newRCS_syllabus_Fall_2015 - king Abdullah II School for

The University Of Jordan
King Abdullah II School for Information Technology
Computer Information Systems Department
Spring Semester 2014/2015
Course: Remedial Computer Skills (1902099)
Prerequisite: None
3 Credit Hours
Semester: Spring 2014/2015
Instructors : Prof. Fawaz Zghoul, Dr. Thair Hamtini, Dr.Salsabeel Alfalah, Dr. Hamad
alsawalqah, Dr. Malak Al-hasan, Mrs. Aseel Al-Anani , Miss Rola Al-Khalid , Miss Mariam
Itriq, Mrs. Hiba Mohammed ,Mrs. Lama Rajab , Mrs. Tamara almarabeh , Mr.yousef majdalawi,
Mrs .Walaa Quteshat, Mrs.Tahani Khatib
Coordinators: Mr. Yousef Majdalawi (Office No. CIS …224…) / (Ext. No . 22628……..)/ + Mrs. Tamara almarabeh + Mrs. Walaa Quteshat + Mrs.Tahani Khatib
Course Description:
Remedial Computer Skills course introduces students to information technology and
communication. It includes an introduction to information technology, structure of digital
computer systems, computer software (system SW and application SW), Internet and networks,
security, use of ICT in our daily life. The course also aims to enhance students’ practical skills in
using effectively the following software packages: Microsoft Windows 7, MS-Office
2007(Word), and Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. Students are
expected. Classes of Remedial computer skills course are held in labs to give students the
opportunity to practice and exercise.
The Goal:
The main goal of this course is to enable students to gain the practical basic skills in both
application software and Windows 7 operating system. The course also equips students with
theoretical knowledge in computer hardware, software and networking concepts in computer
Enable students to:
1. Understand the basic Structure of digital computer system and hardware including processor, input,
output, memory and storage units.
2. Compare between the latest technologies available nowadays such as PCs, laptops, PDAs and smart
3. Distinguish between system and application software.
4. Identify the operating system's tasks and compare among the command line and the graphical user
interface operating systems.
5. Understand the concept of data communication and network in computer systems.
6. Be familiar with Windows 7 operating system and discover how to deal with its environment.
7. Understand the significance and use of some office 2007 applications.
8. Apply the basic practical skills in office 2007 applications such as Word.
Intended learning outcome
The intended learning outcomes of this course are:
A. Knowledge and Understanding: students should be able to
A1) Know and Understand the main components of computer architecture, and their
A2) Understand how does Information technology affect our lives nowadays through
recent technologies like PCs , Laptops, smart phones, PDAs, E-commerce, Social media
and so on.
A3) Know and Understand the software varieties and their uses.
A4) understand the concept of data communication and network.
A5) know the GUI system software such as Windows 7 operating system.
A6) know the application software such as applications in Office 2007 package.
A7) Understand the concept of computer security, encryption, smart cards and so on.
B. Intellectual skills: students should be able to
B1) Analyze and recognize the significance of some recent technologies smart phones,
PDAs, PCs and laptops.
B2) Analyze and recognize the significance some Hardware components such Central
Processing Unit, storage media, main memory and input/output devices.
B3) Compare between the Network types and topologies and recognize their significance.
B4) Analyze and be familiar with Windows Environment, Desktop features, control
panel, and switching between applications in windows 7
B5) study and recognize the significance of Microsoft office especially Word
applications in everyday work.
B6) Compare between computer Networks and identify their components.
B7) Study the effects of ICT in our lives and discuss their importance.
B8) Recognize the significance of security.
C. Subject Specific skills: students should be able to
C1) Make use of Windows 7 in creating folders, managing files and customizing the
computer's functionalities through control panel.
C2) Use web browsers to navigate through internet and open search engines, email web
sites, electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias and so on.
C3) Use Microsoft Office Word for writing, presenting or printing documents in an
intelligent way.
D. Transferable Skills: students should be able to
D1) Work in groups on case studies to show how to use different Microsoft office
D2) apply skills in office applications through practical assignments in the computer lab.
Teaching method
Case study
Learning outcome
Exams +Assignments
Exams +Assignments
Exams +Assignments
Course contents
Weekly Course Contents, and T/L & A with ILOs
Topic Details
Teaching/Learning and Assessment
A1, A2,
A3, B1,
Theoretical introduction:
T: Lectures
1) Hardware
2) Software
The two chapters will cover the following
concepts: Hardware , Personal Computers ,
Main Parts of a computer , Input/ Output
Ports, Computer performance, Computer's
Memory, Types of Memory, Representing
Data, Memory Capacity Measurements ,
Storage Media , Input Devices , Output
Devices , Software , Operating Systems
Applications Software , Interfaces ,
Accessibility Options .
