National Academies Northstar Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology Teachable Unit Framework Title of Unit Control of Eukaryotic Gene Transcription Date and Approach for Unit The concept for the unit was developed as part of the 2013 NANSI by the “Gene Development Expression” team. The completed unit was presented to all the attendees on 11 Jul 2013. The feedback received following this presentation is included below. Unit Developers & Bridget Lear, University of Iowa; Contact Information David Kirkpatrick, University of Minnesota, Michael Burns, University of Minnesota; Rong He, Chicago State University, Tamar Resnick, University of Minnesota; Turk Rhen, University of North Dakota; This unit is expected to cover 1-2 class periods in an upper level undergraduate genetics class, approximately 1/3 of the way into the semester. This unit would be occur at the beginning of a two week series of units covering eukaryotic gene expression. Students Context in this course would have previously completed Introductory Biology for majors, which would include essential background such as the central dogma. Macromolecular structure would also be covered in the first 1/3 of this course. Abstract Students taking this unit will investigate gene expression, using a series of manipulable models of gene regulatory elements. Topics covered by the unit will include the structure of a basic gene expression unit, how cis and trans regulation occurs, and how perturbations to the basic unit can influence gene expression, leading to modifications of phenotype. Student will generate hypotheses, analyze data, and draw conclusions from these data based on their initial hypotheses. In addition to manipulable models, clicker questions will be used as formative assessment tools, while summative assessment will include brainstorming essays, problem analysis, and poster production. Learning Goals & Goal(s): what students will know, Desired Outcome(s)/Objectives(s): specific Outcomes/Objectives understand, and be able to do; includes student behaviors or performances that will content knowledge, attitudes, & skills indicate they have successfully accomplished (i.e. “understand natural selection;” the goal(s) “appreciate the role of biology in society;” “think like a scientist” understand the regulation of explain cis and trans regulators, eukaryotic gene transcription distinguish between them, and explain their interactions recognize and explain examples of gene activation and inhibition predict the effects on gene expression resulting from regulatory perturbations understand that differences in gene expression can lead to different provide, recognize, and explain cellular and organismal outcomes examples in which differences in gene expression produce different outcomes for the cell/ organism understand how to interpret and analyze data draw logical conclusions from data National Academies Northstar Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology Teachable Unit Framework Incorporation of Scientific Teaching Themes Active Learning How students will engage actively in learning the concepts Activities outside of class: Students will use study guide to structure their pre-class reading, viewing of movies/animations Activities in class: Students work together on a learning readiness activity, in which they assemble the components of a generic transcription unit. Students will continue to use the manipulable model as a tool to answer increasingly complex questions about gene regulation. Students will work through the unit’s activities, using clicker questions, think-pair-share, brainstorming. Students will engage in an investigative case study, in which they are presented with data and asked to formulate hypotheses, analyze results, and draw conclusions. (activity for tidbit) The activities are tied together by constant manipulation of the original generic model. Assessment How teachers will measure learning; how students will selfevaluate learning Pre-assessments: (Formative) Students will work together to organize/perturb/analyze a transcription unit; they will get feedback from peers about their level of understanding. Students will present their group’s model to the whole class; they will get feedback from class and instructor, and instructor will gauge students’ understanding. Students will answer clicker questions as individuals. Post-tidbit assessments: (Summative) Students will take home an extension question directly after unit. Students will be given exam questions for a new application (different case study or different disruption of gene) in similar style. Students will be asked to apply these concepts in papers or posters. Diversity How the unit is designed to include all participants Students will be provided with a study guide that will describe learning goals and outcomes, assist students to organize and prioritize material in reading assignment, provide links to videos and animations, and include references for relevant background resources from previous units. Learning activities will be designed to encourage participation from all students through the use of a variety of small group, paired, and individual activities. Multiple forms of assessment will be used. National Academies Northstar Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology Teachable Unit Framework Sample Presentation Plan (detailed schedule with approximate timing for unit) Session 1 Preclass Students will read chapter, watch animations, and review study guide to familiarize themselves with the material. Enter approx. 