Search Models of Unemployment Another labor market friction apart from wage rigidity is “search” Search is required on both sides of the labor market – it takes time for an individual who wants to work to find a suitable job and it takes time for a firm to fill a vacancy. The idea is that unemployed workers and job openings do not instantaneously find each other o There are frictions in the labor market o There is a search process Source of frictions: o Heterogeneity of workers and firms o Uncertainty about the skills, quality of jobs o Imperfect information: invest resources in locating firm/worker takes time for worker to find an ‘acceptable job and similarly for an employer to find an ‘acceptable’ worker o Mobility costs Unemployment is a stock variable that adjusts slowly as a result of this job finding process o Workers that would be willing to work if they found the ‘right job’ o But they will keep turning down job offers that are not good enough o Unemployment is an equilibrium phenomenon: all workers and firms are maximizing utility/profits o No need to have wage rigidities: search frictions are sufficient The model can also be used to study the vacancy rate, the participation rate, the employment/population ratio, etc. One period search model of unemployment (DMP) Peter Diamond-Dale Mortensen-Christopher Pissarides (DMP) won the nobel prize in 2010 for their analysis of markets with search frictions. Set up: One period Many consumers and firms N consumers, who are all potential workers, so N is the working age population The number of firms is endogenous, to be determined. Each of the N consumers can choose to work outside the market (household production) or to search for market work Let Q denote the quantity of consumers who decide to search for work, so N-Q is the number of consumers who choose household production. Q is interpreted as the labor force and N-Q is those working age people not in the labor force. P(Q) is a supply curve for workers who choose to search for market work. Thus it represents the expected payoff to search for market work that would induce Q consumers to search P(Q) is upward sloping: as the expected payoff from searching is higher, this induces more consumers to forgo household production to search for market work. In order to produce, a firm must post a vacancy to hopefully match with a worker Recruiting is costly – the firm incurs cost k (in units of consumption goods) to post a vacancy Firms that do not post a vacancy are inactive and cannot produce. Let A denote the number of active firms, which is the number that choose to post vacancies. At the beginning of the period, there will be Q consumers searching for work and A firms posting vacancies Matching workers with firms is a time-consuming and cost process, characterized by a matching function, M: M = em(Q,A) where e denotes matching efficiency and m(.)is a function Note: with larger e, more matches occur given the numbers of consumers Q and firms searching A - Matching efficiency, e, can increase in practice due to better information (eg. Efficient search technologies such as internet advertising, or because the skills that consumers have are better matched to the skills that firm want.) - The matching function has constant returns to scale Em(xQ,xA)=xem(Q,A) - m(0,A)=m(Q,0)=0 If there are no consumers searching for work or no firms searching for workers, then there are no matches - The number of matches M increases when either Q or A increase - Marginal products are diminishing, in that the increase in matches obtained for a one-unit increase in Q decreases as Q increases, and similarly for A. Each consumer chooses between household production and searching for work If they choose to search for work, then he or she finds a match with a firm with probability pc = M/Q = em(Q,A)/Q=em(1,A/Q)=em(1,j) with the constant returns to scale property of the matching function. Therefore, the probability of finding work for a consumer depends only on j=A/Q which is the ratio of firms searching for workers relative to consumers searching for work. This is a measure of market tightness. If the consumer search for work and is matched, he/she receives wage w. If the consumer searches and is not matched, then he/she is unemployed and received an unemployment insurance benefit b. This occurs with probability 1-pc=1-em(1,j) Recall that P(Q) is the supply curve for workers who choose to search for market work. In equilibrium, P(Q) must be equal to the expected payoff a consumer receives from searching P(Q) = pcw + (1- pc)b = b+(w-b)em(1,j) The market wage, UI benefit, labor market tightness determine the expected payoff to searching for work for a consumer. Then, given this expected payoff, the supply curve for searching consumers determine the labor force. The Supply Side of the Labour Market The market wage, t and labour market determine the expe to searching for wo consumer. Then, giv expected payoff, th curve for searching determines the labo A worker in competitive equilibrium model observes the market wage Junjiedecides Liu – Econ 305 then how much labor to sell on the market at that wage In the DMP model, a would be worker takes into account not just the market wage, but his or her chances of finding work and the UI benefit if his or her job search fails On the firms side, firms choose to bear the cost k of posting a vacancy and have a probiality of pf=M/A of finding a worker, since the ratio of total matches to the number of firms searching determines the chances of achieving a successful match. Then, from the matching function, we have pf = M/A = em(Q,A)/A = em(Q/A,1) = em(1/j,1) Given a successful match with a worker, the firm and worker produce output z, so the profit the firm receives from the match is z-w Firms will enter the labor market, post vacancies, until the expected net payoff from doing so is zero pf(z-w)-k=0 In equilibrium, k must be equal to the expected payoff for the firm from posting the vacancy em(1/j,1) = k/(z-w) The Demand Side of the Labour Market Firms post vacancies up the point