Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
Curriculum Document
Curriculum Code Curriculum Title
V02/2014: 7 MAY 2014
Mineral Beneficiation Process Controller:
(Materials Preparation)
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
Table of Contents
SECTION 1: CURRICULUM OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................... 1
Occupational Information ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Associated Occupations ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Occupation or Specialisation Addressed by this Curriculum ................................................................................. 1
Alternative Titles used by Industry ........................................................................................................................ 1
Curriculum Information ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Relation of this Curriculum to the Occupation and Qualification ............................................................................ 2
Progression .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Notes Regarding the Progression: ........................................................................................................................ 2
Curriculum Structure ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Knowledge Subjects ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Practical Skills Modules ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Work Experience Modules .................................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2: OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE.................................................................................................................... 5
Title: Mineral Beneficiation Process Controller: (Lump Ore Beneficiation) ................................................................ 5
OFO Code: 313912-001 ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Occupational Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Occupational Tasks .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Task Details ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
TASK 01: Monitoring and controlling the mineral beneficiation processes in a lump ore beneficiation plant. (NQF
Level: 4) ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
SECTION 3: CURRICULUM COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION ................................................................. 7
3A: KNOWLEDGE SUBJECT SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................... 7
313912-001-KS-02: Mineral Beneficiation (Lump Ore).......................................................................................... 7
Provider Accreditation Requirements for the Subject: KS01- Mineral Beneficiation (Lump Ore) ........................... 9
SECTION 3B: PRACTICAL SKILL MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................... 10
313912-002-PM-01-Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and classification equipment
from a control room (NQF Level: 4) .................................................................................................................... 10
Provider Accreditation Requirements: PS 01- Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and
classification equipment from a control room ...................................................................................................... 12
313912-002-PM-02-Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and classification equipment
physically on the plant (NQF Level: 3) ................................................................................................................ 13
Provider Accreditation Requirements: Module PS02: Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering
and classification equipment physically on the plant. .......................................................................................... 15
List of Work Experience Module Specifications .................................................................................................. 16
313912-002-WM-01 - EXPOSURE to the separation, de-watering and classification processes ........................ 16
Criteria for Workplace Approval: ......................................................................................................................... 17
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
Occupational Information
Associated Occupations
Mineral Beneficiation Process Controller
Occupation or Specialisation Addressed by this Curriculum
313912-002 Mineral Beneficiation Process Controller (Lump Ore)
Alternative Titles used by Industry
Plant Operator
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
Curriculum Information
Relation of this Curriculum to the Occupation and Qualification
Notes Regarding the Progression:
The qualification covers the work executed by the “inside and outside” process controllers, the
learning covers both NQF level 3 and 4 learning material and the qualification is pitched at NQF 4.
This qualification represents one of the specialisation areas for Process Controllers and is preceded
by the qualification Mineral Beneficiation Process Controllers (Materials Handling).
This qualification will enable the learner to gain the knowledge, develop the skills and be exposed to
the work experience required to work as a Process Controller for a Beneficiation Plant handling so
called “Lump Ore”.
Learners will gain the knowledge, skills and experience to operate plants in a safe and efficient
manner and to apply the required communication skills unique to working in a processing plant
environment. Learners will also learn all the specialised procedures for equipment start up, shut
down and operational monitoring from a physical (in the plant) and from a control room perspective.
The learning is limited to controlling “Physical Separation De-watering and classification processes.
This qualification will provide learners with a portable qualification that they can apply in any Lump
Ore Beneficiation process areas. (Coal, Diamonds, Manganese, Chrome, Iron Ore etc.)
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
Curriculum Structure
Knowledge Subjects
Mineral Beneficiation (Lump Ore)
NQF Level Credits
Total Knowledge Credits: 13
Practical Skills Modules
Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and
classification equipment from a control room
Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and
classification equipment physically on the plant
NQF Level Credits
Total Practical Skill Credits: 32
Work Experience Modules
EXPOSURE to the separation, de-watering and classification
NQF Level Credits
Total Work Experience Credits: 16
Knowledge Percentage: 21%
Practical Skills Percentage: 52%
Workplace Percentage: 27%
International Comparability
Benchmarking was done against the NVQ from Britain, the Australian and New Zealand
Qualifications Frameworks. African countries with manufacturing facilities (including SADC
countries) were scanned for applicable qualifications or training programmes and it was found that
there are currently no relevant qualifications being offered in any of these countries.
