
Name _________________________________________
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Ch. 5 - The Periodic Table Study Guide
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. From gaps in his table, Mendeleev predicted the existence of several elements and their
a. atomic numbers.
c. properties.
b. colors.
d. radioactivity.
2. Mendeleev is credited with developing the first successful
a. periodic table.
b. method for determining atomic number.
c. test for radioactivity.
d. use of X rays.
3. To which group of the periodic table do barium and calcium belong?
a. alkaline-earth metals
c. halogens
b. transition elements
d. actinides
4. The principle that states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are
periodic functions of their atomic numbers is
a. the periodic table.
c. the law of properties.
b. the periodic law.
d. Mendeleev’s law.
5. The elements in Group 18 are known by what name?
a. halogens
c. alkaline-earth metals
b. alkali metals
d. noble gases
6. Elements in a group or column in the periodic table can be expected to have similar
a. atomic masses.
c. numbers of neutrons.
b. atomic numbers.
d. properties.
7. The atomic number of sodium, the first element in Period 3, is 11. The atomic number of
the second element in this period is
a. 3.
c. 12.
b. 10.
d. 18.
8. To which group of the periodic table do lithium and potassium belong?
a. alkali metals
c. halogens
b. transition metals
d. noble gases
9. To which group of the periodic table do fluorine and chlorine belong?
a. alkaline-earth metals
c. halogens
b. transition elements
d. actinides
10. The elements in Group 1 are known by what name?
a. halogens
c. alkaline-earth metals
b. alkali metals
d. noble gases
11. The outer electron configuration of an alkali metal has
a. 1 electron in the orbital.
c. 3 electrons in the orbital.
b. 2 electrons in the orbital.
d. 4 electrons in the orbital.
LPPACS -Schmidt
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Date __________________
12. The elements in Group 17 are known by what name?
a. halogens
c. alkaline-earth metals
b. alkali metals
d. noble gases
13. The elements in Group 2 are known by what name?
a. halogens
c. alkaline-earth metals
b. alkali metals
d. noble gases
14. Transition elements are found in which of the following group(s) of the periodic table?
a. Group 1
c. Groups 3–12
b. Groups 1 and 2
d. Group 18
15. Elements in a period or row moving left to right in the periodic table can be expected to
have increasing
a. atomic masses.
c. numbers of neutrons.
b. atomic numbers.
d. properties.
16. A property of all actinides is that they are
a. members of Period 7.
c. nonmetals.
b. radioactive.
d. Both (a) and (b)
17. To which group of the periodic table do manganese and silver belong?
a. alkaline-earth metals
c. halogens
b. transition elements
d. actinides
18. A metal is called malleable if it
a. has a shiny appearance.
b. can be hammered into sheets.
c. can be squeezed out into a wire.
d. exists naturally as an element.
19. The most active metals are located in the:
a. upper left hand corner of the periodic table
b. lower left hand corner of the periodic table
c. upper right hand corner of the periodic table
d. lower right hand corner of the periodic table
22. Of the following elements, which one would have the smallest radius?
a. Neon (Ne, atomic #10)
c. Lithium (Li, atomic #3)
b. Nitrogen (N, atomic #7)
d. Boron (B, atomic #5)
23. The least electronegative elements are the:
a. Metalloids
b. Halogens
c. Noble gases
d. Alkali metals
24. Of the following elements, which one would have the largest electronegativity energy?
a. Fluorine (F, atomic #9)
c. Iodine (I, atomic #53)
b. Bromine (Br, atomic #35)
d. Chlorine (Cl, atomic #17)
25. A horizontal row ( → ) of elements on the periodic table may also be referred to as a:
a. Series
c. Family
b. Group
d. Period
LPPACS -Schmidt
Name _________________________________________
Date __________________
26. Of the following elements, which one would have the largest ionization energy?
a. Potassium (K, atomic #19)
c. Hydrogen (H, atomic #1)
b. Sodium (Na, atomic #11)
d. Cesium (Cs, atomic #55)
