Course Expectation - My CCSD - Clark County School District

Course Expectation
Japanese 3 H
Centennial High School
Mrs. Toshiko Bernau
Course Objectives:
Through dialogues, narratives, patterned drills, practice, and evaluation in a cooperative environment,
students will begin developing proficiency in the four basic language skills of listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. The hiragana and katakana writing system will be used regularly. Kanji characters
will be leaned and utilized. Further knowledge of grammar structures and vocabulary will be required to
allow the student to communicate in many real-life situations. The students will further their ability to
communicate in authentic oral and written context. This course will continue to promote the
understanding and appreciation of the Japanese Culture. Use of the target language is required by both
the instructor and the student during class activities and exercises.
Course Goals:
To further develop and refine the Japanese sound system.
To increase vocabulary acquisition.
To increase the ability to understand the native speaker in everyday situations.
To expand the ability to express oneself in Japanese orally.
To read and comprehend Japanese passages within the scope of the course.
To communicate in writing using correct grammatical structures.
To develop an appreciation of the Japanese culture.
To write ”borrowed” words using the katakana writing system
To increase the number of Chinese characters used.
Teaching Supplements: Adventure 2 & 3, Workbook, AP materials, Internet websites, Story Book,
TPRS, Teaching Proficiency through Reading Stories, Nakama Textbook, Yookoso Textbook, Genki
Textbook, CD Rom, Computer Language Program, NHK language program, TV commercials & current
events, Pop Music, Children’s Songs, Drama, and more
Course Outline:
Term 1: Communicative tasks:
Introducing yourself
Talking about your family
Asking someone else about their family
Talking about occupations
Describing your home town
Saying how something looks to you
Talking about what you would like to do
Asking and telling where something is
Understanding information
Doing a survey on lunch at school
Term 2:
Communicative tasks:
Asking for and giving directions on the street
Directing people to points of interest in a town
Understanding an account of an outing
Talking about everyday activities
Doing shopping for clothes
Finding out if an item is available
Expressing an opinion about style, size, color
Understanding signs and posters
Term 3:
Communicative tasks:
talking about going to places
how to get there
how far away t is how long it takes
finding out what time things start and finish
understanding and giving information about work and part-time jobs
inviting someone out
explaining what you are going to do
saying what you do not do much
persuading a friend to accept an invitation
Term 4:
Communicative tasks:
understanding a menu
ordering food and drinks
deciding what activities to do
asking and telling the data
understanding information about national holidays in Japan
talking about what you did during a holiday period
saying what the weather was like
understanding an account of a day out
understanding an account of a school sports day
making comparisons between two or more things
understanding an account of an outing
understanding a poster of school club activities
talking about school club activities
Materials Required
Japanese/English-English/Japanese Dictionary (required)
3 ring binder
Index Cards
White Board Markers, Origami paper (optional)
Course Activities/Expectations:
Frequent check on the Parent Link is highly recommended. Check Bernau sensei’s website for more
resources, homework assignments, free on line lessons, and more.
A. Tests/Quizzes 25 % of total grade
Periodic Tests and Quizzes will be given.
B. Performance base assessment (Show and Tell presentation, Story Telling presentation, Power point
presentation, Photo Story presentation, Portfolio etc.) 25%
C. Assignments/Homeworks 25 % of total grade
Students are to complete daily assignments. All assignments are expected to be neat with correct
spelling and grammar, whether in English or in Japanese. These assignments may range anywhere from
memorizing vocabulary to preparing skits to workbook activities. All assignments to be turned in must be
completed by the next day of class unless otherwise indicated on the day it is assigned.
D. Participation 25 % of total grade
Students must physically participate in activities, answer questions, and be on task on all work assigned to
receive points. Foreign Language must be USED in order to be learned. Periodic openers will be given
at the beginning of the class. These openers’ points are counted toward the participation points.
Absent Work:
It is the student’s responsibility to find out about work missed when absent. As per district regulations,
students have 3 days from the return of school to find out about work missed. All work because of an
absence, excused or unexcused, MUST be completed within ONE WEEK from the date the
assignment/quiz/test was given. Tests and quizzes are to be made up before school or after school.
Students must make arrangements with me beforehand.
Extra Credit:
Extra credit is not make-up work and will be entered to raise a grade ONLY if ALL OTHER assignments
have been completed, whether points were given or not.
Language Fair in Spring:
Language Fair is a competition of Foreign Language among students in the Clark County School District.
The students are encouraged to attend.
Language Fair Competition includes the followings.
Individual Song, Group songs, Show and Tell presentation, Calligraphy, Group Art Project, Individual
Art Project, Skit, Writing ,and Poetry.
Language Fair Exhibition includes the followings.
Food Booth
Entertainments (not for the competition)
Grading Policy:
90% - 100%
80% - 89%
70% - 79%
60% - 69%
- 59%
Semester Grade:
42.5 % of 1st Quarter %tage
42.5 % of 2nd Quarter %tage
15 % of score on Semester Exam
Total 100
Semester Exam consists of
Objective questions 200 points
Essay 50 points
Total of Semester Exam: 250 points
Attendance Policy:
The Centennial High School attendance policy, which can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook, will
be followed. The 6 unverified absences result in no credit.
Tardy Policy:
It is imperative that students be on time to class. The student’s grade will be affected because of tardies.
Late students will not be allowed to participate in any introductory assignments missed. The tardy policy
in the student handbook will be enforced.
Bathroom pass:
Due to too many students are asking for the permission to go to the bathroom, the locker, or other errands,
each student can obtain three bathroom passes per quarter. If they are not used, they can be turned in
before the term ends. Each pass is worth two points of extra credit.
Classroom Behavior Expectation:
1. Students are expected to be courteous, polite, and respectful towards the teacher and to other students.
Students are to enter and leave the classroom in an orderly manner. No students are to leave the
classroom unless officially released by the teacher.
Insubordination is grounds for referral to the Dean.
Absolutely NO FOOD/DRINK/GUM/CANDY allowed in class. This includes that the students
are NOT allowed to bring any Starbucks Coffees.
Students are responsible for their textbooks. All textbooks MUST be covered, with the student’s
name written in the front cover. Students will be required to pay for any lost/stolen/damaged textbook.
Dress code will be enforced. Any student not in compliance with CCSD dress code will be
referred to the Dean.
“Items Prohibited at School” section in the student handbook will be enforced.
Students caught cheating or assisting another student cheat will automatically
receive a ZERO for the assignment, quiz, test, etc.
Students are not allowed to use cellular phones, ipods, and other devices that
teaching and learning.
Students will receive U for unsatisfactory if he or she continues to disrupt my class.
Period ____________
My signature below indicates that I have completely read and understood the Course Expectation sheet.
Student’s Name(Print)& Signature
Home phone number
Mother’s work phone number
, ______________________
Cell #_______________________
email address
Father’s work phone number _______________________
Cell #_______________________
email address _________________________________________________