Supplementary Information Step-by-step DFT analysis of the cooperativity in the binding of cations and anions to a tetratopic ion-pairing host Ethan N. W. Howe,a,b Graham E. Ball,a and Pall Thordarsona,b* a School of Chemistry, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. b Australian Centre for Nanomedicine and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Convergent Bio-Nano Science and Technology, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: Contents 1. Details of computational methods ........................................................................................... 2 2. Computational results summary .............................................................................................. 6 3. Coordinates of optimised geometry and frequency calculation summary using DFT at PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)............................................................................................................... 9 4. Infrared spectra from vibrational frequency calculations at PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) .............. 26 5. Summary of computed energies for ∆E calculations ............................................................. 33 6. References .............................................................................................................................. 37 1 1. Details of computational methods Software DFT calculations were performed using the Gaussian 09 software package,1 revision B.01 for geometry optimisation, revision D.01 for single point energy, frequency, and counterpoise correction calculations, running on 8-core Mac-Pro workstations and the Fujitsu cluster of the Australian National Computing Infrastructure National Facility. When necessary, preliminary energy minimisations using the MM2 force field method were performed using the ChemBioOffice Ultra 2010 Suite software package,2 ChemBio3D Ultra version 12.0, running on an Intel Quad-Core CPU at 3.50 GHz with 8 GB of RAM on a Windows 7 64-bit operating system. The molecular graphics were generated using the PyMOL Molecular Graphics System3 and Mercury4 software packages. The infrared spectra from the vibrational frequency calculations were generated using the Gabedit5 software, the infrared spectra line-shapes were convoluted using Lorentzian functions with a half-width at a half-maximum of 20 cm−1. Methodology All DFT calculations were performed using the default spin restricted closed shell wavefunctions. Calculations were performed on the free host and host‒guest complexes in vacuum unless otherwise stated and the default “fine” integration grid implemented in the Gaussian 09 software was employed throughout unless otherwise stated. Where calculations in 2 solvent are indicated, the self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) method, with the polarised continuum model (PCM)6, 7 method employing chloroform as solvent was implemented in Gaussian 09. For geometry optimisations and frequency calculations of the free host and host‒guest complexes, the hybrid PBE08 functional, PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)9, polarisation and diffuse functions11, 12 10 level of theory, with was employed for all heavy elements. All geometry optimisations were performed using the default Berny optimisation algorithm (GEDIIS)13 with the default cut-offs employed, unless otherwise stated. All optimised geometries in vacuum converged to average RMS forces on all atoms within less than 9.2 × 10−6 a.u.; optimised geometries in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment converged to average RMS forces on all atoms within less than 1.8 × 10−5 a.u. All minimum energy structures for the free host and host‒ guest complexes were calculated without any symmetry constraints and were confirmed to be minima by calculating their normal vibrations within the harmonic approximation and observing that there were no imaginary frequencies. Geometry optimisations for minimised structures that showed negative frequencies were repeated using “tight” convergence criteria with the “ultrafine” integration grid implemented in Gaussian 09; this resulted in minimised structures which were negligibly different in geometry and energy with no imaginary frequencies. See Table S1 for the computational result summary. The input starting geometry for the quantum mechanical DFT geometry optimisation of the free host (H) was performed from the X‒ray crystal structure (CCDC#994170, available from the Cambridge Structural Database). The input geometry of the H•Cl− complex was generated by taking the X‒ray crystal structure of H and docking a chloride atom at the centre of the centrosymmetric host; similarly the H•2Cl− ternary complex was created from the X‒ray crystal 3 structure of H by adding two chloride atoms each at the isophthalamide anion binding sites, in the plane of the aromatic ring. From our previously reported cation NMR binding study results,14 it was apparent that the binding towards calcium cation induced significant structural perturbation to the folded-closed conformation of macrocyclic host, resulting in two different conformations for the 1:1 and 1:2 host‒guest calcium cation complexes. As was described previously,14 the initial input coordinates for H•Ca2+ complex was constructed by docking one calcium atom at the centre of the X‒ray crystal structure of H. This structure was preliminarily minimised using the MM2 force field method with either ten dummy bonds between the calcium atom and all the oxygen atoms, or with six dummy bonds between the calcium atom and the crown-6 oxygen atoms. The dummy bonds were removed from the two MM2 minimised structures and these were then used as input geometries for DFT geometry optimisation. Both input structures were fully optimised and the latter was computed with a lower total energy. The initial structure for the H•2Ca2+ complex was taken from the X‒ray crystal structure of H•2[Ca(ClO4)2]•4H2O complex (CCDC#994171, available from the Cambridge Structural Database), and the four counter-anions and four axial water ligands were removed before performing DFT geometry optimisation. Lastly, the input coordinates for the 2Ca2+•H•2Cl− quinary complex was obtained by taking the DFT minimised structures of H•2Ca2+ and adding two chloride atoms each at the isophthalamide anion binding sites, in the plane of the aromatic ring. See Section 3.1−3.10 below for the parameters and coordinates for all fully optimised structures. 4 Single point energy calculations for all the fully optimised structures were performed with the larger basis set, with polarisation and diffuse functions for both hydrogen and heavy atoms at the PBE1PBE/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. The computed energies used in the calculation of binding energy for all host‒guest systems in vacuum were corrected for the basis set superposition error (BSSE) using the counterpoise (CP)15 method implemented in Gaussian 09. In addition, the calculated BSSE energies in vacuum were used to implement CP corrections for the calculated energies in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment. Additional single point energy calculations for optimised structures of free host, H•Cl‒ and H•Ca2+ complexes were performed with a large 6-311++G(2df,2p) basis set using the hybrid functionals PBE1PBE,8 B3LYP16 and M06,17 and the dispersion-corrected density functionals B3LYP-GD3BJ18 and ωB97X-D.19 The chloroform solvent environment was applied in these calculations using a universal continuum solvation model (SMD).20 The computed energies used in the calculation of binding energy were CP corrected using BSSE energies obtained from calculation at the PBE1PBE/6-311++G(2df,2p) level of theory. Details on the computed energies for ∆E arithmetic calculations are given in Section 4 below. 