English 10 Webquest II – The Contender Earlier in the unit, we researched information about Harlem, boxing, and the effects of drug/alcohol abuse. Now you are going to create a PowerPoint, which is going to highlight how each of these topics can be related to the novel. You are going to choose one of the following topics in order to create your PowerPoint presentation. You will save this in the appropriate folder in the V: drive. Group #1 - Harlem in the 1960s. Your assignment for this project will be to research Harlem, New York, in the 1960s. What was the population and economy of Harlem like back then? What was the ethnic or racial majority residing in Harlem at the time? What was housing like? Was there a high volume of crime back then? Does Robert Lipsyte accurately portray Harlem in the 1960s? Now, think about how this information applies to the novel. Find examples from the novel which illustrate these facts you have researched and include these examples into your PP. You should include at least three quotes from the text documented correctly. Each quote should also include an explanation of how the particular quote fits with the research you found. The visual aid that you will use to complement your presentation will be a PowerPoint slide show. I think this will best capture all the necessary text, illustrations, and photographs, and will be very beneficial to the rest of the class. Group #2 - The Boxer. What makes this profession the dream of so many young men? Your mission is to research this sport; find out what drives young men to dedicate their lives to training in this arena. What is this sport's origin? Who are some of Boxing's most notable athletes? Is there a boxer who can be closely compared to Alfred Brooks? Now, think about how this information applies to the novel. Find examples from the novel which illustrate these facts you have researched and include these examples into your PP. You should include at least three quotes from the text documented correctly. Each quote should also include an explanation of how the particular quote fits with the research you found. The visual aid that you will use to complement your presentation will be a PowerPoint slide show. I think this will best capture all the necessary text, illustrations, and photographs, and will be very beneficial to the rest of the class. Group #3 - Drugs and Alcohol: A Teenage Epidemic? James, Major, Hollis, and Sonny fall under the category of teenagers who have chosen to live a life that is dependent upon being in a gang, spending their days drinking, doing drugs, and involving themselves in senseless and criminal acts. But has Robert Lipsyte necessarily written fiction, or is this a reality? Your mission is to research this topic of drugs, alcohol, and the teenage tendency to abuse them. What are some statistics which show the prevalence of teenage drug/alcohol abuse? Now, think about how this information applies to the novel. Find examples from the novel which illustrate these facts you have researched and include these examples into your PP. You should include at least three quotes from the text documented correctly. Each quote should also include an explanation of how the particular quote fits with the research you found. The visual aid that you will use to complement your presentation will be a PowerPoint slide show. I think this will best capture all the necessary text, illustrations, and photographs, and will be very beneficial to the rest of the class. Group #4 – High School Dropouts Research current statistics on high school dropouts. How many students in the United States drop out of high school? At what average age? What percentage and kind of jobs are available for people who don't have a high school diploma? Now, think about how this information applies to the novel. Find examples from the novel which illustrate these facts you have researched and include these examples into your PP. You should include at least three quotes from the text documented correctly. Each quote should also include an explanation of how the particular quote fits with the research you found. The visual aid that you will use to complement your presentation will be a PowerPoint slide show. I think this will best capture all the necessary text, illustrations, and photographs, and will be very beneficial to the rest of the class. CATEGORY 10 7 4 1 Research Information is very organized with wellconstructed points. Information was put in own words. Information is organized with wellconstructed points. Most information was put in own words. Information is organized, but details are not wellconstructed. Few details were put in own words. The information appears to be disorganized. Information was copied and pasted. Readability Colors are complimentary and easy to read. Slides are somewhat Colors on slides Very difficult to easy to read with a make text difficult to read. few distractions. read. Final paper contains Grammar/Spelling Contains 1-3 spelling/grammatical 4-6 spelling/grammatical errors. errors. Final paper contains 7-10 spelling/grammatical errors. Points Earned Final paper contains more than 10 spelling/grammatical errors. Creativity Evident that student Student spent spent time on some time on presentation but presentation lacks some creativity. Student did not focus on the creative aspect of the presentation Format Appropriate format Included at least 5-6 Included at least 3-4 Less than 3 slides. and length of slides. slides. presentation. Had at least seven slides. Total Points 50