Literacy Weekly Plan Term: Spring 1 CURRENT IEP TARGETS NAME: TARGET: To write my name independently Emrha To be able to write all of the letters in the alphabet in Saberi lower case To put my hand up when I want to speak or use my talking card To use a verb label to describe an action that an adult has shown e.g. ‘push’ ‘pull’ ‘smell’. Week:4 Ennis Class WB:26.1.15 SUCCESS CRITERIA: Look at the letters in my name and be able to write them Write the letters of the alphabet using a prompt card if necessary Remember to use my card when I want to speak Learn the verbs by going through them. Practice labelling verbs. CLASS SUPPORT PROVISION NAME: SUPPORT IN PLACE: TARGETS: Red, Orange, Yellow tables Reading daily (TA/Miss Ting) Additional support for pink readers. Tia, Massie, Sana, Hoseein Sahera, Rakhee. Reece, Hamna, Madiha, JamieLee Lakai, Igor, Marlee, Rhea Reading and writing intervention during assembly. Ditty books (Miss Ting) Support to segment and blend independently. Writing intervention during assembly. Ditty books (Miss Ting) Support to sound out words using Fred Fingers. Read write inc. x5 Additional phonics support. Red Read (LA) Write Rhea Marlee Renata Fahad Aswika Yuwei Asma Orange Read (LA)Write Emrha Massie Tia Hossein Rakhee Bhathanaa (MA) Yellow Read (LA) Write Lakai Sahera Igor Sana Green Read (MA)Write Jamie-Lee Reece Kyle Madiha Marwa Hamna Blue Read (HA) Write Jack Obaida Sabrina Hala Matthew Solafa SMSC Strands Covered: SP7 Encourage pupils to reflect and learn from reflection (talk partners, plenaries, response to marking) SP9 Experience opportunities for imagination and creativity. MO4 Rewarding moral insight and good behaviour (through use of reward rocket). SO8 Developing the inter-personal skills necessary for successful relationships (talk partners, mixed ability pairs). SO10 Developing individual self-evaluation (checking work against success criteria). CU4 Ability to use language and images/icons in music, art, literature etc. (use of videos to encourage use of language. Day Monday 26th FA: To write a letter. AF2 Some basic purpose established, particular form or awareness of reader AF3 Organise and present whole text effectively sequencing and structuring information, ideas and events. AF5 Vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect AF7 Select appropriate and effective vocabulary AF 8 Correct spelling of HF function words Phonetically plausible attempts at words with diagraphs and double letters Learning Intention - To write a letter. Success Criteria -I can use the features of a letter. -I can set out a letter correctly. Key questions: What is a letter? What are the features of a letter? Blue table (HA) I can organise and write a letter using connectives and interesting adjectives. Green table (MA) I can organise and write a letter. I can spell tricky words correctly. I can use interesting adjectives. Red, orange, yellow(LA) I can speak a sentence. I can use my sounds to write a short sentence. I can write a letter with support. Whole-Class/ Independent Work Introduction: GRAMMAR HAMMER: Capital letters and full stops. ‘punctuation pests’ – sentences without punctuation blutacked around the room. Children to find a sentence. Then to go back to table and use the photo to write the sentence with the correct punctuation. Can have the sentences at the front once chn have found them. Talk Partners: What are the main features of a letter? Recap on letter features on the IWB. Reinforce the main features. Ask key questions: What is a letter? What are the features of a letter? Main activity: Watch: Top video about dreams. Teacher models writing a letter using cursive handwriting. Recapping on use of capitals and full stops. Remind children of use of capitals for start of sentences – names of people, place animals or things Follow up Children to write a letter to a member of their family about a dream they have had. They can write about the dream from the video or their own dream. TA working with Red (response to marking first). TA to work with Red to write a letter. Encourage neat handwriting. Prompt pupils to use sound cards to sound out their words. Ensure chn write the address and date on the correct side and leave a space. Remind chn about past tense and personal pronoun ‘I’. Use of ICT: and IWB Renata, Yuwei, Aswika and Asma to EAL support group. Edlira to work 1:1 with Emrha. Differentiation and extension Plenary ALL CHN TO USE PAST TENSE, PERSONAL PRONOUN ‘I’ and SAY SENTENCE OUT LOUD BEFORE WRITING. Check through today’s SC. Have you achieved the objectives? LA: To write a letter with at least 3 sentences using picture prompts. (T to work with Red/yellow tables). Edlira to work with Emrha and Orange table/Green table if TA available. MA: To write a letter with at least 5 sentences using some picture prompts. Use adjectives and ‘and or but’. (TA to work with Green table) HA: To write a letter with at least 6 sentences. Use adjectives and connectives including and, but, so, because. (Blue to work independently) EAL/SEN: Emrha to practise writing his name and then sounding out simple words with Edlira. Choose one child to read their letter aloud to the class. (Grammar hammer) TA to work with blue table response