A comparison with the British qualification was included, because the British chemical industry is
similar to mineral beneficiation and is very well developed and the NVQ is an educational structure
comparable to the NQF. An internet search revealed that the City & Guilds Level 4 NVQ in
Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Petro-Chemical Operations focuses on providing Technical Support
training. The qualification contains compulsory core units consisting of safety, teamwork, work
handover; three compulsory units related to technical support; and a choice of five elective units
from a range with a high quality component, emergencies, energy optimisation and problem solving.
The Australian processing industry is of a similar size and sophistication as the South African
industry. For this reason a comparison with the Australian qualification was included, as well as the
AQF being an educational structure comparable to the NQF. An internet search of the AQF
revealed that the Australian Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology contains the same
compulsory core units on communication, safety, quality and work procedures as per the previous
Unit Standard based Qualification.
Further no relevant qualification could be found, apart from the Australian Centre for Energy
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
and Process Training (ACEPT) which is a leading provider of process operations training, offering
AQTF qualifications for the Australian oil and gas, mineral and chemical processing industries. This
ensures a higher standard of workers and facilitates industry expansion.
Developed from collaboration between industry and State and Federal governments, and led by an
industry advisory board comprising representatives from leading resource-driven companies,
ACEPT is Australia's foremost provider of flexible training solutions for process plant operations,
 Qualifications from the chemical, hydrocarbons and oil refining training package.
 State-of-the-art equipment.
 Training that is quality assured under the Australian Quality Training Framework
 Highly experienced trainers from industry.
The competencies required for Minerals Processing are very similar to those required in the
Chemical field.
The curriculum components from the City & Guilds Level 4 NVQ in Chemical, Pharmaceutical and
Petro-Chemical Manufacturing covers the following elements, this illustrates the similarity. The
proposed occupational qualifications that have been developed here cover all of these components
Controlling Process Operations.
Technical Support.
Work handover.
Preparing, controlling, maintaining, restoring and completing processing operations.
Quality management.
Cleaning and preparing equipment.
Problem solving.
Risk assessment.
Quality control.
Research in the NZQA showed that a Certificate in Energy and Chemical Plant (Process Operation)
(level 4) is registered. This qualification allows for optional strands in Refrigeration, Steam
Generation, Ancillary Operations, Geothermal, Waste Management and Co-Generation. The basic
Process Operation qualification contains 9 compulsory NZQA core unit standards consisting of 1
workplace communication NZQA unit standard and 8 processing operations and safety NZQA unit
standards, totaling 58 credits. If the learner wants to gain competence in one of the strands
mentioned above, a further range of elective NZQA unit standards specific to that area of
specialisation has to be chosen. For example; NZQA 81311 Mineral and Stone Treater and 81311
Non-Metalic Mineral Products, Kiln or Furnace Operation. These qualifications covers a broader set
of specialisation areas. However the core components are similar to our qualification.
Both local and international qualifications place high emphasis on safety with a range of theory and
practical training relating to hazards, emergencies and environmental protection.
The Mineral Beneficiation Process Controller Qualification compares well with the best international
qualifications and training programmes offered. The compulsory technical content incorporated in
the qualification will serve to support qualifying learners to make better informed, autonomous
decisions within a more compact timeframe than international learners and will increase
transportability of the qualification considerably.
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
Entry Requirements
 Successful completion of the Mineral Beneficiation Process Controller (Materials Handling)
Assessment Quality Partner Information
Title: Mineral Beneficiation Process Controller: (Lump Ore Beneficiation)
OFO Code: 313912-001
Occupational Purpose
Operate, monitor and control the operational efficiency of the Lump Ore beneficiation process and the
processing equipment
Occupational Tasks
TASK 01: Monitoring and controlling the mineral beneficiation processes in a lump ore beneficiation plant.
(NQF Level: 4)
Task Details
TASK 01: Monitoring and controlling the mineral beneficiation processes in a lump ore
beneficiation plant. (NQF Level: 4)
Unique Product or Service
 Raw materials beneficiated to meet required quality standards
Occupational Responsibilities
 Start, monitor, control and stop all size reduction equipment
 Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and classification equipment from a control
 Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and classification equipment physically on
the plant
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
Report operating conditions of size reduction equipment
Monitor and control the handling and storage of the processed product (1st stage beneficiation)
EXPOSURE to the separation, de-watering and classification processes
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
List of Knowledge Subjects for which Specifications are included
313912-001-KS-02 Mineral Beneficiation (Lump Ore)
NQF Level Credits
Total Knowledge Credits: 13
313912-001-KS-02: Mineral Beneficiation (Lump Ore)
Purpose of the Knowledge Subject
The focus of the learning in this subject is on building knowledge and understanding of the key theories,
concepts and principles associated with the mineral beneficiation of Lump Ore minerals. The learning will
focus specifically on the processes and equipment used in the various separation processes used in the
stage 1 beneficiation of Lump Ore minerals.