15 minutes class time for Review eukaryotic learning activity gene expression preparatory regulation material Define transcriptional presentation regulation Enter approx. 35 minutes class time for Apply principles of learning activity transcriptional #1 regulation Enter 30 minutes approximate time Demonstrate that for additional differences in gene learning activities expression can lead and associated to different cellular class and organismal Discussion: What are cis and trans regulators? How do you distinguish between them? How do they regulate gene expression? Give examples of transcriptional activation and inhibition Give clicker questions Construct generic transcription unit using a manipulable model. Discuss and evaluate the model built by students Extension of model with hypothetical scenarios in which regulatory components are altered. Activity performed in small groups. Individuals will answer clicker questions. Mini-lecture and case study that explore the relationship between gene regulation and Small groups will discuss and manipulate models. Individuals will re-answer clicker questions. Small groups will evaluate the real data and make National Academies Northstar Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology Teachable Unit Framework Work/preparatory materials outcomes Enter 5 minutes approximate time for post-activity summing up or transition limb development. Class discussion and evaluation of hypotheses. Group discussion to summarize the teaching unit predictions using the manipulable model. Add additional activities information as needed for the unit. Resources for Teaching the Unit (other files and information needed/helpful to teach the unit, including files for papers from which original data for class activities is taken, supporting information for the instructor, handouts, in class activities materials, assessments with answer keys, homework assignments, etc.) 1. Powerpoint describing the context in which these teaching/learning activities would be used. An actual teachable tidbit is included in the powerpoint. 2. PDF of journal article by Cretekos et al. (2008), PMID 18198333. 3. PDF containing the manipulable components of a generic transcription unit that can be printed, cut-out, and given to students. 4. Homework assignment (within Powerpoint file). Summary of Origin of the Idea (How did you come up with this idea? Where did you get the inspiration?) Activity 1: The group initially decided to assess students’ basic understanding of the structure of a generic transcription unit using a manipulable model. Activity 2: We brainstormed and agreed that students would continue using the model to reinforce and extend this knowledge. Students would do so by developing hypothetical scenarios in which regulatory components of this gene are altered and predicting the effect on mRNA and protein levels. Activity 3: The group decided that each of us would search the primary literature for cases of regulatory variation and bring these examples for discussion the next morning. The goal was to find real life examples that would illustrate key principles from Activity 1 & 2, interest students, and stimulate discussion. The group found the Cretekos et al. (2008) paper a particularly intriguing example of cis regulatory variation. Moreover, we thought this example could be the foundation for exploring many other causes of regulatory variation (i.e., trans-acting factors, co-activators, co-repressors, mRNA stability, miRNAs, etc…). National Academies Northstar Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology Teachable Unit Framework Finally, we concluded the entire teachable unit (Activities 1-3) could be used in other classes like evolution or developmental biology. Effectiveness of unit components (if you have used it or part of it in your own teaching) This is an entirely new unit so none of us have used it in our teaching as of yet (12 Jul 2013). Summary of Feedback Reviewers provided several positive comments and suggestions. Overall, most liked the organization of the presentation, the use of the manipulable model in multiple activities, and the opportunity for students to generate hypotheses to explain the data presented. Several would have preferred more time for group discussions and questions, which would likely be less of an issue in a real classroom setting. Some suggested that the mini-lecture should provide more background on limb development, so that students will recognize that multiple genes are involved in this process. A few thought we should have made more of an effort to emphasize the relevance of this topic to students. While comments on the transcription unit model were generally positive, some thought we should provide more team members with the opportunity to manipulate the model. Finally, some commented that these activities would work best in a specialized classroom, rather than a large lecture room. Acknowledgements Sue Wick, University of Minnesota; Judy Ridgway, The Ohio State University;