5 2. Computational results summary Table S1. Energy, dipole moment, point group and RMS gradient data of free host and host‒ guest complexes in vacuum and chloroform (PCM), computed from the geometry optimisations and frequency calculation at PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) level of theory. species in vacuum and chloroform free host (H) H•Cl − H•2Cl H•Ca − 2+ H•2Ca 2+ 2Ca2+•H•2Cl− a overall charge point group Gibbs free energya (a.u.) dipole (debye) imaginary frequencies RMS grad. norm. vacuum 0 C1 ‒2371.01814 0 0 9.14 × 10‒6 chloroform 0 C1 ‒2371.04238 0 0 5.66 × 10‒6 vacuum ‒1 C1 ‒2831.18643 0 0 4.10 × 10‒7 chloroform ‒1 C1 ‒2831.24986 1.4454 0 2.74 × 10‒6 vacuum ‒2 C1 ‒3291.27775 0.0015 0 1.99 × 10‒6 chloroform ‒2 C1 ‒3291.44096 0.2346 0 4.57 × 10‒6 vacuum 2 C1 ‒3048.07656 0.0005 0 2.39 × 10‒6 chloroform 2 C1 ‒3048.24190 2.0749 0 1.31 × 10‒5 vacuum 4 C1 ‒3724.89298 0.0021 0 3.15 × 10‒6 chloroform 4 C1 ‒3725.41894 0.0104 0 1.75 × 10‒5 vacuum 2 C1 ‒4645.75791 0.0040 0 4.04 × 10‒6 chloroform 2 C1 ‒4645.95794 1.2754 0 4.74 × 10‒6 Gibbs free energy reported in Hartrees (a.u.) from the sum of total electronic and thermal free energies, computed at 298.15 K and 1.00 atm, with zero-point and thermal correction included. 6 Table S2. Zero point vibrational energy corrections (unscaled) from frequency calculations at the PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) level of theory. Species Phase Zero point vibrational energy correction (Hartree) Zero point vibrational energy correction (kcal mol-1) vacuum 0.879827 552.10 chloroform 0.879568 551.94 vacuum 0.879147 551.67 chloroform 0.879219 551.72 vacuum 0.879274 551.75 chloroform 0.880498 552.52 vacuum 0.884898 555.28 chloroform 0.891067 559.15 vacuum 0.888628 557.62 chloroform 0.894326 561.20 vacuum 0.888590 557.60 chloroform 0.892216 559.87 Free Host H-Cl complex H-Cl2 complex H-Ca complex H-Ca2 complex H-Ca2Cl2 complex 7 Table S3. Corrections from frequency calculations (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) applied to calculating the ∆Ebinding (PBE1PBE/6-311++G(d,p)// PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)). ZPVE correction to ∆Ebinding (kcal mol-1) ∆Ebinding without ZPVE correction (kcal mol-1) ∆Ebinding plus ZPVE correction (kcal mol-1) vacuum -0.43 -37.64 -38.07 CHCl3 -0.22 -6.94 -7.16 vacuum 0.08 9.33 9.41 CHCl3 0.80 -0.27 0.53 vacuum -0.35 -28.31 -28.66 CHCl3 0.58 -7.21 -6.63 vacuum 3.18 -251.45 -248.27 CHCl3 7.22 -66.62 -59.40 vacuum 2.34 -96.71 -94.37 CHCl3 2.05 -41.54 -39.49 vacuum 5.52 -348.16 -342.64 CHCl3 9.26 -108.16 -98.90 vacuum -0.02 -418.79 -418.81 CHCl3 -1.32 -95.03 -96.35 vacuum 5.85 -738.64 -732.79 CHCl3 7.35 -195.99 -188.64 vacuum 5.50 -766.95 -761.45 CHCl3 7.94 -203.19 -195.25 host‒guest reaction H + Cl− [Cl−•H] + Cl− H + 2Cl−a H + Ca2+ [Ca2+•H] + Ca2+ H + 2Ca2+a [2Ca2+•H] + 2Cl−a [2Cl−•H] + 2Ca2+a H + 2Ca2+ + 2Cl−b a Coincidental three component binding. b Coincidental five component binding. 8 3. Coordinates of optimised geometry and frequency calculation summary using DFT at PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) 3.1 Free host in vacuum Optimisation parameters: Default cut-off, fine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒2371.809144 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.879827 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.930231 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.931175 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.791003 a.u. O O N H N H C H C C H C H C H C C C O O O C H H C H H C H H 0.261878 -1.971653 -1.307754 -1.458759 -0.462537 -0.137577 0.685405 -0.345384 0.990148 2.319758 2.548063 3.319840 4.349558 3.006743 3.773361 1.689319 -0.051185 -1.392472 -2.450927 0.339421 1.660462 -2.464061 -2.121486 -3.164754 -3.173207 -3.332539 -4.163524 -2.416142 -1.380919 -2.892869 2.526565 1.548772 2.020612 1.751164 2.326414 2.223727 0.294376 -0.035088 1.344194 1.749660 2.539469 1.155893 1.489638 0.134695 -0.331716 -0.318800 2.026788 1.446704 5.400857 6.341414 4.915407 2.509798 2.833859 1.675479 3.653524 3.381901 3.795558 4.964004 4.838984 5.722170 5.008006 0.567275 3.427907 2.457591 -0.951194 -1.902732 2.211471 2.104245 3.080761 3.215382 3.923995 2.450346 2.551044 1.557481 0.944750 1.455826 3.928177 -0.518845 4.849595 3.868423 1.703630 4.154011 5.139687 4.295238 3.430340 2.378430 3.882145 3.501843 3.159451 2.857542 C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H O O N H N H C H C -1.687700 -2.018173 -1.907271 -0.190175 0.286813 0.008537 1.701997 1.863687 2.295205 2.177726 1.852188 3.281248 2.005590 3.100867 1.568269 1.501405 1.981561 1.814067 -0.013037 -0.329023 -0.508887 -0.261878 1.971653 1.307754 1.458759 0.462537 0.137577 -0.685405 0.345384 -0.990148 6.547482 6.876780 7.353992 6.309410 7.097008 5.334408 6.004075 5.004560 6.730552 6.027186 6.965212 6.001387 4.915689 4.982132 5.799171 3.638601 2.772704 3.650841 3.489994 3.370549 4.391803 -2.526565 -1.548772 -2.020612 -1.751164 -2.326414 -2.2237270 -0.294376 0.035088 -1.344194 5.132733 6.124146 4.413075 5.178202 5.788948 5.649089 3.826381 4.259352 4.409851 2.395338 1.916465 2.379131 0.340575 0.223697 -0.158627 -0.303130 0.167712 -1.357697 -0.212794 0.824627 -0.601976 -5.008006 -0.567275 -3.427907 -2.457591 0.951194 1.902732 -2.211471 -2.104245 -3.080761 9 C H C H C H C C C O O O C H H C H H C H H 3.2 -2.319758 -2.548063 -3.319840 -4.349558 -3.006743 -3.773361 -1.689319 0.051185 1.392472 2.450927 -0.339421 -1.660462 2.464061 2.121486 3.164754 3.173207 3.332539 4.163524 2.416142 1.380919 2.892869 -1.749660 -2.539469 -1.155893 -1.489638 -0.134695 0.331716 0.318800 -2.026788 -1.446704 -5.400857 -6.341414 -4.915407 -2.509798 -2.833859 -1.675479 -3.653524 -3.381901 -3.795558 -4.964004 -4.838984 -5.722170 -3.215382 -3.923995 -2.450346 -2.551044 -1.557481 -0.944750 -1.455826 -3.928177 0.518845 -4.849595 -3.868423 -1.703630 -4.154011 -5.139687 -4.295238 -3.430340 -2.378430 -3.882145 -3.501843 -3.159451 -2.857542 C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H 1.687700 2.018173 1.907271 0.190175 -0.286813 -0.008537 -1.701997 -1.863687 -2.295205 -2.177726 -1.852188 -3.281248 -2.005590 -3.100867 -1.568269 -1.501405 -1.981561 -1.814067 0.013037 0.329023 0.508887 -6.547482 -6.876780 -7.353992 -6.309410 -7.097008 -5.334408 -6.004075 -5.004560 -6.730552 -6.027186 -6.965212 -6.001387 -4.915689 -4.982132 -5.799171 -3.638601 -2.772704 -3.650841 -3.489994 -3.370549 -4.391803 -5.132733 -6.124146 -4.413075 -5.178202 -5.788948 -5.649089 -3.826381 -4.259352 -4.409851 -2.395338 -1.916465 -2.379131 -0.340575 -0.223697 0.158627 0.303130 -0.167712 1.357697 0.212794 -0.824627 0.601976 1.449073 0.050297 -0.394395 -0.440566 1.816300 1.580186 5.266182 6.441255 5.184113 2.452126 2.645354 1.670320 2.598675 1.611798 1.005611 1.504518 3.990854 -0.569347 4.987471 3.879355 1.628792 4.086517 5.124503 4.081894 Free host in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment Optimisation parameters: Default cut-off, fine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒2371.833831 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.879568 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.929895 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.930839 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.791447 a.u. O O N H N H C H C C H C 0.004786 -1.929174 -1.451004 -1.536074 -0.370526 -0.020741 0.544904 -0.478302 0.824067 2.140033 2.352583 3.155593 2.155243 1.688271 1.948164 1.775104 2.460588 2.370077 0.145232 -0.206834 1.192829 1.641302 2.438331 1.082168 5.151874 0.496154 3.404187 2.402841 -0.972045 -1.916728 2.257224 2.151070 3.137395 3.273637 3.979926 2.502368 H C H C C C O O O C H H 4.174019 2.871175 3.655399 1.567174 -0.244183 -1.307437 -2.264944 0.372248 1.695163 -2.627470 -2.347590 -3.398306 10 C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H O O N H N H C H C C H C 3.3 -3.184076 -3.339746 -4.168514 -2.295388 -1.281534 -2.698907 -1.561383 -1.832549 -1.899411 -0.051684 0.400722 0.268987 1.765836 2.102548 2.288425 2.130952 1.669349 3.225349 1.970238 3.050077 1.446309 1.525481 2.073771 1.803339 0.026544 -0.252137 -0.532176 -0.004786 1.929174 1.451004 1.536074 0.370526 0.020741 -0.544904 0.478302 -0.824067 -2.140033 -2.352583 -3.155593 3.717819 3.542519 3.929597 4.932789 4.734803 5.782943 6.445800 6.677625 7.279548 6.332466 7.140510 5.368751 6.301367 5.344757 7.114751 6.358521 7.245376 6.458499 5.196035 5.338701 6.041331 3.883371 3.053096 3.905689 3.643315 3.495703 4.516143 -2.155243 -1.688271 -1.948164 -1.775104 -2.460588 -2.370077 -0.145232 0.206834 -1.192829 -1.641302 -2.438331 -1.082168 3.437203 2.364566 3.874100 3.608857 3.237624 3.034834 5.303542 6.339090 4.666131 5.222494 5.823156 5.648498 3.736244 4.166442 4.267453 2.274748 1.811347 2.182819 0.245665 0.076025 -0.233101 -0.367782 0.093794 -1.430937 -0.231884 0.812674 -0.600223 -5.151874 -0.496154 -3.404187 -2.402841 0.972045 1.916728 -2.257224 -2.151075 -3.137395 -3.273637 -3.979926 -2.502368 H C H C C C O O O C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H -4.174019 -2.871175 -3.655399 -1.567174 0.244183 1.307437 2.264944 -0.372248 -1.695163 2.627470 2.347590 3.398306 3.184076 3.339746 4.168514 2.295388 1.281534 2.698907 1.561383 1.832549 1.899411 0.051684 -0.400722 -0.268987 -1.765836 -2.102548 -2.288425 -2.130952 -1.669349 -3.225349 -1.970238 -3.050077 -1.446309 -1.525481 -2.073771 -1.803339 -0.026544 0.252137 0.532176 -1.449073 -0.050297 0.394395 0.440566 -1.816300 -1.580186 -5.266182 -6.441255 -5.184113 -2.452126 -2.645354 -1.670320 -3.717819 -3.542519 -3.929597 -4.932789 -4.734803 -5.782943 -6.445800 -6.677625 -7.279548 -6.332466 -7.140510 -5.368751 -6.301367 -5.344757 -7.114751 -6.358521 -7.245376 -6.458499 -5.196035 -5.338701 -6.041331 -3.883371 -3.053096 -3.905689 -3.643315 -3.495703 -4.516143 -2.598675 -1.611798 -1.005611 -1.504518 -3.990854 0.569347 -4.987471 -3.879355 -1.628792 -4.086517 -5.124503 -4.081894 -3.437203 -2.364566 -3.874100 -3.608857 -3.237624 -3.034834 -5.303542 -6.339090 -4.666131 -5.222494 -5.823156 -5.648498 -3.736244 -4.166442 -4.267453 -2.274748 -1.811347 -2.182819 -0.245665 -0.076025 0.233101 0.367782 -0.093794 1.430937 0.231884 -0.812674 0.600223 H•Cl− complex in vacuum Optimisation parameters: Tight cut-off, ultrafine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒2831.969018 a.u. 11 Zero-point correction: 0.879147 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0. 0.931911 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.932855 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.782586 a.u. Cl O O N N C C C C C C C C O O O C C C C C C C C C C O O N N C C C C C C C C O O O 0.000022 4.724399 1.647132 2.972998 1.561344 1.277840 2.643730 3.176059 2.344057 0.980430 0.437404 3.551113 1.023987 6.295240 7.170416 4.867102 3.523828 3.968596 5.242270 7.536241 7.541686 6.769591 6.117911 4.242147 2.864830 2.897470 -4.724357 -1.647094 -2.972954 -1.561303 -1.277799 -2.643689 -3.176019 -2.344018 -0.980392 -0.437364 -3.551071 -1.023947 -6.295195 -7.170375 -4.867061 -0.000002 -2.574853 5.097015 -1.173828 2.897271 -3.124990 -3.045883 -3.814816 -4.636789 -4.713149 -3.944327 -2.237337 4.042456 0.460669 0.350912 0.979410 -0.539911 0.908576 1.038395 0.391360 -0.459829 -0.363084 0.600681 2.001553 2.261519 2.802853 2.574844 -5.097018 1.173820 -2.897275 3.124984 3.045876 3.814808 4.636782 4.713144 3.944322 2.237329 -4.042460 -0.460679 -0.350917 -0.979410 0.000032 1.084184 0.267451 1.514870 -0.352097 0.295114 0.025557 -1.011412 -1.768801 -1.488033 -0.457972 0.904655 0.127726 2.450589 -0.564125 -2.159331 2.696601 2.503594 1.695191 1.793615 0.533954 -1.705222 -2.668518 -2.901136 -2.322602 -0.893566 -1.084123 -0.267388 -1.514808 0.352162 -0.295051 -0.025494 1.011474 1.768863 1.488096 0.458035 -0.904593 -0.127662 -2.450531 0.564183 2.159391 C C C C C C C C C C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H -3.523784 -3.968552 -5.242226 -7.536198 -7.541644 -6.769550 -6.117870 -4.242105 -2.864788 -2.897429 2.066310 1.032120 0.863502 4.245517 2.763031 0.324859 4.374756 2.757968 3.168912 4.129464 5.132614 5.471714 8.222523 7.901175 8.552516 6.837971 6.051701 7.638401 6.768864 6.001521 4.153263 4.861412 2.293569 2.338694 3.510255 3.337637 -2.066266 -1.032078 -0.863460 -4.245477 -2.762994 0.539903 -0.908584 -1.038404 -0.391369 0.459822 0.363083 -0.600679 -2.001550 -2.261517 -2.802856 -0.851742 2.024140 -2.571167 -3.771202 -5.231430 -5.370349 -1.145581 -0.576955 1.483667 1.356548 0.534160 2.097313 -0.045378 1.401596 -0.873029 -1.296477 -1.153004 -0.839799 1.481932 0.114258 1.698221 2.916412 1.324469 2.976127 2.141621 3.804479 0.851735 -2.024144 2.571162 3.771194 5.231422 -2.696539 -2.503532 -1.695130 -1.793558 -0.533898 1.705278 2.668577 2.901199 2.322665 0.893630 1.174373 -0.263419 1.129917 -1.199674 -2.577552 -2.053381 3.020035 3.483629 2.019156 3.493593 0.727997 1.489968 2.527760 1.537584 0.366461 0.661090 -1.435491 -2.194127 -2.798763 -3.653725 -3.959327 -2.870630 -2.341268 -2.969572 -0.271311 -0.855270 -1.174311 0.263484 -1.129854 1.199735 2.577614 12 H H H H H H H H H H H 3.4 -0.324821 -4.374712 -2.757923 -3.168868 -4.129418 -5.132572 -5.471670 -8.222479 -7.901131 -8.552474 -6.837929 5.370344 1.145573 0.576947 -1.483675 -1.356557 -0.534168 -2.097321 0.045367 -1.401605 0.873022 1.296470 2.053444 -3.019974 -3.483566 -2.019093 -3.493531 -0.727937 -1.489907 -2.527705 -1.537525 -0.366407 -0.661036 H H H H H H H H H H -6.051660 -7.638360 -6.768822 -6.001481 -4.153221 -4.861370 -2.293528 -2.338652 -3.510214 -3.337595 1.153003 0.839798 -1.481931 -0.114255 -1.698215 -2.916409 -1.324467 -2.976123 -2.141625 -3.804481 1.435546 2.194182 2.798823 3.653783 3.959389 2.870696 2.341328 2.969637 0.271374 0.855338 0.924687 2.415792 2.605847 2.600755 3.753965 -4.886911 2.006530 -2.803388 3.482994 3.610886 4.293370 4.827574 4.710004 4.027168 3.125499 -3.896552 0.799861 -0.607389 -1.976063 1.581544 0.159241 -0.025588 2.591933 2.634923 2.087514 0.559492 0.931884 1.141780 1.411150 0.230225 -0.014729 -0.266112 -1.409046 -2.290752 -2.024891 -0.886696 0.732762 0.804282 2.105216 -0.518387 -1.995101 2.628758 2.578165 1.651956 H•Cl− complex in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment Optimisation parameters: Tight cut-off, ultrafine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒2832.034348 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.879219 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.931923 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.932867 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.784491 a.u. Cl O O N N C C C C C C C C O O O C C C C C C 0.075962 -4.375439 -2.248338 -2.861612 -1.866573 -1.060019 -2.449753 -3.029055 -2.222061 -0.835007 -0.246620 -3.324173 -1.480808 -6.279571 -7.225422 -5.149540 -3.416116 -3.987996 -5.246232 -7.545985 -7.616071 -7.032745 0.077401 -3.293571 4.870276 -1.612292 2.810544 -3.246713 -3.278762 -3.927004 -4.523988 -4.506470 -3.859126 -2.724040 3.942736 -0.309315 0.243012 1.179249 -1.095297 0.316574 0.418209 -0.217175 -0.766160 -0.211120 -0.012601 -1.246855 -0.859711 -1.550384 0.048859 0.030442 0.148529 1.242191 2.208156 2.073620 0.985169 -0.935411 -0.574359 -2.482701 0.453091 2.179198 -2.788267 -2.677658 -1.839447 -1.869217 -0.454270 1.771564 C C C C O O N N C C C C C C C C O O O C C C -6.470898 -4.643168 -3.241844 -3.204533 4.343750 1.901717 2.956191 1.780553 0.926656 2.292827 2.716969 1.779902 0.416666 -0.017069 3.299336 1.240600 6.416085 7.349051 5.316468 3.620776 4.170023 5.355067 13 C C C C C C C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 3.5 7.684214 7.787649 7.235851 6.665984 4.792389 3.344033 3.165051 -2.035440 -1.213725 -0.604684 -4.112014 -2.676662 -0.199172 -4.194059 -2.623147 -3.230334 -4.203637 -5.070257 -5.547626 -8.217511 -7.893564 -8.647002 -6.956622 -6.333106 -7.987296 -7.096933 -6.498577 -4.628057 -5.302391 -2.589263 0.505663 0.606170 -0.573865 -1.891498 -3.285467 -3.262959 -2.751558 -1.155245 2.023931 -2.782794 -3.965768 -5.017862 -4.997074 -1.793135 -1.102013 0.991695 0.677402 0.023951 1.472407 -0.795649 0.829557 -1.091262 -1.644671 -1.061786 -0.545020 1.820003 0.657595 2.440181 3.232371 1.812725 1.564268 0.052573 -1.921082 -2.386606 -2.066019 -1.621323 -0.191033 -1.168996 0.096335 -0.838873 1.321768 3.063143 2.805638 -3.106139 -3.547342 -2.258066 -3.691936 -0.830113 -1.730157 -2.511616 -1.859340 -0.234031 -0.369203 1.787425 2.212090 2.448927 3.661447 3.737276 2.293500 2.474029 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H -2.849741 -3.582015 -3.840797 2.130175 1.207070 0.590351 3.781640 2.113602 -0.320223 4.429010 2.904653 3.375679 4.467624 5.085839 5.672707 8.364703 8.005339 8.836517 7.179563 6.576276 8.223479 7.247195 6.756172 4.866786 5.383773 2.759960 2.945794 3.503494 3.762064 3.560936 1.643501 3.394548 1.493119 -1.965909 2.997172 4.408492 5.349534 5.148809 2.292431 1.658556 -0.536562 -0.124322 0.234771 -1.078771 1.232907 -0.504871 0.798342 1.450978 0.250666 -0.417574 -2.714126 -1.967152 -3.671376 -3.954480 -2.636411 -4.283154 -1.714964 -3.353329 2.459987 0.189248 0.156501 1.111088 0.103966 0.895681 -1.592268 -3.183914 -2.692166 2.814386 3.458100 2.276212 3.596242 0.619088 1.651956 2.018583 1.868126 -0.230976 -0.308945 -2.235028 -2.386835 -1.940266 -3.482965 -3.096333 -1.417624 -2.307236 -1.690855 -0.120710 0.502862 0.622490 2.741839 3.088747 -0.639342 1.706228 0.615373 H•2Cl− complex in vacuum Optimisation parameters: Default cut-off, fine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒3292.055592 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.879274 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.934364 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.935308 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.777840 a.u. Cl Cl O -3.593507 3.593488 -0.895339 3.241643 -3.241986 3.441119 2.412894 -2.412969 -2.358304 O O O -7.224022 2.567350 5.282575 14 O N H N H C H C H C C H C C H C C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C 6.845160 -1.420759 -2.168397 -5.944989 -5.178294 -4.900160 -2.911659 -5.750226 -6.768366 -5.298127 -3.983368 -3.618164 -3.131525 -3.596168 -5.255959 -1.713125 -0.089547 0.020425 0.626411 0.155391 -0.714837 0.228600 1.381031 1.365081 1.374339 3.707053 3.618658 3.809516 4.962883 5.778696 4.849485 6.626251 6.905494 7.287460 6.823937 6.041863 7.800192 5.612778 4.883321 5.191916 5.873009 6.399514 4.916487 6.704065 7.031348 7.589056 -6.243017 2.117034 3.265862 3.248007 1.452751 2.078409 2.753325 3.548038 2.158510 1.878479 1.901861 2.224035 1.990259 2.836286 3.092634 2.953370 3.211994 3.521730 4.590513 3.297356 2.678909 2.777106 1.619089 3.080125 4.167445 2.566676 3.103070 2.739552 4.202567 2.500249 2.681623 1.411211 2.852801 1.798753 3.470360 3.218008 3.940329 3.698463 1.419087 2.044833 1.211892 0.124335 0.3546450 -0.343011 -0.876316 -1.690323 -0.394212 1.266697 -2.101497 -0.146785 0.555270 1.059522 1.345699 -3.447656 -3.802920 -2.517846 -2.775404 -1.221185 -0.880148 0.114505 -1.800618 -3.092226 -4.456664 -1.462432 0.358303 0.605371 -0.436154 1.607906 2.271831 1.335176 2.397164 2.599117 3.374330 2.435238 3.476047 2.474134 1.854248 2.577194 1.746275 0.241461 0.393637 0.877437 -1.225696 -1.515593 -1.358314 -2.212024 -2.751196 -1.218898 -2.954314 -3.891129 -3.221301 -2.146997 -2.807012 -1.723017 -0.240602 O O O O O N H N H C H C H C C H C C H C C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H 0.895691 7.223604 -2.567309 -5.282425 -6.845206 1.420958 2.168569 5.944548 5.178080 4.900659 2.912358 5.750467 6.768607 5.298103 3.983340 3.617926 3.131763 3.596665 5.256667 1.713385 0.089747 -0.020120 -0.626200 -0.155338 0.714797 -0.228473 -1.381119 -1.365322 -1.374491 -3.707151 -3.618877 -3.809724 -4.962845 -5.778751 -4.849359 -6.626050 -6.905297 -7.287349 -6.823566 -6.041184 -7.799614 -5.613015 -4.883506 -5.192022 -5.873727 -6.400464 -4.917390 -3.442009 -0.621912 -2.741971 -3.088513 -2.116378 -3.266464 -3.248556 -1.452284 -2.078255 -2.753993 -3.549158 -2.158780 -1.878656 -1.901860 -2.224151 -1.990147 -2.836814 -3.093433 -2.954245 -3.212673 -3.522368 -4.591112 -3.298221 -2.679304 -2.777362 -1.619539 -3.080285 -4.167584 -2.566723 -3.103038 -2.739462 -4.202523 -2.500108 -2.681474 -1.411072 -2.852499 -1.798471 -3.470118 -3.217518 -3.939454 -3.698359 -1.418089 -2.043449 -1.211157 -0.123118 -0.353236 0.344541 2.358093 0.638831 -1.705940 -0.614715 2.102158 0.146552 -0.555548 -1.059971 -1.346087 3.447052 3.802432 2.517256 2.774715 1.220741 0.879851 -0.114668 1.800290 3.091749 4.455944 1.462185 -0.358510 -0.605796 0.436023 -1.607917 -2.271985 -1.334948 -2.397080 -2.599163 -3.374187 -2.434815 -3.475616 -2.473769 -1.853666 -2.576510 -1.745780 -0.240663 -0.392957 -0.876480 1.226575 1.516586 1.359324 2.212682 2.752229 1.219552 2.954430 3.891162 3.221542 15 C H 3.6 -6.704776 -7.032590 0.877008 1.691143 2.146485 2.806089 H C -7.589466 6.242721 0.394519 -1.266328 1.722317 0.240132 -2.963041 -2.775036 -4.054488 -2.303634 -2.665485 -1.212106 -2.245390 -1.210958 -2.907888 -2.347027 -3.170535 -2.581372 -0.776747 -1.513771 -0.770321 0.600025 0.596403 0.813965 1.716065 2.633842 1.441687 -1.763095 2.526158 1.197505 2.558768 2.602781 1.072353 2.941321 3.201163 2.005944 2.556706 2.229432 3.316279 2.080036 1.696070 2.295694 1.818427 -0.119293 0.182316 0.336611 -1.634266 -1.980173 -1.920535 -2.294170 -2.862286 -1.265411 -2.918133 -3.884230 -3.124871 -2.042026 -2.633266 -1.666328 -0.406514 2.596923 0.704881 -1.595559 -0.345838 2.260839 0.434410 -0.205849 -0.903767 -1.102021 H•2Cl− complex in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment Optimisation parameters: Default cut-off, fine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒3292.224252 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.880498 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.935134 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.936078 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.783296 a.u. Cl Cl O O O O O N H N H C H C H C C H C C H C C H H C H H C H H 2.728562 -2.763270 -0.106828 6.673960 -3.386164 -5.975840 -7.034456 0.496136 1.257541 5.294792 4.444848 3.956237 1.855672 4.913502 5.964443 4.532098 3.181790 2.873569 2.219425 2.614000 4.258059 0.764477 -0.844442 -1.065132 -1.544324 -0.983939 -0.103233 -1.000982 -2.205299 -2.202605 -2.184699 -3.889185 3.929289 -2.534219 -1.267547 -2.448090 -2.627409 -1.150942 -2.920747 -3.170515 -2.057696 -2.585753 -2.610441 -2.959804 -2.297327 -2.213089 -2.085480 -2.170847 -1.952553 -2.506509 -2.716296 -2.778224 -2.651572 -3.092614 -4.166787 -2.681661 -2.414003 -2.655615 -1.323845 -2.866461 -3.966669 -2.448472 1.974524 -1.926530 -2.550925 -0.761449 1.606156 0.336775 -2.317131 -0.387253 0.248402 0.873033 1.090235 -3.705598 -4.087692 -2.743670 -3.006278 -1.416071 -1.071009 -0.053965 -2.025171 -3.349024 -4.736563 -1.680096 0.132560 0.231487 -0.597857 1.493316 2.103068 1.371401 2.262755 2.357321 3.282678 C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C O O O O O N H N H -4.537296 -4.497735 -4.594041 -5.783429 -6.636756 -5.722705 -7.260308 -7.482457 -8.016657 -7.339251 -6.693122 -8.370120 -5.663998 -5.074415 -5.280452 -5.548616 -6.071008 -4.492243 -6.123220 -6.223157 -7.112518 5.595206 0.064783 -6.675121 3.364224 5.993996 7.123342 -0.515019 -1.269244 -5.275610 -4.435107 16 C H C H C C H C C H C C H H C H H C H H C 3.7 -4.019074 -1.928443 -4.958173 -6.012235 -4.554174 -3.199531 -2.872218 -2.255785 -2.672538 -4.338448 -0.798644 0.835315 1.093449 1.516635 0.958337 0.098189 0.914844 2.207624 2.263268 2.169434 4.536735 2.565228 2.935550 2.245016 2.149787 2.039751 2.139809 1.926880 2.483954 2.685853 2.727446 2.648612 3.138773 4.208788 2.616512 2.633509 2.996966 1.537297 3.112486 4.214799 2.822925 3.038395 3.696810 4.112567 2.719250 2.965257 1.397346 1.073700 0.061517 2.043239 3.361483 4.723386 