Review guide - Exam 1 In preparation for the upcoming exam

Review guide - Exam 1
In preparation for the upcoming exam, please be familiar with/know the following for Chapter 1:
-Levels of structural organization in the human body
-The 11 organ systems of the human body
-Basic anatomical terminology (e.g. superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, proximal,
distal, supine, prone, ipsilateral, contralateral, etc.)
-Anatomical planes
-Names and positions of body cavities
For Chapter 2:
-Basic atomic components and the spatial configuration of these parts in an atom
-Characteristics of bonding types (ionic, covalent, hydrogen, etc.)
-Structure and function of biomolecular classes (including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic
-The molecular nature & purpose of enzymes and how they function
-Basic terminology - antonyms:
Hydrophilic vs. hydrophobic
Saturated fatty acid vs. unsaturated fatty acid
Anabolism vs. catabolism
Non-polar covalent bond vs. polar covalent bond
For Chapter 3:
-Basic parts of a generic body cell & their function (nucleus, DNA, cytoplasm, plasma membrane)
-Primary organelles and their functions (e.g. ribosomes, E.R. (smooth & rough), Golgi, lysosomes)
-Composition of plasma membrane
-Differences between active and passive transport
-Types of active transport and how/what each type is responsible for transporting:
Primary active (e.g. “ion pumps”)
Secondary active (e.g. symporters & antiporters)
Exo- and Endocytosis (e.g. phagosytosis vs. pinocytosis)
-Types of passive transport and how/what each type is responsible for transporting:
Facilitated diffusion
-Parts/phases of the cell cycle and what major events occur in each
-Differences between mitosis and meiosis:
What is accomplished in mitosis versus meiosis
Where is mitotic division seen compared to meiotic division
How many rounds of division does each rely on
How many new/daughter cells are produced by each process – how did the sales compared to the
original/parent cell
For Chapter 4:
Types of cell junctions and functions & characteristics of each
The four basic tissue types:
General functions and universal characteristics
The basic structure and types of epithelial tissue and how they are classified (Hint: 2 criteria, shape
and layer arrangement)
2 subtypes based on functions of epithelial tissue
Difference between endocrine and exocrine glandular tissue
How exocrine glandular epithelium is structurally classified (terms to know: acinar, tubular, simple,
compound) and how it is functionally classified (merocrine vs. apocrine vs. holocrine)
General functions and universal characteristics
The basic structure and types of mature connective tissue and how they are classified (Hint: Loose
types vs. Dense types, cartilage types vs. bone, and liquid (blood))
General features of muscular tissue
Differences and similarities among the three muscle tissue types
2 basic cell types
General structure and function of Neurons
For Chapter 5:
Components of the Integumentary System
Characteristics of each layer of the epidermis (4 or 5 layers depending on thick vs. thin skin) and cell
types (and unction of these cells) found within each layer
Characteristics of the 2 layers/regions of the dermis
Composition of the hypodermis/subcutaneous layer
Basic anatomy of a hair
The general layer of the skin from which a hair originates (epidermis, dermis or subcutaneous)
The types of skin glands and the product secreted by each
Functions of the skin
Types of burns and how they are classified
How to determine the extent/percentage of burns covering the body using the “Rule-of-Nines”