refuses to accept those constraints.

Eight, would have lent to others who are documented or undocumented persons impersonation.

Nine, infringement of intellectual property rights were minor.

Ten, cheating in examinations, minor.

XI, there are flagrant gambling.

Twelve, management of public property obligations entirely good administrator attention, it results in damage, loss,deficient, or manage public funds have overstated, embezzlement, clear the accounts of the circumstances.

Thirteen, make noise, the circumstances are serious.

Fourth, in violation of Internet Use in serious cases.

Fifth, sexual harassment, acts of bullying, the survey by the Educational Commission for Gender Equality true person.

Sixteen, involved improper casinos, hotels and other similar places were.

XVII violation student campus, the safety regulations enacted by outside events.

Eighth, drunk and disorderly behavior, abuse of controlled substances, illegal possession or use of prohibited goods.

Ninth, non-designated area within the campus engaged in sports, but there are physical harm, property safety, or hinder the passage of people and vehicles, tranquility of the campus at risk, not discouraged by the listener.

Article VIII students of the following circumstances, according to the seriousness of the cases, followed by one or two demerits sanctions

First, Article 7.2 has the following paragraphs circumstances, its aggravating circumstances; or by who still unrepentant after demerit.

Second, there is prejudice secret behavior.

Third, the issue of student newspapers, magazines, the Internet and affect the rights of others involved in propaganda, etc. Hazard campus learning environment, social order or public welfare.

Fourth, important announcements were tearing up the school.

Five others were mobs of prejudice.

Sixth, for others who proved untrue.

Seven, to participate in illegal or violate public order and morals of the community are.

Eight, opportunistic hazy mix deceive serious cases.

Nine, please people instead of the class (named) or the place of another class (the named person).

Ten, involving property nature of gambling money.

XI, destroy school campus endanger safety or order to encourage trouble actors.

XII abuse of others in the school, those who assault or affray.

Thirteen, cheating in examinations, in serious cases.

Fourth, insult, slander others, in serious cases.

Fifth, on the campus of the illegal storage of hazardous or contraband.

Sixteen, criminal possession of drugs, amphetamines or other narcotic drugs.

XVII school hall criminals invade homes, others laboratories, or bedroom, the circumstances are serious.

Eighth, malicious damage to invade computer systems website, information or send mail bombs endanger power

Brain Host Security, may interfere with the electromagnetic record of others.

Ninth, the use of computer network or otherwise sell, offer, or abetting the illegal manufacture commodity.

XX management of public property obligations entirely care of a good manager, it results in damage, loss, deficient, or manage public funds have overstated, embezzlement, unclear accounts of the circumstances, the plot Serious.

XXI infringement of intellectual property rights, in serious cases.

XXII, sexual harassment of sexual bullying, the circumstances are serious gender equality in education by the Commission members will investigate the true person.

Xxiii, there are other circumstances equivalent to those of the above paragraphs.

Article IX students of the following circumstances, which is regularly observe the sanctions.

First, Article 8 (2) having the following paragraphs circumstances, its aggravating

circumstances; or by Who still unrepentant after demerits.

Second, threaten or insult or undermine its reputation by teachers.

Third, damage the reputation of the school, in serious cases.

Fourth, the merits and demerits balance over the two who had two small too.

Article X of the students have the following circumstances shall be punished dropped out of:

First, with a 9, paragraph 2 of the following sections circumstances, its aggravating circumstances; or by regularly look after those who dispose of unrepentant.

Second, the staff rude or brutal beating insult teachers in serious cases.

Third, committing major criminal cases or in violation of state law by the court guilty verdict and can not be slow punishment ascertained.

Fourth, the sexual abuse of actors, the Commission for Gender Equality substantiated by education.

Fifth, theft, extortion or fraud in serious cases.

Sixth, the process group of financial fraud have serious cases.

Seven, inviting revenge, the other beaten or subjected to intimidation by disgrace.

Eight openly in schools spread false statements caused harm others or the public, or deliberately violate school regulation Lvjiebuquan person.

Nine, an affront to people, in serious cases.

Ten, during a routine observation, or sanction those who had longer small.

XI semester conduct a failing grade (under 60 minutes) are.

XII during the school attended by the merits and demerits balance suffered punishment except outside, it has been flooded by three.

Thirteen, or country involved in national entrance exam collective fraudsters

Article XI students of the following circumstances, the sanction shall be expelled:

First, Article 10, paragraph 2 has the following sections circumstances, its plot heavier.

