GLOBALISATION AND THE CHALLENGES OF MAINTAING AN ISLAMIC IDENTITY PRAYER: GREETING: PROTOCOL: INTRODUCTION: I would very much like to thank the organizers of this forum for the brilliant theme that they have selected for this year’s conference. Indeed, this subject- matter is the pivotal point from which we must reevaluate the position of the ummah as it aligns with the global transformation that is happening presently in the world. InnshaAllah Talah, my discussion with you today will explore the phenomenon called “globalization” vis a vis “ westernization”, the various deliberate impacts of globalization, Islam as a significant instrument of cultural transmission, and InnshaAllah we will discover the solutions to the negative impacts of globalization. Globalization as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, is generally described as the process of international integration as a product of exchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture in which worldwide exchange of national and cultural resources occurs in the process. Globalisation – at least in its dominant face – is essentially about expanding the economic circle in our lives at the expense of the social, 1 the spiritual and the cultural. It is the expansion of the world capitalist economy into every sphere of our lives. Globalization means different things to different people. For some it creates positive political, economic and technological progress. For few globalization is domineering and antagonist to local and national economies. Globalization has changed situations in such a manner that power of the state is determined by the power of the firms. If the goal of globalization was more the liberal exchange of goods, services, labor, thoughts etc which in later stages would make the world uniform, then there is no space for identity. Globalization as the continuation of social darwinism, that the fittest – the most entrepreneurial - should lead the world. Finally, globalism continues the ideal of progress, of creating the perfect society, the positivist/scientific world, of forever removing religion and irrationality from human history. Today what we see is the downside of globalization. It is critical to distinguish between the process of globalization in its original sense and such relatively more contemporary processes, like Westernization, that are masked as globalization and yet are fundamentally different. 2 In these more exhaustive definitions of globalization, where stands Islam? Islam in these globalized worlds, defined more extensively, is first about an alternative to the Western project, and secondly, a promise of a more spiritual society based on the unity of thought and purpose. A lot of factors illustrate Islam's acceptance and predominant role in the process of globalization. "For several centuries, Arabic was the world's leading language in sciences. Muslims made important advances in mathematics, astronomy and medicine -- a legacy from which European scholars derived great benefit," and which led to the Renaissance. Globalization is not only a Western phenomenon, for "the agents of globalization are neither European nor exclusively Western. Indeed, Europe would have been a lot poorer -- economically, culturally, and scientifically -- had it resisted the globalization of mathematics, science, and technology that emanated from the east. BACKGROUND TO GLOBALISATION The phenomenon of globalization gained more momentum after decolonization that lead to the formation of new states in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Many used the term neo-colonialism to mark globalization which at the time was more economic than political, more ideologically than militarily supported. The neocolonialist powers 3 turned themselves into means of control, which was facilitated by the global telecommunications system. The Search for new markets and the search for alternative sources of wealth polished by the industrial revolution lead to the establishment of international commodity markets and mercantilist trade. The deepened economic protectionism after the First World War and the Great Depression in the 1930’s and the end of the Second World War, along with the expansion of capitalism was slowed only by the establishment of socialism as an alternative form of capital accumulation and distribution. The fall of Soviet Union, marking an end to the Cold War along with the acceptance of nations on capitalism as the only viable economic order to create wealth and stability further made the way easier for globalization. The term globalization started appearing in literature from the 1980’s. Initially it referred mainly to the economic transactions and growth of economies. Soon it started penetrating into other fields like political, with weakening authority of states, emergence of global governance order systems etc. We can therefore infer that Globalization/ westernization is a direct result of specifically conceived, planned and targeted neo- liberal policies and structural measures that were designed to bring all aspects 4 of social, economic and political life under the tag of market capitalism. The Reagan administration in the USA and the Thatcher government in UK accelerated globalization through clearing the debt crisis, establishment of neo – liberalism as an economic framework (later came to be known as Washington Consensus) and the International Financial Institutions imposition of structural adjustment programs (SAP’s) in developing countries. IMPACTS OF GLOBALIZATION: The proponents of globalization claim that it will lead to convergence of income, access to knowledge and technology, consumption power, living standards and political ideas. Adding on to that, integration of economies would lead to increase in economic growth and wealth. They also argue that more people would be able to enjoy the fruits of modernization and civilization. Critics of globalization argue that it is dominating, antagonistic to the poor and vulnerable and is weakening to the local and national economic communities and the environment. Therefore globalization has both positive and negative impacts. If globalization was meant to brings about new potentials for development and wealth creation, then a cursor look at the present model of globalization will show that in fact globalization has increased the problems of unemployment, inequality and poverty, while others contend that globalization helped to reduce these aspects. 