How Environmental Factors Influence Transcription (framework)

National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
Title of Unit
Date and
Location of SI
Unit Developers &
Transcriptional Regulation
Summer 2013 (July 22-26)
Gulf Coast Summer Institute (LSU)
Christie Landry,, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA
Michelle Thiaville,, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux,
Jeff Kopachena,, TexasA@M Commerce, Commerce, TX
Venu Cheriyath,, TexasA&M Commerce, Commerce, TX
Introductory Genetics Course; Sophomore/Junior Standing (30-50 students)
Unit is expected to be covered in 2-3 weeks
Covered during middle third of course
Abstract Despite completing introductory biology courses, a common misconception among
(< 200 words) students in introductory genetics classes is that control of transcription occurs entirely
within the cell. The objective of this teachable unit is to break this misconception by
demonstrating how external environmental factors influence gene transcription to
cause appropriate physiological responses. The target audience of this teachable unit
will already be exposed to units covering transcription and translation, typically
sophomores and juniors in the middle third of the course. At the end of this unit,
students should understand and be able to diagram the pathways involved in
environmental regulation of gene expression. Activities include pre-class reading, group
assembly of pathways using strip sequences, class discussion of these pathways, group
drawing of the pathways based on a diagram template, and a homework assignment in
which students are required to prepare a diagram of a gene expression pathway
affected by other environmental factors for presentation in the next class. These
activities provide sufficient flexibility to accommodate diverse groups of students.
Assessments include self-assessments by students during group and class discussion
and formative assessments by the instructor through interactions with the students
during the group and in-class discussions.
Rationale How did the idea for the unit arise? Brain storming
Why was this topic chosen? Relatable to students; important concept in the course;
prepares students for higher level biology courses
What misconceptions or difficult topics are addressed? Environmental factors do not
influence gene expression; mutations are not the sole cause of physiological variation in
Teachable Unit Framework
National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
Learning Goals:
what students will
know, understand,
and be able to do;
includes content
attitudes, & skills
Student behaviors
or performances
that will indicate
they have
accomplished the
 Construct a diagram of how an environmental factor can
result in changes in gene expression that changes cellular
Elements on DNA that control transcription?
What is transcription?
What are transcription factors?
How RNA polymerase works (general vs regulated)?
How regulators of transcription work?
Evolutionary comparisons with prokaryotic/eukaryotic transcriptional control?
 Students will know how environmental factors influence
Construct a diagram of how hypoxia leads to the proliferation of red blood cells
Identify a regulatory element among a group of co-regulated genes
Incorporation of Scientific Teaching Themes
Active Learning
How students will engage actively
in learning the concepts
Activities outside of class:
Pre-class reading assignment on
environmental factors that
influence cellular changes through
transcriptional regulation.
Post-class homework: Identify
another mechanism of
environmental exposure that can
affect gene transcription;
construct a diagram of the
identified mechanism and bring
diagram to the next class.
Teachable Unit Framework
How teachers will measure
learning; how students will selfevaluate learning
How the unit is designed to
include participants with a variety
of experiences, abilities, and
Group discussion to determine the
problem we will address in class
and to determine if students are
on task; formative assessment.
Post-tidbit assessments:
Peer assessment of strip
sequence ordering—
The “hook” scenario to introduce
the topic addresses all people
Color choices used for the strip
sequences are neutral.
Homework assignment scenarios
provides options for students to
choose an area of interest to
National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
formative assessment.
Activities during tidbit:
Strip sequence ordering and
diagraming results of strip
Peer and instructor
assessment of constructed
Randomly assignment of students
to groups.
Randomly distribute activity
assessment/revision of
homework assignments—
summative assessment.
Sample Presentation Plan (general schedule with approximate timing for unit)
Session 1
Time (min) Learning Outcome(s)
Preclass Students will be able to
30 minutes define terminology
associated with gene
class time
for learning
5-7 minutes
Students will be able
to identify low
oxygen as an
environmental factor
influencing gene
transcription and the
product of that gene
increased blood cell
Teachable Unit Framework
Clicker questions or class
discussion questions;
Class discussion about the
provided environmental
factor influence on
Explanation, notes, suggestions,
Preclass readings discussing how
environmental factors can
influence initiation of gene
transcription and signaling
Instructor provides scenario tying
together hypoxia influencing
physiological processes and how
that leads to gene induction.