1.718924 -0.052052 -0.011143 0.623222 -1.486068 -2.064122 -1.503319 -2.192043 -2.153713 -3.255349 -2.207013 H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C 4.481673 4.646910 5.754423 6.613368 5.632886 7.281651 7.461634 8.040775 7.417588 6.793500 8.460468 5.750061 5.181138 5.340538 5.637115 6.186175 4.584757 6.173679 6.275618 7.156902 -5.596458 2.887811 4.120593 2.306200 2.629204 1.221127 2.178401 1.139406 2.819878 2.269462 3.097973 2.489939 0.709661 1.448434 0.712788 -0.669556 -0.677366 -0.872643 -1.787283 -2.710316 -1.524558 1.706717 -3.299140 -2.023769 -1.704388 -2.317578 -1.838885 0.063306 -0.250589 -0.416998 1.575056 1.948303 1.826243 2.271110 2.857744 1.252260 2.889673 3.840739 3.124457 1.992353 2.575081 1.593336 0.369493 2.280788 2.503501 -2.460214 -3.159142 1.079822 0.595600 -1.621156 -3.041403 -2.183702 3.007193 -2.043964 1.442376 -0.258625 -0.520335 -0.322404 -1.531803 -0.653262 0.324883 0.070117 -2.319642 -1.940534 -1.749884 0.103231 0.761098 H•Ca2+ complex in vacuum Optimisation parameters: Default cut-off, fine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒-3048.873401 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.884898 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.935823 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.936767 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.796840 a.u. Ca H O O O H H H H C C C -0.000008 -2.854037 7.820990 -0.108249 -4.162924 3.269844 2.178860 4.438722 -3.420351 -6.520649 -7.166913 -6.690904 0.000059 3.841826 0.563383 0.493722 2.246197 3.409724 2.075959 1.089023 0.856597 2.601806 1.705306 -0.441568 0.000101 1.096631 0.897541 -2.415075 1.267834 -1.980780 -4.354838 -1.016880 -2.299310 1.697319 0.649056 -0.451276 H C C C O N C C C N O C -7.401412 2.235179 -3.458950 -3.529541 -2.164720 -6.290610 -4.502693 -4.672681 -5.704477 2.369167 -1.144967 5.609301 17 N O C N C C H C O C C H H C H H O H H H C H C C H H H C H H H H C C C H C H H H 3.8 6.290440 -7.820816 6.690955 -2.369015 3.459030 4.672811 -5.305263 -5.609221 1.145001 -1.369485 -5.203985 0.354232 -6.595396 4.502753 -7.218384 -2.480852 4.162622 -6.370972 -4.924288 -4.438696 -2.235092 -2.178697 -2.493969 3.529655 0.465183 -3.321322 1.878433 1.282212 -2.160815 0.894793 6.595529 -1.387089 -1.238011 -1.014912 1.369540 5.292695 1.238159 1.561869 1.624319 -1.624105 -0.595792 -0.563424 0.441435 -3.007343 2.460105 3.041202 0.746490 -1.442529 2.044069 0.881006 3.236932 3.166061 -2.067872 1.621043 3.416747 -0.556813 -2.245982 2.048390 4.021808 -1.089133 -2.503540 -2.076176 2.472064 3.158984 2.363441 2.718121 0.312348 3.155738 2.304900 -0.021087 2.067666 -4.138270 -2.079507 -0.657135 -0.880958 -3.698214 2.079363 -0.340148 -3.086056 3.086144 -0.324721 -0.897922 0.451233 1.750028 0.322595 2.319832 0.499577 -0.760981 -0.103014 -2.959099 1.284505 -2.127896 -2.552073 -0.069967 1.923634 -1.801559 -1.268086 2.633122 2.000643 1.017029 0.520520 4.355005 -0.500643 1.532021 -4.513465 -1.177115 -2.715430 -2.704954 1.618748 -4.149838 2.552188 3.175205 3.789157 3.295046 2.959252 -0.289223 -3.789014 3.896258 0.769800 -0.769489 H H C C H H H C H H H H C H C H H C C H H H H O H C H C H O C H H H H H H H C -0.354060 -0.464999 6.520271 -1.282029 -1.878419 2.480820 1.369864 2.436381 -0.894802 2.853935 3.321587 3.420395 2.494065 2.160442 2.894010 4.923875 6.370433 5.203688 7.166692 7.401317 7.217980 -3.269652 5.305064 2.164735 1.387334 -2.894191 2.713196 5.704598 -2.713065 0.108276 1.014956 8.116522 -4.755807 -1.561819 -5.292820 4.755960 -8.116796 -1.369760 -2.436361 -3.166117 -2.363559 -2.601365 -3.155856 -0.312516 0.556935 -1.956344 -0.526287 0.020958 -3.841737 -2.717849 -0.856442 -2.471902 -2.304929 -2.755180 -4.021254 -2.047510 -3.236706 -1.705347 -2.281242 -3.416190 -3.409971 -0.746592 -1.079683 4.138134 2.755288 3.807925 2.183511 -3.808079 -0.493720 0.657021 -1.306654 -3.615348 0.340189 3.697972 3.615111 1.306787 1.956390 0.526403 2.127991 4.513581 -1.698125 2.705070 2.715621 1.801726 3.175361 1.945753 4.150037 -1.096507 1.177050 2.299417 0.500742 -1.618607 -0.934141 -2.001851 -2.633644 -1.285397 -0.649536 0.257847 -1.924941 1.980910 -0.499280 0.653391 -3.175113 0.934170 1.839027 1.940671 -1.838771 2.415257 -3.294866 -1.018926 -3.238324 -3.896100 0.288098 3.238534 1.018493 -3.175224 -1.945615 H•Ca2+ complex in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment Optimisation parameters: Tight cut-off, ultrafine integration grid Spin: Singlet 18 Energy: ‒3049.05175263 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.891067 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.939995 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.940939 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.809858 a.u. Ca H O O O H H H H C C C H C C C O N C C C N O C N O C N C C H C O C C H H C H 0.024800 2.886266 -7.959324 0.169721 4.215637 -3.350633 -2.149422 -4.438233 3.477717 6.580061 7.192255 6.681850 7.406558 -2.394094 3.415313 3.442215 2.262119 6.301027 4.488119 4.567915 5.630015 -2.458088 1.115831 -5.776018 -6.265119 7.826343 -6.773613 2.365549 -3.670647 -5.065874 5.317192 5.581589 -1.337376 1.416540 5.251497 -0.423304 6.499585 -4.616643 7.287811 -0.113547 -3.644271 -0.336979 -0.772292 -2.055874 -3.549394 -2.365639 -0.930873 -1.138583 -2.371646 -1.590949 0.466476 -2.266805 -2.549526 2.412980 3.009691 -1.139473 -0.531347 1.635987 2.852328 2.053829 -3.153996 2.007777 -1.307068 0.823452 0.590807 -0.239687 3.069368 -2.444542 -3.049000 -0.675132 1.415683 -2.060464 -1.218858 -3.041443 -3.351662 1.904411 -1.505818 -3.158599 0.027422 1.512660 0.635095 -2.359999 1.501600 -1.903878 -4.243122 -0.994698 -2.279056 1.875953 0.719529 -0.535731 -0.121438 -0.449338 -0.508471 -1.771993 -0.590782 0.289000 -0.075378 -2.577266 -2.155247 -1.634691 -0.021909 0.663158 -0.338401 -0.971515 0.317175 1.549592 0.318065 2.185847 0.489346 -0.914517 0.005151 -2.887039 1.568831 -1.894794 -2.788720 -0.089252 2.161546 H O H H H C H C C H H H C H H H H C C C H C H H H H H C C H H H C H H H H C H 2.556225 -4.015300 6.458699 5.001035 4.457111 2.204418 2.328141 2.597827 -3.883055 -0.437876 3.451562 -1.807305 -1.321971 2.202310 -0.803920 -6.925851 1.414463 1.357465 1.146347 -1.264848 -5.054761 -1.220075 -1.372105 -1.546937 1.748442 0.363734 0.613391 -6.317925 1.315350 1.974686 -2.397829 -1.305228 -2.370267 1.108361 -2.585749 -3.275618 -3.342348 -2.422510 -1.999855 0.337659 2.314106 -1.721522 -3.760902 1.185990 2.495811 2.223760 -2.498501 -3.209540 -2.713047 -2.810094 -0.524569 -3.372659 -2.035609 -0.299051 -1.960335 4.229925 2.187823 0.753476 0.881806 3.801031 -2.365800 0.336144 2.963961 -3.156190 3.191168 2.467847 2.858529 3.228830 0.431473 -0.614847 1.956350 0.472485 0.081903 3.790519 2.660587 0.801605 2.389419 2.197987 -1.936962 -1.231454 2.751719 2.360721 0.913872 0.356834 4.168616 -0.272506 1.467306 -4.345234 -0.886369 -2.678603 -2.516127 1.787047 -4.120639 2.348886 2.969865 3.657951 3.199549 3.029323 -0.209235 -3.659818 3.976347 0.949822 -0.500483 2.008072 4.412927 -1.696311 2.541652 2.558112 1.966340 3.244899 2.078610 4.067080 -0.981761 1.257676 2.465247 0.623209 -1.475551 19 C H H C C H H H H O H C H 3.9 -2.720376 -4.618810 -6.178112 -4.971682 -7.058917 -7.298794 -6.950113 3.270971 -5.261291 -2.162158 -1.416250 2.943148 -3.139541 2.711691 4.173951 2.319234 3.378485 1.983806 2.564439 3.726650 3.476349 0.925499 0.986478 -4.381303 -2.593260 -3.935157 -0.825826 -1.893806 -2.641810 -1.222788 -0.693397 0.209489 -1.916390 1.749841 -0.442836 0.761441 -2.927371 1.198601 1.786713 C H O C H H H H H H H C -6.006891 2.599205 -0.027959 -0.954895 -8.010208 4.610491 1.587946 5.309746 -5.250067 8.145943 1.414219 2.506457 -2.102141 3.605520 0.552975 -0.929693 1.642779 3.341791 -0.781296 -3.591084 -3.660012 -1.146862 -2.311142 -0.754411 1.787726 -2.111670 2.403679 -3.234962 -1.113168 -3.546048 -3.879763 0.616531 3.064875 1.021025 -2.986863 -1.946084 -3.495759 -4.311594 -3.635355 -1.428280 -1.428361 -2.236758 