5 The singular most salient achievement of globalization/international capitalism today, is that it has increased the gap between the rich and the poor and has lead to the entrenched marginalization of certain sections of the society. As of 1993 just 10 countries accounted for 84 percent of global research and development expenditures and controlled 95 percent of the US patents of the past two decades. The global climate change along with the extinction of many species can be attributed to globalization to a great extent. Though the international organizations have fixed the limits of carbon emission and other pollutants, it is still pro developed countries that hamper the growth of developing countries. The Ummah as a dynamic concept, reinterpreting the past, meeting new challenges, must meet global problems such as the environmental problem, and acknowledge moral and practical responsibility for the Earth as a Trust and its members are trustees answerable for the condition of the Earth. This makes ecological concerns a vital element in our thinking and action, a prime arena where we must actively engage in changing things." The Ummah should be seen as a critical tool, and as a process of reasoning itself. 6 POLITICAL IMPACTS OF GLOBALIZATION: One of the major impacts of political globalization is that it reduces the importance of nation states. Many have organized themselves into trade blocs. Emergence of supranational institutions such as the European Union, the WTO, the G8, and The International Criminal Court etc replaced or extended the national functions to facilitate international agreement. This has reduced the sovereignty of nation states in taking important decisions with respect to their country where we see massive intervention of these organizations in all fields. In these artificial societies where the victory of liberal ideology, the science and technology revolution make states far less potent. Islam as currently constituted would not play a role in this future, nor would most nations. It would remain a fast growing religion but only in terms of population and not in terms of defining the agenda for the next century. The population of believers would be poor and angry, searching for someone to blame. Local leaders would be quite willing to play the extremist card convincing believers that by returning to the past, they would be safe from globalization. The losers would be the most vulnerable – women and minorities as well as modernist muslims. Globalization has also lead to the growth of terrorism. Terrorism can be seen as a response from certain groups of people who were neglected and humiliated for centuries which lead to the wide spread of terrorist networks across the world which was further accelerated with the aid 7 of ultra modern technology helping them to strengthen their network and activities. Democracy is seen as the ultimate form of political stability, in conformity with western intellectual propaganda where they highlight the enlightenment values of freedom, liberty, tolerance etc. However, Under the pretext of establishing democracy in countries where there was autocratic rule for years, such as the recent intervention of countries such as the United States in many Middle Eastern and Asian countries, the obvious sole purpose of such intervention hinging on the purpose of extracting oil from these countries oil mines, for which they took economic, political, social and cultural control of these oil rich nations. This can be seen as a gradual movement to ‘World Government’. The rise of global civil society is one of the major contributions of globalization. These multivariate groups which make up civil society often protests against capitalism. This shows the existence of a social sphere above and beyond national, regional or local societies. SOCIAL IMPACTS OF GLOBALIZATION: The combination of increasingly advanced technology and the formation of complex social structure has severely displaced the social structure of different societies. Where Every society used to have its own unique culture with respect to the language, social norms, morality, civic sense, 8 with the advent of media which has this exceptional capability to influence millions simultaneously has succeeded in challenging the social institutions of the society mainly the family structure. Any society following a contrary style of living without being much influenced by the western culture is now seen as ‘uncivilized’. The media as a very powerful tool is designed to convey the propaganda of the west to inculcate it’s immoral culture into the rest of the world and there by dominating the globe. The social dimension of globalization is most evident in its impact on the life and work of people, families and societies. There are more social aspects of globalization which go far beyond the employment, working dimensions, income, social protection. The increased political and economic movement of globalization has ignored the main aspect of society, the people. The ideals of social justice which aims at creating a utopian society based on the notions of equality and solidarity, the values of human rights, the dignity of every human being is gradually being lost as we can all perceive. Talking about the gender aspect in reference to how globalization has affected it, we can see an increased participation of women in all fields of life, however, evidences prove that women still work more as a casual labor. 9 Though globalization has expanded women’s access to employment it has not done considerable much to reduce the gender inequality. Also, due to the influence of media and other socio-political- cultural aspects, the crimes against women have increased considerably. CULTURAL IMPACTS OF GLOBALIZATION: The cultural aspect of globalization is something which attained global attention only in recent years. Globalization represents “ the expanding scale, growing magnitude, speeding up and deepening impact of transcontinental flows and patterns of social interactions If we were to argue that the act of consumption represents a convergence of global and cultural processes, then what has evolved now is beyond a consumer revolution in which consumption has become the principal work of late industrial societies. However, this cultural transmission is by no way a one way process. As the 21" century begins, almost one out of every five human beings is a Muslim. In the course of the 2lSt century a quarter of the human race will probably be Muslim. The new demographic presence of Islam within the Western world is indicative that Islamisation is now a major globalising force. The very concept of globalization is a major challenge to the existing concept of world culture. This has been clearly analyzed and discussed 10 by the political scientist Samuel P Huntington in his book ‘The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of the World Order’. According to him, the fundamental conflict in the world will not be ideological or political. But