Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and

Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference pages 15-19 in blue crct book.
SS6G2 The student will discuss environmental issues in Latin America.
a. Explain the major environmental concerns of Latin America regarding the issues of air pollution in Mexico City,
Mexico, the destruction of the rain forest in Brazil, and oil-related pollution in Venezuela.
EQ: How does the physical geography of Latin America and the Caribbean affect where people live?
What is the impact of development and trade on the environment? (air pollution in Mexico City destruction
of rain forests in Brazil, and oil-related pollution in Venezuela)
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference pages 66-69 in blue crct book.
SS6E1 The student will analyze different economic systems.
a. Compare how traditional, command, and market economies answer the economic questions of (1) what to produce,
(2) how to produce, and (3) for whom to produce.
EQ: How has the distribution of natural resources affected the economies of the Caribbean?
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference pages 70-71 in blue crct book.
SS6E1 The student will analyze different economic systems.
b. Explain how most countries have a mixed economy located on a continuum between pure market and pure
EQ: What is the impact of development and trade on the environment? (air pollution in Mexico City
destruction of rain forests in Brazil, and oil-related pollution in Venezuela)
How has the physical geography and distribution of resources influenced how people have lived in Latin
How has the distribution of natural resources affected the economies ofthe Caribbean?
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference pages 72-73 in blue crct book.
SS6E1 The student will analyze different economic systems.
c. Compare the basic types of economic systems found in Canada, Cuba, and Brazil.
EQ: What are the significant differences in the economic systems found in Canada, Cuba, and Brazil?
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference pages 74-76 in blue crct book.
SS6E2 The student will give examples of how voluntary trade benefits buyers and sellers in Latin America
and the Caribbean and Canada.
a. Explain how specialization encourages trade between countries.
EQ: How does specialization encourage trade between countries?
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference page 75 in blue crct book.
SS6E2 The student will give examples of how voluntary trade benefits buyers and sellers in Latin America
and the Caribbean and Canada.
b. Compare and contrast different types of trade barriers, such as tariffs, quotas, and
EQ: How do governments impose trade barriers?
How do the physical geography and physical features of the region promote and/or prevent trade?
How do trade barriers (tariffs, quotas, and embargoes) prevent international trade from occurring between
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference page 76 in blue crct book.
SS6E2 The student will give examples of how voluntary trade benefits buyers and sellers in Latin America
and the Caribbean and Canada.
c. Explain the functions of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
EQ: How do the trade agreements made between countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (i.e.
NAFTA) overcome trade barriers and encourage voluntary trade in the region?
How do trade barriers (tariffs, quotas, and embargoes) prevent international trade from occurring between
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference pages 77-78 in blue crct book.
SS6E2 The student will give examples of how voluntary trade benefits buyers and sellers in Latin America
and the Caribbean and Canada.
d. Explain why international trade requires a system for exchanging currencies between nations.
EQ: Why is it necessary to exchange currencies for nations to trade?
Why are the benefits of voluntary trade important for buyers and sellers?
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference pages 78-79 in blue crct book.
SS6E3 The student will describe the factors that cause economic growth and examine their presence or
absence in Latin America.
a. Explain the relationship between investment in human capital (education and training) and gross domestic product
EQ: What are the factors that promote economic growth in countries?
How are the factors present or absent in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean? (Cuba and
How does having or not having these factors of production affect the countries of Latin America and the
Caribbean? (Cuba and Brazil)
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference pages 79-80 in blue crct book.
SS6E3 The student will describe the factors that cause economic growth and examine their presence or
absence in Latin America.
b. Explain the relationship between investment in capital goods (factories, machinery, and technology) and gross
domestic product (GDP).
EQ: What are the factors that promote economic growth in countries?
How are the factors present or absent in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean? (Cuba and
How does having or not having these factors of production affect the countries of Latin America and the
Caribbean? (Cuba and Brazil)
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference page 81 in blue crct book.
SS6E3 The student will describe the factors that cause economic growth and examine their presence or
absence in Latin America.
c. Describe the role of natural resources in a country’s economy.
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference pages 82-84 in blue crct book.
SS6E3 The student will describe the factors that cause economic growth and examine their presence or
absence in Latin America.
d. Describe the role of entrepreneurship.
EQ: What is the role of entrepreneurship in Latin America?
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)
Unit 7 Social Studies Project: Environmental and Economic Impacts on Latin
Name: __________________________ Due Date: ____________ Period: ___________
Reference pages 36-37 in blue crct book.
SS6G4 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of people who live in Latin America and the
c. Evaluate how the literacy rate affects the standard of living.
EQ: How does the literacy rate affect the standard of living in Latin America?
Project Requirements (100 points):
-Maximum of 3 PowerPoint Slides
-Poster or some other kind of visual aid
 -You must cover the vocabulary that is used for your standard.
-5 question quiz to be given at the end of your presentation. Quizzes should NOT be multiple choice.
-Type or handwrite your quiz with at least 3 of the same quizzes on one page--Turn into Mrs. Catlett no
later than the morning of your presentation for copying.
-Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (including your quiz)
___________ 35 points
Visual (Neat, easy to understand, and covers all the necessary content)
___________ 40 points
Presentation (information is clear, concise, and accurate)
___________ 25 points
Quiz (turn in on time for copying and questions on quiz require students to use the
apply the knowledge learned in the presentation)