where the probability for a firm o matching with a worke equal to the ratio of th of posting a vacancy to profit the firm receives successful match. Firms post vacancies up to the point where the probability for a firm of Junjie Liuwith – Econ 305 is equal to the ratio of the cost of posting a vacancy matching a worker to the profit the firm receives from a successful match. When a firm is matched with a worker, together they produce output z The firm and worker need to come to an agreement concerning the wage w that the worker is to receive We use Nash bargaining theory to determine how a matched firm and worker split the total surplus. Nash bargaining Worker’s surplus = w-b (wage minus UI benefit) Firm’s surplus = z-w (profit) Total surplus = z-b a=worker’s share of total surplus (the bargaining power of the worker) Then the worker and firm agree to a contract such that the work’s surplus is a fraction a of total surplus, ie. w-b=a(z-b) As a result, w = az+(1-a)b Substitute w in the labor supply and labor demand equations The above two equations determine two endogenous variables, Q and j. In equilibrium, the unemployment rate, the vacancy rate, and the level of aggregate output are Equilibrium in the DMP M In panel (b), the ratio of the cost of posting a vacancy to the firm’s surplus from a successful match determines labor market tightness. Then in panel (a) labor market tightness determines the size of the labor force. In panel (b), t posting a vac surplus from determines la tightness. The labour marke determines th force. Junjie Liu – Econ 305 Case study 1: An increase in the UI benefit b An increase in b reduces the total surplus from a match, z-b (shifts the curve up in panel a) The wage w increases, as the alternative to working becomes more tempting for a searching consumer Posting vacancies become less attractive for firms, so labor market tightness falls (panel b) For consumers, searching for work becomes more attractive, as the wage is higher. But searching for work is also less attractive, as the chances of finding a job are lower (j is lower) As a result, Q may rise or fall given these two opposing effects Y is ambiguous, u rises, v falls. Case study 2: An increase in productivity z An increase in z causes the total surplus from a match z-b to increase (panel a) The wage w increases as the worker gets a larger slice of the pie As profits are higher, posting vacancies become more attractive for firms, so labor market tightness, j, rises (panel b) For consumers, searching for work becomes more attractive, as the wage is higher and the chances of finding work are better. Q rises, u falls, v rises, Y rises. Case study 3: A decrease in the matching efficiency, e There is no change in total surplus, or in the wage Because firms find it more difficult to find the right workers, fewer firms post vacancies and j falls For consumers, searching is less attractive – the wage is the same but the chances of finding a job are lower, so Q falls u rises, but vacancy rates states the same, and Y falls The Beveridge curve shifts to the left These predictions are consistent with the observations from the 20082009 recession and the recovery from the recession - a decrease in matching efficiency implies a rightward shift of the Beveridge curve, a decrease in the labor force, higher unemployment and lower aggregate output The Beveridge Cu The obs rate Dec 200 clea soli Dec 201 to h 200 The points in the scatter plot are observations on the unemployment rate and the vacancy rate for December 2000 through Decemeber 2007, and those Junjie Liu –points Econexhibit 305 a clear Beveridge curve relation. A solid line joins observations from December 2007 through March 2012. The Beveridge curve appears to have shifted in about December 2009. What can be the cause of decrease in matching efficiency? - worse information about vacancies and searching workers not a very plausible explanation for this recession - mismatch between skills firm needed and skills workers possess possibly if there are sectoral shocks, and workers leaving declining industries do not have skills required by growing industries - mismatch between locations of vacancies posted and where workers search quite relevant for financial crises: many workers are not moving to different geographical areas for work A Keynesian DMP model There is a type of market failure associated with the setting of wages and prices Wages and prices are sticky (not fully flexible) Instead of wages being determined by Nash bargaining, w is exogenous. It can be determined by o “animal spirits”. The relative bargaining power of workers and firms are in some sense random. Firms may decide to drive a hard bargaining with workers and this is contagious, making the market wage relatively low, or firms in a similar contagious manner decide to go easy on workers and pay them a high wage o Alternatively, the market wage may be sticky and determined from history. Market wages may be too low or too high, relative to what is socially optimal Given w, j, Q, we have There could be two equilbria: In one equilibrium, the market wage is high, Q is low, j is low, u is high, v is low, aggregate output is low and labor participation is low In the other equilibrium, the market wage is low, Q is high, j is high, the unemployment rate is low, the vacancy rate is high, aggregate output is high and labor force participation is high. Either equilibrium could arise and be self fulfilling. A comparison of equilibria with high and low wages, with w1>w2. In the high wage equilibrium, labor market tightness is low and the labor force is low, though it is possible for the labor force to be high in the high wage equilibrium. The Keynesian DMP model gives an alternative explanation for the Beveridge curve relationship If business cycles are driven by animal spirits, with fluctuation wages, then when wages are high the unemployment rate will be high and the vacancy rate low, and when wages are low the unemployment rate will be low with high vacancy rate. This is the Beveridge relationship.