the great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. He also argued that nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics. He said, the fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future. The emergence of an Americanized/westernized model World is something that we saw with the growth of globalization. A converging consumer behavior and tastes of the American model as a blue print for global culture can be traced as one of the major impact of globalization on culture. The emergence of English as the dominant language in business and academic works is another example of how one culture can gain dominance in the world with power and legitimacy when economic and political forces enable the spreading of cultures and values. CHALLENGES OF ISLAM AND GLOBALISATION Islam- as a counter discourse to globalization, to the expansion of economic space and the fulfillment of the dreams of the social darwinists. However, even as Islam attempts to create new possibilities 11 for globalism, national politics doom it to a politics of reaction, of reducing diversity and innovation. This is especially perilous as the next phase of globalisation promises to end historical notions of reality, truth, nature and sovereignty. In this dramatically changed world, Islam can join with other counter discourses to create a moral vision of a planetary society, an alternative vision and reality of globalization. Generally islam as an alternative vision consists of the following ten concepts, four standing alone and three opposing pairs. 1. Tawheed (Unity), 2. Khalifah (Trusteeship), 3. Ibadah (Worship), 4. Ilm (Knowledge), 5. Halal (Praiseworthy) And Haram (Blameworthy), 6. Adl (Social Justice) And Zulm (Tyranny) 7. And Istislah (Public Interest) And Dhiya (Waste). Tawheed expresses the larger Islamic unity of thought, action and value across humanity, persons, nature and God. KHULAFAH asserts that it is God who has ownership of the Earth. Humans function in a stewardship, trustee capacity, taking care of the Earth, not damaging it. The overall goal of the Islamic worldview is ADL, social justice, and it is 12 based on the larger needs of the people, istislah. To reach these goals, IBADAH, worship or contemplation is a beginning and necessary step. From deep reflection, inner and outer observation, ILM or knowledge of self, other and nature will result. One's action then are HALAL, praiseworthy and not HARAM, blameworthy. Moreover with this framework, DHIYA (waste) of individual and collective potentials is avoided as is ZULM, tyranny, the power of a few, or one, over many, or the power of a narrow ideology over the unity within plurality that the Islamic paradigm advocates. The science that emerges from applying these concepts are values based and is focused on an emotional commitment to understanding of Allah's world. For Islamic society, the underlying concerns regarding globalization are: how to protect a unique heritage in the face of global pressure; to uphold religious traditions; to preserve linguistic purity; to defend social institutions; and ultimately, to maintain a viable identity in the midst of a rapidly changing global environment. "According to Islam, complete submission to God is the first and foremost priority for all Muslims. Anything that undermines Islamic principles is considered a threat to Islam's longevity and power in the world. More importantly, we should be aware of the fact that despite the Islam-West bi-polarization, Islam is rapidly becoming a global phenomenon that transcends the boundaries that once separated the West from the rest. 13 Currently Islam is the fastest growing religion in Central Asia. After the collapse of the U.S.S.R., all five states of Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Kyrghyztan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan - made an official place for Islam as the dominant religion. In France, Islam is becoming the second most important religion numerically after Catholicism. In Britain some Muslims have been experimenting with an Islamic parliament of their own, and others are demanding state subsidies for Muslim denominational schools. In Germany it has been belatedly realized that the importation of Turkish workers in the 1970s was also an invitation to the muezzin and the minaret to establish themselves in German cities. Australia has discovered that it is a neighbor to INDONESIA. In the second half of the twentieth century both Muslim migration to the West and conversions to Islam within the West are consolidating a new human Islamic presence. In Europe as a whole, there are now 20 million Muslims, eight million of whom are in Western Europe. These figures exclude the Muslims of the Republic of Turkey, who number some 50 million. There are new mosques from Munich to Marseilles. But behind this idealism lies the current reality of an Islam that while dramatically increasing in numbers is decreasing in conceptual unity. Decreasing in its viability to create a new politics, economics and culture, that is, while muslims trust in Allah, they are not doing enough to tie their camel – to become culturally and technologically innovative. 14 The dye is set and technocracy will further create a divided world. Setting up walls against technology will be the easiest path for some Islamic nations. Far more useful would be to develop technologies based on Islamic science – that is science and technology focused on problems in poorer areas as well as science and technology that are nature-based. Conclusion: Given the intellectual bondage and political and economic subservience of the Muslim world to the West, prospects for the future, either programmed or desired, remain gloomy. There seems to be an inexplicable fatalism that continues to envelope the Ummah - the global Muslim community. Can We as muslims recover the dynamic principle of ijtihad – sustained and reasoned struggle for innovation and adjusting to change – that has been neglected and forgotten for centuries? Can Islamic civilization avoid the future being programmed by globalization and create an alternative modernity? Globalization is thus an ongoing syndrome. Globalization is not only about interplays between local, regional, national and global scales, but also about the interconnectedness, flows and uneven development in the world. It has had major impacts on the socio-political- economic and cultural realms of life by diminishing the role of state, challenging the 15 unique culture of every society, attacking the social structures, much diversity in the global society etc. THANK THE AUDIENCE FOR THEIR ATTENTIVE LISTENING. END IN PRAYER..… (ASTAGFIRU LAHU LI WA LAKUM…. MUKLISHINA LAHU AL DEEN WA LAW KAREHA AL KAFIRUN). 16