11/16 - /12/18

A.P. Literature Weekly Structure Overview
Monday 1 – 11/16/15
Poetry Should Ride the Bus pg.
847; answer questions 1-3 and
connection to another selection;
give text support.
Tuesday 1 – 11/17/15
How to Date a Browngirl,
Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie pg.
178; answer questions 1-7 on
pg. 181; give text support.
Wednesday 1 – 11/18/15
Time Writing Prose 1985
Thursday 1 – 11/19/15
Make up work, data chat, short
story assignment
Friday 1 – 11/20/15
Short Story Review and
-Critical Lens
-Historical Background
-Character Analysis
-Figurative Language
HW: Read Short Story
HW: Read Short story
HW: Read short story
HW: Read short story
HW: Read Jane Eyre Ch. 12-17
and complete assignment
Wednesday 2 – 12/02/15
Jane Eyre Ch. 18-23 reading and
Thursday 2 – 12/03/15
Discussion “A Secret Sorrow”
and “ Sorrowful Woman”
Friday 2 – 12/04/15
Short Story Review and
The Horse Dealer’s Daughter
-Critical Lens
-Historical Background
-Character Analysis
-Figurative Language
Monday 2 – 11/30/15
Tuesday 2 – 12/01/15
-Read From “A Secret
Sorrow” pg. 31-39 and “A
Sorrowful Woman” pg. 3943.
-Students will do a cold read.
–Students will read the
questions on pg. 43-44 and
create a two-column chart
(one column for each
- Students should answer the
questions using bullets for
the answers.
- Answers will be discussed in
class on Thursday.
-Read From “A Secret
Sorrow” pg. 31-39 and “A
Sorrowful Woman” pg. 3943.
-Students will do a cold read.
–Students will read the
questions on pg. 43-44 and
create a two-column chart
(one column for each
- Students should answer the
questions using bullets for
the answers.
- Answers will be discussed in
class on Thursday.
HW: Jane Eyre Ch. 18-23
Jane Eyre Ch. 18-23 reading and
HW: Jane Eyre Ch. 18-23
HW: Jane Eyre Ch. 18-23
HW: Jane Eyre Ch. 18-23
complete questions by Monday
A.P. Literature Weekly Structure Overview
Monday 3 – 12/07/15
-In the text read pgs. 265-268
(Take Notes, quiz on Friday on
the terms)
-Read “That Room” by Wolff pg.
-Discussion on questions 1-8 pg.
Tuesday 3 – 12/08/15
-Jane Eyre Discussion Ch. 18-23
-Finish from 12/7 and Reading
of A&P
Discussion on A&P, That Room,
Brown Girl…….
Wednesday 3 – 12/09/15
Continue Reading/Discussion
from 12/08
-Read “The Hand” pg. 272
Thursday 3 – 12/10/15
-Read “The Birthmark” pg.
-Answer question 1 pg. 274
Friday 3 – 12/11/15
Jane Eyre
-question in packet to be
HW: Jane Eyre Ch. 24-29
HW: Jane Eyre Ch. 24-29
HW: Jane Eyre Ch. 24-29
HW: Jane Eyre Ch. 24-29
Monday 4 – 12/14/15
Analyzing and writing about
-Word choice, word order, Tone
pg. 801
-Vocabulary: diction, poetic
diction, formal diction,
ambiguity, syntax, tone, carpe
Intro to Andrew Marvell
‘To His Coy Mistress” pg. 814
Tuesday 4 – 12/15/15
‘To His Coy Mistress” pg. 814
-Questions to Poem
-read pgs. 815/816
-continue on 12/16 if needed
Wednesday 4 – 12/16/15
-Vocab Quiz from 12/14/15
-read “Marvell Noir” pg. 816
Essay response
Thursday 4 – 12/17/15
Poetry multiple choice practice
and discussion
HW: Complete Jane Eyre
reading and packet by 12/18/5
HW: Complete Jane Eyre
reading and packet by 12/18/5
HW: Complete Jane Eyre
reading and packet by 12/18/5
HW: Complete Jane Eyre
reading and packet by 12/18/5
Friday 4 – 12/18/15
Discussion on Jane Eyre Novel
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year
A.P. Literature Weekly Structure Overview