L: Reading from (TB): Chapter 1,
Chapter 2 and from lecture notes.
Word 2007: Start word, Ribbon and Tabs,
create and selecting new document,
inserting text, overtype text, paragraph
orientation, save, Open and Close the
document, closing Microsoft word, use help
system, control the magnification, ways to
view a document, selecting text, deleting
and replacing text, copying text, office
clipboard, moving text, undo and redo, font
style. The mini toolbar, font type and size,
changing font style, superscript and
subscript, copying text formatting, removing
formatting, highlighting, change case, insert
a symbol, text alignment, line and paragraph
spacing , creating a numbered list, creating a
bulleted list , adding borders around text,
T: Lecture, lab. training file and
A: In Class – questions
L: Reading from (TB): chapter 8, and
from lecture notes, practicing in lab.
A: Assignment 1 in the E-learning
platform. + First practical quiz.
A6, B5,
C3, D1.
adding shading around text, find and
replace, page setup, page break, , Header
and Footer, numbering page, cover page ,
creating tables, entering text in a table,
inserting rows and columns, deleting rows
and columns, moving a table, selection cells,
formation text in a table, cell alignment,
changing text orientation, adjusting column
width /row height, resize an entire table,
Autofit, adding borders/shading to tables,
automatically formatting tables, merging
cells, splitting cells, splitting a table,
repeating a table heading , inserting a
clipart, inserting a picture, insert shapes,
insert a chart, smart Art, deleting graphics,
resizing graphics, moving graphics, position
an image, format an image, switching
between files, and printing documents.
T: Summary
L: Assignments
A: Samples of Exams
Midterm Exam
A: Automated Exam.
Window 7: Window, Starting Windows, Use
a mouse , Taskbar, Jump List, Desktop Icons,
Turning off the computer , Log off and
Switch users, End non responding
applications, Start Menu, Pin a Shortcut, Add
a file or a folder to the start menu, Delete
the most frequently used application from
the Start Menu, Open the programs from
start menu, Pictures Library, Music Library,
Minimize –Maximize and close a window,
Moving a window , Resizing a window,
Active and inactive windows, Switch
between windows , Arranging windows,
Creating a shortcut icon, Delete or Move a
T: Lecture, lab and presentation
L: Reading from (TB): chapter 6, and
from lecture notes, practicing in lab.
A: Assignment 2 in the E-learning
A5, B4
desktop icon, Help and Support , Control
Panel , Desktop background, Screen Saver,
Date and Time , Region Setting , Keyboard ,
Volume Setting , Resolution Setting , Screen
Color, Add or remove programs , Windows
Explorer, Parts of a window, Navigation Bar,
Common file types, Files views ,Selecting
files, Drivers information , Major System
information , Create a folder , renaming files
or folders, Deleting files or folders, files or
folders properties, Sorting files, Recycle bin,
Moving files or folders, Copying files or
folders, Formatting, File Compression,
Searching for Files or folders, Notepad and
Wordpad , print Screen , Anti-Virus ,
Installing a new printer, Change the default
printer, View a print's job progress.
Internet: Open a Web browsing application,
understand the makeup and structure of a
web address, Display a given Web page,
change the web browser home page ,save a
web page, open a URL, open a hyperlink and
return to original page , use a key word and
logical operators in a search , open an
electronic mail, inbox and a mail message,
close the electronic mail, create a new
message , Insert a mail address and title,
attach a file to a message ,delete a file
attachment from a message, use the mail
bin, open and save a file attachment, use
reply and forward, use CC and BCC bind copy
tool, add mail address to an address list.
T: Lectures, lab and presentation
A: Automated Exam.
Theoretical material
T: Lecture, lab and presentation
3) Data Transfer and Networks:
L: Reading from (TB): chapter 3, and
from lecture notes
L: Reading from (TB): chapter 7, and
from lecture notes.
Practicing in lab.
A: Assignment 3 in the E-learning
This chapter covers : Networks , Types of
Networks , Client/Server Networks, Internet, A: Assignment 4 in the E-learning
World Wide Web, Intranet and Extranet ,
A2, A4,
A7, B3,
B7, B8
Downloading and Uploading , Transfer Rate , platform.
