Study Guide

Air Pollution and Global Change Study Guide
 Air is a _________________of many gases including: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon
Dioxide, Water Vapor and trace other gases.
 Any change in the atmosphere that has harmful effects is called
 Any substance that causes pollution is called a _____________________
 Solid particles and gases that are released into the air are called
 Main cause of emissions is by_________________________ releasing carbon
__________________ into the air
 When certain gases in the air react with ________________ it can create a think
brownish haze called photochemical __________________
 When the smog level is high it can settle over a city creating a dirty
 Potential threats to humans are
 Major sources of smog are the _____________ emitted by vehicles
 ______________________ is another type of air pollution
 It is caused by power plants and factories that burn
__________________________and release chemicals into the air
 These gases react with ____________________________ in the atmosphere forming
acids which return to Earth’s surface in the form of ____________________________
 Acid rain affects many things in the environment including:
 The air inside buildings can be polluted too= ____________________________________
 Dust, pet hair, air fresheners, smoke and toxic fumes from
________________________________can all contribute to air pollution
 Carbon Monoxide (CO) is an indoor air pollutant that is a
_______________________________________________ gas that forms when wood, coal, oil
or gas is not completely burned
 _________________ is another colorless and odorless gas formed naturally by
certain rocks underground that is radioactive.
 _______________________ are the leading factor in creating air pollution and other
hazardous wastes on earth
 Humans contribute to deforestation
 Humans also effect the natural process on earth called
 Hazardous waste is any material that can be harmful to
_________________________________ or the environment if not properly disposed of
 Greenhouse gases trap heat in the air which aids in keep the earth a suitable
______________________________ for us to survive
 Humans add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere through everyday
activities including __________________________________________________________________
 The more greenhouse gases that are trapped in the atmosphere the more
likely it is for our overall temperature of earth to ___________ (global warming)
 _____________________________= or poisonous wastes are wastes that can damage
health of humans or other organisms
 ______________________________= wastes that react very quickly when exposed to
the air or water or that explode when they are dropped
 ______________________________= catch fire easily and can begin burning at fairly
low temperatures
 ______________________________= wastes that dissolve or eat through many
 _______________________________ = contain unstable atoms that give off radiation
that can cause cancer and other diseases
 Short term exposure to hazardous wastes may cause
______________________________ to certain body parts or more severe health
 Long term exposure may cause diseases such as ____________ and may damage
body organs including: _____________________________________________________________
 Methods of hazardous waste disposal include
 Liquid wastes can be stored in deep _______________________________________
 Most often Hazardous wastes are disposed in ________________designed landfills
 These landfills are lined with _______________________________to keep chemicals
from seeping into the soil and groundwater (which could cause serious
 The best way to manage hazardous waste is to produce _____________ of them
and educate consumers on finding ________________________ for common
household chemicals