Position Description - Broken Hill City Council

Broken Hill City Council Position Description
“An organisation committed to Respect, Integrity, Teamwork, EEO, Excellence and Safety”
Position Details
Position Title:
Asset Planner Transport
Band 2 Level 2 Grade 13
Position Number:
Asset Management
Reports to:
Manager Infrastructure
Hours per week:
Position Objective:
To ensure Council’s transport infrastructure can support a safe, prosperous and vibrant
community, and that levels of risk and cost associated with this infrastructure are acceptable.
Special Requirements:
Key Stakeholders:
 General Manager
 Manager Infrastructure Strategy
 Infrastructure Projects Manager
 Assets Coordinator
 Asset Management staff
 Other Council departments
 Ratepayers and other service users
 Community Groups and Individuals
 Contractors
Reporting Lines:
 This position reports to the Manager Infrastructure Strategy
 The position does not supervise any employees directly, but will manage internal project
teams as required
You will use your professional skills and experience to ensure:
 The development and implementation of Asset Management Plans that clearly
demonstrate levels of service, asset condition, risk treatment programs, and future
maintenance and renewal liabilities
Appropriate advice is delivered to management to enable a strong interrelationship
between Council’s transport and drainage asset management plans and Council’s
long-term financial model
Asset valuations documented in Asset Management Plans and statutory reports reliably
reflect the current fair value of transport and drainage assets. Includes ensuring asset
condition, impairments, and replacement costs are up to date and reliable
The provision of technical advice to internal and external stakeholders to ensure assets
in your area of responsibility are planned, designed, constructed, operated and
maintained using the most appropriate and cost effective methods, seeking advice
from professional engineering staff where required
You keep abreast of legislation, best practice and other changes affecting the
responsibilities of the asset planning function
Planning and participating in structured consultation with internal and external
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stakeholders to assess expectations regarding infrastructure service levels and costs for
transport and drainage assets. Includes preparing publicly available documents that
record Council’s decision-making processes relating to transport and drainage assets
Application of Council, industry and engineering guidelines and best practice, seeking
advice from professional engineering staff where required, to all transport and drainage
assets to be accepted under Council’s care and control to ensure long-term
maintenance is minimised
Producing appropriate analysis and reports relating to service levels, risk management,
and life cycle costs of assets under your team’s stewardship
You assist with the development of short, medium and long term strategies for costeffective delivery of Council’s desired levels of service for transport and drainage
Ensuring technically sound advice is given to colleagues in relation to transport and
drainage assets being proposed, planned and acquired in accordance with contracts,
leases, licences or interface agreements.
Maintenance and operations programs and specifications for assets in your area of
responsibility are documented, are consistent with available budgets, and are
implemented, including regular performance monitoring and reporting
Maintenance and capital works programs for transport and drainage infrastructure are
documented and recommended to senior management
Reactive maintenance requests beyond the scope of maintenance standards and
programs are investigated, and comprehensive responses are provided to stakeholders
Professional project management principles and techniques are utilised to ensure
effective delivery of outcomes in your area
Tender and quotation documents are prepared for relevant infrastructure works, and
procurement for infrastructure contracts is conducted in accordance with Council
Regular reports on asset planning performance measures and outcomes are provided
and benchmarking undertaken
Assistance and training is provided to staff conducting activities, including asset
inspections, risk assessments, maintenance and design
High quality applications are submitted for all relevant external funding opportunities
You keep abreast of technological advances and make recommendations on costeffective ways of utilising technology in Council’s asset management activities
Review and update website content and develop improvements for the area of asset
Your continued professional development
You will contribute to a customer focused approach to service delivery by:
(N.B. Customers include both internal and external customers, including but not limited to ratepayers, residents, co-workers,
councillors, external agencies, suppliers etc.)