2.236784 -3.402941 -3.402756 -2.169925 -2.428034 -2.169880 -1.694075 -1.484658 -1.694136 -2.313899 -2.313902 -3.635787 -4.311786 -3.495710 -0.491433 0.603935 1.280571 -0.446148 -0.446180 -0.023090 0.023470 0.411633 0.412062 -1.046975 -0.395696 -1.047007 -2.361873 -3.025121 -2.361843 -0.339872 -0.339740 1.279675 0.602353 -0.493185 H•2Ca2+ complex in vacuum Optimisation parameters: Default cut-off, fine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒3725.691980 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.888628 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.940704 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.941648 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.798997 a.u. Ca Ca O O O O N N C C C C C C C C C C C O -5.187013 5.187069 -3.396284 3.395960 -6.230450 -6.230316 -2.702358 2.702533 1.211955 -0.000053 -1.212160 -1.205441 -0.000239 1.205057 -2.520458 2.520336 -3.854744 -5.044686 -5.708966 -7.612401 -0.000013 0.000071 1.428472 1.428181 2.236668 -2.236680 3.402658 3.402948 2.169906 2.428096 2.169976 1.694182 1.484685 1.694093 2.313927 2.313871 3.635180 4.311486 3.495792 -0.000030 -0.000007 0.000109 0.446414 0.446340 0.021416 -0.021271 -0.412196 -0.411336 1.047210 0.395846 1.047061 2.361931 3.025263 2.362070 0.339804 0.340092 -1.280672 -0.604075 0.491382 -0.000289 C C C O O O O N N C C C C C C C C C C C -5.708907 -5.044658 -3.854695 3.396117 -3.396136 6.230348 6.230455 2.702527 -2.702337 -1.212060 0.000018 1.212061 1.205222 -0.000040 -1.205278 2.520426 -2.520374 3.855172 5.044883 5.708554 20 O C C C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 7.612335 5.708593 5.044902 3.855175 -2.006753 2.007029 0.000036 -2.146545 -0.000311 2.146084 -4.145536 -3.506129 -4.731910 -5.774455 -5.001286 -6.527072 -5.001200 -6.527031 -5.774431 -4.731920 -4.145471 -3.506044 2.006996 -2.006750 0.000045 2.146275 -0.000060 -2.146353 4.146080 3.506844 4.731992 5.775032 -0.000033 3.495745 4.311756 3.635735 4.135273 4.135646 2.747002 1.503432 1.151329 1.503259 2.670560 4.256008 5.268839 4.562431 3.243249 4.063192 -3.243146 -4.063057 -4.562561 -5.268926 -2.670777 -4.256268 -4.135610 -4.135382 -2.746934 -1.503279 -1.151326 -1.503390 -2.671331 -4.256963 -5.269037 -4.562903 -0.000567 0.493459 -0.602124 -1.279400 -0.352811 -0.351718 -0.645191 2.869752 4.058984 2.870007 -1.708914 -2.110733 -0.168025 -1.384569 1.284630 0.948807 -1.284640 -0.948953 1.384419 0.167809 1.708901 2.110552 0.352018 0.352568 0.645344 -2.869773 -4.058850 -2.869719 1.708202 2.109596 0.166158 1.382433 H H H H H H H H C C C C C C C C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 5.000420 6.526384 5.000459 6.526394 5.775043 4.732024 4.146059 3.506847 8.388326 7.520494 -7.520514 -8.388369 -8.388321 -7.520504 8.388282 7.520677 8.691888 9.284279 7.988654 7.393707 -7.988569 -7.393713 -9.284435 -8.691744 -9.284474 -8.691553 -7.393902 -7.988470 8.691260 9.284586 7.394357 7.988681 -3.242861 -4.062954 3.242897 4.063041 4.562835 5.269035 2.671257 4.256877 1.207773 2.292410 2.291718 1.207776 -1.207874 -2.291666 -1.207879 -2.292201 1.443567 1.073829 3.269572 2.147381 3.269115 2.145427 1.073233 1.444640 -1.073250 -1.444932 -2.145140 -3.269126 -1.444082 -1.073727 -2.146633 -3.269483 -1.285929 -0.951298 1.286208 0.951561 -1.382226 -0.165983 -1.707886 -2.109346 -0.015523 -0.608278 -0.610335 -0.016355 0.015891 0.610228 0.014441 0.608087 1.011261 -0.632787 -0.448806 -1.688519 -0.452019 -1.690402 -0.633325 1.010240 0.632717 -1.010699 1.690285 0.452051 -1.012421 0.631147 1.688310 0.448908 -0.000719 0.001712 3.10 H•2Ca2+ complex in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment Optimisation parameters: Tight cut-off, ultrafine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒3726.232317 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.894326 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.944277 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.945222 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.813380 a.u. Ca 5.133634 -0.000715 0.001699 Ca -5.133632 21 O O O O N N C C C C C C C C C C C O C C C O O O O N N C C C C C C C C C C C O C C C H H H H H 3.373352 -3.373355 6.230442 6.232574 2.743611 -2.743615 -1.208302 -0.000002 1.208297 1.203489 -0.000004 -1.203496 2.521677 -2.521682 3.951171 5.109400 5.660653 7.583887 5.662980 5.108243 3.948470 -3.374236 3.374240 -6.232575 -6.230442 -2.742151 2.742154 1.208349 0.000002 -1.208344 -1.203530 0.000003 1.203536 -2.521542 2.521545 -3.948469 -5.108242 -5.662978 -7.583886 -5.660655 -5.109404 -3.951172 2.057007 -2.057013 -0.000002 2.147111 -0.000004 1.502835 1.502833 2.264889 -2.264737 3.498211 3.498211 2.267019 2.552597 2.267019 1.742016 1.508304 1.742017 2.405276 2.405276 3.707571 4.338414 3.524384 0.000412 -3.524039 -4.338225 -3.707680 -1.504058 -1.504054 -2.264738 2.264889 -3.498347 -3.498343 -2.266376 -2.552287 -2.266379 -1.740398 -1.506136 -1.740396 -2.405563 -2.405559 -3.707682 -4.338225 -3.524040 0.000414 3.524386 4.338414 3.707571 4.240972 4.240973 2.916988 1.521041 1.125254 -0.314117 -0.314112 -0.230373 0.229565 0.530668 0.530670 -0.895487 -0.253287 -0.895487 -2.191097 -2.847607 -2.191097 -0.202174 -0.202171 1.321090 0.549425 -0.611163 -0.013228 0.611594 -0.547275 -1.316840 0.320876 0.320872 0.229574 -0.230366 -0.524533 -0.524538 0.902377 0.260404 0.902379 2.197590 2.853867 2.197588 0.208921 0.208918 -1.316834 -0.547268 0.611601 -0.013262 -0.611154 0.549436 1.321097 0.505406 0.505405 0.771255 -2.681005 -3.863587 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H C C C C C C C C H H H H H H H H -2.147118 4.243972 3.675924 4.791242 5.910065 4.877160 6.428873 4.881592 6.432389 5.906955 4.790519 4.240109 3.671869 -2.054987 2.054990 0.000002 -2.147152 0.000003 2.147158 -4.240106 -3.671870 -4.790517 -5.906954 -4.881590 -6.432386 -4.877162 -6.428877 -5.910069 -4.791248 -4.243973 -3.675923 -8.358776 -7.501548 7.501545 8.358775 8.358926 7.499158 -8.358923 -7.499155 -8.679231 -9.244878 -7.998285 -7.360255 7.998285 7.360247 9.244876 8.679232 1.521042 2.744729 4.359449 5.308217 4.557139 3.281363 4.104993 -3.280553 -4.105068 -4.558242 -5.307514 -2.744946 -4.359880 -4.240595 -4.240592 -2.917311 -1.519204 -1.122296 -1.519200 -2.744948 -4.359883 -5.307515 -4.558244 -3.280553 -4.105069 3.281368 4.104995 4.557133 5.308219 2.744728 4.359447 1.198915 2.340486 2.340491 1.198914 -1.197519 -2.342191 -1.197518 -2.342195 1.357519 1.108177 3.289680 2.280587 3.289681 2.280604 1.108187 1.357505 -2.681003 1.749444 2.154341 0.145817 1.267492 -1.332452 -1.136901 1.334978 1.135125 -1.267074 -0.142090 -1.746254 -2.149383 -0.499239 -0.499241 -0.763909 2.687401 3.869548 2.687397 -1.746246 -2.149377 -0.142081 -1.267066 1.334984 1.135133 -1.332444 -1.136891 1.267504 0.145831 1.749451 2.154348 -0.076175 0.417035 0.417035 -0.076158 0.054307 -0.426423 0.054289 -0.426423 -1.112919 0.563274 0.186256 1.504108 0.186247 1.504108 0.563294 -1.112903 22 H H H H 9.241762 8.684624 7.350481 7.998594 -1.111518 -1.349246 -2.288343 -3.289527 -0.590294 1.090496 -1.512786 -0.193701 H H H H -8.684625 -9.241758 -7.350471 -7.998595 -1.349230 -1.111527 -2.288359 -3.289527 1.090480 -0.590316 -1.512785 -0.193692 -2.770222 -2.770262 -1.498883 -1.734516 -1.498957 -0.970499 -0.710459 -0.970413 -1.785200 -1.785120 -3.036771 -3.960178 -3.417157 0.000228 3.417260 3.960060 3.036364 1.210228 2.344910 2.344533 1.209616 -1.210124 -2.345025 -1.209560 -2.344459 3.332824 3.332325 2.095988 0.775581 -0.008586 -0.008743 1.600232 0.953088 1.600398 2.894315 3.535423 2.894144 0.882190 0.881902 -0.981794 -0.512870 0.601918 -0.000218 -0.601563 0.513450 0.982542 -0.085391 0.389057 0.389056 -0.084797 0.085150 -0.388659 0.084138 -0.389650 0.157109 0.157774 0.069807 -3.398032 3.11 2Ca2+•H•2Cl− complex in vacuum Optimisation parameters: Default cut-off, fine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒4646.552229 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.888590 