BLANKETT 1 (4) Skapat av (Efternamn Förnamn, org) Dokumentdatum Ev. ärendenummer [Skapat av NY] [Dokumentdatum NY] [Ärendenummer NY] Dokumenttitel Supplier certificate regarding hazardous substances in materials or articles Product name: Supplier: Article- or item number* issued by the Swedish Transport Administration: * Enter articlenumber if the certificate refers to a single article. If the certificate refers to several articles enter the item number. The properties criteria1 shall be applied on each part of a complex article, i.e. the weight of the hazardous substance is to be divided by the weight of each separate material or article in a complex article.2 1. Does the material/article contain any substance listed on the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) list of forbidden materials? Yes☐ No☐ 2. Does the material/article contain any substance listed on the candidate list (according to the REACH-regulation) in more than 0,1% (w/w)? Yes☐ No☐ Last review date for the candidate list: ____________________________ If yes, declare which substance on the candidate list the material/article contains in more than 0,1% (w/w) Name (substance) CAS no Content w/w% Part of complex article* TMALL 0194 Leverantörsintyg ver. 1.0 *If the product is a complex article - declare in which part of the product the substance is found. 1. More information about the Swedish Transport Administration requirements regarding hazardous substances in materials or articles, Swedish Transport Administration requirements is harmonised with BASTA properties criteria. Find out more information about BASTA on 2.The Swedish Transport Adminitration's requirements regarding complex articles comes from the principle ”once an article always an article” which is supported by Sweden amongst other European countries including Denmark, France and Germany. Through the verdict C-106/14 from 10th September, the European court declares that each part of a complex article should be counted as it's own article. Sweden and The Swedish Transport Administration support this. The content limit for the substances in the BASTA/BETA and on the candidate list shall be applied on each part of a complex article. More information can be found at the Swedish Chemicals Agency. BLANKETT 2 (4) Skapat av (Efternamn, Förnamn, org) Dokumentdatum Ev. ärendenummer [Skapat av NY] [Dokumentdatum NY] [Ärendenummer NY] 3. The material/article meets the properties criteria of the BASTA system: Yes☐ No☐ If no, specify which (BASTA) properties criteria that the material/article does not meet, together with name of substance, CAS number and percentage. BASTA criterion No: No: No: Name (substance) CAS no Content w/w% Part of complex article* *If the article is a complex article - declare in which part of the article the substance is found. 4. The material/article meets the properties criteria of the BETA system: Yes☐ No☐ If no, specify which (BETA) properties criteria that the material/article does not meet, together with name of substance, CAS number and percentage. BASTA criterion No: No: No: Name (substance) CAS no Content w/w% Part of complex article* *If the article is a complex article - declare in which part of the article the substance is found 5. The properties criteria are meet through: ☐ Registration in BASTA ☐ Registration in BETA TMALL 0194 Leverantörsintyg ver. 1.0 ☐ Assessment through other available assessment systems. Specify which system: _______________________________________________________________________ ☐ Assessment by supplier (Assessment documentation/sub-supplier declaration is to be presented at an audit.) ☐ The content of hazardous substances in material or articles according to the Swedish Transport Administrations criteria can not be verified for all of the components in a material or article, more information will be submitted in appendix 1. Signature (responsible for verification): Place and date: Name: Phone/E-mail: BLANKETT 3 (4) Skapat av (Efternamn, Förnamn, org) Dokumentdatum Ev. ärendenummer [Skapat av NY] [Dokumentdatum NY] [Ärendenummer NY] Appendix 1 Appendix 1 is only to be answered if the content of hazardous substances not can be verified for all of the components in a material or article. 6a. Specify the substances in the material/article and how these meet the The Swedish Transport Administration’s requirements regarding hazardous substances in material or articles. Part of complex article Name Meets the properties criteria of BASTA (Yes/No*) Meets the properties criteria of BETA (Yes/No*) Content can not be verified * If a part of a complex article does not meet the properties of the BASTA/BETA criteria specify with information about: BASTA/BETAproperties that not meet the criteria No: No: No: Name (substance) CAS no Content w/w% The properties criteria are meet through: ☐ Registration in BASTA TMALL 0194 Leverantörsintyg ver. 1.0 ☐ Registration in BETA ☐ Assessment through other available assessment systems. Specify which system: _______________________________________________________________________ ☐ Assessment by supplier (Assessment documentation/sub-supplier declaration is to be presented at an audit.) BLANKETT 4 (4) Skapat av (Efternamn, Förnamn, org) Dokumentdatum Ev. ärendenummer [Skapat av NY] [Dokumentdatum NY] [Ärendenummer NY] 6b. Specify in the chart below the percentage of contents in the article or complex article that can be verified. Content in the complex article 25% 25% 25% 25% A - BASTA or assessment through other available assessment systems (BVB, SHMD) B - BETA or assessment through other available assessment systems (BVB, SHMD) C - PHASE OUT does not meet the properties of the BASTA/BETA criteria C - UNKNOWN contents 6c. Specify how the information about contents in the complex article has been verified. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 7. Comments: TMALL 0194 Leverantörsintyg ver. 1.0 __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________