Lecture 6 Class Activities Bloom`s Taxonomy of learning: Student

Lecture 6 Class Activities
Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning:
Student Skill
Question Level
Comprehension level question:
Paracrine signaling and ________________________________ have which of the following in common?
Involve membrane bound ligands
Ligands are released from one cell and bind to receptors on a target cell
Ligands diffuse across a synapse
Target cells can be anywhere in the body
Ligands are passed directly between intracellular compartments of two cells
Studying for comprehension questions:
Lecture 07 Class
G-protein coupled
Which of the following happens when a ligand binds to tyrosine kinase receptors in the plasma
membrane of a neuron?
A. The receptor interacts with a G-protein
B. Two receptor subunits move together to form functional dimers
C. Intracellular region is dephosphorylated and ATP is produced
D. Extracellular region is phosphorylated
E. GTP is hydrolyzed
Binding of a ligand to a ligand gated ion channel:
A. Causes a conformational change in the protein
B. Allows ions to flow across the membrane against their concentration gradients
C. Causes the movement of a G-protein
D. Results in the hydrolysis of ATP
E. Both A and B
Researchers identified a small cell signaling molecule that had numerous polar groups on it. The
molecule most likely:
A. binds to the extracellular portion of a tyrosine kinase receptor
B. passes through the cell membrane to bind to a cytoplasmic receptor
C. passes through the cell membrane to bind to a G-protein coupled receptor
D. binds to ions passing through a ligand-gated ion channel
Lecture 07 Class
Application Questions
THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, binds to G-protein coupled receptors and activates signaling in
neurons. This would most likely:
A. inhibit interactions of G-proteins and membrane bound enzymes
B. block conformational changes in G-protein receptors
C. stimulate binding of GTP to the G-protein
D. cause charged ions to flow through the receptor down their concentration gradient
E. stimulate binding of GDP to the G-protein coupled receptor
Two types of cancer cells (A and B) found in the pancreas differ in the
total concentration of phospholipids in their membranes that are
unsaturated (see graph). Which of the following statements is most
likely to be TRUE?
A. Cell type A has more hydrocarbon tails with carbon=carbon
double bonds than B
B. Cell type A shows evidence of less cholesterol in the membrane than B
C. Cell type B will move to other tissues faster than A
D. Cell type B has tyrosine kinase receptors that signal more slowly than A
E. Cell type A has more LDL in the membrane than B
Evaluation / Synthesis Questions
At puberty, an female body changes the structure and function of several organ systems, primarily from
steroid hormones. How can estrogen affect these systems differently?
A. Estrogen binds to receptors inside many kinds of cells
B. Hormones are produced in very large concentrations
C. Estrogen, when metabolized, can influence cell responses differently
D. The cells in affected organ systems have membrane receptors while others do not
Lecture 07 Class
Studying for higher-level questions (pick your favorites):
The Day of the Exam:
Check seating chart on the door
Student ID and pencil at your seat only
We will provide scantron
About 25 questions, MC and very short answer
Piazza Question:
Shown below is a vesicle that has recently formed from the Golgi
and is carrying several proteins, including a G-protein coupled
receptor. Which letter represents the portion of the receptor that
will interact with the G-protein?
Lecture 07 Class