Topics included in this subject:
Use and application of the products and the reasons for lump
ore beneficiation. (Intermediate)
Metallurgical principles of product separation using different
techniques and media (Intermediate)
Operating principles and design efficiencies of all the equipment
used in the separation, de- watering and classification
processes (Components, functions, types etc.) (Intermediate)
313912-001-KS-01:01 -Use and application of the products and the reasons for lump ore beneficiation.
(Intermediate) (Credits: 1)
Topic Elements to be covered include:
1. Explain what is meant by beneficiation and indicate the various stages of beneficiation specifically used for
Lump Ore minerals;
2. Identify what the main lump ore products are that we produce in the country;
3. Name the main uses of the various minerals and how they impact on the economy.
Internal Assessment Criteria:
Without reference to learning material learners will be able to list all the major minerals derived from the so
called lump ore and explain:
a. What the main economic uses are of these minerals;
b. Identify the Lump ore by looking at pictures and videos;
c. Describe the hazards associated with working with these ores;
d. Describe the main characteristics of the various ores and explain how these characteristics
impacts on the beneficiation process.
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
313912-001-KS-01:02 -Metallurgical principles of product separation using different techniques and
media (Intermediate) (Credits: 4)
Topic Elements to be covered include:
1. Explain what is meant by product separation and why this is important in the beneficiation process;
2. Identify and list the typical equipment used in the separation process;
3. Define the basic metallurgical principles used in the separation processes:
a. Settling theory (Thickening)
b. Use of gravity;
c. Need to create an appropriate medium;
d. Use of centrifugal force;
e. Use of X-ray fluorescence;
f. Use of hydrophobics;
g. Use of magnetics;
h. Density of particles;
i. Effect of particle size and shape;
j. Use of screening;
Internal Assessment Criteria:
Given flow diagrams of a Lump ore beneficiation plant and detailed descriptions of the associated processes
learners will, without reference to learning material, be able to;
a. Identify the required separation processes;
b. Describe the metallurgical principles that underpin the various separation processes;
Learners will be deemed competent if they identify the correct separation process for each of the given
situations and accurately explain the major metallurgical principles associated with each of the processes.
313912-001-KS-01:03 -Operating principles and design efficiencies of all the equipment used in the
separation, de- watering and classification processes (Components, functions, types etc.)
(Intermediate) (Credits: 8)
Topic Elements to be covered include:
1. Identify and describe all the equipment used in separation, de-watering and classification processes;
2. Identify and list the main components of the equipment used in the process;
2. Identify and list the factors that will influence the efficiency and capacity of the equipment used in the
3. Describe the basic operational principles of the equipment within the process;
4. Describe the interaction between the individual pieces of equipment in order to achieve the optimum
production efficiency.
Internal Assessment Criteria:
1. Given flow diagrams and detailed descriptions for a range of typical separation, de-watering and
classification processes as well as photos and/or video material of the various equipment used in these
processes. Learners will be able to:
a. Identify the equipment and indicate what the main operational challenges are when running a process
with the specific equipment;
b. Indicate how the various pieces of equipment are used in sequence to support the separation, dewatering and classification processes; and
c. Identify what the critical aspects are that must be continually monitored and controlled when the
specific equipment is used.
Learners will be deemed competent if they can clearly demonstrate that they understand the operational
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hazards associated with the given processes and can list all the key factors that a process controller must
monitor and control when the equipment is being used.