to marking. Children to share what they have done in today’s lesson. What are the key features of a letter? Day Learning Intention Tuesday 27th FA: To follow instructions and give instructions verbally. AF2 Some basic purpose established, particular form or awareness of reader AF3 Organise and present whole text effectively sequencing and structuring information, ideas and events. AF5 Vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect AF7 Select appropriate and effective vocabulary AF 8 Correct spelling of HF function words -To follow spoken instructions and to give instructions verbally. Display a set of instructions on the working wall and on tables. Go through the layout/features with the pupils Ensure pupils understand the purpose of the learning. Success Criteria -I can listen to and follow instructions carefully. Whole-Class/ Independent Work Introduction: -I know that an imperative verb is a bossy verb which tells someone what to do. Talk Partners: What is an instruction? Why are they useful or important? Get children to stand up and follow your instructions on the IWB (dance routine). Teacher gives an example of a written instructions The class teacher identifies key features imperative/bossy verbs and why we use time words. Introduce adverbs – these tell us how to do things e.g. quickly, slowly, carefully. Children could use talk partners to think of their own examples. Key questions: Ask key questions: -I can think of my own instructions and tell a partner/tell them an instruction from a game. -I know that a verb is a doing/action word and that all instructions contain a verb. What is an instruction? What is a bossy verb? What time words can we use? Why do we use time words? What is an adverb? Blue and Green tables As above. Red, orange, yellow As above. Phonetically plausible attempts at words with diagraphs and double letters What is an instruction? What is a bossy verb? What time words can we use? Why do we use time words. Main activity: Children to work in partners. Children will give each other instructions for simple actions e.g. how to put your coat on, how to put on/take off your shoes, how to brush your teeth. Partners can follow instructions for objects in the classroom, or evaluate their partners instructions if it is about something which they cannot do in class. Then chn to play Bossy Bats Imperative Verbs game. TA working with Green (response to marking first). TA to work with Orange to come up with instructions using bossy verbs. Support children with reading in game. Use of ICT: IWB to introduce instructions. Renata, Asma, Yuwei and Aswika to EAL support group. Edlira to work 1:1 with Emrha. Differentiation and extension Mixed ability partners. Children to give each other instructions to follow. Then to play Bossy Bats Imerative Verbs game. EAL/SEN: Emrha to practise writing his name and then sounding out simple words with Edlira. Plenary Check through today’s SC. Have you achieved the objectives? Provide pupils with a selection of words. Can you identify imperative(bossy) verbs? Now write it on a post it. Extend with identifying adverbs? These can go on a working wall to refer to and recap prior learning. It is also evidence of work in progress and an interactive display. TA to work with Red table response to marking. Children to share what they have done in today’s lesson. Can you give me a bossy verb? Day Learning Intention Wednesday 28th FA: To put instructions in order. AF2 Some basic purpose established, particular form or awareness of reader AF3 Events / ideas in appropriate order. AF4 Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts, including grammatical and presentational features at text level Success Criteria -To put instructions in order. -I can read jumbled instructions and put them in the correct order. -To identify verbs and/or adverbs. -I can circle the verbs. Display a set of instructions on the working wall (SC identified) and on tables. Go through the layout/features with the pupils Ensure pupils understand the purpose of the learning. -I can tick the adverbs. Key questions: What is an instruction? What is a bossy verb? What time words can we use? Why do we use time words? What is an adverb? Blue and Green tables I can order instructions and circle verbs/tick adverbs. Red, orange, yellow I can order instructions and identify verbs/adverbs. Use of ICT: Whole-Class/ Independent Work Introduction: Put up jumbled instructions for how to make a bowl of cereal on the IWB. Talk partners: Can you put the instructions into the correct order and say it to your partner? Talk partners: What is a verb? Ask if anyone remembers what an adverb is. Explain that it describes how to do the action e.g. quickly, slowly etc. Teacher to model how to write instructions using SC and thinking process out loud. Show chn how to check against SC. TA working with Orange (response to marking first). TA to work with Orange to order some instructions together and go through bossy verbs, adverbs and time words. Ask key questions: What is an instruction? What is a bossy verb? What time words can we use? Why do we use time words? What is an adverb? Main activity: Children to have differentiated sheets of jumbled instructions. IWB