THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF TAITA TAVETA MINISTRY OF LIVESTOCK & FISHERIES Department of Veterinary Services Empowered Lives Resilient nations TERMS OF REFERENCE CONSULTANCY - VIABILITY OF ESTABLISHING A COUNTY LIVESTOCK MARKET 1.0 BACKGROUND Taita Taveta is endowed with livestock resources which is a major contributor of livelihoods of many households. It is one of the ASAL counties in this country. The county has 28 branches where livestock rearing can be done commercially. Right now these ranches are being leased by pastoralists for livestock fattening which end up in Mombasa, Nairobi, KMC slaughter houses and others exported to Mauritius.The National Government together with the Taita Taveta county government is in the process of setting up a Livestock Export Zone at Bachuma Livestock holding ground (LMD) where a livestock disease free zoning will be created to enable livestock and livestock by-products exported to international market from this county. It is important to also note that there are no organized livestock markets in Taita Taveta County. In the past two livestock auction rings have been established at Kasigau and Ndii both in Voi Sub County. The one at Kasigau has not taken up and the one at Ndii was vandalized as a result of land ownership dispute. Due to availability of livestock and land resources these is a need to establish why organized livestock markets have not taken route in the County. 2.0 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this assignment is to provide technical support to the ministry of Livestock & Fisheries of Taita Taveta County and UNDP to the development and revision of the livestock sector strategy through development of viable livestock markets as a social economic enterprise of the county government. The consultant in particular will provide technical input on the design of a county livestock market strategy that will benefit individual livestock keepers and ranchers economically thus reducing their poverty levels substantially. The consultant will advise the livestock team of the County Government, UNDP, & private companies on the livestock investment opportunities within the county. He/She will also works closely with the UNDP in designing and implementing their policy advocacy objectives. 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK Under close coordination and technical guidance of the County Government of Taita Taveta and UNDP, the consultant shall: a) Establish the reasons why the existing livestock auction ring at Kasigau has not taken off. b) Inform on the economic viability of establishing a major County Livestock Market. c) Inform the county government the interventions to undertake to improve livestock marketing within the county in further stimulating the development of the livestock sub-sector as an engine of social-economic development of the county. d) Identify suitable livestock market sites in the county. e) Map up key market actors based on the key livestock value chains in the county f) Indentify possible issues and strategies that can be used to undertake a successful policy and advocacy strategy on livestock issues. 4.0 OUTPUT TO BE DELIVERED The expected output for this consultancy shall be: 1. 2. 3. 5.0 Milestones Inception report (to be presented,discussed and validated) Draft report including Detailed analysis of the overall market opportunities for the various sub sector enterprises that can potentially be exploited An analysis of the overall business environment under which the livestock subsector is operating in Taita Taveta County An appropriate livestock market model for Taita Taveta County Detailed cost/benefit analysis of livestock marketing for each enterprise. Final report Payments 20% 30% 50% DURATION OF THE CONSULTANCY Description Briefing on the assignment Interaction between UNDP and field teams Interaction with major stakeholders Public participation Report writing Validation workshop Debriefing Total Engagement Period: Days 1 4 1 18 4 1 1 30 6.0 REPORTING The consultant will work under direct supervision of the County Chief Officer, Livestock and Fisheries - County Government of Taita Taveta with technical assistance and support from UNDP. The consultant shall use own work station but if need be, the County Government shall provide a work station. However, he or She shall use own working equipment. 7.0 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE The consultancy team must be multidisciplinary (with one of the key consultant having a livestock industry background) as the terms of reference is an opportunity to set the overall direction of livestock marketing in this country. At the minimum the consultant(s) must possess the following: At least a masters degree in business related discipline, development studies or economics with a minimum of five (5) yrs experience in agribusiness research and /or practice with good understanding of livestock value chain development. Demonstrate a good understanding of the arid and semi-arid areas (ASALS) with practical working experience or research in such environment. Have good report writing skills and prove of experience in writing reports. Experience of effective interaction with local and national institutions, government departments and business service providers. Be conversant with current business models and practice around the livestock sub sector in the county. Practical application of cross cutting themes like gender mainstreaming and gender competence, M&E, advocacy. Proven experience of using participatory tools and methodology. Must show proof of having undertaken similar programmes; Good inter-personal communication skills. 8.0 REMUNERATION Payment should be paid upon completion of specific milestones as shall be discussed between the consultant, County Government and UNDP. Transport refunds for field work will be made upon certified claims in cases where transport is not provided. However ,such travel shall first be approved by the County Government Application Procedure Interested and qualified candidates should submit their application which should include the following: 1. Detailed Curriculum Vitae 2. UNDP Personal History Form (P11) (template provided) Application should be referenced as “CG-TTC-Developing Livestock Market” on the subject line. Application should be emailed to to reach us not later than…... day……..2014 at…….p.m. Kenyan Time