Provider Accreditation Requirements for the Subject: KS01- Mineral Beneficiation (Lump Ore)
Physical Requirements:
- Proven access to suitable learning facilities, tools and equipment to professionally deliver the learning as
specified in the curriculum. Proven access to all the simulations, controlled work environments and
demonstrations as set out in the given statements for the practical skills in the curriculum
Human Resources Requirements:
- Facilitators of learning must be in possession of a national qualification in mineral processing practices at
least at NQF 4 or industry recognised certificate with two years post qualification experience as a process
controller or at least 5 years practical experience in a recognised mineral processing plant as a process
controller and/or foreman
- Facilitators of learning must be in possession of an OD ETDP certificate at NQF level 4 or recognised
Legal Requirements:
- Providers of learning must comply with all OHS requirements
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
List of Practical Skills Modules for which Specifications are included:
NQF Level Credits
Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and
classification equipment from a control room
Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and
classification equipment physically on the plant
Total Practical Skill Credits: 56
313912-002-PM-01-Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and
classification equipment from a control room (NQF Level: 4)
Purpose of the Module:
The focus of the learning in this module is on providing learners an opportunity to practice the skills required
to start, monitor and control separation, de-watering and classification equipment in a lump ore mineral
beneficiation process.
List of Practical Skills Included in this Module:
Start up the Separation, de-watering and classification equipment
and machines
Monitor the operating efficiency of all Separation, de-watering and
classification equipment and machines and make required changes
to settings
Stop the separation, de-watering and classification equipment and
313912-002-PM-01-PS01: Start up the Separation, de-watering and classification equipment and
machines (Credits: 8)
Scope of Practical Skill:
Given a simulated or controlled work environment containing typical/generic de-watering, separation and
classification equipment and machines and a functioning computerized process control system under
operating conditions (including the material).
Be Able to:
1. Communicate with all relevant staff members and stakeholders and up and down stream sections to obtain
clearance for startup.
2. Check all documentation to identify maintenance permits, special instructions and lock outs and obtain sign
off of the relevant documentation.
3. Access the process control system and start the equipment sequentially
4. Communicate with the plant personnel to verify that equipment started correctly and in the correct
sequence and is functioning correctly.
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5. Identify the equipment that must be started
6. Take action to correct discrepancies between the information on the process control system and reality in
the plant.
7. Complete all required shift reports
Applied Knowledge
1. Generic lock out and maintenance systems and processes
2. Techniques of communicating with electronic equipment
3. Techniques for starting up equipment and machines using a computer based process control system
4. Techniques and processes for identifying and correcting equipment startup problems
5. Techniques of interpreting process flows equipment sequencing
Internal Assessment:
1. Observe and evaluate the extent to which learners follows the appropriate communication processes and
procedures when starting up separation, de-watering and classification equipment - there must be no
deviations from the required procedures and sequences
2. Observe and evaluate that clearance is correctly obtained for all permits, lock outs and special instructions.
3. Observe and evaluate the extent to which the learner follows a logical analytical process to determine the
causes of problems and discrepancies and applies the appropriate corrective actions.
4. Evaluate the accuracy and correctness of the shift reports
313912-002-PM-01-PS02: Monitor the operating efficiency of all Separation, de-watering and
classification equipment and machines and make required changes to settings (Credits: 16)
Scope of Practical Skill:
Given a simulated or controlled work environment containing typical/generic de-watering, separation and
classification equipment and machines and a functioning computerized process control system under
operating conditions (including the material).
Be Able to:
1. Monitor operating conditions over a period of time checking that the required targets and objectives are met
2. Communicate with up and down stream processes to determine the impact
3. Make process setting changes to achieve set production requirements
4. Respond appropriately to a range of process deviations and alarms
5. Interpret and respond to special instructions from authorised plant personnel
6. Interpret sample results and make appropriate changes to the process to accommodate changes in product
7. Physically inspect products at the various stages of the process and identify possible problems and
deviations that could impact on the quality of the final products.
8. Complete the required production reports and log books.
Applied Knowledge
1. Techniques of controlling the separation, de-watering and classification processes
2. Techniques to diagnose problems in the production process and identify causes and solutions
3. Techniques and processes for observing and determining the quality standards on the processed product
at the various stages in the production processes.
4. Techniques for identifying potential defects and deviations on the equipment by looking at the performance
indicators on the control system.
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Internal Assessment:
1. Test understanding of impact of changes in process settings on production and the quality of the product.
Learners must, without reference to learning material explain the impact of all allowed setting changes on
all the equipment and the consequences of not making the correct changes or making un-allowed
2. Observe and evaluate the extent to which the learner follows the prescribed processes and sequences for
monitoring the production process. All the given processes and sequences must be correctly followed.
3. Evaluate the completeness, factual accuracy and precision of the log books and reports - all available
information must be accurately recorded according to the requirements of the report templates by the required
time deadlines.