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.943903 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.944847 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.794324 a.u. Ca Ca Cl Cl O O O O N N C C C C C C C C C C C O C C C O O O O 5.178254 -5.178336 0.000074 -0.000089 3.513740 -3.513446 6.195968 6.195719 2.459133 -2.458674 -1.210649 0.000172 1.210871 1.209697 -0.000050 -1.209690 2.480143 -2.479809 3.501920 4.625697 5.499945 7.593493 5.499464 4.625437 3.501699 -3.513699 3.513443 -6.196255 -6.195555 -0.000160 0.000004 4.387876 -4.386959 1.096866 1.096516 2.202509 -2.202901 2.770118 2.769483 1.498563 1.733686 1.498784 0.971256 0.711560 0.971053 1.785004 1.784571 3.037114 3.960408 3.416993 -0.000205 -3.417362 -3.960501 -3.037078 -1.096995 -1.096898 -2.202586 2.202830 -0.000038 0.000439 0.985385 -0.986708 -1.108738 -1.108224 -0.240847 0.241237 0.008638 0.009438 -1.599976 -0.952694 -1.600272 -2.894566 -3.535773 -2.894274 -0.882021 -0.881453 0.981609 0.512185 -0.602503 -0.000104 0.602500 -0.512497 -0.981787 1.108952 1.108505 0.240596 -0.240416 N N C C C C C C C C C C C O C C C C C C C C C C C H H H H -2.459268 2.458929 1.210657 -0.000139 -1.210861 -1.209721 0.000006 1.209661 -2.480158 2.479881 -3.501955 -4.625851 -5.500213 -7.593606 -5.499173 -4.624960 -3.501359 -8.352944 -7.467406 7.467610 8.353180 8.352949 7.467353 -8.353373 -7.467744 1.591150 -1.590759 0.000274 2.152312 23 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H -0.000136 -2.152393 3.899859 2.995669 4.182623 5.241597 4.903442 6.246023 4.902744 6.245380 5.241483 4.182342 3.899654 2.995439 -1.591255 1.590941 -0.000200 -2.152356 0.000068 2.152349 -3.899758 -2.995618 -4.182886 -5.241670 0.310653 0.775203 2.082243 3.506196 4.900235 4.220571 3.152315 4.159018 -3.152739 -4.159506 -4.220367 -4.900449 -2.082143 -3.505963 -3.332772 -3.332854 -2.097973 -0.774344 -0.308861 -0.774178 -2.081733 -3.505562 -4.900184 -4.219942 -4.545097 -3.397506 1.356527 1.831232 0.159380 1.383580 -1.477892 -0.908797 1.477757 0.908910 -1.383877 -0.160055 -1.356497 -1.831512 -0.157388 -0.157404 -0.069043 3.397557 4.544472 3.397253 -1.356406 -1.831528 -0.160409 -1.384444 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H -4.903802 -6.246282 -4.902586 -6.245008 -5.240905 -4.181690 -3.899445 -2.994989 -8.665754 -9.242847 -7.928257 -7.349103 7.928696 7.348899 9.242629 8.666739 9.242624 8.666131 7.348671 7.928417 -8.667187 -9.242668 -7.348760 -7.928941 -3.152732 -4.159314 3.152719 4.159574 4.219909 4.899974 2.081449 3.505067 1.355777 1.144910 3.302240 2.318516 3.301736 2.318431 1.144071 1.355036 -1.144916 -1.355356 -2.318989 -3.302216 -1.355104 -1.143902 -2.318201 -3.301679 1.477450 0.907916 -1.476936 -0.907750 1.384908 0.161131 1.357165 1.832302 -1.126538 0.552424 0.118759 1.481051 0.118702 1.481012 0.553625 -1.125733 -0.552994 1.126229 -1.480621 -0.118219 1.124981 -0.554487 -1.481573 -0.119543 3.12 2Ca2+•H•2Cl− complex in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment Optimisation parameters: Default cut-off, fine integration grid Spin: Singlet Energy: ‒4646.759495 a.u. Zero-point correction: 0.892216 a.u. Thermal correction to energy: 0.947078 a.u. Thermal correction to enthalpy: 0.948022 a.u. Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy: 0.801552 a.u. Ca Ca Cl Cl O O O O N 5.152056 -5.151520 -0.002118 0.001707 3.443894 -3.441733 6.231657 6.214896 2.590234 0.004510 0.004593 -5.184141 5.264610 -1.395990 -1.396462 -2.245019 2.250594 -3.252101 0.061378 0.080782 -0.915976 0.637818 0.741176 0.755351 0.291387 -0.198780 -0.234341 N C C C C C C C C -2.591334 -1.205251 0.000945 1.209857 1.211571 0.006410 -1.201518 2.497368 -2.495660 -3.252452 -1.973323 -2.245798 -1.973330 -1.420482 -1.159739 -1.420397 -2.198586 -2.198877 -0.223269 1.288398 0.646493 1.283218 2.566682 3.213513 2.571816 0.574095 0.584687 24 C C C O C C C O O O O N N C C C C C C C C C C C O C C C C C C C C C C C H H H H H H H H 3.722831 4.913489 5.618965 7.592439 5.636806 4.885035 3.684594 -3.451983 3.449593 -6.210948 -6.234000 -2.573600 2.573556 1.206891 -0.001143 -1.211448 -1.211937 -0.005718 1.202807 -2.497323 2.495161 -3.683416 -4.883807 -5.635178 -7.592074 -5.621499 -4.915356 -3.727143 -8.362729 -7.497900 7.508976 8.363395 8.354308 7.464452 -8.354462 -7.473138 1.789175 -1.790438 -0.001208 2.156836 0.008556 -2.144683 4.032717 3.345225 -3.483442 -4.206843 -3.493572 0.017630 3.468134 4.276404 3.591757 1.366116 1.365810 2.252650 -2.243296 3.286273 3.284365 1.885594 2.199977 1.885488 1.243621 0.937400 1.243756 2.171264 2.170723 3.596771 4.280520 3.469219 0.016780 -3.490775 -4.207639 -3.484398 -1.183070 -2.329384 -2.325775 -1.182228 1.223697 2.364220 1.222946 2.360037 -3.894057 -3.894200 -2.640550 -1.201598 -0.745307 -1.201426 -2.525138 -4.090828 -1.119240 -0.488556 0.653993 0.095626 -0.697321 0.347492 1.000025 -0.703043 -0.716283 -0.185235 0.305223 0.118237 0.111249 -1.302905 -0.682766 -1.298342 -2.539772 -3.164956 -2.544334 -0.604924 -0.613772 1.007503 0.353931 -0.688753 0.059199 0.671711 -0.468307 -1.103784 0.128695 -0.348874 -0.336921 0.166609 0.033774 0.478886 -0.002221 0.469266 -0.324519 -0.316522 -0.363704 3.054949 4.217477 3.064101 -1.550245 -1.946113 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 4.575270 5.630517 4.916996 6.395222 4.969864 6.438890 5.571396 4.550288 3.993835 3.281528 -1.766187 1.766525 0.000642 -2.156027 -0.007542 2.145155 -3.993559 -3.279097 -4.549179 -5.570368 -4.968166 -6.438084 -4.920090 -6.398144 -5.632768 -4.574698 -4.038506 -3.352411 -8.687754 -9.246205 -7.994395 -7.355410 8.001136 7.388509 9.257674 8.671068 9.222767 8.702403 7.296234 7.951519 -8.686366 -9.233231 -7.324658 -7.955844 -5.176581 -4.429941 -3.248395 -4.144468 3.159940 4.075119 4.579921 5.202163 2.670648 4.253678 3.926260 3.924721 2.665196 0.991901 0.452515 0.992086 2.677229 4.260196 5.205328 4.584985 3.159910 4.073967 -3.242423 -4.140151 -4.436166 -5.174956 -2.526301 -4.092425 -1.334094 -1.102150 -3.277005 -2.281236 -3.274773 -2.269850 -1.093842 -1.342232 1.156471 1.368150 2.325811 3.316737 1.377160 1.147662 2.311101 3.314891 -0.101520 -1.289737 1.452871 1.074408 -1.504638 -1.134442 1.149042 -0.137513 1.504487 1.771204 0.147852 0.143761 0.296787 -3.014436 -4.136937 -3.022461 1.514239 1.776721 -0.132963 1.154928 -1.495637 -1.127310 1.470039 1.094164 -1.267550 -0.077453 -1.534448 -1.931492 1.165514 -0.516137 -0.109156 -1.436407 -0.093761 -1.426684 -0.462129 1.207301 0.700243 -0.996476 1.563116 0.240867 -1.036349 0.649750 1.555959 0.232108 25 4. Infrared spectra from vibrational frequency calculations (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) The predicted effect of binding is reflected in the position of the N-H stretching frequencies. No scaling factor has been applied to the frequencies. Figure S1. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of free host (H) in vacuum Figure S2. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of free host (H) in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment 26 27 Figure S3. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of H•Cl− complex in vacuum Figure S4. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of H•Cl− complex in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment 28 Figure S5. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of H•2Cl− complex in vacuum Figure S6. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of H•2Cl− complex in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment 29 Figure S7. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of H•Ca2+ complex in vacuum Figure S8. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of H•Ca2+ complex in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment 30 Figure S9. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of H•2Ca2+ complex in vacuum Figure S10. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of H•2Ca2+ complex in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment 31 Figure S11. