Chapter 6 Supplemental Instruction Iowa State University Leader: Course: Instructor: Date: Nur Bio 212 Kukday Jan 26, 2015 Ch. 6 Lipids and Cell Membranes Define: Lipids Unsaturated FA Glycerol Selective Permeability Active Transport Osmosis Hydrocarbons Fats Oils Lipid Bilayer Diffusion Isotonic Fatty Acids (FA) Steroids Ester Linkage Membrane Fluidity Concentration Gradient Hypertonic Assign the below lipids as polar or non-polar. LIPIDS MEMBRANE PHOSPHOLIPIDS CHOLESTEROL Saturated FA Phospholipids Plasma Membrane Passive Transport Equilibrium Hypotonic NON-MEMBRANE WAXES STEROIDS FATS What is the relationship between cholesterol and steroids? Draw a triacylglycerol (or named triglyceride) and show where the ester linkage is formed. The more saturated the phospholipid is, the more/less fluid is the membrane. Why? The longer the hydrocarbon chain is, the more/less fluid is the membrane. Why? Adding cholesterol to the membrane would increase/decrease membrane permeability. Why? As temperature increases, the fluidity of the membrane increases/decreases. Why? What are the two kinds of facilitated diffusion? What passes through the membrane with simple diffusion? What about facilitated diffusion? DIFFUSION SIMPLE FACILITATED Critical Thinking: What do you think happens to the cholesterol content of lipid bilayers of fish that move from cool to warm temperatures?