PTA news Autumn 2015 - Clifton All Saints Academy

PTA News
Barn Dance
At the end of last term we held our Barn Dance with All Saints’ Church, Clifton. We are delighted to
have raised £1061.06 which will be split evenly between the school and the church. We are very
grateful to Mr and Mrs Brace and Mr Wall for the use of the barn and the church social committee
for helping to clean the barn before the event, and making and serving salads. Thank you!
Family Disco
Thank you to all of you who came to the Family Disco last week! The children really had a good time
and by dancing the evening away helped to raise a brilliant £364.00! The Winner of the children’s
raffle went home before the draw took place……..if you have ticket numbers 491-495 please go to
the school office to claim your prize! Congratulations to Harry Coley for winning the sweets on the
children’s grid, to Katherine Watts for winning £20 on the adults grid and to Julie Willmott for
winning Prosecco and Chocolates in the adult raffle.
Happy School Bags
The Happy School Bag collection was also last week, by donating all your unwanted clothes and
textiles you have raised £178.00!
As a parent of a child at Clifton All Saints Academy, you are automatically a member of the PTA.
The PTA AGM is on Thursday 1st October at 7.45pm in the school hall, followed by Cheese and Wine.
This is a great opportunity to see how the PTA have raised money for the school in the past year and
how we have spent it. Please don’t feel you will be roped in by attending the AGM, it is a relaxed
event please come and enjoy a glass of wine!
However, if you are up for a challenge, we will be looking for a chair and a minutes secretary, if you
feel you would like to know more about these roles please let the school office know.
Cake and 2nd Hand uniform sale.
Our next cake sale will be on WEDNESDAY 14th October, please note change of day! We would
welcome donations of cakes home made or shop bought from Puffins and Swallows classes, if you
are a keen baker and your child is not in either class we would still welcome your cake donations!
We will also have 2nd hand uniform on sale, all items sell for just 50p, so come and grab a bargain.
Please note new uniform WILL NOT be available to buy or order on this day.
We are still collecting stamps! There is a box on the table in the school entrance to put them in.
Please can you cut round the stamp as close to edge as possible, thank you.
New Uniform
Tracy will be in the library on Monday 5th October with some samples of uniform to try on and to
take your orders. If you already know what you need, orders can be given into the school office with
full payment (cheques made payable to Clifton All saints PTA, please)before this date, orders will not
be placed until Monday 5th.