Maria Tagabileva Mobile: + 7 (915) 208-02-36 E

Maria Tagabileva
Mobile: + 7 (915) 208-02-36
Personal Page:
Date of birth: 25.05.1990
September 2007 – June 2012 – Specialist Degree (5 years) in Linguistics: Moscow
State University, Faculty of Philology, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.
Thesis “Compounds Denoting Nomina Agentis in the Russian Language”
Scientific Advisors: Dr. Professor Vladimir A. Plungian, Dr. Ilya B. Itkin
October 2012 – October 2015 – PhD student at Moscow State University, Faculty of
Philology, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
Work Experience
September 2008 – December 2011 – Russian National Corpus – Project Manager
Main duties include
 Word-Formation Tagging Project coordination
 Managerial duties, such as writing project proposals for grants, research grants
reports, new employees training and coordination
 Coordination between the researchers and the programmers team
December 2011 – April 2012 – – Semantic Support Specialist
Main duties include
 Object-oriented Search Engine support
 Creating, editing and testing of ontologies, working with GATE and OntoEd
 Testing of automatic text classifier
September 2012 – now – National Research University Higher School of Economics,
School of Linguistics – Lecturer, Research Fellow
Side Projects
September 2014 – coordination of Summer School in linguistics at Higher School of
Economics, including communication with guest Lecturers (
January 2014 – now – coordination of Educational-research group «Corpus instruments
for Yiddish studies» at Higher School of Economics
Language Skills
English – profficient ( FCE, CAE, IELTS certificates, teaching experience)
French – advanced
Serbian – advanced
German – intermediate
Bulgarian – basic skills
In English:
Denis P. Kirianov, Maria G. Tagabileva, “Complementation Strategies Of Russian
Verbs Of Request”, HSE Working Papers, Series: Linguistics, WP BRP
Tagabileva M. Composites denoting nomina agentis in the Russian Language:
distinguishing competing models // Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. 2013. No. 85
Itkin I.B., Tagabileva M.G. Suffix of nomina actionis *-ьb(a) in the Proto-Slavic
language // SLS 2009: Book of abstracts 4th annual meeting of the Slavic linguistic
society. Zagreb, 2009.
In Russian:
V RUSSKOM JaZYKE // Nauchno-tehnicheskaja informacija. Serija 2:
Informacionnye processy i sistemy. 2015 (v pechati)
Kir'janov D. P., Luchina E., Panova T. A., Tagabileva M. G. Korpus jazyka Idish:
teorija i praktika // Tirosh trudy po iudaike. 2014. № 14. S. 78-90.
Tagabileva M. G. O nekotoryh modeljah obrazovanija slozhnyh slov so
znacheniem nomina agentis v russkom jazyke // Acta Linguistica Petropolitana.
Trudy instituta lingvisticheskih issledovanij. 2014
Tagabileva M. G. Martin Hilpert. Constructional Change in English. Developments
in allomorphy, word formation, and syntax (review) // Voprosy jazykoznanija. 2013
Arhangel'skij T. A., Tagabileva M. G., Holkina L. S. Kachestvennye priznaki
«chistyj», «grjaznyj», «prozrachnyj», «mutnyj»: k postroeniju semanticheskoj
tipologii // V kn.: Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvisticheskih
issledovanij RAN. T. VII. Ch. 3 / Otv. red.: N. Kazanskij, D. Gerasimov. SPb. :
Nauka, 2011.
Arhangel'skij T. A., Karpova O. S., Kjuseva M. V., Rahilina E. V., Reznikova T. I.,
Ryzhova D. A., Tagabileva M. G. Baza dannyh po mnogoznachnym
kachestvennym prilagatel'nym i narechijam russkogo jazyka // V kn.:
Komp'juternaja lingvistika i intellektual'nye tehnologii. Po materialam ezhegodnoj
Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii "Dialog" (2010) / Pod obshh. red.: A. E. Kibrik. T. 9.
Vyp. 16. M. : RGGU, 2010.
Tagabileva M. G., Holkina L. S. Kachestvennye priznaki 'pustoj' i 'polnyj' v
tipologicheskom osveshhenii // V kn.: Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy
Instituta lingvisticheskih issledovanij RAN / Otv. red.: N. Kazanskij. T. 6. Ch. 3:
Materialy Sed'moj Konferencii po tipologii i grammatike dlja molodyh issledovatelej.
SPb. : Nauka, 2010.
Berezuckaja Ju. N., Tagabileva M. G. Slovoobrazovatel'naja razmetka
Nacional'nogo korpusa russkogo jazyka: zadachi i metody // V kn.: Komp'juternaja
lingvistika i intellektual'nye tehnologii. Po materialam ezhegodnoj Mezhdunarodnoj
konferencii "Dialog" (2010) / Pod obshh. red.: A. E. Kibrik. T. 9. Vyp. 16. M. :
RGGU, 2010.
Grishina E. A., Itkin I. B., Ljashevskaja O. N., Tagabileva M. G. O zadachah i
metodah slovoobrazovatel'noj razmetki v korpuse tekstov (Word-formation
annotation of the Russian National Corpus – aims and methods) / Otv. red.: T.
Nesset // Poljarnyj Vestnik. 2009. № 12. S. 5-25.
Conferences (a selected list)
SLS 2009: 4th annual meeting of the Slavic linguistic society (Zadar). Presentation:
“Suffix of nomina actionis *-ьb(a) in the Proto-Slavic language”
International conference on computational linguistics Dialogue 2010. Presentation: “On
the word-formation annotation of the Russian National Corpus”
Presentation: “A database of polysemantic adjectives and adverbs of the Russian
Sixth International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory MTT 2013 (Prague).
Presentation: «Composites denoting nomina agentis in the Russian language»
Association of linguistic Typology 10th Biennial Conference ALT-10 (Leipzig).
Presentation: «Semantic domains 'full' and 'empty': a cross-linguistic study»