to recap instructions and order instructions as a class. Renata, Asma, Yuwei and Aswika to EAL support group. Edlira to work 1:1 with Emrha. Differentiation and extension Plenary To put instructions in the correct order by cutting out the sentences and sticking into their books (LA). MA/HA to copy out the sentences in the correct order focusing on handwriting. To identify verbs and/or adverbs. Check through today’s SC. Have you achieved the objectives? LA: To put instructions in the correct order by cutting out the sentences and sticking into their books. To identify verbs and/or adverbs. EXT: To circle verbs. (T to work with orange and yellow tables and Emrha). Edlira to work with red table MA: A slightly more difficult set of instructions. Chn to circle the verbs after putting the instructions in order. EXT: Tick the adverbs. (Green table to work independently.) HA: A more difficult set of instructions. Chn to circle the verbs and tick the adverbs after putting the instructions in order. (TA to work with Blue table.) EAL/SEN: Emrha to practise writing his name and then sounding out simple words with Edlira. TA to work with Red table response to marking. Children to share what they have done in today’s lesson. What are the key features of instructions? Day Thursday 29th FA: To write instructions. Learning Intention To write instructions. AF1 Basic information and ideas conveyed through appropriate word choice. Some descriptive language used. AF2 Some basic purpose established, particular form or awareness of reader AF3 Organise and present whole text effectively sequencing and structuring information, ideas and events. AF5 Vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect AF7 Select appropriate and effective vocabulary AF 8 Correct spelling of HF function words Phonetically plausible attempts at words with diagraphs and double letters Success Criteria -I can write instructions for how to make a glass of squash. Provide pupils with a list of steps to achieve the learning intention. Remind them to refer to these during mini plenaries Key questions: What is an instruction? What is a bossy verb? What time words can we use? Why do we use time words? What is an adverb? Blue table I can write instructions independently. Green table I can write instructions with picture prompts. Red, orange, yellow I can write instructions with support. Whole-Class/ Independent Work Introduction: Explain what squash is if the chn don’t already know. Talk partners: What instructions would you give to your partner if you were going to tell them how to make a glass of squash? Model to the children how to make a glass of squash at the front of the class using the correct equipment. Then class teacher model how to write making a glass of squash, using SC on board and thinking process. Checking for finger spaces, grammar and punctuation. TA working with Yellow (response to marking first). TA to work with Yellow to write diary entry. Encourage neat handwriting. Prompt pupils to use sound cards to sound out their words. Ensure chn write the date on the correct side and leave a space. Remind chn about past tense. Ask key questions: What is an instruction? What is a bossy verb? What time words can we use? Why do we use time words? What is an adverb? On mini white boards chn to write the first instruction underlining the time word and bossy verb.Teacher identifies some good examples. Main activity: Chn to write instructions for how to make a glass of squash on differentiated sheets. Use of ICT: IWB instruction writing to recap. Renata, Asma, Yuwei and Aswika to EAL support group. Edlira to work 1:1 with Emrha. Differentiation and extension To write instructions. LA: To write instructions for how to make a glass of squash with picture prompts and the instructions in a word bank. (T to work with Red table). Edlira to work with Emrha and Orange table if TA available. MA: To write instructions for how to make a glass of squash with picture prompts to help. (TA to work with Green table.) HA: To write instructions and draw pictures for how to make a glass of squash independently. (Blue table to work independently.) EAL/SEN: Pictures word bank and teacher support. Emrha to practise writing his name and then sounding out simple words with Edlira. Plenary Check through today’s SC. Have you achieved the objectives? Provide SC in child speak TA to work with green table response to marking. Children to share what they have done in today’s lesson. What are the key features of instructions? Day Learning Intention Success Criteria Whole-Class/ Independent Work Grammar Hammer Stage 1 Test 1 as a class. Then chn to take stage 1 or stage 0 test. Friday 30th Differentiation and extension EAL/SEN: Emrha to practise writing his name and then sounding out simple words with Edlira. Chn to do an activity from new grammar books if time. TA to support Red/Orange table to go through grammar hammer test in a small group. Use of ICT: IWB to show Grammar hammer test. Renata, Yuwei and Aswika to EAL support group. Edlira to work 1:1 with Emrha. Children not achieving the objective: Children exceeding the objective: Children absent: 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 Notes for next week Plenary