National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
class time
for learning
activity #1
5-7 minutes
Students will be able
to order the events
of molecular and
cellular events
associated with
induction and with
red blood cell
Peer assessment and
instructor assessment
during activity—formative
Determine a workable number of
students per group and groups
for this activity. It can be scaled
up or down; we suggest initial
groups of 2-4 students, with
combined groups in activity 2 of
Divide the class into an even
number of groups. Each group
will receive one of two color
coded strip sequence sets: White
set = EPO induction; Blue set =
RBC induction.
Individual groups order their
strips according to the sequence
of molecular events that occur.
After ordering strips, students
compare their sequences to other
groups and discuss outcomes.
In order to raise this activity to
the next BLOOM level, instructor
can add or remove a strip in the
sequence and have the students
discuss the impact on the
molecular pathway that was
class time
for learning
activity #2
10 minutes
Students will be able
to draw a diagram of
environmental factor
influence on gene
Peer assessment and
instructor assessment
during activity—formative
Each group having a white strip
set will pair with a group having a
blue strip set.
Student will combine ordered
strip sets and determine which
sequence occurs first in the
Using a projected diagram as
guidance, student groups will
draw a figure showing the
molecular processes
demonstrated in their combined
strip sets. You can increase the
Teachable Unit Framework
National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
detail of the projected template
to include the organ location of
the cell types affected
Poster paper, shower tiles, or
white boards can be used for the
drawing activity. Students will
post drawings on classroom wall
for discussion and assessment of
Wrap up of the tidbit/unit can
include clicker questions to
address any continued
misconceptions about the topic
and to clarify any confusion.
time for
summing up
or transition
10 minutes
Students will identify
potential methods for
minimizing effects of
altitude sickness.
Students will extrapolate
classroom gained
knowledge to different
environmental factor
influences, reinforcing
gene expression
diagraming techniques.
Brainstorming event with
feedback about ways to
prepare for high-altitude
Students in group are assigned a
general environmental factor
exposure scenario. Individually,
students will research a topic
contained in one of the scenarios.
Instructor assessment
with graded feedback—
summative assessment.
Students will diagram how the
scenario influences gene
expression in the cell.
Students will present their
research findings and diagrams
during the next class period.
Peer assessment of
presentation of diagram—
formative assessment.
The homework assignment
assesses any group members who
may not have actively
participated in the activities, or
group members who may not
fully understand the concepts
presented. Clicker questions can
also be used to assess these
Add additional activities information as needed for the unit.
Resources for Teaching the Unit
Teglund et al. 1998. Stat5a and Stat5b Proteins Have Essential and Nonessential, or Redundant,
Roles in Cytokine Responses. Cell, 93, 841–850.
Teachable Unit Framework
National Academies Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology
Teachable Unit Framework
Schepers, H. et al., 2012. STAT5-mediated self-renewal of normal hematopoietic and leukemic stem
cells. JAK-STAT 1:1, 13–22.
Wognum, B, 2011. Mini Review: Erythropoietin (EPO). STEMCELL Technologies, Inc.
Cao, Y., 2013. Erythropoietin in cancer: a dilemma in risk therapy. Trends in Endocrinology and
Metabolism, 24: 4, 190-199.
Supplemental Files:
Strip Sequence Files—EPO Induction Strip Seq. docx; RBC Induction Strip Seq. docx
Presentation File--GCSI TT Pres Gene Expression I.pptx
Drawing Template File: Diagram Template.pptx
Effectiveness of unit (if you have used it in your own teaching)
We have not yet tested the effectiveness of this unit in our classrooms.
Amy Briggs, Beloit College
Elizabeth Eich, Rice University
Teachable Unit Framework