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of 2Ca2+•H•2Cl− complex in vacuum Figure S12. DFT (PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d)) computed infrared spectrum of 2Ca2+•H•2Cl− complex in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment 32 5. 5.1 Summary of computed energies for ∆E calculations Energy calculation summary (with BSSE counterpoise correction) in vacuum using DFT at PBE1PBE/6-311++G(d,p)//PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) [H•G + G] in stepwise energy (a.u.) ‒2832.55685721 Cl•H•Cl complex ‒3292.67133212 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2832.55391256 Cl•H•Cl complex (CP) ‒3292.66750920 HostH•Cl ‒2372.32817820 HostCl•H•Cl ‒2832.52429841 ClH•Cl ‒460.12934198 ClCl•H•Cl ‒460.12934161 H•2Cl complex ‒3292.67133212 H•2Cl complex (CP) ‒3292.66750920 HostH•2Cl ‒2372.32604410 2ClH•2Cl ‒920.25868323 H•Ca complex ‒3049.48509172 Ca•H•Ca complex ‒3726.35605113 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3049.48239656 Ca•H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3726.35193550 HostH•Ca ‒2372.29377742 HostCa•H•Ca ‒3049.41063766 CaH•Ca ‒676.71684190 CaCa•H•Ca ‒676.71684190 H•2Ca complex ‒3726.35605113 H•2Ca complex (CP) ‒3726.35193550 HostH•2Ca ‒2372.23384286 2CaH•2Ca ‒1353.43368380 2Ca•H•2C1 complex ‒4647.28212153 2Ca•H•2C1 complex (CP) ‒4647.27336880 Host2Ca•H•2Cl ‒3726.32833854 2Cl2Ca•H•2Cl ‒920.25868395 2Cl•H•2Ca complex ‒4647.28212153 2Cl•H•2Ca complex (CP) ‒4647.27336880 Host2Cl•H•2Ca ‒3292.54034207 2Ca2Cl•H•2Ca ‒1353.43368380 H•2Ca•2Cl complex ‒4647.28212153 H•2Ca•2Cl complex (CP) ‒4647.27336880 HostH•2Ca•2Cl ‒2372.23149940 2Ca•2ClH•2Ca•2Cl ‒2273.69236776 species energy (a.u.) free host (H) ‒2372.36753498 H•Cl complex 33 5.2 Energy calculation summary (with BSSE counterpoise correction) in chloroform (PCM) solvent environment using DFT at PBE1PBE/6-311++G(d,p)//PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) species energy (a.u.) [H•G + G] in stepwise energy (a.u.) free host (H) ‒2372.39100780 H•Cl complex ‒2832.62041511 Cl•H•Cl complex ‒3292.83919741 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2832.61747045 Cl•H•Cl complex (CP) ‒3292.83537448 HostH•Cl ‒2372.36324990 HostCl•H•Cl ‒2832.60797914 ClH•Cl ‒460.21835032 ClCl•H•Cl ‒460.21834996 H•2Cl complex ‒3292.83919741 H•2Cl complex (CP) ‒3292.83537448 HostH•2Cl ‒2372.36697538 2ClH•2Cl ‒920.43670064 H•Ca complex ‒3049.66023823 Ca•H•Ca complex ‒3726.88949508 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3049.65754307 Ca•H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3726.88537946 HostH•Ca ‒2372.33140403 HostCa•H•Ca ‒3049.61234701 CaH•Ca ‒677.16305925 CaCa•H•Ca ‒677.16305925 H•2Ca complex ‒3726.88949508 H•2Ca complex (CP) ‒3726.88537946 HostH•2Ca ‒2372.29031702 2CaH•2Ca ‒1354.32611850 2Ca•H•2C1 complex ‒4647.47763797 2Ca•H•2C1 complex (CP) ‒4647.46888524 Host2Ca•H•2Cl ‒3726.88213182 2Cl2Ca•H•2Cl ‒920.43670064 2Cl•H•2Ca complex ‒4647.47763797 2Cl•H•2Ca complex (CP) ‒4647.46888524 Host2Cl•H•2Ca ‒3292.74780170 2Ca2Cl•H•2Ca ‒1354.32611850 H•2Ca•2Cl complex ‒4647.47763797 H•2Ca•2Cl complex (CP) ‒4647.46888524 HostH•2Ca•2Cl ‒2372.28524612 2Ca•2ClH•2Ca•2Cl ‒2274.76281914 34 5.3 5.4 Energy calculation summary (with BSSE counterpoise correction) in vacuum and chloroform (SMD) solvent environment using DFT at PBE1PBE/6-311++G(2df,2p) //PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) species in vacuum energy (a.u.) species in CHCl3 (SMD) energy (a.u.) free host (H) ‒2372.49830585 free host (H) ‒2372.55440258 H•Cl complex ‒2832.68870830 H•Cl complex ‒2832.78056042 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2832.68577224 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2832.77762436 HostH•Cl ‒2372.45970537 HostH•Cl ‒2372.53110379 ClH•Cl ‒460.12934198 ClH•Cl ‒460.21566285 H•Ca complex ‒3049.61111553 H•Ca complex ‒3049.83580133 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3049.60935652 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3049.83404232 HostH•Ca ‒2372.42562013 HostH•Ca ‒2372.49455835 CaH•Ca ‒676.71684190 CaH•Ca ‒677.20746852 Energy calculation summary (with BSSE counterpoise correction) in vacuum and chloroform (SMD) solvent environment using DFT at B3LYP/6-311++G(2df,2p) //PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) species in vacuum energy (a.u.) species in CHCl3 (SMD) energy (a.u.) free host (H) ‒2375.23915210 free host (H) ‒2375.29711322 H•Cl complex ‒2835.60096817 H•Cl complex ‒2835.69506615 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2835.59803211 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2835.69213009 HostH•Cl ‒2375.20417439 HostH•Cl ‒2375.27747805 ClH•Cl ‒460.30372729 ClH•Cl ‒460.38969907 H•Ca complex ‒3052.54297078 H•Ca complex ‒3052.76856380 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3052.54121177 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3052.76680479 HostH•Ca ‒2375.17032710 HostH•Ca ‒2375.23807207 CaH•Ca ‒676.90578468 CaH•Ca ‒677.39647677 35 5.5 5.6 Energy calculation summary (with BSSE counterpoise correction) in vacuum and chloroform (SMD) solvent environment using DFT at M06/6-311++G(2df,2p) //PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) species in vacuum energy (a.u.) species in CHCl3 (SMD) energy (a.u.) free host (H) ‒2373.67263301 free host (H) ‒2373.72084823 H•Cl complex ‒2833.99404700 H•Cl complex ‒2834.07899725 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2833.99111094 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2834.07606119 HostH•Cl ‒2373.62291623 HostH•Cl ‒2373.68853424 ClH•Cl ‒460.26179913 ClH•Cl ‒460.34813634 H•Ca complex ‒3050.94746647 H•Ca complex ‒3051.17078252 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3050.94570746 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3051.16902351 HostH•Ca ‒2373.59655232 HostH•Ca ‒2373.66498003 CaH•Ca ‒676.88188048 CaH•Ca ‒677.37267236 Energy calculation summary (with BSSE counterpoise correction) in vacuum and chloroform (SMD) solvent environment using DFT at B3LYP-GD3BJ/6-311++G(2df,2p) //PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) species in vacuum energy (a.u.) species in CHCl3 (SMD) energy (a.u.) free host (H) ‒2375.46250009 free host (H) ‒2375.51363224 H•Cl complex ‒2835.82169109 H•Cl complex ‒2835.90828777 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2835.81875503 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2835.90535171 HostH•Cl ‒2375.41141243 HostH•Cl ‒2375.47895625 ClH•Cl ‒460.30372729 ClH•Cl ‒460.38969907 H•Ca complex ‒3052.79094487 H•Ca complex ‒3053.01637019 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3052.78918586 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3053.01461118 HostH•Ca ‒2375.39047133 HostH•Ca ‒2375.45812094 CaH•Ca ‒676.90578468 CaH•Ca ‒677.39647677 36 5.7 6. Energy calculation summary (with BSSE counterpoise correction) in vacuum and chloroform (SMD) solvent environment using DFT at ωB97X-D/6-311++G(2df,2p) //PBE1PBE/6-31+G(d) species in vacuum energy (a.u.) species in CHCl3 (SMD) energy (a.u.) free host (H) ‒2374.50223334 free host (H) ‒2374.55354043 H•Cl complex ‒2834.83840009 H•Cl complex ‒2834.92677280 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2834.83546403 H•Cl complex (CP) ‒2834.92383674 HostH•Cl ‒2374.45184316 HostH•Cl ‒2374.51992872 ClH•Cl ‒460.28225673 ClH•Cl ‒460.36858799 H•Ca complex ‒3051.81248118 H•Ca complex ‒3052.03762802 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3051.81072217 H•Ca complex (CP) ‒3052.03586901 HostH•Ca ‒2374.42763645 HostH•Ca ‒2374.49761791 CaH•Ca ‒676.90923384 CaH•Ca ‒677.39966821 References 1. Frisch, M. J.; Trucks, G. W.; Schlegel, H. B.; Scuseria, G. E.; Robb, M. A.; Cheeseman, J. R.; Scalmani, G.; Barone, V.; Mennucci, B.; Petersson, G. A.; Nakatsuji, H.; Caricato, M.; X. Li, H. P. H.; Izmaylov, A. F.; Bloino, J.; Zheng, G.; Sonnenberg, J. L.; M. 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