Mount Pleasant High School Graphing Calculator Loan Agreement According to MPHS, the use of graphing calculators is necessary for students to demonstrate mastery in all math classes from Math I forward. Since these calculators will be needed from year to year, students are encouraged to purchase their own. If a student chooses not to do so, the school has a limited number of graphing calculators for students to borrow. Borrowed calculators will be issued in working condition. Students will be required to supply batteries and to return the calculators in similar condition. Loss or damage will result in a financial obligation of $75. A student may borrow a graphing calculator for the semester by completing this form and returning it to the Media Center AGREEMENT I hereby agree that TI-83+ Graphing Calculator #_______________, borrowed by _________________________________, a student in _________________________________(teacher) __________________ (class) will be returned undamaged at the end of the semester. If the graphing calculator is damaged or lost, I will pay $75 to Mount Pleasant High School. ______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________ Student Signature