313912-002-PM-01-PS03: Stop the separation, de-watering and classification equipment and machines
(Credits: 2)
Scope of Practical Skill:
Given a simulated or controlled work environment containing typical/generic de-watering, separation and
classification equipment and machines and a functioning computerized process control system under
operating conditions (including the material).
Be Able to:
1. Communicate to all relevant stakeholders that the process is going to be terminated
2. Instruct the plant support staff to prepare the plant for stoppage
3. Initiate the termination sequence on the computer based process control system
4. Place the equipment/machinery into maintenance mode and hand over controls of components of the
system to authorised maintenance staff
5. Log and report all stoppages and issue the relevant permits and documentation
6. Communicate and confirm that the process is properly stopped
Applied Knowledge
1. Full range of processes to stop the plant
Internal Assessment:
1. Observe and evaluate the extent to which learners comply with the required processes and procedures for
stopping the system - all processes must be followed and documentation must be accurately completed.
Provider Accreditation Requirements: PS 01- Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation,
de-watering and classification equipment from a control room
Physical Requirements:
- Proven access to suitable learning facilities, tools and equipment to professionally deliver the learning as
specified in the curriculum. Proven access to all the simulations, controlled work environments and
demonstrations as set out in the given statements for the practical skills in the curriculum
Human Resources Requirements:
- Facilitators of learning must be in possession of a national qualification in mineral processing practices at
least at NQF 4 or industry recognised certificate with two years post qualification experience as a process
controller or at least 5 years practical experience in a recognised mineral processing plant as a process
controller and/or foreman
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- Facilitators of learning must be in possession of an OD ETDP certificate at NQF level 4 or recognised
Legal Requirements:
- Providers of learning must comply with all OHS requirements
313912-002-PM-02-Start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and
classification equipment physically on the plant (NQF Level: 3)
Purpose of the Module:
The focus of the learning in this module is on providing learners an opportunity to practice the skills required
to start, monitor, control and stop all Separation, de-watering and classification equipment physically on the
List of Practical Skills Included in this Module:
Start all equipment physically
Physically monitor the operations of the plant
Physically shut down plant equipment
313912-002-PM-02-PS01: Start all equipment physically (Credits: 4)
Scope of Practical Skill:
Given a simulated or controlled work environment containing typical/generic de-watering, separation and
classification equipment and machines and a functioning under operating conditions (including the material).
Be Able to:
1. Identify all the equipment to be started under different conditions
2. Use a checklist to physically inspect the operational readiness of all the equipment and machines
3. Communicate and report all deviations and defects on the equipment - complete the checklist
4. Continually inspect the environment and identify hazards and risks - initiate actions to deal with the
identified hazards.
5. Communicate with all up and down stream processes and confirm the readiness of the process for start up
6. Obtain clearance from the control room for startup and update the control room on any deviations and
7. In sequence start up the process manually without the assistance of the control room
8. Monitor the startup of the process when it is started by the control room
Applied Knowledge
1. Processes for manually starting up each component in the system
2. Logical start up sequence and interlocking systems for the process
3. Techniques for conducting inspections and risk assessments
Internal Assessment:
1. Observe and evaluate the extent to which learners follow the inspection process for each of the
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components in the system. All inspection steps must be followed and the checklists must be completed
indicating all defects. All defects must be reported to the appropriate authority.
2. Evaluate that learners have identified all the hazards and risks in the given situation and taken the
appropriate corrective and preventative actions
3. Observe and evaluate the extent to which learners follow the appropriate start up processes and follow the
required sequence for startup.
4. Evaluate the extent to which the learners reports the actual status of equipment and accurately diagnoses
deviations and potential problems. - Actual status must be reported in all instances.
5. Evaluate that the section is operational according to standard.
313912-002-PM-02-PS02: Physically monitor the operations of the plant (Credits: 16)
Scope of Practical Skill:
Given a simulated or controlled work environment containing typical/generic de-watering, separation and
classification equipment and machines and a functioning computerised process control system under
operating conditions (including the material).
