Proposal for a Special Issue of Biological Conservation Please insert your responses to the headings below (you may delete text in italics). Note a Species Issue does not necessarily have to address all of these questions. Theme title: This should indicate the content Theme editor(s): If more than 3 editors please explain why so many are needed. Papers will be submitted to the journal in the normal way but authors will select the Special Issue. The Guest Editors will then select referees and manage the review process. They will not manage the review of a paper of which they are an author. Only paper of top quality should be accepted. Papers that fail to meet the deadline for a Special Issue publication date may be moved to a regular issue. Please note that an overseeing Journal Editor makes final decisions regarding whether a manuscript will be accepted for publication. Proposed date of submission of final paper: Papers should be submitted as soon as they are ready and will be subject to rigorous peerreview in the normal fashion. Referees may include, but should not be limited to, authors of other papers in the Issue. Editors should facilitate authors to cite other papers in the Issue. Because the editors and authors will be knowledgeable of others in their field we anticipate especially rapid peer-review, through editors assigning referees within a few days of submissions, and referees responding within 2-3 weeks of being invited. Summary of issue: 50-150 words Proposers contact details including email: Include institutional affiliation, email and country. Have the Guest Editors experience in managing peer-review of special issues or journals? Please give examples per Guest editor Have the Guest Editors experience in managing the online Elsevier Editorial System? Please say who has. Guest Editors will receive an EES manual, or the journal can provide personal training upon request. 1 Why is this appropriate for Biological Conservation? How will it advance the subject, and thus contain many highly cited papers? What will be the novelty of the issue? Why is the issue timely? What relevance will the Issue have for policy makers? Are there recent published proceedings of meetings that addressed this issue? IF so, how will this Issue differ? Please list potential authors, their affiliation and country, indicative titles and brief abstract of proposed papers. A spread of authors across institutions and countries is preferred. Individuals should not normally be authors of more than two papers. If so please provide justification. Special Issues may contain Regular paper reporting new findings, Reviews, Perspectives, and Short Communications. The inclusion of a Review Article on the Special Issue topic is highly recommended. One or all of the Guest editors will write an Editorial introducing the issue. They may also be an author one other papers. Special Issues typically contain 8 to 12 full-length papers. Please indicate any authors who have not been invited or agreed to submit a paper by the proposed deadline. Authors Institute, Country Indicative title of paper How have authors been selected? e.g. were they present at a workshop or conference session on the subject. Are you open to suggestions from the journal for additional authors? e.g. authors who recently published in the journal. 2