Understanding the overarching outcomes provided by Council through service delivery
and infrastructure provision to the quality of life for residents and visitors to our City and
having an ability to promote these outcomes
Listening to customers and understanding that customer experiences are multi-faceted
and consideration is given to customer view point and sensitivities surrounding particular
decisions and interactions
Recognise that customers’ perceptions are their reality. Create processes to catalogue
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your customers’ reactions and act on this intelligence by aligning your operational
practices wherever possible to positively impact on your customers’ perceptions
Ensure that value is delivered to customers through a commitment to mutual
cooperation among employees from different functions and departments
Responding to and resolve Customer Requests and enquires in a timely and customer
focused manner
Ensuring that communication with customers is open, timely and transparent
Being recognised for having a professional attitude towards customers
Having an ability to manage difficult situations and conflicts – calmly and professionally
You will contribute to an effective organisation by:
Monitoring the external environment to identify potential risks, threats and opportunities
related to your department , and ensuring these are considered in decision-making
Support business excellence and continuous improvement practices to ensure
You will assist Council in providing a financially sustainable future by:
Initiating and implementing without delay financial strategies within your area of care
and control to ensure team objectives are met within budget, including preparing and
controlling budgets for your work unit
Making recommendations for improving operations to ensure cost effectiveness
Implementing innovative improvements in your work area that enhance outcomes for
the community
Assisting with preparation and management of Council’s Operational Plan and
departmental budgets by constant review, to ensure departmental objectives are
achieved within budget
Ensuring a whole of Council approach to resource usage and allocation
Maintaining a ‘value for money’ attitude, through efficient and effective use of
You will embrace your leadership position by:
Embracing and promoting the values of the organisation
Consistently applying a ‘whole of organisation’ approach to your work
Setting an example for all employees regardless of reporting lines
Committing to self awareness and improving professional effectiveness
Ensuring project teams are aware of the expected outcomes and performance of the
given project or service
Committing to project management planning to ensure effective delivery of outcomes
Understanding corporate risks and benefits that apply to your activities
You will adopt a team work approach by:
Performing an active role within the asset management team to achieve the objectives
of that function
Engage in regular communication and co-operation with fellow team members
Understanding that all staff at Council are one team working towards a shared purpose,
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and applying a ‘whole of organisation’ approach to every aspect of your work
Conduct other duties as required to support the Infrastructure team
You will ensure a safe and equitable workplace environment by:
Acting in accordance with the NSW WHS Act 2011, WHS regulations and Council’s WHS
Implementing, monitoring and complying with Councils WHS Framework, including, but
not limited to WHS Policies, Standard Operating Procedures, Risk Assessments/Work
Instructions and associated tools in the work area
Adequately familiarising yourself with your WHS responsibilities and actively fulfilling these
Ensuring Council’s equal opportunity employment practices reflect the highest
standards of ethics, and EEO plans are developed and implemented accordingly
Other duties
In accordance with the Broken Hill City Council Award, Broken Hill City Council is committed to
improving the skill levels of its employees and removing any impediments to multi-skilling. This
position has therefore been designed to ensure the incumbent of the position (the employee)
has a broad and diverse range of accountabilities and duties to perform.
The responsibilities and tasks listed in this position description are indicative only; Broken Hill City
Council may direct the employee to carry out such duties that are within the limits of the
employee’s skill, competence and training.
Employees shall have reasonable and equitable access to education and training. Such
education and training shall enable employees to acquire the range of skills they are required
to apply in their positions.
Selection Criteria
 Certificate IV or equivalent in Civil Engineering, Asset Management, Project Management,
or other relevant discipline and/or equivalent experience
 Well-developed written and verbal communication skills (e.g. correspondence, formal
reports, oral presentations, customer interactions)
 Demonstrated results orientation and willingness to take responsibility for actions and
 Proven ability to apply analytical and problem solving skills to develop and recommend
strategies in relation to infrastructure asset management
 Demonstrated practical experience in the development and maintenance of systems to
manage infrastructure risks
 Practical experience of successfully developing, maintaining and interrogating databases
to provide timely, salient information to support decision-making
 Proven time management skills and ability to manage competing priorities within available
resources and timeframes
 Strong computer literacy
 Demonstrated ability to provide a consistently high standard of customer service to both
internal and external customers
 Current NSW Driver’s Licence
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 Demonstrated commitment to continuous improvement in the workplace
 Demonstrated experience in the maintenance and/ or construction of infrastructure
 Project management skills and ability to lead project teams
 Experience of preparing asset management plans, maintenance and works programs
 Experience in developing budget proposals and implementation of capital works programs
 Experience in community consultation/public participation processes
 Understanding of works cost and quantity estimation techniques
 Working knowledge of asset management software geographic information systems
 Understanding of integrated planning and reporting requirements
Acceptance of Position Description
Agreed: Manager
Approved: General
I have read and understand the content of the Position Description and undertake to meet the
duties and responsibilities of this position.
Accepted: Employee
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