Digital and Analog Signals, Modem , Data
Transmission Media, Network Interface
Card, Internet Connection and its options ,
Characteristics of Broadband.
Theoretical material
T: Lecture, lab and presentation
4) ICT in everyday life
L: Reading from (TB): chapter 4, and
from lecture notes
This chapter covers: Internet Services, Elearning, Teleworking, E-mail, Instant A: Assignment 5 in the E-learning
messaging, VoIP, Weblog, RSS, Podcast, platform.
Virtual communities, and publishing content
Theoretical material
T: Lecture, lab and presentation
5) Security
L: Reading from (TB): chapter 5, and
from lecture notes
Authentication and authorization, Password A: Assignment 6 in the E-learning
policies, Data security, backups, firewalls, platform.
Smart cards, Data theft issues, viruses,
hacking, cryptography, encryption and
decryption, and Digital signature.
Final Exam
A2, A4,
A7, B3,
B7, B8
A2, A4,
A7, B3,
B7, B8
A: Automated Exam.
Teaching (T) Strategies: Class Contact is 3 Hour per week. The lecturer of the course gives 3 hours per
week while students should practice in lab; however the course is counted as 3 credit hour for students.
The Course will be delivered using different means like lectures in the lab, presentations, assignment
discussion, training files, and case studies.
Learning (L) Methods: Students attend classes in lab for 3 hours per week, they ask questions and
participate in discussions, do the assignments, present their homework and PowerPoint presentation. A
student will use the lab every lecture to practice the skills he/she is gaining and to do the assignments.
Students will access the e-learning platform for more instruction and supported learning materials.
Assessment (A) Methods: There will be several assessment methods of evaluation the performance of
the students such as attending and class participation, grading the homework in the e-learning platform,
quizzes and assignments; conducting the First, Second and the Final Exams. Every student is expected to
completely adhere to the assignments and project strict deadlines, absolutely no exceptions will be
Assessment weights
This course is a “Pass” or “Fail” course with a minimum passing grade of 50 points:
Pass >= 50
Fail < 50
Assessment will be as follows:
Midterm exam
Final exam
Exam Date
10 Points
Every student is expected to completely adhere to the exams dates and projects strict deadlines,
absolutely no exceptions will be given.
Maximum allowable absence 15% of number of Lectures/Semester
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that he/she is aware of all assignments, announcements
and contents of missed sessions.
Tardiness and/or absenteeism will have a negative impact on the course grade.
، ‫ االمتناع المدبر عن حضور المحاضرات أو الدروس أو عن األعمال االخرى التي تقضي األنظمة بالمواظبة عليها‬
.‫وكل تحريض على هذا االمتناع سوف يؤدي الى حرمان الطالب من المادة المعنية‬
‫ في حالة التغيب عن االمتحانين األول و الااني لن يكون هناك امتحان تعويضي اال في حالة وجود عذر وحالة طارئة‬
‫ وللمدرس‬,‫ على الطالب ابراز العذر لمدرس المادة في فتره ال تتجاوز الاالاة ايام من تاريخ االمتحان‬.‫من المستشفى‬
.‫ وحسب التعليمات‬, ‫الحق في قبول او رفض العذر‬
Concerns or complaints should be expressed in the first instance to the module lecturer; if no
resolution is forthcoming then the issue should be brought to the attention of the module coordinator
(for multiple sections) who will take the concerns to the module representative meeting. Thereafter
problems are dealt with by the Department Chair and if still unresolved the Dean and then ultimately
the Vice President. For the final complaints, there will be a committee to review grading the final
For more details on University regulations please visit
Text book (TB)
‫ دار‬.2015 ‫ الطبعة االولى‬.‫ خالدة الزعبي‬, ‫سهير عبدهللا‬,‫أحمد الشرايعة‬.‫ د‬،‫" محمد بالل" الزعبي‬.‫ د‬, 1 ‫مهارات الحاسوب‬
.‫األردن‬-‫ عمان‬.‫زمزم للنشر و التوزيع‬
Ethics: The honor code applies to all work turned in for this course including exams and
assignments. It is important that you understand the solutions to all problems, and the best way to
gain an understanding is to work them out and write them up by yourself. Hence the policy is that
you must submit your own work and clearly list your references. You may not share your work with
other students, unless it is allowed as group. Violating the policy will be taken as a no submission
state for the assignment. University regulations will be preserved at all times.