Just the golden ticket for schools

News Release
Just the golden ticket for schools
Recycle for Greater Manchester’s Up and Forward project is giving residents in
Newton Heath the chance to earn rewards for local schools.
Golden tickets are being given to residents who put their recycling bins (Blue,
Green, and Brown) out on the right collection day with the right recycling inside.
Residents can then take their tickets to one of a number of collection points in the
community and they will be used in exchange for environmentally- friendly prizes
for All Saints CE Primary School, Christ The King RC Primary, Briscoe Lane Academy
and St Wilfrid’s CE Primary.
Resident can drop off their golden tickets until Monday 7th July 2014.
Funded through Life+ Europe, the project is working closely with Manchester City
Council, four local primary schools, Northwards Housing and Yes Manchester, to
improve recycling rates in Newton Heath.
Life+ Senior Campaign Officer, Michelle Lynch said: “We hope the Golden Tickets
will help to raise awareness and encourage residents to recycle more to benefit
their local community. It will also contribute towards Greater Manchester’s target
to achieve a recycling rate of 50% by 2015/16.”
Councillor Bernard Priest Chappell, Manchester City Council's deputy leader said:
“This scheme will provide parents, as well as other members of the Newton Heath
community, with the opportunity to support their local schools while getting to
understand just how easy it is to recycle. It will focus attention on recycling all the
correct items, which will save money and keep waste out of landfill, and it will
also give households the opportunity to support their local school. I hope residents
will really get behind this campaign and support their local community.”
The local collection points for tickets are: All Saints CE Primary School, Christ The
King RC Primary, Briscoe Lane Academy, St Wilfrid’s CE Primary, Asda Newton
Heath, Newton Heath Library, and Surestart Children’s Centre on Great Newton
Street. For more information about the scheme go to:
The campaign is also looking to recruit local volunteers who will become recycling
ambassadors and talk to the community about recycling. Residents who would like
to get involved can contact the Senior Campaign Officer, Michelle Lynch, on 0161
770 1764.
- ENDS –
Image caption: (L-R) Pupils from Christ The King RC High School: Harris Burrows,
Gino McAra, Lila Connolly, Rhea Ferguson, Michela Monticello, Katie Platt and Tilly
Notes to Editors
The Up & Forward project looks at ways of encouraging residents to waste less
and recycle more in currently hard to reach communities. The aim is to carry out a
project that will demonstrate how improved communication and engagement can
increase waste prevention and recycling in low performing urban areas.
The Up and Forward project is funded by the European Union EU funding stream
Life +. LIFE is the EU’s financial instrument supporting environmental and nature
conservation projects throughout the EU. Since 1992, LIFE has co-financed some
3708 projects, contributing approximately €2.8 billion to the protection of the
environment. http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/index.htm.
Recycle for Greater Manchester is a partnership between Viridor Laing (Greater
Manchester) Limited (VLGM) and the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority
(GMWDA), encouraging the people of Greater Manchester to recycle more and
recycle better. Our Vision is to help make Greater Manchester a shining example of
urban recycling.
Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority (GMWDA) provides recycling and
waste disposal services for 1,009,815 households in Bolton, Bury, Manchester,
Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside and Trafford. It handles around
5% of England’s waste.
Viridor Laing (Greater Manchester) Limited (VLGM) is a joint venture company
owned by Viridor, a subsidiary of Pennon Group PLC, and John Laing PLC, who have
come together to deliver a 25 year Recycling and Waste Management Contract.
VLGM provides facilities and services to manage householders waste in an
environmentally and economically sustainable manner. This involves the reception,
treatment and disposal of waste to increase levels of recycling, composting and
recovery and reduce waste sent to landfill.
Contact Details
Tina Harding
Media PR and Online Officer
01204 374 222