Second, under the guise of, fraudulent, forged or falsified documents learning experience; or false or altered documents

Book by.

Third, the school entrance examination fraud discovered, verified by the school or sentence ascertained.

Fourth, violated the criminal law, a guilty verdict by the Court determined that the circumstances are heavier.

Chapter IV of incentive program

Article XII of our students at the school have been required credits, and passing the examination by the academic achievement, but because of involving and campus

sexual assault, harassment or sexual behavior or bullying of major criminal cases, such as handler is still under investigation, should be invited to the school to suspend the issuance of diploma Dean.

Article XIII student shall be incentives severity of their plot, and to consider their acts of motivation, and afterwards the influence attitudes and concrete. Major incentive for those special cases, such as the plot, was appointed by the University of incentive

Who will all attend the resolution more than two-thirds of the members of the aggravating or mitigating their reward or punish office, after reported to the president for approval and announcement. Points student organization rewards committee separately prescribed.

Article XIV students have actors of the provisions of the eighth, nine, ten, eleven, twelve of the sections,Prophet should be his mentor and the department, and to seek their views after the student reported to school incentive at the committee meeting.

Article XV reward school student when receiving punishment cases the Commission shall inform the parties of students to Chan above, and may invite the relevant staff to attend.

Article XVI decided to punish the main text must be stated in writing, the facts and reasons, together with remedies in mind, during and receiving agency.

Article XVII student rewards and punishments, shall be entered on the student conduct evaluation form, its great merit or greater than the above Person, and shall notify the parent or guardian. Punish cases involving sexual level who are required to pass know parents (or guardians), the perpetrator and the victim.

Article 18 1. Where the record awards, rewards and punishments of reprimand recommended by the instructor or staff, informed the Department, the supervisor or two administrative approval and announcement by the head of the life coaching.

Second, remember a small work, the incentive is too small mind, it is recommended by the instructor or staff, informed the Department, by two executives in charge

Counseling Group Student Affairs please sign long for approval and announcement.

Third, over the great merit award, signed by life counseling group please learn counsel approved or submitted to student Incentive Committee considered, then signed by the approved by Heads of approval and announcement.

Fourth, demerits or more of the rewards and punishments, please sign by life counseling group submitted to Student Affairs approved long learning students then signed by the Committee's consideration of incentive Heads for approval and announcement.

Five cases involving sexual level after punish gender equality through education committee substantiated the place, move please check your school life counseling

group submitted to the student affairs director approved the Committee's consideration of incentive proposed, approved by then signed by Heads of approval and announcement.

Chapter V relief

Article XIX Everyone over the reprimand punishment, and those who have refused to accept the punishment according to the school, "Student Appeals Office

The provisions of the law "to appeal. Everyone Diershitiao regularly inspect student records disposition regardless of whether the merits and demerits of the past, are the two over. Too little too Theory. After receiving regularly inspect punishment shall not be changed in the same semester.

After semester filled with a small power, or have special good deeds, Associate Press merits and demerits balance, suspension set disposition of view, escalation student incentive committee, and later of the school semester conduct performance Rengyi

Students conduct performance assessment of evaluation methods. But the merits and demerits balance remaining of punishment still exists. Twenty-one who punished less than demerits of disposition and deep remorse who may be in accordance with the school, "student Correctional Penalty keep them and turn over the implementation of the pin points "application to remove his punishment over illegal sales record. Twenty-two students have incentive deal with dissidents, have to be notified within ten days from the next day, according to "learn health complaints approach "program gage grounds of appeal books appeal.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Twenty-three students per semester conduct performance rating by rewards and punishments were given extra points by points, according to its standard.According to "examine the way our students conduct score points" for approval.

Article 24 Students who violate the relevant provisions of the "China Medical

University Examination Rules", according to the school "in State University of

Medicine examination Rules "handle it.

Article 25 boarders of accommodation management counseling, according to the

University of incentive regulation "dormitory counseling approach" fixed handle it.

Article 26 school real (see) Xi was born in hospitals real (see) during the study, in addition to various hospitals should comply with Regulation.

Fixed, its incentives matter, and apply the provisions of this approach, during the winter and summer school students.

Incentives related matters, are following the implementation of the provisions of.

Article 27 The Commission, having considered the student incentives adopted by the school principal after the announcement of evacuation request.

Implementation and report to the Ministry of Education for future reference, any

amendments thereto.