27. Of the following elements, which one would have the smallest ionization energy?
a. Boron (B, atomic #5)
c. Nitrogen (N, atomic #7)
b. Lithium (Li, atomic #3)
d. Neon (Ne, atomic #10)
28. Given the representation of a chlorine atom, which circle might represent an atom of
a. Circle C
c. Circle D
b. Circle A
d. Circle B
29. As one moves down ( ↓ ) a group on the periodic table, the ionization energy of the
elements encountered tends to:
a. increase
c. stay the same
b. decrease
30. As one moves from left to right ( → ) within a period across the periodic table, the atomic
radius of the elements encountered tends to:
a. decrease
c. stay the same
b. increase
31. As one moves from left to right ( → ) within a period across the periodic table, the
electronegativity of the elements encountered tends to:
a. increase
c. decrease
b. stay the same
32. Given the representation of a chlorine atom, which circle might represent an atom of
a. None of these
c. Circle B
b. Circle D
d. Circle C
LPPACS -Schmidt
Name _________________________________________
Date __________________
33. A vertical column ( ↓ ) of elements on the periodic table may also be referred to as a:
a. Series
c. Period
b. Group
d. Family
34. The elements with the largest atomic radii are found in the:
a. lower right-hand corner of the periodic table
b. upper left-hand corner of the periodic table
c. upper right-hand corner of the periodic table
d. lower left-hand corner of the periodic table
35. As one moves down ( ↓ ) a group on the periodic table, the electronegativity of the
elements encountered tends to:
a. increase
c. decrease
b. stay the same
36. The elements with the smallest atomic radii are found in the:
a. lower right-hand corner of the periodic table
b. upper left-hand corner of the periodic table
c. upper right-hand corner of the periodic table
d. lower left-hand corner of the periodic table
37. As one moves from left to right ( → ) within a period across the periodic table, the
ionization energy of the elements encountered tends to:
a. stay the same
c. increase
b. decrease
38. Of the following elements, which one would have the smallest radius?
a. Fluorine (F, atomic #9)
c. Bromine (Br, atomic #35)
b. Chlorine (Cl, atomic #17)
d. Iodine (I, atomic #53)
39. Of the following elements, which one would have the largest radius?
a. Hydrogen (H, atomic #1)
c. Cesium (Cs, atomic #55)
b. Sodium (Na, atomic #11)
d. Potassium (K, atomic #19)
40. As one moves down ( ↓ ) a group on the periodic table, the atomic radius of the elements
encountered tends to:
a. increase
c. stay the same
b. decrease
41. Of the following elements, which one would have the largest radius?
a. Nitrogen (N, atomic #7)
b. Neon (Ne, atomic #10)
c. Boron (B, atomic #5)
d. Lithium (Li, atomic #3)
LPPACS -Schmidt
Name _________________________________________
Date __________________
Complete each statement.
42. The development of the first successful periodic table is credited to
43. Elements in a(n) ____________________ in the periodic table can be expected to have
similar properties.
44. A period is a(n) ____________________ of blocks in the periodic table.
45. An electron that is found in the outermost shell of an atom and that determines the atom’s
chemical properties is called a ____________________ electron.
46. The alkaline-earth metals are found in the periodic table in Group
47. Elements in Group 17 of the periodic table are called the ____________________.
48. The only element that does not belong to a group or could belong to two groups is
49. Except for helium, a noble gas has a total of ____________________ electrons in its
outermost orbital.
50. All metals are good conductors of ____________________.
51. A member of the rare-earth series of elements, whose atomic numbers range from 58 to
71 is classified as a(n) ____________________.
52. All elements in the ____________________ series are radioactive.
53. A metal can be squeezed out into a wire because it is ____________________.
54. Fill in the following table:
Name of element
Atomic number
LPPACS -Schmidt
Mass Number
Name _________________________________________
Date __________________
55. Identify each element as:
56. Identify each element as :
A. metals
D. halogens.
G. alkaline earth metals
B. metalloids
E. noble gases H. transition metals
C. non-metals
F. alkali metals
1. Na
6. Si
1. Na
6. Fe
2. B
7. Fe
2. Ca
7. Cr
3. S
8. Mn
3. Kr
8. Cs
4. Ge
9. Cs
4. Ne
9. I
5. C
10. Br
5. F
10. Mg
57. Use the periodic table to determine the number of electrons available for bonding.
Element or symbol
How many electrons
are available for
Element or symbol
How many electrons
are available for
58. Use the periodic table to identify each element as belonging to one of these groups:
I. the lanthanide elements
J. actinide elements
a. Pr
c. Am
b. Pu
d. Er
LPPACS -Schmidt
Name _________________________________________
Date __________________
59. Which elements are the most reactive on the periodic table? Give multiple answers.
60. How many periods does the periodic table have?
61. Why do the elements within an A group in the periodic table have identical properties?
62. Which elements on the periodic table are considered to be metalloids?
63. What does the period or row tell you about the electrons in an atom? (location)
64. Who created the first periodic table? How did he arrange the elements?
Short Answer
65. Why was Mendeleev’s table called a periodic table?
66. Helium has only two electrons. Why does it behave as a noble gas?
67. A factory in your town uses cadmium as part of its manufacturing process. Due to recent
economic conditions, cadmium is no longer available, and you must find a replacement.
Suggest two elements that might be good replacements. Which of these would be your
choice? Explain why.
LPPACS – Schmidt