Be Able to:
1. Conduct operational checks on all the equipment and machinery in the section (Not using any instruments)
2. Read and interpret basic instrumentation indicators (Pressure gauges, Ammeters, Flow meters,
Weightometers, Densitometers, Level meters)
3. Physically check the flow of material through the process, identify foreign material and remove them
4. Identify and take appropriate action to clear any blockages
5. Identify and deal with spillages and initiate appropriate action to prevent the re-occurrence of the spillages
6. Identify and report substandard conditions on equipment and machines (holed spigots, leaking flanges,
loose screen panels etc)
7. Physically check the approximate quality of processed material at each stage of the process and initiate
corrective actions
8. Collect samples at the appropriate sampling points using the appropriate sampling tools and send them for
Applied Knowledge
1. Techniques and processes of observing and monitoring mineral beneficiation processes
2. Techniques for observing the quality of the product at various stages of the process
3. Process sequences and the consequences of noncompliance with processes and procedures
Internal Assessment:
1. Observe and evaluate the extent to which learners perform the required monitoring activities to identify,
deal with and report all process, machine and equipment deviations and substandard conditions. - any
existing deviations and substandard conditions must be identified and appropriately dealt with and reported.
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313912-002-PM-02-PS03: Physically shut down plant equipment (Credits: 2)
Scope of Practical Skill:
Given a simulated or controlled work environment containing typical/generic de-watering, separation and
classification equipment and machines and a functioning computerised process control system under
operating conditions (including the material).
Be Able to:
1. Communicate with all up and down stream processes and initiate the preparation of the plant for stoppage
(ensure that all feed is cleared out of the system)
2. Physically inspect all equipment and machinery and ensure that they are ready for stoppage.
3. Physically stop all the process equipment and machines following the appropriate sequence and process
4. Apply lock out procedures for all equipment and machines
5. Perform housekeeping processes in and around the work area.
Applied Knowledge
1. Techniques and processes for physically stopping equipment and machines in a process environment
Internal Assessment:
1. Observe and evaluate the extent to which learner/s comply with the appropriate stoppage processes and
procedures - all processes must be followed according to the appropriate sequence
Provider Accreditation Requirements: Module PS02: Start, monitor, control and stop all
Separation, de-watering and classification equipment physically on the plant.
Physical Requirements:
- Proven access to suitable learning facilities, tools and equipment to professionally deliver the learning as
specified in the curriculum. Proven access to all the simulations, controlled work environments and
demonstrations as set out in the given statements for the practical skills in the curriculum
Human Resources Requirements:
- Facilitators of learning must be in possession of a national qualification in mineral processing practices at
least at NQF 4 or industry recognised certificate with two years post qualification experience as a process
controller or at least 5 years practical experience in a recognised mineral processing plant as a process
controller and/or foreman
- Facilitators of learning must be in possession of an OD ETDP certificate at NQF level 4 or recognised
Legal Requirements:
- Providers of learning must comply with all OHS requirements
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Beneficiation Process Controller: Materials Preparation
List of Work Experience Module Specifications
EXPOSURE to the separation, de-watering and
classification processes
NQF Level
Total Work Experience Credits: 16
313912-002-WM-01 - EXPOSURE to the separation, de-watering and classification processes
Purpose of the Module
The focus of the learning in this module is on providing learners an opportunity to gain the experience
required to monitor and control the separation, de-watering and classification processes in a lump ore
beneficiation plant
List of Experiences included in this module
Achieve the production targets (volume and/or quality) for a separation, dewatering and classification section for a two four week shift cycle.
313912-001-WM-01-01 Achieve the production targets (volume and/or quality) for a separation, dewatering and classification section for a two four week shift cycle within a duration of six months.
Guidelines for Work Experience
1. Conduct all physical inspections of the separation, de-watering and classification equipment;
2. Physically stop and start all the relevant equipment;
3. Stop, start and monitor the operation of the equipment from a control room;
4. Deal with emergency situations;
5. Stop the plant for maintenance purposes;
6. Prepare the work areas for maintenance;
7. Conduct the required housekeeping;
8. Effectively communicate with all relevant stakeholders;
9. Complete all the required documentation;
10. Participate in shift handover meetings;
11. Report normal and abnormal conditions;
12. Interpret sample results and initiate corrective actions
Contextual Workplace Knowledge
1. Production targets;
2. Equipment capacities;
3. Standard operating procedures;
4. All relevant codes of practice.
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Supporting Evidence
1. Production results
2. Supervisor observation report;
3. Breakdown reports;
4. Accident and incident reports;
5. Audit results.
Criteria for Workplace Approval:
Physical Requirements:
Fully operating processing plant with physical separation, de-watering and classification processes
Human Resources Requirements:
 Qualified Metallurgist and Mechanical Engineer available on site
 Shift Foreman with at least a NQF 5 qualification of eight years appropriate experience
Legal Requirements:
 Compliance with all occupational Health and Safety legislation
V04/2014: 4 July 2014
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