ISY Application Form 2015

2015 International Student of the Year
Application Form
The IFMA Foundation is pleased to announce ISS as the Sponsor of the 2015 International Student of the
Year (ISY). The student selected as the 2015 ISY will receive a USD $2,000 award along with USD $2,000
in expense reimbursement* to attend the IFMA World Workplace 2015 Conference to be held in Denver,
Colorado; October 6 - 9, 2015.
Applicants and Sponsors should refer to the “Student’s and Sponsor’s Guidelines” for further details of the
requirements for the 2015 International Student of the Year Award -
Application Deadline is Midnight May 31, 2015
IFMA Foundation awards are on the basis of merit, not need. Award applications may come from anywhere
in the world and will be evaluated against the Award criteria with respect to the Applicant’s:
Grade point average – see information below
Achievements / accomplishments (which may include awards, professional accreditations, research,
special projects, engagement with FM activities, work experience, exchange programs, involvement
with professional organizations, and demonstrated leadership skills)
Understanding of FM
Aspirations as a future FM professional
International perspective and experience
Letters of recommendation
Entries are open to those who, as of July 31 of the year of their application, are undergraduate students
nearing the end of their studies or in their first year of employment following their graduation.
It is anticipated that award applicants will be or have been full-time students. Should an award applicant be
or have been enrolled as a part-time student and be able to satisfy all other criteria, then they will need to
demonstrate at least 10 hours class time per week for the last year of their studies.
All award applicants:
Must submit a completed application form, letters of recommendation from the sponsor and two
other individuals (professors, academic staff, sponsors, or employers), resume, and a 1,500 word
maximum contextual essay addressing the award criteria.
Must be enrolled in a Facility Management (or related field) degree course in an accredited four-year
Bachelor (undergraduate) program or an accredited Master/Doctoral (graduate) program.
Undergraduate students must have completed two years of university to be eligible for consideration.
Must be available to attend IFMA’s World Workplace Conference as well as attend educational
sessions and the Education Reception at which the award presentation will be made.
Undergraduate students must have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or at an 80% level
of the highest grading evaluation during their last two years at their current institution.
Graduate students must have a minimum overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 or 90% level of
the highest grading evaluation for their studies at their current institution.
May be an applicant for or a winner of an IFMA Foundation Scholarship.
May be an applicant for or a winner of a student award or scholarship offered by another body.
Need not be a member of IFMA or partnered industry bodies.
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2015 International Student of the Year
Application Form
Award applicants will have sole responsibility for ensuring accuracy and compliance of their applications.
Any inconsistencies in credentials or incompleteness of the application will be cause for disqualification. All
applications must be in English and are to be received directly from the sponsor via email to the IFMA
Foundation Executive Director at by the due date on the application form, with
confirmation of receipt by return email. No hand written or hardcopy applications will be accepted.
Applications must be submitted by the student’s sponsoring organization. The sponsor is an active
participant in the process. A sponsoring organization may be an industry association, chapter, council or
branch; an educational provider or university; an employer, corporation or government department. It is the
responsibility of the sponsoring organization to verify the applicant’s eligibility against the published award
criteria, pay the application fee and submit the completed application form. There is no limit on the number
of award applicants a sponsoring organization may support. The number of applications received from a
sponsoring organization will not be a factor in the judging process.
The applications for the 2015 “International Student of the Year” award must be received by midnight May
31, 2015
*Note: Actual reasonable expenses up to $2,000, coordinated through the IFMA Foundation and in
compliance with the IFMA Foundation’s travel policy.
See Application Below
ISY Timeline of Activities:
1. ISY applications and supporting documents must be received by midnight May 31, 2015
2. ISY judging to be completed by mid-July 2015
3. ISY awards selection process completed by end of July 2015
4. ISY award winner (student) notified and travel arrangements to WW14 completed by mid-August 2015
5. ISY Awards presented at World Workplace in Denver, Colorado; October 8, 2015.
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2015 International Student of the Year
Application Form
Given / First Name:
Family / Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Address where the IFMA Foundation may contact you at any time:
Telephone where the IFMA Foundation may contact you at any time: (
E-mail address where the IFMA Foundation may contact you at any time (1): __________________
Text address where the IFMA Foundation may contact you at any time (1): ____________________
What is the best contact method the IFMA Foundation may contact you at any time (1): _______________
College/University/Institution you are attending? _______________________________________________
What is your anticipated or actual date of graduation?
Education (List schools in chronological order with most recent first):
Date From/To Degree
* Show the cumulative GPA as it appears on your transcript(s), or calculate your GPA if not available on
transcript on a 4.0 scale. For undergraduate programs, show the GPA for your last two years of study. For
graduate programs, show your cumulative GPA for all years of study.
If the grade point average (GPA) for a particular institution was not calculated on a 4-point scale (A=4, B=3,
C=2, D=1), please convert it to the 4-point scale using the following formula: GPA = 4 A/B where:
o A = your grade point at the institution attended
o B = numerical value of the highest grade attainable at that institution
Example: A=4.75 and B=5.0 therefore 4.75/5.0=0.95 x 4.0=3.8 GPA on 4.0 scale
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2015 International Student of the Year
Application Form
Hint for completing the rest of this form:
Discriminate between what demonstrates leadership, versus achievements, versus FM related activities and
so forth.
Please list any awards or honors you have received as well as any notable accomplishments. They don’t have
to be FM related.
Leadership Skills
List those instances when you have excelled in a leadership role; be specific.
Involvement in Facility Management Related Activities
Please describe your facility management related activities or experiences. This should include any FM
activities or experiences, research, employment and FM academic project courses.
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2015 International Student of the Year
Application Form
Contextual Essay
Please attach a 1,500 word maximum contextual essay describing your understanding of Facility
Management and your short and long-term career goals in facility management or a related field. Please
do not describe what you have done, but what you plan to do in your FM career. Also demonstrate your
international experience or perspective in facility management.
Please attach a copy of your resume/CV. The document should include your work history, and notable
accomplishments. List the principal jobs you have held, including military service, in chronological order with
the most recent job first. Include the name of each organization, your title/position, a description of
responsibilities and period of employment. Limit to 2 pages.
Sponsor Endorsement
I ………………………………………………………………………………... <name and position>
as a representative of ………………………………………………………….. <organization name>
Being ………………………………………………………….. < An industry association, chapter, council or branch; an
educational provider or university; an employer, corporation or government department >
Of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………<address and email for correspondence and verification>
Hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the “Student’s and Sponsor’s Guidelines” and the
requirements for the 2015 International Student of the Year Award.
Further I/we endorse that the applicant, <name> as per this application form and supporting documents,
has demonstrated leadership and achievement across the stated award criteria in Facility Management or
related activities.
Please process the payment of the USD $150 application fee as follows;
Charge the following credit card
Select Your Credit Card
Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Authentication Number:
(a three or four-digit number printed on the front of the card or on the tamper evident signature panel on
the back of credit cards)
Card Member Billing Address
Card Member Name
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2015 International Student of the Year
Application Form
Zip Code
Applications and payment for the 2015 International Student of the Year award must be received by May
31, 2015.
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